rotork Mk3 Technical Manual

Publication PUB089-005-00_0618
Mk3 Foundation Fieldbus
Option Card
Foundation Fieldbus CP Option Card Technical Manual
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Note 1: Throughout this manual the Foundation Fieldbus may be abbreviated to FF Note 2: Throughout this manual the FF Interface Card may simply be referred to as the FF CP card. Note 3: The information in this manual relates to the FF CP card firmware / hardware versions:
M3.1 / T1.4 / H1.1 (or newer)
Note 4: The screen dumps used in the manual have generally be taken from a National Instruments FF configurator tools screen. Other configurator tools may show the same data on a different set of screens.
Note 5: This manual is to be used in conjunction with the relevant actuator setting manual and assumes a
pre-existing level of knowledge of using both FF and the particular actuator type. It is advised that the relevant technical manual is read before attempting to set-up FF within the actuator.
Note 6: The FF CP card described in this manual contains static-sensitive devices. Suitable precautions, such as wearing an earthed anti-static wrist strap, should be taken before handling the card. It should be kept in an anti-static bag or box while it is not fitted within an actuator.
As we are continually developing our products their design is subject to change without notice.
© The contents of this document are copyright and must not be reproduced without the written permission
of Rotork. The name Rotork is a registered trademark. Foundation is a registered trademark of the Fieldbus Foundation. NI-FBUS is a registered trademark of National Instruments.
Windows is a registered trademark of The Microsoft Corporation. The names; Allen, Bluetooth, Modbus, Rotork and Torx are registered trademarks.
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Glossary of Terms: ......................................................................................................................... 6
Abbreviations used: ....................................................................................................................... 8
Supporting Documents: ................................................................................................................. 8
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 9
2 FF CARD PROPERTIES ................................................................................. 11
2.1 Mechanical properties ........................................................................................................11
2.2 Electrical properties ...........................................................................................................12
2.3 Operation and storage .......................................................................................................12
3 FITTING THE FF CP CARD ............................................................................ 13
3.1 Inside a Rotork Actuator ..................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Inside an IQ3/IQT3 actuator ...............................................................................13
3.1.2 Inside an SI3 actuator .........................................................................................15
3.1.3 Inside a CVA actuator .........................................................................................16
3.1.4 Inside a CMA actuator ........................................................................................17
3.1.5 Inside a K range actuator ...................................................................................18
3.1.6 Inside a CK actuator ...........................................................................................19
3.2 Replacing or Fitting an FF CP Option Card .....................................................................20
3.3 Socket, LED and Jumper functions of the FF card .........................................................21
4 IEC 61158 DATA HIGHWAY AND CONNECTIONS ....................................... 23
4.1 Data highway ......................................................................................................................23
4.2 Fieldbus power supply .......................................................................................................24
4.3 Termination network ..........................................................................................................26
5 THE ACTUATOR INPUT AND OUTPUT SIGNALS ........................................ 27
5.1 Controls ...............................................................................................................................28
5.1.1 Controls priority ..................................................................................................31
5.1.2 Foundation control using DO blocks only ...........................................................32
5.1.3 Foundation control using the AO block only .......................................................32
5.1.4 Foundation control using both DO and AO blocks .............................................33
5.1.5 The ‘S’ contacts (RLY 1 to RLY 4) controlled by the DO blocks ........................34
5.1.6 Foundation network control disable feature .......................................................34
5.2 Discrete Input status feedback .........................................................................................35
5.2.1 Discrete Inputs ....................................................................................................36
5.2.3 Discrete Inputs reporting the FF CP card condition ...........................................40
5.3 Actuator Analogue Input feedback ...................................................................................41
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6 FUNCTION BLOCKS ...................................................................................... 43
6.1 Resource Block ..................................................................................................................44
6.2 Transducer Block ...............................................................................................................47
6.2.1 Transducer block parameters .............................................................................47
6.2.2 Changing the settings in the Transducer block. .................................................53
6.2.3 Editing the Foundation specific parameters 1-23 and 99 ...................................54
6.2.4 Editing the actuator setup parameters 50-67 .....................................................54
6.2.5 Editing the control parameters 65 - 66 ...............................................................59
6.3 Analogue Input blocks .......................................................................................................60
6.4 Discrete Input blocks .........................................................................................................61
6.5 Analogue Output block ......................................................................................................63
6.6 Discrete Output blocks ......................................................................................................65
