rotork Pakscan IIE System Manual

Publication S177E V2.0 Issue 03/05
Pakscan IIE Master Station
System Manual
Pakscan IIE System Manual
As we are continually developing our products their design is subject to change without notice.
© The contents of this document are copyright and must not be reproduced without the written
permission of Rotork Controls Ltd. The name Rotork is a registered trademark Windows is a registered trademark by Microsoft Corporation Modbus is a registered trademark by Modbus IDA
Software Level This manual relates to Pakscan IIE master stations fitted with software
V25 (5206-014) software version 5.8 or greater
Loop Driver (5206-034) software version 5.2 or greater
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Glossary of Terms...........................................................................................................................7
Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................7
How to use this Manual ..................................................................................................................9
Software level ..................................................................................................................................9
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................11
1.1 Related Documents..............................................................................................................11
2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION..............................................................................13
3 STORAGE PROCEDURE...................................................................................15
4 OVERVIEW OF PAKSCAN.................................................................................17
4.1 Field Control Units...............................................................................................................17
4.2 Control and Indication.........................................................................................................18
5 FUNCTIONS........................................................................................................19
5.1 Cable Fault Protection - Loopback system.......................................................................19
5.2 Current Loop Start Up Operations.....................................................................................19
5.2.1 Loop Configuration ..................................................................................................20
5.2.2 Normal Running Operation......................................................................................20
5.3 Modbus Serial and Ethernet Interfaces .............................................................................21
5.4 Local User Interface (LCD and Keypad) ............................................................................21
6 INITIAL SETTING UP..........................................................................................23
6.1 Jumper Settings...................................................................................................................23
6.2 External Links.......................................................................................................................25
6.3 Display Screen Contrast .....................................................................................................26
7 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION.................................................................27
7.1 Mounting...............................................................................................................................27
7.2 Mains Power .........................................................................................................................27
7.3 Field Wiring...........................................................................................................................28
7.3.1 Screen Connections ................................................................................................29
7.4 Loop Checks.........................................................................................................................29
7.4.1 Loop Continuity........................................................................................................29
7.4.2 Screen Continuity ....................................................................................................30
7.4.3 Cable Capacitance ..................................................................................................30
Pakscan IIE System Manual
8 LOCAL USER INTERFACE................................................................................33
8.1 Front Panel Indication LEDs...............................................................................................33
8.2 LCD Screen and Keypad.....................................................................................................34
8.3 Keypad Security...................................................................................................................35
8.3.1 Using a PIN..............................................................................................................35
8.4 Menu Structure.....................................................................................................................35
8.5 Master Station Status ..........................................................................................................38
8.5.1 Master Station Commands......................................................................................39
8.5.2 Master Station Alarms - Text Description................................................................40
8.6 Configuration Mode Screen................................................................................................41
8.7 Diagnostic Menus ................................................................................................................42
8.7.1 Top Diagnostic Display............................................................................................42
8.7.2 Modbus Port Diagnostic Displays............................................................................43
8.7.3 Printer port diagnostic display .................................................................................44
8.7.4 Loop Diagnostic Display..........................................................................................45 FCU Map and Failure Counts ..................................................................47 Loop Speed Test......................................................................................48 FCU Address Fault Details.......................................................................49
8.7.5 Hot Standby Inter Unit Diagnostic Display...............................................................50
8.8 Setup Menus.........................................................................................................................51
8.8.1 Top Setup Menu......................................................................................................51
8.8.2 Port Setup Menus....................................................................................................52 Alarm Linkage ..........................................................................................53
8.8.3 Data transfer to Standby Unit ..................................................................................54
8.8.4 Loop Setup Menu ....................................................................................................55 Further Loop Options ...............................................................................56
8.8.5 Unit Address Setup Menu........................................................................................57
8.8.6 Tag Setup Menu......................................................................................................58
