rotork Profibus Modbus Module Mk2, Profibus S175E, Profibus PB Installation Manual

Publication PUB088-005-00_1017
Profibus Actuator Control
Profibus DP Option Card
Installation Manual
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Note 1:
Throughout this manual the Profibus DP Module (Mk2) may simply be referred to as the module or the Profibus module.
Note 2: The information in this manual relates to the following firmware releases
Profibus Network Interface Card software version PNIC 1.20 (single) and 1.40 (Simple dual and RedCom dual), or newer. Actuator Interface Card software version M207, IQ M304, CVA V1.08 ROMPAK V1.01, or newer.
Note 3: The Profibus DP Module (MK2) described in this manual is suitable for inclusion in Rotork IQ,
IQT, CVA, ROMPAK, Skil and Q actuators.
As we are continually developing our products their design is subject to change without notice.
© The contents of this document are copyright and must not be reproduced without the written
permission of Rotork Controls Ltd. The name Rotork is a registered trademark Windows is a registered trademark by Microsoft Corporation Profibus is a registered trademark by PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
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Glossary of Terms: ............................................................................................................................ 5
Abbreviations: ................................................................................................................................... 5
References: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 7
1.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2 PROFIBUS DP (MK2) OPTION CARD PROPERTIES ....................................... 9
2.1 Mechanical properties ............................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Electrical Properties .............................................................................................................11
2.3 Operation and Storage .........................................................................................................11
3 FITTING THE PROFIBUS DP (MK2) OPTION CARD ...................................... 13
3.1 Inside an IQ or IQT actuator .................................................................................................13
3.2 Inside a Q actuator ................................................................................................................14
3.3 Inside a CVA actuator ...........................................................................................................15
3.4 Inside ROMPAK actuator......................................................................................................16
3.5 Inside a Skil or EH actuator .................................................................................................17
3.6 Replacing or Fitting a Profibus DP (Mk2) Option Card .....................................................18
4.1 Profibus Data Highway .........................................................................................................19
4.2 Segmented Single Highway System ...................................................................................20
4.3 Redundant Systems – Simple Redundancy .......................................................................21
4.3.1 Flying Redundancy Slave to Master Connection .............................................22
4.3.2 System Redundancy Slave to Master Connection ...........................................23
4.4 Redundant Systems – RedCom Redundancy ....................................................................24
4.4.1 Extended Diagnostic Messages for RedCom ..................................................25
4.5 Cable Types ...........................................................................................................................26
4.6 Termination Network ............................................................................................................26
4.7 Connecting to the Highway and Setting up the Profibus Card ........................................27
4.7.1 Single Highway with Analogue Input ................................................................27
4.7.2 Dual Highway ...................................................................................................29
4.7.2 Optional IQ and IQT disconnect module ..........................................................31
5 THE ACTUATOR CYCLIC DATA SIGNALS .................................................... 33
5.1 Control Outputs .....................................................................................................................34
5.1.1 Controls Priority ................................................................................................37
5.1.2 Profibus Control using the ACTCON Register .................................................39
5.1.3 Profibus Control using the POS_DV register ...................................................39
5.1.4 The IQ ‘S’ contacts (Profibus DOs) controlled by the O_STAT register ..........40
5.1.5 Multiport Position Selection using the PORTCM register (Future) ...................40
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5.1.6 Profibus Network Control Disable feature ........................................................40
5.2 Digital Input Status Feedback ..............................................................................................41
5.2.1 Digital Inputs .....................................................................................................42
5.2.4 Digital Inputs Reporting the Profibus Card Condition .......................................46