6.6.1 Multiple block – single bit control ........................................................................66
6.6.2 Single block – multiple bit control. ......................................................................66
6.7 PID Control block ...............................................................................................................68
6.8 Control Selector block .......................................................................................................69
7 LINK ACTIVE SCHEDULER (LAS) ................................................................. 71
7.1 Creating a schedule ...........................................................................................................74
7.2 Connecting the blocks .......................................................................................................75
7.3 Downloading the schedule ................................................................................................75
7.4 Optimising the downloaded schedule ..............................................................................76
8. SETTING UP THE FF CP CARD (QUICK START GUIDE) ............................. 77
8.1 Setting up with the Setting Tool .......................................................................................78
8.2 Insight 2 ...............................................................................................................................79
8.3 Methods ...............................................................................................................................81
8.4 Control output function block settings ............................................................................82
8.4.1 Analogue Only control ........................................................................................83
8.4.2 Discrete Only control ..........................................................................................83
8.4.3 Mixed Analogue and Discrete control .................................................................84
8.4.4 Hard-wired inputs - Aux Input Function ..............................................................84
8.5 Status feedback function block settings .........................................................................85
8.5.1 Analogue position and torque data .....................................................................85
8.5.2 Discrete Input data .............................................................................................85
8.6 Default settings ...................................................................................................................86
8.7 Using the DTM (with FDT) ..................................................................................................87
9 THE FF CP CARD FIRMWARE AND DD FILES ............................................. 89
9.1 Firmware ..............................................................................................................................89
9.2 Device Description Files ....................................................................................................89
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APPENDIX A – HANDLING FAULT CONDITIONS. ................................................ 91
APPENDIX B – FUNCTION BLOCK MODE – LO ................................................... 92
APPENDIX C – PID APPLICATION. ....................................................................... 93
APPENDIX D – ITK6 FF SPECIFICATION DATASHEET ....................................... 96
D.1 Basic Fieldbus Function Blocks .......................................................................................96
D.2 Channel Allocation .............................................................................................................96
D.3 Segment Information ..........................................................................................................97
APPENDIX E – NAMUR NE 107 - GUIDELINES FOR SETTING UP ...................... 98
E.1 Background info: ................................................................................................................98
E.2 Test set up for FD_...._ACTIVE: ......................................................................................101
E.3 Test set up for FD_...._ALM: ............................................................................................104
APPENDIX F – CHANGING THE ITK REVISION .................................................. 106
APPENDIX G – DTM .............................................................................................. 110
APPENDIX I – COMMON PROBLEMS ................................................................. 114
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Glossary of Terms: Automatic (AUTO) A possible mode of a function block which means the block runs its
algorithms, producing data at its inputs or outputs. Basic Device A basic device is any device not having the capability to control
communications on an H1 fieldbus segment.
Back calculation output This parameter is available on output function blocks, and provides a (BKCAL_OUT) feedback mechanism to control blocks such as PID.
Capabilities File A file describing the communication objects in a fieldbus device. A
configuration device can use Device Description (DD) Files and Capabilities Files to configure a fieldbus system without having the fieldbus devices online.
Cascade (CAS) A possible mode of a function block which refers to an input derived from the output of another function block.
Device Description (DD) A machine-readable description of all the blocks and block parameters
of a device.
Fieldbus The digital, two-way, multi-drop communication links. Fieldbus Interface Card (FIC) The option card fitted to the actuator which provides the
communications interface between the DCS and the actuator.
Function Block (FB) Also known as standard function block. This is a named block
consisting of one or more inputs and outputs. These are built into fieldbus devices to achieve the desired control functionality. The FF CP has Analogue Input (AI), Analogue Output (AO), Digital Input (DI), Digital Output (DO), Control Selector (CS) and PID control (PID).
H1 A term used to describe a FF highway operating at 31.25 kbit/sec. Initialization Manual (IMAN) The forward path to a physical output is broken and the output is
tracking the downstream block. This will result in the control action being suspended.
Interoperability The capability for a device from one manufacturer to interact with that
of another manufacturer, on a fieldbus network, without loss of functionality.
Input / Output Options This parameter is contained within output function blocks and (IO_OPTS) allows different parameters to appear at various connection points.
Link Active Scheduler (LAS) One Link Master (LM) device functions as the fieldbus LAS at any one
time. The LAS is the Fieldbus device that is currently controlling access to the Fieldbus. A device that is responsible for keeping a link operational. The LAS executes the link schedule, circulates tokens, distributes time, and probes for new devices.