8.8.7 Date and Time Setup...............................................................................................59
8.8.8 ESD Options Setup Menu .......................................................................................60
8.8.9 Keypad Security Options.........................................................................................61
8.9 Field Unit Menus ..................................................................................................................62
8.9.1 Actuator Field Unit Status Display...........................................................................62 IQ Actuator Second Status Page .............................................................63 IQ and IQT Historic Torque Displays .......................................................64
8.9.2 Flowpak Actuator Field Unit Status Display.............................................................65
8.9.3 General Purpose Field Unit Status Display.............................................................66 Second Page for General Purpose Field Unit..........................................67
8.9.4 IQ Analogue Input Field Unit ...................................................................................68
8.9.5 Communications Failure Display.............................................................................69
8.9.6 Field Unit Status Secondary Data ...........................................................................70
8.9.7 Field Unit Alarm – Text Description.........................................................................71
9 SETTING PARAMETERS...................................................................................73
9.1 Initial Decisions....................................................................................................................73
9.2 Serial Communication Ports...............................................................................................74
9.3 Loop Data..............................................................................................................................75
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9.4 Tag Names............................................................................................................................76
9.5 Date and Time.......................................................................................................................76
9.6 ESD Configuration...............................................................................................................77
9.7 Security Access Level.........................................................................................................77
9.8 Final Checks.........................................................................................................................77
10 SETTING A HOT STANDBY PAIR PARAMETERS...........................................79
10.1 Copy Data A to B..................................................................................................................79
10.2 Changes to Terminal Connections.....................................................................................79
10.2.1 Main/Standby Connections......................................................................................79
10.3 Hot Standby Parameter Setting and Options....................................................................81
10.4 The PS300 Keyswitch ..........................................................................................................81
11 INCLUDING A PS410 CONVERTER..................................................................83
11.1 Jumper functions.................................................................................................................84
11.1.1 PS410 port 2 to RS485 setup..................................................................................84
11.1.2 PS410 port 1 to RS232 setup.................................................................................85
11.1.3 LED functions ..........................................................................................................85
11.1.4 RS485 line conditioning...........................................................................................85
11.1.5 2-Wire and 4-wire RS485 communications.............................................................86
12 SETTING UP AND USING THE PS600 ETHERNET MODULE .........................87
12.1 Internal Connections ...........................................................................................................88
12.2 Connecting to the Ethernet Bridge ....................................................................................88
12.2.1 Local Ethernet Connection ......................................................................................89
12.2.2 Direct Ethernet Connection to a PC ........................................................................89 Connection using Windows XP................................................................89
12.3 Ethernet Module Status Indicators.....................................................................................90
12.3.1 LED Functionality.....................................................................................................90
12.4 Setting Up the Module .........................................................................................................91
12.4.1 Setting the Serial Connection Fields .......................................................................92
12.4.2 Setting the User Fields for the Web Browser ..........................................................93
12.4.3 Setting the Alarm Messaging Information................................................................95
12.4.4 Setting the Local Area Network Connection Parameters........................................96
12.5 Using the Ethernet Connection ..........................................................................................97
12.5.1 Master Station Overview .........................................................................................97
12.5.2 Master Station Configuration...................................................................................98
12.5.3 Network Diagnostics................................................................................................99
12.5.4 FCU Menu ............................................................................................................ 100 Field Unit Status and Control................................................................ 101 Field Unit Alarms screen....................................................................... 102 IQ and IQT Actuator Torque screen...................................................... 102
12.5.5 FCU Parameters................................................................................................... 103
13 COMMISSIONING THE SYSTEM.....................................................................107
Pakscan IIE System Manual
13.1 Checking Individual Field Units....................................................................................... 107
13.2 Checking the Loop Itself .................................................................................................. 108
13.3 Checking System Performance....................................................................................... 110
13.3.1 Setting the Loop Driver Voltages.......................................................................... 110
13.4 Diagnostic Information..................................................................................................... 111
13.4.1 Loop Configuration ............................................................................................... 111
13.4.2 Loop Communications.......................................................................................... 112
