Technical data
Direct attachment to Type 3277
Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6
5 to 30 mm
5 to 255 mm or 30 to 120° for rotary actuators
Bus connection Fieldbus interface as per IEC 61158-2, bus-powered
Physical Layer Class: 113 (not explosion-protected version) and 111 (Ex-version)
Field device according to FM 3610 entity and FISCO.
Per m issib le o perati ng v oltage 9 to 32 V DC; The speci f icatio ns i n the EC Type E xamina tion Certif i cate addit ionally
apply for explosion-protected devices. Power supply over bus cable
Max. operating current 13 mA
Additional current in case of fault 0 mA
Supply air Supply air from 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psi);
Air quality as per ISO 8573-1: Max. particle size and density: Class 4;
Oil co nt ents: C la ss 3; Pr es sure de w p oint: C la ss 3
Signal pressure (output) 0 bar up to the pressure of the supply air
Characteristic, adjustable
Globe valve: linear, equal percentage, reverse equal percentage,
SAMSON butterfly valve: linear, equal percentage
VETEC plug rotary valve: linear, equal percentage
≤1 %
Dead band
(based on rated travel/angle
Adjustable from 0.1 to 10.0 % , default 0.5 %
Resolution (internal measurement) < 0.05 %
Tran sit time re quired For v al ve tra ns it time up to 75 s
Set point ramp for exhaust and supply air separately adjustable
Operating direction Reversible, setting by software
Air consumption Independent of supply air <90l
Air s upply A ctuat or f illed: wh en Δp = 6 bar 9.3 m
/h, when Δp = 1.4 bar 3.5 m
Actu at or vented : w hen Δp = 6 bar 15.5 m
/h, when Δp = 1.4 bar 5.8 m
Permissible ambient temperature 40 to 80 °C
The specifi cation s in t h e EC Typ e Examin ation Certif icate addi tionally app ly f o r
explosion-protected devices
Effects Temperature: ≤0.15 %/10 K, supply air: none,
Vibrations: none up to 250 Hz and 4 g
Deg re e o f prote ct io n IP 65 us ing fil te r check va lve inc luded
Electromagnetic compatibility Requirements acc. to EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 and
NAMUR Recommendations NE 21 are met
Bin ar y in pu t Inte rn al powe r s upply 5 V DC , R
= 100 kΩ for a la rm func ti on
Forced venting
(activated over an internal switch)
Input 6 to 24 V DC, R
approx. 6 kΩ at 24 V D C ( depend in g on volt age)
Switching point for "1" signal ≥ 3 V, switc hi ng poin t f or "0" sign al only at 0 V,
EB 8383-1 EN