5.3 Actuator Analogue Input Feedback ....................................................................................48
5.4 Configuring the Registers to be Exchanged in Cyclic Communication ..........................49
6 PROFIBUS DP COMMUNICATION ................................................................. 51
6.1 Electrical Specification .........................................................................................................51
6.2 Protocol ..................................................................................................................................51
6.3 Single Highway, Single Channel .........................................................................................51
6.4 Dual Highway, Dual Channel – SR Mode ............................................................................52
6.5 Single Highway Dual Channel – FR Mode ..........................................................................54
6.6 Dual Channel Indication LEDs .............................................................................................55
6.7 Basic Operation on Start up ................................................................................................56
6.8 Static Diagnostics .................................................................................................................57
7 PARAMETERS ................................................................................................. 59
7.1 Parameters set by GSD and DP-V1 Communication .........................................................59
7.1.1 Limited Range Position Minimum and Maximum (Parameter 1 and 2) ............61
7.1.2 Deadband and Hysteresis (Parameter 3 and 4) ...............................................61
7.1.3 Slow Mode Range (Parameter 5) .....................................................................62
7.1.4 Motion Inhibit Timer (Parameter 6) ...................................................................62
7.1.5 Manual Movement Travel (Parameter 7)..........................................................63
7.1.6 Valve Jammed Time (Parameter 8) .................................................................63
7.1.7 Watchdog Timeout (Parameter 9) ....................................................................63
7.1.8 Action on Loss of Comms (Parameter 10) .......................................................63
7.1.9 Comms Lost Position (Parameter 11) ..............................................................63
7.1.10 Comms Fault Timer (Parameter 12).................................................................64
7.1.11 Auxiliary Input Mask (Parameter 13) ................................................................64
7.1.12 ESD DI-4/Net Disable and Data Logger Disable (Parameter 14) ....................65
7.1.13 Redundancy FR/SR Mode and Simple/RedCom Mode (Parameter 15)..........66
7.1.14 Part Stroke Position (Parameter 16) ................................................................66
7.1.15 Part Stroke Limit and Timeout (Parameter 17) ................................................66
7.1.16 Actuator type (Parameter 18) ...........................................................................66
7.2 Parameters viewed and set by DP-V1 Communication .....................................................67
7.2.1 Actuator Tag Data (Parameter 20) ...................................................................70
7.2.2 Software Versions (Parameter 21 and 22) .......................................................70
7.2.3 Field Interface Type (Parameter 24) ................................................................70
7.2.4 Permit GSD Parameterisation (Parameter 25) .................................................70
7.2.6 Control Outputs (Parameter 26 to 29) ..............................................................70
7.2.7 Actuator Feedback Data (parameter 30 to 36) .................................................71
7.2.8 Multiport feedback and Setup (Parameter 37 to 39) .......................................71
7.2.9 Configure Data Exchange (Parameter 40) .......................................................71
7.2.10 Data Logger Information (Parameter 42 to 67) ................................................72
7.2.11 Parameterisation Date (Parameter 68) ............................................................72
7.2.12 Function for indication Contacts S1 – S8 (Parameters 78-81 and 86-89) .......73
7.2.13 Position Trip for indication Contacts S1 – S8 (Parameters 82-85 and 90-93) .73
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7.2.14 ESD Parameters (Parameter 97 - 101) ............................................................74
7.2.15 Interlock enable (Parameter 102) .....................................................................74
7.2.16 Open Limit position (Parameter 103) ...............................................................74
7.2.17 Interrupter Timer parameters (104 – 108) ........................................................74
7.2.28 Language used (Parameter 109) .....................................................................75
7.2.28 IDs and notes (Parameters 111 - 120) .............................................................75
8.1 Using a Network Configuration Tool ...................................................................................77
8.1.1 FDT (Field Device Tool) ...................................................................................77
8.1.2 PDM (Process Device Manager) ......................................................................78
8.2 Setting up the network address in the PFU .......................................................................79