13.4.3 Loop speed reprogramming ................................................................................. 112
13.4.4 Checking Host Communications .......................................................................... 113
13.5 Final Checks...................................................................................................................... 113
13.6 Commissioning Aids ........................................................................................................ 114
14 MASTER STATION SOFTWARE VERSION ....................................................115
15 SET UP DATA RECORDS................................................................................ 117
15.1 Loop Map ........................................................................................................................... 118
16 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.......................................................................121
16.1 Master Station ................................................................................................................... 121
16.2 Actuator Field Units.......................................................................................................... 121
16.3 GP Field Unit...................................................................................................................... 122
16.4 2-Wire Loop ....................................................................................................................... 122
16.5 External Connections ....................................................................................................... 124
16.5.1 Loop Connections and Digital I/O......................................................................... 124
16.5.2 Serial Ports ........................................................................................................... 125
16.6 Printer Messages .............................................................................................................. 127
16.7 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 127
16.8 Master Station Dimensions.............................................................................................. 128
17 GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION................................................................129
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Glossary of Terms
Address The unique address for a field unit on the Pakscan loop, range 1-240 Loop The digital, twisted pair 2-wire data communication link Field Unit The Pakscan option card fitted to the actuator, or complete General Purpose field
Master/Slave The method of communication used on the field loop. The master station controls
the data exchange on the highway Node A single device (address) on the Pakscan loop RS485 The electrical properties as defined by the IEA485 standard, 2-wire twisted pair. RS232 The electrical properties as defined by the IEA232 standard
Comms Communications FCU Pakscan Field Unit RAM Random Access Memory ROM Read Only Memory RTU Remote Terminal Unit SW Software
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How to use this Manual
In order to make the best use of the information in the following pages we suggest you use this manual as follows:
Familiarise yourself with the hardware - section 4 will show you all the parts Read sections 4 to 12 before attempting to commission the system Refer to section 6 to check the internal link settings Section 8 relates to the front panel LED’s, keypad and LCD screen Make sure you understand how to connect the system - section 7 tells you how Set up the Software selected parameters - also see section 9 With a Hot Standby system check the information in section 10 Commissioning the system is explained in section 13 If you have RS485 Converter units, read section 11 carefully Ethernet connections are explained in section 12 Record the information about your system on data sheets such as those outlined in section
15, or use Rotork MasterTools to document the system. Pakscan Ethernet systems can also record the master station data to file from the web server application.
Software level
This technical manual relates to Pakscan IIE master stations with software version 5206-014 V5.8 or later for the main V25 processor and version 5206-034 V5.2 or later for the loop processor.
The software utility, MasterTools, runs on a PC and maybe downloaded from With this utility a complete record of the Pakscan loop, the field units and master station settings can be made and retained either as an electronic file or the data may be printed out.
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This document describes the procedures for setting up commissioning and running a Pakscan IIE system. If the unit is to be stored for a period of time prior to its use, then please refer to section 3 for information about storage of electronic equipment.
The Pakscan IIE master station hardware is a stand-alone unit requiring only the connection of power and suitable field units to operate. This manual describes the Pakscan IIE master station only. Please refer to the documentation relating to the field units for information on that part of the system.
The Pakscan IIE system is compatible with all Pakscan II and IIE field units and setting tools. The Pakscan IIE is equipped with either serial communication ports, or Ethernet ports, or both through which the master station can be controlled and operated from another device. The communication protocol supported by these ports is Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP and details of the function codes and data base organisation established within the master station are contained in the associated protocol documents.
1.1 Related Documents
There are a number of documents for the Pakscan system that relate to the Pakscan IIE master station these include:
(1) Field Test Unit Technical Manual (Paktester) S178E (2) Master Station Test Unit Technical Manual (Pakreader) 5161-021 (3) Pakscan IIE RS485 Converter Technical Manual 5218-023
Serial Communications
(4) Pakscan Modbus Interface Specification S171E
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Equipment Description
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The master station is an assembly of a computer card, a current loop interface card, a power supply card, and a front panel with an LCD screen and 16-key keyboard, fitted to a standard 19-inch rack. The rack will contain some or all of the items identified in Fig. 1.
PS100 CPU and Display Module (two off in Hot Standby systems) PS210 Power Supply module (unless the hardware is supplied by 24V dc) PS300 Switch module for Hot Standby systems only PS410 RS485 Converter (optional) PS601/2/3/4 Ethernet port converter
The rack can accommodate two master stations, when viewed from the front these are referred to as M/S A on the left and M/S B on the right. The 19-inch rack is always fully wired to accommodate all variations of assembly within it. Some applications may require external links on the connectors and terminal blocks and these will normally be fitted before despatch. It is advisable to check that any links that may be required for a particular application are in place. When PS601 or PS602 Ethernet servers are fitted there will be links to the Port 1 or Port 2 connectors and these will not be available for host connections.
All master stations have their own dedicated power packs, each operating from an independent input. In the case of a dual or hot standby system there maybe two independent supplies to the rack.
Optional additional cards may be fitted to the master station rack for converting the communications hardware between RS232 and RS485, and in the case of a Hot Standby a switch unit is also included. If the master station includes Ethernet connectivity then there are internal servers fitted inside the rack. Where no cards are fitted blanking plates are used to cover the resulting space.
