rotork ROM 1/A, ROM 2, ROM 3, ROM 4, ROM 5 Installation Manual

Installation Manual
Valve Actuators
Redefining Flow Control
Section Page
Health and safety 3
Storage 4
Mounting the actuator 4
Setting the actuator stop bolts 5
Cable connections 6
Operating by hand 7
Commissioning 8
Troubleshooting 13
Wiring diagram 14
This manual contains important safety information. Please ensure it is thoroughly read and understood before installing, operating or maintaining the equipment.
Due to wide variations in the terminal numbering of actuator products, actual wiring of this device should follow the print supplied with the unit.
Health and Safety
This manual is produced to enable a competent user to install, operate, adjust and inspect Rotork ROM valve actuators.
Only persons competent by virtues of their training or experience should install, maintain and repair Rotork actuators. Work undertaken must be carried out in accordance with the instructions in this and any other relevant manuals.
The user and those persons working on this equipment should be familiar with their responsibilities under any statutory provisions relating to the health and safety of their workplace.
Due considerations of additional hazards should be taken when using the ROM actuators with other equipment. Should further information and guidance relating to the safe use of the ROM be required, it will be provided on request.
Electrical installation, maintenance and use of these actuators should be carried out in accordance with the National Legislation and Statutor y Provisions to the safe use of this equipment, applicable to the site of installation.
For the UK: Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the guidance given in the applicable edition if the “IEE Wiring Regulations” should be applied. Also the user should be fully aware of his/her duties under the Health and Safety Act 1974.
For the USA: N FPA 70 National Electrical Code is applicable.
The mechanical installation should be carried out as outlined in this manual and also in accordance with relevant standards such as British Standard Codes of Practice.
Actuator may start and operate without warning, depending on the remote control signal status and configuration.
Important Notices
a. Make sure the voltage is correct before wiring.
b. Power off before distribution or for
maintenance purposes.
c. Seal the casing and conduit entries after wiring
to prevent dust or water contamination.
d. Do not install when hazardous or explosive
gases may be present.
e. When more than one electric actuator needs
to operate simultaneously, please connect with the individual cables.
f. Please connect the ground wire to PE or
inside the electric actuator.
g. The warranty period of our product is one year.
Duty performance
ROM perform Class A for standard type as table shown according to EN 15714-2:2009(E).
BS EN 15714-2:2009 EN 15714-2:2009(E)
Rated Torque Ranges
Up to 125 15
126 - 1,000 10
One cycle consists of nominal 90o angular travel in both directions (i.e. 90o to open +90o to close) based on an average load of at least 30% of the rated torque, with the ability to transmit 100% of the rated torque for at least 5% at each end of travel, with a cumulative operating time not exceeding 15 minutes in one hour.
Table 6 Part-turn actuator duty performances
According to EN 15714-2:2009(E), duty performance for ROM is described as follows:
For ROM A and ROM 1, 2: 15 cycles per hour
For ROM 3, 4, 5, 6: 10 cycles per hour
Class A On-Off
(cycles per hour*)
Redefining Flow Control
If the actuators are scheduled for installation at a later date:
a. The actuator should be placed in a clean and
dry place, and protected from the weather and extreme vibration.
b. If actuator needs to be stored outside, it must
be protected from excess moisture, dust, and weather.
Rotork cannot accept responsibility for deterioration caused on-site once the covers are removed.
Every Rotork actuator has been fully tested before leaving the factory to give years of trouble free operation providing it is correctly commissioned, installed and sealed.
Mounting the actuator
The ROM actuator is suitable for quarter turn non thrust applications. Ensure the valve is secure before fitting the actuator, as the combination may be top heavy and therefore unstable.
A suitable mounting flange conforming to ISO5211 or USA Standard MSS SP101 must be fitted to the valve. Refer to label for conformation of output flange details.
ROM can be supplied with adaptors to reduce the size of the output drive square. The square insert is fitted into the output drive. All ROM actuators can be supplied with blank drive bush. This is machined to suit the valve stem as shown in the picture.
The gear train has been lubricated during assembly for the life of the actuator.
a. Before mounting actuator, verify that the
torque requirement is less than the output torque of the actuator.
Actuator to valve fixing must conform to: Material Specification ISO Class 8.8, yield strength 628 N/sq mm.
WARNING: Do not lift the actuator and valve combination via the Actuator. Always lift the valve/actuator assembly via the valve.
Before engagement, ensure that the actuator and valve are in the same position (e.g. closed) and the drive spline matches the stem position. Actuator position can be determined using the local indicator and if necessary can be moved using the manual input drive. Secure the actuator with appropriate fixing bolts. It may be necessary to adjust the stop blots to enable sufficient travel. Ensure the mounting bolts are tight.
Setting the actuator stop bolts
Stop Bolts
There are no stop bolts fitted in the ROM 1,A.
Adjusting the stop bolts in and out will increase or decrease the valve travel. It is recommended that stop bolt adjustment be carried out by the valve maker/supplier before the valve is fitted into the pipe work. Once installed, the valve maker/supplier should be consulted before stop bolt re-adjustment is carried out. After resetting the stop bolts the limit switches must be reset. The stop bolts are factory set to give a nominal 90º travel. If fitted the stop bolts are located near the gearbox base. Stop bolt adjustment allows variation at each end position. Screwing the bolt in reduces movement, out increases movement.
For clockwise closing valves the right hand stop bolt is the closed stop. The left is the open stop as shown in the picture.
Adjustment for non-seating valve types
For closed and open stop position adjustments. Undo stop bolt lock-nut. Move actuator and valve to the required stopping position (it may be necessary to unscrew stop bolt to allow more travel). Screw stop bolt in until a stop is felt. Tighten stop bolt lock nut.
Adjustment for seating valve types
For closed and open stop position adjustments. Undo stop bolt lock-nut. Move actuator and valve to the required seating position of the valve (it may be necessary to unscrew stop bolt to allow more travel). Screw stop bolt in until a stop is felt then back off by two turns. Tighten stop bolt lock nut
Setting clockwise to close stop bolt
Setting anti-clock to close stop bolt
Redefining Flow Control
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