8.3 Setting up an IQ or IQT with the Infra-red Setting Tool .....................................................79
8.3 Setting up a Skil or EH with the Infra-red Setting Tool .....................................................81
8.3 Maintenance and Repair .......................................................................................................81
8.4 Records ..................................................................................................................................82
Glossary of Terms:
Address The unique address for a node on the fieldbus, range 0-126 Fieldbus The digital, two-way, multi-drop Profibus DP communication link Field Unit The Profibus option card fitted to the actuator Interoperability The capability for a device from one manufacturer to interact with that
of another manufacturer, on a fieldbus network, without loss of functionality
Master/Slave The method of communication used by the Profibus DP Module. The
fieldbus requires a Profibus master to control the data exchange on
the highway. Profibus DP The communication protocol used on the highway. Profibus DP-V0 and DP-V1 The cyclic (V0) and acyclic (V1) versions of the protocol supported by
the Rotork module. PNO Profibus Nutzerorganisation – Profibus User Group, Germany RedCom Dual redundant system as defined in PNO 2.212 Node A single device on the fieldbus RS485 The electrical properties of the data highway as defined by the IEC
61158 standard, copper conductors, 2-wire twisted pair. Segment A section of an RS485 fieldbus that is correctly terminated in its
characteristic impedance. Each Segment can include up to 32
Comms Communications PFU Profibus Field Unit DTM Device Type Manager RAM Random Access Memory EDD Electronic Device Description ROM Read Only Memory FDT Field Device Tool RTU Remote Terminal Unit GSD Generic Station Description SW Software
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PDM Process Device Manager
Profibus Guideline 2.112 Installation Guideline for Profibus DP/FMS Profibus Guideline 2.212 Specification Slave Redundancy Profibus Guideline 2.152 Specification for Profibus Device Description and Device
Integration – EDD
Profibus Guideline 2.162 Specification for Profibus Device Description and Device
Integration – FDT
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Pakscan Modbus Data Base Information
The Rotork Profibus DP Actuator Control option card (PFU) has been certified by the PNO as compliant with specifications IEC61158 and EN50170. The card supports both Profibus DP-V0 cyclic and Profibus DP-V1 acyclic messages. Three versions are available - single channel, simple dual channel and RedCom dual channel. The Simple dual channel card does not include the Redstate diagnostics whilst the RedCom dual channel card fully supports RedCom (Redundant Communication) extensions to the V1 protocol as specified by PNO for systems using either FR (Flying redundancy) or SR (System redundancy) configurations. The inclusion of acyclic message capability (V1) allows for system maintenance and asset management tools to be used. Electronic data sheets are available in GSD, EDD and DTM formats.
Profibus DP-V0 and DP-V1 compliant RedCom redundancy included, both FR and SR modes GSD, EDD, DTM device description files available Supports Siemens PDM and FDT applications Address changes by master class 2, IR link (IQ and IQT only), FDT or PDM Zero internal stub length Mounted within the double sealed actuator enclosure All card settings are non-intrusive and can be made over the data highway
The Profibus DP Module circuits do not impinge on the actuator control electronics; the actuator itself remains fully self-protecting. The module performs the tasks of network interface, actuator data collection and the issuing of actuator commands to open, stop, close, perform an ESD operation or move to a set position.
Fig 1: The Profibus DP Module (Mk2) Option Card Actuator Compatibility
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1.1 General
The Profibus DP Module (Mk2) has three versions:
Single Channel Profibus DP plus one analogue input channel Simple Dual Channel, independent isolated Profibus DP highways for redundant systems
that do not support full RedCom
RedCom Dual Channel, independent isolated Profibus DP highways for RedCom
compliant systems
The two dual channel versions have the same physical assembly, but are configurable to include the necessary extra messages for RedCom systems. PLCs that cannot accept the extended diagnostic messages from RedCom slaves should use the Simple Dual channel card. The reporting of RedCom extended diagnostics can be selected from the GSD file.
Communication Media RS485 2-wire highway (single or dual), half duplex Protocol Profibus DP-V0 and DP-V1 Mode Master/Slave, module is a slave, cyclic and acyclic messaging
Fig 2: The Types of Profibus DP Module (Mk2) Option Card
Profibus DP Highway
Analogue Input
Single Profibus DP Highway + Analogue Input
Simple Dual Profibus DP Highway Connections
Profibus DP Highway 1
Profibus DP Highway 2
RedCom Dual Profibus DP Highway Connections
Profibus DP Highway 1
Profibus DP Highway 2
Profibus Card Properties
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2.1 Mechanical properties
The PFU module consists of a network interface card, that either fits directly to the main actuator printed circuit board (CVA and ROMPAK) or fits to an interface card; then the two board assembly is fitted inside the actuator electrical housing (IQ range, Skil/EH and Q).
All the connectors are polarised to prevent incorrect insertion.
Network Interface Card (NIC)
This small printed circuit board carries the Profibus DP, RS485 highway connections and protection circuits.
