Rough Country 87491.20 User Manual

FORM NO. 82268
2005-UP F250 Dual Steering Stabilizer
2. Remove factory stabilizer.
3. Remove the two bolts on passenger side of the front differential cover. Using the 3/8 x1” bolts and washers, bolt the stabilizer bracket into place on the differential. See Photo 1.
4. Using the u-bolt, nuts, and washers provided as shown in Photo 1, Tighten the bracket around the axle tube.
5. Place the tie rod bracket on the outside of the drag link collar, on the driver and passenger side. Bolt the bracket into place using the provided, u-bolts, washers and nuts, and tighten. See Photo 2.
6. Using the pin kits provided, insert pin kit in the tie rod brackets installed in step 5, and tighten.
7. Extend the new cylinder enough to fit from the center stabilizer bracket on the axle to the tie rod bracket. Be sure to put the rod end of the cylinder on the tie rod bracket. Tighten the tie rod end bracket. Repeat this on the oppo­site side.
8. Align the cylinder end of the stabilizer with the holes in the center stabilizer bracket. Place the shock cover plate around the ends. Using the ½” x 2 ¾” bolts, washers and nuts secure the plate and cylinder end to the bracket.
9. Turn wheels fully to the right and left, making sure that no interference occurs and that wheel stops are contacted.
10. Recheck all nuts and fasteners before releasing installation.
Photo 1 Photo 2
Kit Contents
2-Stabilizer Cylinders 1-Stabilizer Bracket 2-Tie Rod Brackets 1-Shock Cover Plate 2-Mounting Pin Kits
CAUTION: Any and all warranties including but not limited to any express warranties, implied warranty of merchant­ability, or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose shall not apply to any product altered in any way outside the premises of the manufacturer or to any product which is not installed in accordance with the written instructions provided by the manufacturer for installation of the product.
1-Kit Bag including 1-3/8”x 3.75x 5.25 U-bolts 2-3/8” x 1” Bolts 2-3/8” Washers 4-3/8” x 1.75”x 2.5” U-bolts 8-3/8” Flange lock nuts 2- ½” x 2 ¾” Bolts 4- ½” Washers 2- ½” Lock washers 2-3/8” Top Lock, & Washer