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Local Override (LO) A possible mode of a function block where the block can only be monitored, and no changes can occur to its set points.
Manual (MAN) A possible mode of a function block where the final element is manually input by a user, as opposed to being controlled by its algorithms.
Out Of Service (OOS) A possible mode of a function block which means the block does not run its internal algorithms and cannot be used.
Process Variable (PV) A process variable is a condition of the process fluid (a liquid or gas) that can change the manufacturing process in some way. Common process variables include pressure, temperature, flow rate, etc.
Readback This is the parameter in an output function block which indicates the actual feedback of a process, as opposed to the desired value.
Remote Cascade (RCAS) A possible mode of a function block which refers to an input derived from non-function block outputs.
Resource Block (RB) A block that describes the characteristics of the fieldbus device such
as; the device name, manufacturer and serial number.
Schedules Communication events that occur at the same time during each
control cycle. The schedule defines when Function Blocks (FBs) execute and when data / status information is published on the bus.
Segment A Foundation Fieldbus network is made up of devices connected by a
serial bus. This serial bus is called a segment (also known as a link). A section of an H1 fieldbus that is terminated in its characteristic impedance. Segments can be linked by Repeaters to form a longer H1 fieldbus. Each Segment can include up to 32 H1 devices.
Transducer Block (TB) A block that is an interface to the physical, sensing hardware in the
device. It also performs the digitising, filtering, and scaling conversions needed to present input data to function blocks, and converts output data from function blocks. The block decouples the Function Blocks from the local input/output (I/O) functions required to read the limit switches and command the actuator to move.
Virtual Communication Preconfigured or negotiated connections between virtual field devices Relationship (VCR). on a network. The quantity of VCRs able to be handled by an H1
gateway, or Link Master usually determines the number of devices on an FF highway.
Virtual Field Device (VFD) The virtual field device is a model for remotely viewing data described
in the object dictionary. The services provided by the Fieldbus Messaging Specification allow you to read and write information about the object dictionary, read and write the data variables described in the object dictionary, and perform other activities such as uploading or downloading data and invoking programs inside a device.
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Abbreviations used:
AI Analogue Input (Blocks AI1, AI2) AO Analogue Output (Block A0) BTST Bluetooth Setting Tool CFF Common File Format Comms Communications CP Common Protocol CS Control Selector Block DCS Distributed Control System DD Device Description DI Digital Input (Blocks DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5) DO Digital Output (Blocks DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4) DSM (Actuator) Digital Switch Mechanism DTM Device Type Manager ESD Emergency Shut Down FB Function Block FDT Field Device Tool FF Foundation Fieldbus FIC Fieldbus Interface Circuit HIST Host Interoperability Support Test ITK Interoperability Test Kit LAS Link Active Scheduler LM Link Master MSM (Actuator) Mechanical Switch Mechanism NIC Network Interface Circuit PCS Process Control System PDA Personal Digital Assistant PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative; A type of function block which refers to a closed loop control algorithm PST Partial Stroke Test RAM Random Access Memory RB Resource Block ROM Read Only Memory SW Software TB Transducer Block VCR Virtual Communication Relationship
Supporting Documents:
Available from the Fieldbus Foundation, Austin, Texas
Technical Overview of Foundation Fieldbus FD-003 (all parts).
Wiring and Installation 31.25 kbit/s, AG-140
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This manual is designed to be an aid to commissioning and will assist with achieving a successful integration of Rotork’s FF product into a DCS’s FF network. Correct installation should ensure a lifetime of trouble free use. This is not a manual on how to use FF. Due to the complex nature of the protocol, Rotork strongly recommends users attain a sufficient level of FF competency prior to attempting any FF commissioning work.
The FF CP option card is the third evolutionary step in Rotork’s Foundation Fieldbus journey. It has been certified as conforming to the open fieldbus standard IEC 61158 and is suitable for use on an FF H1 highway. The H1 highway uses two copper wires to both to carry the digital messages and to supply power to all the devices connected on the highway. As such it is necessary to have a suitable power supply and termination filter on the highway for the FF nodes to function.
The current version of the FF card may be fitted into any of the current Rotork Controls’ actuator product range. The FF card is an integral part of the actuator in which it is housed and is fitted within the main electrical housing. This electrical housing need never be opened once the actuator leaves the assembly plant. All adjustments to the settings for the FF card may be made via the Foundation data highway using a suitable network configuration tool. There is no external marking on the actuator to show the FF card serial number since the whole module may be replaced if it should fail.