There are two versions of the Network Interface Card, one for a single highway and a second for two highways, Simple or RedCom Dual. (RedCom has two highway configurations, two highways for SR mode or one highway with two network interface connections for FR use.)
Fig 3: The Profibus single channel NIC, showing the network connector.
Network Connector
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Interface Card (IQ/Skil/EH/Q)
The CVA and ROMPAK do not require in additional interface card. The interface card is profiled and assembled to fit an IQ, Skil or Q actuator. For the Skil/EH and
Q, it carries the processor for collecting the data from the actuator main board and passing this data to the Network Interface card. For the IQ/IQT it is used simply for physical connection to the main card.
The primary connection to the actuator circuits is by a multi-pin connector on the Interface Card that, due to its physical shape may only be fitted in the correct polarisation. Internal wiring harnesses connect to the Interface card for other signals and options within the actuator. The Interface card is powered from within the actuator.
Fig 5: The Interface Card (IQ/IQT actuator)
Fig 4: The Interface Card (Q and Skil/EH actuators)
Profibus Card Properties
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2.2 Electrical Properties
The PFU connects directly to the Interface Card of the actuator. The PFU does not sit in the main control path for the actuator and does not affect the actuator control integrity.
The Profibus DP fieldbus data highway connections are fully isolated from the actuator electronics.
2.3 Operation and Storage
The PFU is designed to be stored in the actuator and operated within the same environment as the actuator.
The constraints are:
Operating temperature: -40
C to +70oC
Storage temperature: -50
C to +85o C
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% (<50
C) non-condensing
Refer to actuator manuals for environmental range applicable for the particular actuator type.
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(This page is intentionally blank)
Fitting the Profibus card
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Pakscan Modbus Data Base Information
3.1 Inside an IQ or IQT actuator
The PFU is suitable for fitting into IQ Mk2 actuators with 3000 or 5000 series wiring diagrams and IQT with 6000 or 7000 series wiring diagrams. The connections and fitting in an IQT is similar to that for an IQ and the following information effectively relates to both actuator types. The PFU is normally located in the first option board slot inside the IQ/IQT electrical housing using Main PCB connection SK1. In addition the PFU can be fitted inside IQ Mk1 actuators in certain cases.
The Interface card must be correctly profiled and loaded with the appropriate connectors to match the IQ/IQT actuator. The illustration below shows the IQ/IQT version of the PFU. The links for the bias resistors are shown in the ‘not terminated’ position.
With the IQ/IQT actuator the remote inputs are always present (they are conditioned by the PFU) and there is an option to include Digital Outputs from relay contacts. If the PFU is required to operate the 4 digital outputs that can be controlled from the card, then the Extra Relay Indication card associated with these outputs must be fitted into the actuator. The following table describes the wiring harnesses and their function in the IQ and IQT actuator.
PFU Socket
Wiring Harness
24V power supply input from actuator
Profibus Fieldbus connection
Analogue Input connection
Note: – Only available on Single Channel module, 3000-900 or 6000-900
Fig 6: The Profibus Mk2 card profiled for the IQ or IQT actuator
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3.2 Inside a Q actuator
The PFU is fitted in the option board position in this actuator. Only one option board may be fitted at any one time. The necessary internal components must also be present; in this case a potentiometer and auxiliary limit switches at end of travel must be fitted to the actuator.
The illustration below shows the Q version of the circuit board. The links for the bias resistors are shown in the ‘not terminated’ position.
Digital Outputs from relay contacts are not supported from the Q actuator, nor is the ability to report the status of the remote control inputs as Digital Inputs. The following table shows the wiring harnesses that must be fitted and the function of each loom for the Q range actuator.
PFU Socket
Wiring Harness
24V power supply input from actuator
Profibus Fieldbus connection
Limit switches
Analogue Input connection
Note: - Only available on Single Channel module
In a Q actuator there is a direct connection from PL2 on the Interface Card to SK5 of the actuator main board.
To restore the interface card to its factory defaults and the associated default parameter settings, LK1 on the Interface card should be fitted and the actuator power cycled (see Fig. 11).