Two master stations may optionally be interconnected to form a dual redundant system. In this configuration, one unit controls the loop, whilst the other acts as a 'hot standby'. Changeover between the units can be automatic or manually triggered.
PS210 - Power Supply
PS100 - CPU & Display Module
PS410 - RS232/RS485 Converter
PS300 - Keyswitch
PS60X - Ethernet Server (Internal)
Fig 1: Pakscan IIE Master Stations in a 19 inch rack
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On the rear are the following items, repeated for both M/S A and M/S B.
Power Connector (IEC) for use with a.c. powered units (when a 24V dc supply is used this
is replaced by a terminal block). There is a 1 Amp slow blow fuse adjacent to the power connection.
26 screw terminals for Field Connections, of these 25 only are used, and terminals 1 to 21
are directly linked internally to the 25 way D type connector (pins 1 to 21) above the terminal block.
Two 9 way D type connectors for Comms Port 1, a male and a female. This port is always
RS485, 2-wire.
A single 9 way D type female connector for Comms Port 2. This port is always RS232. There are two further connectors, 9 way D type female, for Ports 3 and 4. These are only
used if the optional RS232/485 Protocol Converter Module, PS410, is fitted, as described in section 11.
One trailing RJ45 female socket for connection to the Ethernet server when one is fitted.
For host computer communications either serial or Ethernet connections can be used. The data format for information exchange is Modbus RTU (for serial ports) or Modbus-TCP (for Ethernet LAN connection). There are multiple data bases within the master station and these are explained later in this manual.
Support for a printer to log alarms is provided. Each entry can be tagged with the time and date. There are contact outputs for various alarm conditions, and provision for an Emergency Shutdown (' ESD') input. Emergency Shutdown may be invoked by breaking the circuit between two terminals at the master station causing an 'ESD' message to be broadcast on the current loop. Field units and actuators may be set up to carry out an appropriate action, e.g. close a valve.
Fig 2: Pakscan IIE Master Stations – rear view
PORT 1 RS485
PORT 2 RS232
PORT 1 RS485
PORT 2 RS232
MAINS INPUT 90 - 264 Vac
MAINS INPUT 90 - 264 Vac
Data Label
Field Terminals and D-type Connector
Comms Port 1 (2xD-type)
Comms Port 2 (D-type)
Ethernet (RJ45)
IEC Power Connector
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On receipt the hardware should be examined for signs of damage and to ensure that the expected equipment is present. Identify all the parts.
If the unit is to be stored for a period of time then normal conditions for keeping electronic hardware must be provided.
The ambient conditions should remain in the following bands at all times: Temperature: 10 - 30 degrees Centigrade Humidity: Not to exceed 80% R.H. The equipment should not be stacked, though it may be stored in any orientation. The original packing
should be retained. DO NOT LOSE THE MANUALS. If it is to be kept for a prolonged period then an electrical exercise test is recommended every 6
months, for 24 hours. The master station internal battery has a shelf life of 3 years.
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Pakscan Overview
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The Pakscan system is a control and monitoring package comprising a master station, 2-wire serial data cable wired in a ring or loop and a number of connected actuators with Pakscan field units fitted. The fieldbus loop can have up to 60, 120, 180 or 240 field units connected depending on the capability of the master station, and the cable can be up to 20 km long. The length of the 2-wire cable (loop length) can be considered as the circumference of a circle starting and finishing at the master station.
The master station is a single module in a 19-inch rack. It may have a supporting, identical, standby unit. Details of setting a Hot Standby pair are covered in Section 10. In essence, the Hot Standby simply comprises two identical master stations each of which is set identically to its partner. In some cases two master stations are fitted into one 19­inch rack (there is space for two). These can be considered as two independent units.
The current loop is single fault tolerant and can withstand either an open circuit, short circuit or ground connection fault and still maintain communication with all the field units. Subsequent faults do not stop the complete system from working and the parts that remain connected to the master station will continue to be in communication with it.
In addition to controlling the loop, the master station also provides the external interface to the system. It supports 2 serial ports for communications to host computers, as well as providing a local user interface. Alternatively, one of the serial ports may be used to drive a printer to log alarms. In the Pakscan Ethernet version one or both the serial ports are replaced with a standard 10Base-T Ethernet ports. When a single Ethernet port is available the remaining serial port may be either RS232 or RS485 depending on the option chosen.