The FF card’s circuits do not impinge on the actuator control electronics; the actuator itself remains fully self-protecting. The card performs the tasks of IEC 61158 interface, actuator data collection and the issuing of actuator commands.
The FF CP card may command the actuator into which it is fitted to open, stop, close, perform an ESD operation, perform a partial stoke operation or move to a set position. Commands to the module come from the network and may be generated in another actuator or device on the network using peer to peer, publisher/subscriber communication. Additionally, digital and analogue status information relating to the actuator is published for the other devices to read.
For a quick start guide see section 8.
Fig 1.1: Some of the actuators which use the FF CP card
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1.1 General
The FF CP card is capable of performing the following functions:–
a) Link Master / Link Active Scheduler b) Basic Device
The in-built function blocks vary in availability between the different actuator types. The input and output blocks are used to link to the transducer block and tie to the available actuator functions. For example the AI block associated with actuator torque measurement is only available in the DSM actuator type. The following table lists the function blocks and their related availability in each actuator type.
Function Block Type
Resource Block – System information
Transducer Block – Device configuration
Digital Inputs
DI 1 Closed limit or multistate
DI 2 Open limit or multistate
DI 3 Selector in remote or multistate
DI 4 General alarm or multistate
DI 5 Actuator moving or multistate
Digital Outputs
DO 1 Open or multistate
DO 2 Close or multistate
DO 3 Stop or multistate
DO 4 Single bit selectable or multistate
Analogue Inputs
AI 1 Analogue position feedback
AI 2 Torque / Thrust
Analogue Output
AO Desired position (set point command)
PID (3 term controller)
Control Selector
FF CP Card Properties
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2.1 Mechanical properties
The FF CP card consists of a single network interface card that fits directly to the main actuator control PCB. It consists of two isolated parts, the actuator interface and the network interface
Network Interface
This carries the FF highway connections and the processor handling the data highway communication and function blocks. The Network Interface contains the FF connector (SK3), polarised to prevent incorrect insertion. This connects to the three wire loom routed to the terminal compartment of the actuator. Power for the Network Interface is taken from the FF highway.
Actuator Interface
The primary connection to the actuator circuits is by a multi-pin connector on the base of Interface Card. The PCB design ensures it may only be fitted in the correct polarisation. The Actuator Interface on the FF CP card is powered from within the actuator.
Network Connector
Fig 2.1: The FF card, showing the network connector
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2.2 Electrical properties
The FF CP card does not sit in the main control path for the actuator and does not affect the actuator control integrity.
Internally stored programs control the processors on the module. The Network Interface processor software may be updated by connecting a suitable test cable and loading the new code directly, but this cannot be done in the field The FF system allows all settings for the data highway and module communication functions to be held in non-volatile memory on the Network Interface Card.
The FF data highway connection is fully isolated from the actuator electronics.
2.3 Operation and storage
The Module is designed to be stored in the actuator and operated within the same environment as the actuator.
The constraints are:
Operating temperature: -40
C to +70oC
Storage temperature: -50
C to +85o C
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% (<50
C) non-condensing
Refer to actuator manuals for range applicable for the particular actuator type.
Fitting the FF CP card
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3.1 Inside a Rotork Actuator
3.1.1 Inside an IQ3/IQT3 actuator
The FF CP card is suitable for fitting into IQ3 actuators. When factory-fitted, their wiring diagrams will contain an ‘F, e.g. 100F2000. The FF CP can be located in one of 2 or 4 option ‘slots’ located on the back of the control module PCB, housed in the electrical cover. There are 2 slots for directly connecting the option module to the control module and where those slots are already filled, the option card can be fitted on top of the existing modules. The modules can be stacked 2 high where a ‘deep’ electrical cover is fitted.
Back of the control module
Fig 3.1: The FF CP card’s location behind the control module in an IQ3
With the IQ3 actuators, the remote inputs are always present (they are conditioned by the control board) and there is an option to include Digital Outputs from relay contacts. If the FF CP is required to operate the 4 digital outputs that can be controlled from the card, then an Extra Relay Indication card associated with these outputs must be fitted into another option slot in the actuator.
The FF CP is connected to the control module by a 10 way header (SK2). The wiring harness from the actuator terminal bung connects the FF H1 highway field connections to SK3.