Fig 7: The Profibus Mk2 card profiled for the Q actuator
Fitting the Profibus card
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Pakscan Modbus Data Base Informa
Pakscan Modbus Data Base Information
3.3 Inside a CVA actuator
The PFU is suitable for fitting into CVA actuators, wiring diagrams CXX-90 (where X can be any value) details the option card connections to the terminal bung. The PFU module is fitted in the only option board slot inside the CVA electrical housing – on the underside of the Main PCB assembly.
SK3 is the connection to the Profibus Fieldbus Data Highway. The PFU in the CVA must be enabled. This would usually be done during factory test, but may be
required to be completed on site for spares. To enable, the Rotork PDA software Enlight (downloadable from the Rotork web site) is utilised to change parameter 34. It must be read then 2048decimal added to it.
Fig 8: The Profibus Mk2 card located in a CVA actuator
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3.4 Inside ROMPAK actuator
The PFU is suitable for fitting into ROMPAK actuators, wiring diagram RX0X-6X0 (where X can be any value) details the option card connections on the terminal strip. The PFU module is fitted in the only option board slot inside the ROMPAK electrical housing.
SK3 is the connection to the Profibus Data Highway; this is connected to SK23 on the main PCB assembly via an internal loom. The user wires the Profibus connections to the main PCB assembly at the terminal block SK18 as per the wiring diagram.
On the ROMPAK, termination is achieved by setting L1 and L2 on the profibus card as per section 4.7; this fits the ‘biasing resistors’. To connect the main termination resistor, attach a jumper to LK1 and LK2 between pins 1 & 2. Pin 1 is labelled on the printed circuit board, next to LK1 and LK2.
Fig 9: The Profibus Mk2 card located in a ROMPAK actuator
Fitting the Profibus card
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Pakscan Modbus Data Base Informa
Pakscan Modbus Data Base Information
3.5 Inside a Skil or EH actuator
The PFU is suitable for fitting into Skil and EH actuators, wiring diagram SWM SI-001 and WD18460. The PFU is normally located in the first option board slot inside the electrical housing using connection SK1.
The Interface card must be correctly profiled and loaded with the appropriate connectors to match the actuator. The illustration below shows the Skil and EH version of the PFU. The links for the bias resistors are shown in the ‘not terminated’ position.
With the Skil/EH actuator the remote inputs are always present (they are conditioned by the PFU) and there is an option to include Digital Outputs from relay contacts. The following table describes the wiring harnesses and their function in the Skil/EH actuator.
PFU Socket
Wiring Harness
24V power supply input from actuator
Profibus Fieldbus connection
Main Board connections
Not used
Not used
Analogue Input connection
Note: – Only available on Single Channel module.
To restore the interface card to its factory defaults and the associated default parameter settings, LK1 on the Interface card should be fitted and the power cycled (see Fig. 11).
Fig 10: The Profibus Mk2 card profiled for the Skil and EH actuators
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3.6 Replacing or Fitting a Profibus DP (Mk2) Option Card
The PFU should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment. The actuator must be made electrically safe before opening any covers and in the case of an IQ or IQT it is advisable to disconnect the internal battery.
Suitable anti-static precautions should be taken, as the actuator circuitry contains static-sensitive components.
The electrical housing cover should be removed and the existing PFU carefully unplugged from its main connector. The Interface card will be attached to the Main PCB mounting ring by two screws, which may be T20. Once removed from the main connector the wiring loom connectors should be removed. The replacement board is fitted in the reverse order to removal. The wiring harnesses are polarised so that only the correct one will fit its mating part on the circuit board.
If the operation is to fit a PFU for the first time then the necessary wiring looms must be added to the internal wiring harness of the actuator. The actuator wiring diagram shows the connectors and harnesses used. The wiring harnesses are fitted inside the actuator before attempting to fit the PFU. Once the looms are in place connect them to the PFU, then fit the PFU to the actuator main board connector.
Once the module is fitted the actuator should be re-assembled and, in the case of the IQ or IQT, the battery replaced.
The PFU must not be split between its Network Interface Card and the Interface card. Only complete assemblies should be fitted or exchanged.