4.1 Field Control Units
A range of field control units ('FCU’s') is available to cater for specific application areas. These may be summarised as follows:
Fig 3: Pakscan IIE System Diagram
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Integral type field control units mounted within a Rotork actuator electrical housing such
as the IQ, IQT or Q range actuator.
Externally mounted field control unit. Various packages are available, including 'Pakbox',
weather-proof box, or rack mounting. The unit may be used for either actuator control applications, or for general purpose applications such as pumps, blenders etc. Its complement of I/O is 8 digital inputs, 4 changeover relay outputs, 2 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output.
4.2 Control and Indication
The field units each report information to the master station that can be viewed on the integral LCD display, or collected from the serial communication port of the master station for use on another display system. The reported data is already organised and requires no configuration by the user; each field unit automatically reports all its available data.
Commands to operate the output devices may be sent over the system, the initiation of the command can either be from the integral keypad (under the correct access code) or from the serial or Ethernet data link. Once again the organisation of these commands is already configured and the user only has to address the correct register to implement the command.
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5.1 Cable Fault Protection - Loopback system
Communication between the master station and the field control units is via a twisted pair 2-wire cable carrying a 20 mA current in a loop. In normal operation the current flows round the loop on one wire and returns via the master station on the second wire. If high-speed operation with ‘doubling on’ is selected the current returns inside the master station and the second wire is not used.
Each field control unit has the capability to connect the 2 wires together (apply a loopback circuit), and this mechanism is used to divert the current in the event of a loop fault. With field units each side of a loop fault 'in loopback', the system can still communicate with all field units by operating the system as 2 segments. If there are 2 loop faults, those field units between the faults will be isolated.
A loop cable fault may be an open circuit, a short circuit, or an earth fault.
5.2 Current Loop Start Up Operations
The Pakscan IIE controls the current on the loop to communicate with the attached field units. Loop communication divides into two parts: configuration (when the master station decides whether the loop is complete, and if not, where the faults are), and normal operation.
Fig 4: Loopback system
Master Station
Port B
Port A
Add 2
Add 4
Add 3
Add 1
In OutOutIn
Master Station
Port B
Port A
Add 2
Add 4
Add 3
Add 1
In OutOutIn
Normal operation Broken loop operation
Cable Fault
LB on LB on
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5.2.1 Loop Configuration
The loop configuration phase is entered after power-up, after a loop fault is detected, or after a loop configure command is received.
Configuration consists of the following steps:
1. Wait for all the field units to go into loopback. The time is dependent on the baud rate.
2. Issue a command from Port A to ask a field unit in loopback for its address. This finds the
first field unit.
3. Use that address to tell the field unit to remove its loopback.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no more field units are found.
5. Attempt to send a message right round the loop and receive it back at the sending end.
This tests the integrity of the complete loop.
6. If the loop is complete stop here. If the loop has a problem execute steps 7 to 10.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 4 from Port B.
8. Again wait for all field units to go into loopback.
9. Remove loopbacks one field unit at a time from Port A until only the last field unit is left in
10. Repeat step 9 for Port B. Loop configuration will identify and mark as out of service any field unit found which has an address
that is zero, an address that is the same as one which has already been found, or which has an address, which is too high. An address that is too high is one outside the range selected for the master station.
The master station has the facility to double the loop Baud rate. If this facility is enabled, via the Keypad, the master station will issue a broadcast command to all the field units to get them to double the baud rate they are using, once it has detected that the loop is complete.
5.2.2 Normal Running Operation
In normal operation, the master station polls each field unit for any changed data it has to report. Most of the time, field units have no changes to report, and traffic on the loop is kept to a minimum. Field units are polled in address order. Data that might be reported includes changes to digital inputs, alarm changes, or significant changes to an analogue input.
If a field unit, which previously responded on the last scan, fails to respond correctly the master station will retry twice to get a reply. On subsequent scans only a single attempt is made to get a response.
All field units up to the address preset in the master station database are polled. Thus new field units which are powered-up on a working loop will be identified by the master station, provided they are within the selected address range, and future scans will poll the new field unit for data.
Commands to field units (open, close, etc.) are interleaved between polls to individual field units. This ensures they are sent as soon as a slot is available. When the current transaction is completed the command will be next.