Option Slots
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Replacing or Fitting an FF CP Option Card
The FF CP card should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment. The actuator must be made electrically safe before opening any covers. The electrical housing cover should be removed after unscrewing the four 6mm Allen machine screws. Unplug the electrical housing loom from the control board and remove the cover. Unplug the grey ribbon cable from the edge of the control board and unplug the black plastic carrier frame from the frame legs. Unplug the loom from the FF card. Unscrew the Torx 20 screws holding the FF card into the frame and carefully unplug the FF card from the control board. The replacement board is fitted in the reverse order to removal. The wiring harness
connectors are polarised so that only the correct one will fit its mating part on the circuit boards. Don’t
forget to re-connect the grey ribbon cable to the edge of the control board. If the operation is to fit an FF CP card for the first time, then the necessary wiring loom must be added
to the internal wiring harness of the actuator. The actuator wiring diagram shows the connectors and harness used. The wiring harness is fitted inside the actuator before attempting to fit the FF CP. This requires that you remove the terminal bung, which is held in place by a large circlip. Be careful to attach the wiring loom to the correct terminals, which are numbered. Re-fit the terminal bung.
Once the loom is in place, connect it to the FF CP, then fit the FF CP to the actuator main board connector. Attach the FF CP to the frame, using the Torx 20 screws.
Once the module is fitted, the actuator should be re-assembled. Once power is applied, the field unit parameters should be checked and corrected, where necessary. Some FF TB parameters can be set and adjusted either by using the Infra-red and Bluetooth setting
tools or by Insight 2 using Bluetooth. The parameter setting procedure is covered by the IQ3 Full configuration, status and monitoring user manual, PUB002-040-00, available on the Rotork web site,
Fitting the FF CP card
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3.1.2 Inside an SI3 actuator
The FF CP is suitable for fitting into SI3 actuators. When factory-fitted, the network connections will be as in the diagram below:
Fig 3.2: The SI3 highway interface connection table
The internal layout of the actuator will be similar to that of the IQ3, when considering installation of the FF CP, as above.
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3.1.3 Inside a CVA actuator
The FF CP is suitable for fitting into CVA actuators. When factory-fitted, the wiring diagram will be CXX-80 (where X can be any value). This details the option card connections to the terminal bung. The FF CP module is fitted in the only option board slot inside the CVA electrical housing - on the underside of the Main PCB assembly. The FF CP should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment.
Fig 3.3: The FF CP located on the underside of the control PCB in a CVA actuator
To fit an FF CP card, begin by removing power from the actuator and wait until the LED on the selector knob stops illuminating. This may take several minutes if a reserve power pack of capacitors is fitted.
Remove the six M10 machine screws from the upper cover and lift it off carefully, while removing its ribbon cable connector from the socket on the Main PCB.
Remove the various wiring looms from the sockets on the edges of the Main PCB, noting carefully where they attach. Each connector is different to avoid error.
Remove the Main PCB in its plastic chassis by gently pushing the chassis legs inwards to release them from a groove in the actuator housing.
Fit the FF CP to the underside of the Main PCB using the hardware supplied with the FF CP card. The wiring loom from the actuator terminal bung connects the FF H1 field connections to SK3. If a new
card is being fitted as an upgrade, then the actuator will need to have the loom fitted. Remove the terminal bung by removing the circlip and gently pulling the bung. Attach the loom and replace the bung.
The FF CP is connected to the control module by a header, SK2. The FF CP in the CVA must be enabled. This would usually be done during factory test, but may be
required to be completed on site for conversions to FFs or if a replacement card is fitted. To enable the card, the Rotork PDA software Enlight (downloadable from the Rotork web site) is required to be used to change parameter 34. It must be read and then have 2048 decimal added to it.
This procedure is best performed by a Rotork Engineer.
Fitting the FF CP card
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3.1.4 Inside a CMA actuator
The FF CP is suitable for fitting into CMA actuators, wiring diagrams MXX-FX (where X can be any value) detail the option card connections on the terminal strip. The FF CP module is fitted in the only option board slot inside the CMA electrical housing.
Fig 3.4: The FF CP located in a CMA actuator
The FF CP should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment. The actuator must be made electrically safe before opening any covers. The electrical housing cover should be removed after unscrewing the four 6mm Allen machine screws.