If at any time it is necessary to reset the interface card used for the Q and the Skil / EH to its supplied default values, the Network Interface card should be removed and a shorting link applied to LK1. The Interface card must then be put back in the actuator and the mains power cycled. The Network Interface card must then be re-assembled onto the interface board and the pair refitted into the actuator. LK1 is usually used as a mechanical connection link between the top and bottom boards.
Fig 11: The Profibus Mk2 Interface card showing the position of LK1 (NIC removed)
Single and Dual Data Highway Configurations
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Foundation Fieldbus FF
01 Installation manual
4.1 Profibus Data Highway
The rules governing the installation and connection of a Profibus DP highway should be observed at all times to produce a successful installation. The highway does not allow power to be transferred and the Profibus module is powered from the actuator itself. The module can only report data when the actuator is powered up.
The data highway must be terminated with a proper active termination network at each end of a segment. To ensure successful operation the highway itself should not use tapped spur or stub connections. The connection should be made in and out of each actuator in a daisy chain arrangement on separate terminals to eliminate any internal cabling stubs inside the actuator. The length of the highway and number of devices connected will vary from project to project. The standard permits up to 32 devices to be connected on a section, though one of these will be the PLC. If more devices are needed (up to the maximum addressable of 126) then repeaters may be added as required. Up to 9 repeaters can be used on a single highway provided no more than 4 are between any two devices.
Data Rate (Baud)
Maximum Segment Length
1.2 km
1.2 km
1.2 km
1.2 km
Maximum Highway Length
10 km
10 km
10 km
10 km
10 km
4 km
2 km
Max number of
Note: – The PLC or Repeater module will be one device. Max 32 devices/segment
Since the data passes over a single 2-wire cable there are periods between messages when no devices are actively driving the lines. In order to ensure that data continues to flow correctly after these periods it is advisable to ensure the lines are biased to suitable voltage levels during the time the line is idle. The PFU contains active termination circuits that ensure suitable levels are maintained on the line even with no device transmitting. To select these termination components the appropriate internal links must be fitted. A simple termination resistor is also included and can be connected by linking the appropriate actuator terminals (refer to the actuator wiring diagram).
Fig 12: Typical Profibus DP Data Highway
Profibus DP highway Screened cable
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4.2 Segmented Single Highway System
The data highway may be connected as several segments coupled by repeaters. The repeaters or actuator slaves will require termination components if they are on the end of the segment. Alternatively, separately powered active termination devices can be used so that when the actuator is switched off the bus performance is not affected.
Maximum number of devices participating in the exchange of data
127 (addresses from 0 to 126, 0 is usually the PLC)
Maximum number of devices per segment including repeaters
Maximum number of segments in series
EN50170 specifies a maximum of 4 repeaters between any two devices. Some manufacturers of repeaters allow more than this number.
Fig 13: Profibus Single Channel Data Highway Topology
Bus Master
Segment 2
Segment 1
Segment 3
Single and Dual Data Highway Configurations
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Foundation Fieldbus FF
01 Installation manual
4.3 Redundant Systems – Simple Redundancy
The Simple Dual Channel Profibus DP (Mk2) Option Card version has two redundant communications channels. Like the RedCom version, this card supports two types of redundant operation.
SR – System Redundancy (One common slave address) FR – Flying Redundancy (Two slave addresses offset by 64)
These two connection options allow for redundancy protection against either a failure of the highway (SR mode) or failure of the card interface channel (FR mode). Most dual channel systems use two highways and one connection to each, so the most common use for this card is in SR mode. The functionality and provisions of the card are identical to the RedCom version except in the way the card reports its status on the highway.
There are a number of PLC systems, including older PLCs, that do not have the ability to use the RedCom system and as a consequence they are likely to report errors when connect to a RedCom compliant card. If the PLC does not support the RedCom standard then the Simple Redundant card must be used.
The Profibus DP (Mk2) Simple Dual Channel card includes:
Two Profibus Connections, Channel 1 and Channel 2 Selectable FR/SR mode No Extended Diagnostics
A Simple Dual Channel card can be altered to a RedCom Dual Channel card, or vice versa, by entering the appropriate value in parameter 15 in the GSD file.