A check is made at the end of each scan to see if a loop fault has occurred. For a complete loop with no loopbacks present a test message is sent round the loop; for a broken loop (loopbacks in use)
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communications failure to the last field unit on either side is taken as an indication of a fault. In the event of a new fault, loop re-configuration is initiated.
5.3 Modbus Serial and Ethernet Interfaces
The Pakscan IIE master station is provided with two interfaces for data exchange with external host systems. These may be a combination of one serial and one Ethernet, two serial or two Ethernet connections. In addition one port can be selected for serial printer use. For Ethernet connections one or more PS601, PS602, PS603 or PS604 modules must be fitted. In all cases the interfaces behave similarly and always use Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP for the data communication protocol.
The master station's use of the Modbus RTU protocol is described in detail in the protocol documents listed in section 1 (Related Documents). The master station may operate slightly differing protocols data bases from each of its two ports. The protocols available are indicated on the set up screen display, (see screen displays section). Modbus TCP behaves in a similar manner to Modbus RTU and the register locations are the same for both protocols.
The two serial ports can both issue commands to field units via the master station, and to the master station itself. Three separate registers of field unit alarms are maintained by the master station, one for each serial or Ethernet port and one for the front panel display. This ensures that alarms cannot be missed by any of the interfaces. If the host system is reading alarms from both the serial data bases it must consider each one separately and perform the read and accept routines for each serial link. Accepting an alarm on either serial interface does not accept the alarm on the display, or vice versa.
The alarm handling on the Modbus TCP Ethernet link is different. If the host protocol is selected as Yokogawa then the alarm handling is exactly as for the RTU serial data and alarms are held until accepted. If the protocol is selected as Generic then the Web Server will be populated with data; alarm handling is similar to the other serial data bases, but now either the web server or the external Ethernet host can accept the alarm on the associated data base. Effectively there is one alarm register for the IP address and both the web server and host access the same register and accept the same register.
5.4 Local User Interface (LCD and Keypad)
The Local User Interface allows the master station to be interrogated directly for its own status and diagnostic information, and for field unit status. Various parameters may also be configured from the front panel and commands sent to field units. The available screens are illustrated later in this manual.
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Jumpers and Links
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The factory default settings for the jumpers and links inside the master station will be satisfactory for most applications. However there are some cases where special settings could be required. Before applying any power to the master station check that the internal settings of the jumpers match the system requirements. These jumpers will have been factory set to the default positions, or to user specified positions, prior to dispatch.
In addition to the internal jumpers there may be a need to fit external links to achieve satisfactory operation of the installed unit, for example with Hot Standby units. These links can be fitted prior to installation.
6.1 Jumper Settings
The PS100 CPU and Display module contains a number of jumpers to set some of the parameters for the performance of the unit. These are factory set and should generally not require adjustment at any time. However there are links that may need to be fitted to match specific applications. There are no jumper links on the power board, display board or loop driver board that require customer adjustment.
The diagram Fig. 5 is a top view of the PS100 module showing the different circuit boards. Fig. 6 shows the layout of the V25 card of the module. This is the PCB located to the left of the display screen when viewed from the front; it is clearly distinguished by the battery on the board.
The function and default settings of the jumpers is listed in the table, please note that some select the type of integrated circuit used, and therefore may vary from one unit to another.
Front Display
V25 CPU board
Loop Driver board
Power board
Display board
Rear Connectors
Fig 5: The PS100 card positions
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Jumper No Description Function Setting J1 Reset jumper Normal operation
Override reset Hold in reset
A Not fitted B
J2 RAMWR jumper Normal operation
Full RAM access
Link 1 - 2 Not fitted
J3 CTR CLK2 jumper CTR CLK2 Freq - A
EPROM – A J5 RAM (A12) jumper A12 Fitted J6 ROM (A17) jumper A17 Fitted J7 IRQ jumper IRQ enable
IRQ disable
Not fitted
Fitted J8 CTS jumper CTS enable
CTS disable
Link 1-2
Link 2-3 J10 ROM (A18) jumper A18 Fitted J11 ROM (A15) jumper A15 Fitted J12 to J15 Digital input jumpers Un-isolated
Isolate channel
Link 1-2 & 3-4
Link 2-3 J17 & J18 RS485 termination jumpers
J17 = data, J18 = RTS
Termination No Termination
Not fitted J19 RAM (A16) jumper A16 Fitted J20 & J25 RS485 bias jumper RS485 bias data Fitted J21 & J26 RS485 bias jumper RS485 bias RTS Fitted J24 FPGA write jumper Enable local FPGA write Fitted J27 CTS1 jumper CTS1 enable (RS485 only) Fitted J28 Battery jumper Disconnect battery
Connect battery
Fitted J29 INTP2 jumper Enable INTP2 Fitted
Fig 6: Master Station V25 card internal links
J29 J7
J13 J14
J11 J6 J10
J4 J1
Jumpers and Links
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J8 – CTS Function Select for Port 2
Link 2-3 (default setting) causes the master station to ignore the RS232 CTS line on Port 2. If the link is placed in 1-2, then the connected serial device may control the output of the master station on Port