The FF CP should be fitted in the position shown in the illustrations above. It plugs into the control board at the 10-way header, which is SK2 on the FF CP board. There is a wiring loom which brings the FF H1 network connection to SK3 on the FF CP.
Connection details are shown in the illustrations on the next page. The CMA actuator will need configuring, so that it is aware that control from the field is through the FF
CP card. This is done by accessing the menu structure as shown in the CMA Installation and Maintenance manual, PUB094-003, found on the Rotork web site.
Option location
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3.1.5 Inside a K range actuator
The FF CP is suitable for fitting into K-Range actuators; wiring diagrams similar to 1612ZFD detail the option card connections. The FF CP module is fitted in the only option board slot inside the K-Range electrical housing.
SK2 on the FF CP card plugs directly onto SK9 on the Main card, while a terminal bung loom brings the FF highway signals to SK3.
FF Option Card
Main Card
Fig 3.5: The FF card located in a K-Range actuator
The FF card should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment. The actuator must be made electrically safe before opening any covers. The electrical housing cover should be removed after unscrewing the four 8mm Allen machine screws.
The FF card is attached to the main card by three plastic pillars, with one metal pillar, Torx 20 screw and a fibre washer; as shown in the illustration above.
If an actuator is having the FF fitted for the first time, then the terminal bung loom must also be fitted. The terminal numbers will be found in the appropriate wiring diagram, which should be included in the fitting kit.
Fitting the FF CP card
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3.1.6 Inside a CK actuator
The FF CP card is suitable for fitting into CKC / CKRC actuators with Px5xxxxx and Kx5xxxxx series wiring diagrams. The connections and fitting in a CKRC are the same as the CKC so the following information effectively relates to both actuator types. The FF CP card is normally located in the first option board slot inside the electrical housing, using Main PCB connection SK2.
The Interface card must be correctly profiled and loaded with the appropriate connectors to match the actuator. The illustration below shows the location of the cards in the Centronik unit.
Within the actuator the remote inputs are always present (they are conditioned by the FF CP card) and there is an option to include Digital Outputs from relay contacts. If the FF CP card is required to operate the 4 digital outputs that can be controlled from the card, then the Extra Relay Indication card associated with these outputs must be fitted into the actuator. The following table describes the wiring harnesses and their function in the Centork actuator.
FF card Socket
Wiring Harness
Power and CANbus from actuator.
FF H1 highway connection.
Fig 3.6: The FF CP card located in a Centronik unit.
Option Card Location
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3.2 Replacing or Fitting an FF CP Option Card
The FF card should be replaced or fitted only in a suitable environment. The actuator must be made electrically safe before opening any covers.
Warning: Removal of certain covers will void warranty, it is advised that a Rotork approved engineer perform this function.
Suitable anti-static precautions should be taken, as the actuator circuitry contains static-sensitive components.
If an upgrade kit has been purchased please carefully follow the instructions given in the documentation provided. It will also be necessary to have the relevant actuator maintenance manual to hand when adding a new card.
The electrical housing cover should be removed and the existing FF card carefully unplugged from its main connector. The Interface card will be attached to the Main PCB mounting ring by four screws, which are T20 (or T15 if two cards are present). Once removed from the main connector the wiring loom connectors should be removed. The replacement board is fitted in the reverse order to removal. The wiring harnesses are polarised so that only the correct one will fit its mating part on the circuit board.
If the operation is to fit an FF card for the first time then the necessary wiring looms must be added to the internal wiring harness of the actuator. The actuator wiring diagram shows the connectors and harnesses used. The wiring harnesses are fitted inside the actuator before attempting to fit the FF card. Once the looms are in place connect them to the FF card, then fit the card to the actuator control board/main board connector.
Once the module is fitted the actuator should be re-assembled. If an option card is fitted into an actuator after it has left the factory then the actuator needs to be set-up to use this card in the software, the card will not do anything until this has been done. This can be done using the local HMI or Insight but ideally needs to be done by a Rotork service engineer. This is not necessary if a card is being replaced with the same type of card, e.g. replacing an FF with a new FF card.
It is advisable to check the software version numbers are the same between the new and old card to ensure consistent operation. It is also advisable to check the ITK revision of the old FF card as it may be necessary to modify the new FF card’s ITK revision. If this needs to be done, see Appendix F.