The Simple Dual Channel card is suitable for all PLCs where redundant highways are being used. This option does not report the extended diagnostic bytes relating to the card’s redundant status.
Fig 14: Profibus DP (Mk2) Simple Dual Redundant Option Block Diagram
Control System Master
Redundant Slave
Primary Slave
Backup Slave
Interface Card
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4.3.1 Flying Redundancy Slave to Master Connection
With FR (Flying Redundancy) the aim is to protect against a failure of the Profibus Interface. The data highway is considered to be more reliable than the connection interface. There is a single data highway and both the Profibus card inputs are connected to it. The card must be set to FR mode and it then adopts a fixed offset of 64 between the set address (used for primary communication) and the backup communication address.
When the card is powered ‘on’, Channel 1 will be the Primary channel. If the card does not enter Configuration Mode within 1 second (because there is no Master present) then Channel 2 will take over as Primary. Once again, if there is no communication within 1 second, then it will revert to Channel 1 and now it will wait 2 seconds before Channel 2 assumes Primary status. The switch over time will increase by a factor of 2 each time until it reaches its maximum of 32 seconds. It will continue to switch channels using a 32 second switch over time until one channel receives PLC messages.
In the event of a failure of the Primary channel, the Backup automatically changes to use the Primary address. Hence for all control purposes the Master only uses the Primary address. The Backup address can be used for exchanging data but any commands to move the actuator directed to the backup address will be ignored. If a configuration message is sent to the Backup address that is different to the one sent to the Primary address it will be accepted, but not actioned. The data exchanged between the Master and the Primary includes information on the status of the device and hence the availability of a Backup should the Primary fail.
Single Data Highway, two communication ports Channel 1 is Primary on power up Default method is SR mode; to achieve FR parameter 15 must be altered Fixed offset of 64 between Primary and Backup addresses Backup automatically adopts Primary address if Primary fails V0 cyclic Commands to Backup ignored Reports the status of Primary and Backup to the Master Configuration and Parameterisation changes only over the Primary address
Fig 15: Profibus DP (Mk2) Flying Redundancy Connection
Backup MasterPrimary Master
Single and Dual Data Highway Configurations
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01 Installation manual
4.3.2 System Redundancy Slave to Master Connection
With SR (System Redundancy) there are two data highways and the aim of the redundancy is to secure communication with the actuator even if one of the highways fails. Although two masters are shown they will normally be a Primary and Backup pair and communication will occur directly between them. SR mode is the default for all dual Profibus cards.
The Profibus card has two communication channels and both have the same slave address. As with
the FR mode, when the card is powered ‘on’, Channel 1 will be the Primary channel. If the card does
not enter Configuration Mode within 1 second (because there is no Master present) then Channel 2 will take over as Primary. Once again, if there is no communication within 1 second, then it will revert to Channel 1 and now it will wait 2 seconds before Channel 2 assumes Primary status. The switch over time will increase by a factor of 2 each time until it reaches its maximum of 32 seconds. It will continue to switch channels using a 32 second switch over time until one channel receives PLC messages.
In the event of a failure of the Primary channel the Backup automatically changes to become Primary and communication will be established with the Second master on the second highway. The Backup channel can be used for exchanging data but any commands to move the actuator directed to the backup channel will be ignored. If a configuration message is sent to the Backup channel that is different to the one sent to the Primary it will be ignored. The data exchanged between the Master and the Primary includes information on the status of the device and hence the availability of a Backup should the Primary fail.
Two Data Highways, two communication ports Channel 1 is Primary on power up Default communication method is SR mode Both channels have the same address V0 cyclic Commands to Backup channel are ignored Reports the status of Primary and Backup to the Master Configuration and Parameterisation changes only over the Primary channel
Second Master
First Master
Fig 16: Profibus DP (Mk2) System Redundancy Connection
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4.4 Redundant Systems – RedCom Redundancy
The RedCom Dual Channel Profibus DP (Mk2) Option Card version has two redundant communications channels. Like the Simple card, the RedCom card supports two types of redundant
operation and the details are as described in Profibus Guideline 2.212 ‘Specification Slave
redundancy’. The two modes are:
SR – System Redundancy (One common slave address) FR – Flying Redundancy (Two slave addresses offset by 64)
As with the Simple Redundant card, there are two basic considerations when looking at redundant systems; protection against the failure of the connecting cable and protection against failure of the device. Most systems consider cable protection to be the most important and this is termed ‘SR’ or System Redundancy. The alternative setup, using only a single cable, but with two Profibus
connections is termed ‘FR’ or Flying Redundancy. With FR systems there are two Profibus interfaces
on the slave, but only one slave, so protection against failure of the Profibus interface is included. SR and FR are described in more detail in the previous section.