2. This may be required if Port 2 is operating a printer.
J17 and J18 – RS485 Termination
These allow for two terminating 100 ohm resistors to be connected to the RS485 lines to prevent signal reflections. These jumpers are not normally fitted as if there are too many terminating resistors connected the line function will deteriorate due to the electrical loading. However all RS485 data highways should include terminating resistors at either end of the highway, i.e. at the host and at the last device.
J20 and J25 / J21 and J26 – RS485 Bias
These allow for four biasing resistors (470 ohm) to be connected to the RS485 lines to pull them apart. These jumpers should not normally fitted as if there are too many bias resistors connected the line function will deteriorate due to the electrical loading. However all RS485 data highways should include bias resistors in a single location. If a PS412 stand-alone converter is used in the system then the pull apart resistors in that unit will already be connected.
J28 - Battery Backup
Link 2-3 connects the battery, linking 1-2 isolates the battery. If the battery is disabled, or removed, for any length of time, e.g. greater than 1 hour, the settings on the master station may be lost. The battery maintains the type of station, the clock, and any user set parameters.
6.2 External Links
Some of the functions of the master station are settable by external connections. These connections may come from other pieces of plant where a contact opening or closing forces a master station action, or they may be fixed for the application.
The function and setting of these links is described here.
Terminal 10 & 11 – ESD (Emergency Shutdown)
The Pakscan system may be configured (on software version 5206-014 V3.2 or higher) for a global command to 'ESD' all the connected devices. One source of the ESD command is connected as an input to these terminals.
When configured to do so, the system will issue continuous ESD commands to the Loop whenever these two terminals are unconnected. A remote ESD contact, process normal closed, may be connected. If the contact opens, then an ESD is issued.
If the ESD function via these terminals is not required then it may be removed from the configuration or, if it remains an enabled option, a link MUST be fitted between these terminals.
Note: The battery should never be disconnected except in extreme circumstances.
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Terminal 22 & 23, Terminal 24 & 25
If the master station is not part of a hot standby pair, that is, it is a single stand-alone unit then two links
MUST be fitted. (A hot standby pair always includes the PS300 switch module in the centre of the
rack.) If the rack does not contain a PS300 Switch module:
Link terminal 22 to 23 Link terminal 24 to 25
6.3 Display Screen Contrast
On the front of the master station there is a multi-turn potentiometer that is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD display. Adjusting clockwise increases the contrast.
Fig 7: Master Station front panel
Field Alarm
New Alarm
Fault Host Active Masterstation
Port A
Port B
Contrast adjustment
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The master station is now ready for installation and connecting to the loop.
7.1 Mounting
The master station rack should be mounted horizontally in a suitable frame or cabinet. The height of the front should be between 1.0 m and 1.7 m above the floor so that the screen may be viewed and the keys accessed. There should be no equipment in front of the master station. At the rear ensure sufficient space is provided to access the terminals and connectors.
Ideally both front and rear access to the unit should be provided. However if rear access is not possible, ensure sufficient cable length is allowed for the rack to be withdrawn and placed safely when checks to the connections are required.
All connections are to the rear of the rack.
7.2 Mains Power
The individual master stations in the rack each require their own power feed. When ac power is used this is connected by an IEC connector.
The unit will operate on an ac supply between 90 and 264 volts, 43 to 440 Hz, single phase.
[For dc systems a suitable dc supply must be arranged (24 V dc nominal, range 21-30 V dc), this is connected to the screw terminals on the rear of the unit, and each master station still requires its own supply feed.]
It is essential that an Earth connection is made to the master station via the IEC connector, and/or the safety earth stud.
