Sage 50 Single computer Installation Manual

Sage 50 Single computer Installation Manual

Installation and

Activation Guide


Read this first

This guide is separated into two parts. First complete the installation instructions and then follow the steps to activate your product.

During the installation of Sage 50 Accounting 2021–U.S. Edition, you’ll be asked for your serial number, which can be located inside the product packaging or in an email that was sent to you.

Be sure to follow directions for any notifications regarding your firewall programs. Certain Sage 50 Accounting files may trigger an alert message in Windows®; you must allow these Sage 50 Accounting files to run for a successful installation.

Sage 50 Pro Accounting should only be installed on a single computer.

If you are installing on a network, you must first install Sage 50 Accounting on the computer that will store your Sage 50 Accounting company data files. This computer will act as the server for the other workstations. All Sage 50 Accounting transactions and records (for all workstations) will be stored on the server.

Single computer installation

Program fiiles vs. data fiiles

Program files:

Data files: (Primary Sage 50 company data)

The Sage 50 software that

The information that you enter and track in

is installed on every user

the Sage 50 program, such as customers,

workstation and server

vendors, employees, and inventory

When installing on a single computer, the data files are stored on the same computer where you install the software. When installing on a network with multiple workstations, one computer acts as the server and holds the company data files that all workstations access.

Installing on a single computer

Single computer (no network) installation is simple.

1.Visit: to download Sage 50 Accounting, launch or run the downloaded file, and select Install Sage 50 Accounting. Alternately, if your purchase included an install disc, you may insert the disc and select Install Sage 50 Accounting.

2.Read and accept the license agreement.

3.You may be prompted to let Sage 50 Accounting set your firewall so that Sage 50 Accounting can be installed. We recommend you select Yes; however, you can also manually configure your firewall.

4.Enter the serial number located inside the product packaging or in an email that was sent to you.

5.On the Single Computer or Network window, select Yes, confirming this is the only computer running Sage 50 Accounting.

6.Choose the program files location. This must be a local drive (usually C or D). We recommend that you accept the default location.

7.Accept the recommended company data location or click Browse to select a different location.

8.Review the locations of your program and company data files. Make sure that these locations are correct. If you need to make a change, click Back.

9.Click Install to install Sage 50 Accounting.

Once your installation is complete, please follow the Activation instructions to activate your product.

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