The Profibus DP (Mk2) RedCom Dual Channel card includes:
Two Profibus Connections, Channel 1 and Channel 2 RedCom link between the two connections Redundancy extensions to the V1 protocol No loss of data during switching Selectable FR/SR mode Status reported in Extended Diagnostics data
The Rotork Profibus DP (Mk2) RedCom Dual Channel Option Card obeys the Profibus REDCOM Specification for Redundant Communications. This includes 3 bytes of Extended Diagnostics for RedState. Not all PLC systems can accept these diagnostic messages.
Fig 17: Profibus DP (Mk2) RedCom Dual Redundant Option Block Diagram
Control System Master
Redundant Slave
Primary Slave
Backup Slave
Interface Card
Red Extensions
Red Extensions
Single and Dual Data Highway Configurations
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01 Installation manual
4.4.1 Extended Diagnostic Messages for RedCom
The Redundancy Extensions to the standard V1 protocol allow the two channels to communicate between themselves to establish correct operation of the highway if there is a failure, both the Simple and RedCom versions of the card do this. In addition to these, there are extra Extended Diagnostic messages that are reported to the PLC as part of the RedCom system that the Dual RedCom card reports. Not all PLCs are RedCom compliant, so some are unable to understand these messages and, as a consequence, will mark the device as having an Error. If this is the case, either reconfigure the
Profibus card to be ‘Simple’ or disable the PLC’s diagnostics package that is looking at the extended
diagnostics. A RedCom Dual Channel card can be altered to a Simple Dual Channel card, or vice versa, by
entering the appropriate value in parameter 15 in the GSD file. The extended diagnostics is contained in 3 bytes in the diagnostic message and is reported by the
Primary slave only:
= 8 hex
= 9Fhex
= 0 hex
State of Primary slave
State of Back Up slave
Not used
The information in the Red_State bytes is as below
Bit No:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description if set:
This slave is the Back up
This slave is the Primary
There is a Hardware defect
This slave is in Data Exchange mode
Master State Clear
Baud rate found
Toh started (hold timer active – set if a change of channel is imminent
26 of 84 Publication PUB088-005-00_1017
4.5 Cable Types
The network must be connected using a suitable cable for Profibus DP applications. Two conductors plus a shield are required and there is a Profibus specification for the cable.
Amongst the cable manufacturers Belden have the PVC jacketed single pair 2 core cable, which meets the minimum requirement. Information on Belden cable may be found on the Belden web site (
PVC sheath, usually coloured purple Tinned copper screen Signal wires Red is positive, ‘B’ Green is negative, ‘A’
Typical Profibus DP Cable Specification
135 up to 165 ohm at a frequency of 3 to 20 MHz
Cable capacitance
<30 pF per metre
Core diameter
>0.34 mm2 (corresponds to AWG 22)
Cable type
Twisted pair cable, 1x2 or 2x2 or 1x4 lines
<110 ohm per km
Signal attenuation
Max 9dB over total length of line section
Copper shielding braid or shielding braid and shielding foil
The terminals to which the wires connect in the each actuator type will be different and the actuator wiring diagrams must be consulted to establish the connections.
4.6 Termination Network
In order to operate correctly all Profibus segments must be terminated at each end in an active network termination circuit. The Profibus DP (Mk2) card includes the necessary components to allow an active termination to be connected. In order to connect the termination network it is necessary to add a link to the actuator terminals and also fit two internal jumpers to the circuit card, per highway. See section 4.7 below for details where to fit the links in the various options of the card.
Fig 18: Typical Profibus DP cable specifications
Fig 19: Termination for Profibus highway
VP (5V)
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