System Terminals
SWITCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LAMP SWITCH
Masterstations A Masterstations B
Safety Earth
Signal Earth
1.0 m
1.7 m
Comms Ports
Fig 8: Typical system cabinet
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7.3 Field Wiring
The field wiring includes the loop wires to the field units. The loop cable should have an overall electrical screen. Particular attention should be paid to the connection of the screen on this cable.
The wiring should be in accordance with the diagram Fig. 9. (For connecting up a Hot Standby system refer to section 10.)
Note that the system is a current loop, and that Port A Out, (terminal 12), connects via all the field units to Port B In, (terminal 16), whilst Port B Out, (terminal 15), connects similarly to Port A In, (terminal 13). If a coloured pair, red and blue, is used this results in say the red wires being in terminals 12 and 16, with the blue wires in 13 and 15. The order is red, blue, blue, red.
Fig 9: Typical System Wiring Diagram
Actuator Terminals
A c
u a t
o r T e r
m i
n a l
S c
Actuator Terminals
Emergency Shutdown
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
10 11
12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
Field Connector
Port A Out Port A In
Port B Out Port B In
These links must be fitted when there is no PS300 Switch Module in the rack
Mains Supply
Port 1 RS485
Port 2 RS232
Signal Earth Bar Screen of 2 wire loop connected directly to earth at one end only
Power Supply PS210
Processors and Display PS100
Pakscan IIE Master Station
Installation and Connection
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7.3.1 Screen Connections
The screen terminal 14 is connected internally to the supply earth pin, and the chassis. Terminal 17 is connected to earth via a capacitor, (to meet the CE specification for EMC emission standard), or directly to earth if link LK1 for master station A or hot standby systems, or LK2 for master station B, is fitted. If no alternative clean earth bar is provided then the screen will have to connect to the supply or safety earth.
If you choose to use the internal earth point on terminal 14 or 17 you must ensure that a safety earth is connected to the master station. Connect the screen of the cable on one side only, say Port A using terminal 14. DO NOT CONNECT THE SCREEN ON BOTH ENDS OF THE CABLE IF LK1 (LK2 for station B) IS FITTED. If you connected the loop directly to earth at two or more points, an earth loop will result that will probably degrade the loop communications.
If your system includes a Signal Earth bar then connect the screen of one of the loop cables to this bar only. Do not link the bar to the master station earth via the cable screen and terminal 14.
7.4 Loop Checks
Once the loop is fully wired there are a number of checks that should be made before power is applied to any of the connected field units, actuators, or the master station. These simple tests will always help in the setting to work of the system.
7.4.1 Loop Continuity.
With all the field units connected, but none of them powered up, check the continuity of the 2 cores of the cable using a simple resistance (ohm) meter. [The most common errors in installing the system occur on the field wiring.]
1. Disconnect all the loop wires and the screen from the master station.
12 13 14
15 16 17
Port A Out Port A In
Port B Out Port B In
12 13 14
15 16 17
Port A Out Port A In
Port B Out Port B In
Safety Earth
Safety Earth
Signal Earth
Safety Earth
Safety Earth
Fig 10: Typical Screen Connection
Note: The screen must only be connected directly to earth at one point, and at one end of
the cable.
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2. Measure, and note down, the resistance of each core (the core connected to A and B will have a higher resistance than the core connected to the common).
3. Check the resistance between the cores, this should be a high resistance as they are not connected together. (Note that if a field unit has power to it, then the internal circuitry will connect the two cores together.)
4. Join the 2 wires that will be connected to Port B together and measure the total resistance of the whole loop cable - note this down as you will need it for reference later.
7.4.2 Screen Continuity
With the Port B cables still connected together make sure that the screen is isolated from the loop cores themselves, there should be a high resistance between screen and cores.
5. Check the screen is continuous by measuring the resistance of the screen between the two ends.
6. Check that the screen is isolated from earth by measuring the resistance between the screen and your screen earth point.
7.4.3 Cable Capacitance
The capacitance between the cores, and to the screen, is critical to the system performance. Too high a capacitance for the selected loop baud rate will result in poor communications, or even communication failure.
7. Disconnect the join between the 2 cores that connect to Port B, the cores and screen are now all separated.
8. With the digital meter set to capacitance, measure the core to core capacitance, and note it down.
9. Also measure the core to screen capacitance, which will probably be slightly higher, for cable core 1.
10. Measure the capacitance between core 2 and the screen.
If any problems are encountered during these tests rectify them before proceeding. The results should be noted on a form such as that shown overleaf.
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