Fitting the FF CP card
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3.3 Socket, LED and Jumper functions of the FF card
Bar code
Bar code
SK 3
SK 1
The FF CP card includes two connectors (SK1 and SK3), two LED indicators (LED1 and 2) and four jumpers, (JP1 – 4). The position of these jumpers should not normally require alteration from the factory default positions. The illustration shows the default positions. The LEDs can be used to help with system diagnostics in some cases.
The function of each connector, LED and jumper is as follows: SK1 This socket connects the FF CP card to the actuator’s control PCB via a CANbus
highway SK3 This socket connects the FF CP card to the FF highways via the actuator’s
terminal bung connections.
Note there are two other connectors which are used to program the FF CP card and which are not described in this document
LED 1 Indicates the FF CP Card is communicating with the actuator’s control PCB. LED 2 When flashing, this Indicates there is an active connection to the fieldbus highway.
When on (i.e. not flashing), this indicates the fieldbus highway power is present.
Fig 3.7: Network Interface Card - Jumper and LED functions.
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JP1, Simulation In simulation mode, the user is permitted to write to primary input/output Mode Jumper actuator variables through the status and value attributes normally written to
by the transducer block. With JP1 ‘On’ a function block may have its simulation ‘active’ parameter enabled. When JP1 is ‘Off’ the primary actuator variables are not write enabled. The normal position is ‘Off’, as shown on the schematic above. See the appendix section for more information on simulation mode operation.
JP2, Hard-Write A setting can be made in the ‘FEATURE_SEL’ parameter of the Resource block Lock which prevents the writing/changing of all configuration parameters in the FF CP
card. If the FEATURE_SEL is set to ‘Hard W Lock’, the jumper function becomes write protect ‘On’ and ‘Off’. (See section 6.1 Resource Block). The normal position is ‘Off’ as shown above.
JP3, CANbus This must be left in the “Off” position as shown in the fig 9 above Terminator
JP4, Slot 0 / 1 In fig 3.7, this is shown in the slot 0 position. The jumper is moved to the slot 1 Selector position when two FF CP cards are fitted into the same actuator and one of them already has slot 0 selected.
Fig 3.8: Simulate has been activated in the AI function block.
IEC 61158 Data Highway
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4.1 Data highway
The Foundation Fieldbus network is based on the IEC 61158 data highway using copper conductors. The network also carries the power used to supply each node on the network. In the case of the FF card, the FF interface is powered from the fieldbus network. Only two wires are used for the data highway and these carry both the data signal and the module power. The actuator interface card is powered from the actuator itself and the card can only report actuator data when both the FF highway and actuator are powered up.
The data highway must be terminated with proper balancing devices at either end. The highway can use spur or stub connections to the devices but it is recommended to keep any stub lengths to a minimum for successful operation. The length of the highway and number of devices connected will vary from project to project. The standard permits up to 32 devices before a repeater in the highway must be used, however it’s extremely unlikely that this many devices will be connected to a highway. Similarly, the standard calls for a maximum segment length of 1900 metres before a repeater must be used. On a 1900 metre highway, the stipulated maximum length for a stub with one actuator is 120 metres. The data highway cable type is given by the Foundation as ‘type A’. A typical example of this type of cable is Belden 3076F.
Cable Specification
Type A Cable (e.g. Belden 3076F)
2 cores, twisted pair plus overall screen
Minimum 90% copper shielding, braid or foil
18 AWG (0.8 mm2)
24 Ohms/km max
Nominal Capacitance
80 pF/m
Fig 4.1: Typical Foundation Data Highway
(Main highway segment)
Power supply
H1 Gateway
Field Junction Box
(including terminator)
Fieldbus power supply
(including terminator)
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4.2 Fieldbus power supply
The FF card takes power from the H1 data highway. This means the internal function blocks are available for control connection between devices even when the actuator has no power.
The power is taken from a special DC power supply connected onto the network through a suitable filter. The power consumption of each FF node on the network is 20 mA and the absolute minimum voltage at the actuator terminals is 9 volts. The power supply has to contain an inductive network to prevent attenuation of the fieldbus signal by the low impedance of the power supply itself. The inductive network in the power pack makes sure that its equivalent impedance is quite high at the
31.25 kbits/sec frequency whilst still allowing a DC current to be drawn for the line-powered devices. Since each node on the fieldbus consumes power from the DC supply, great care must be taken in the
design of the installation. The design must ensure that the volt drop from the power pack to the actuator still leaves at least 9V (absolute minimum) for the FF card and ideally at least 10 Volts. The actuators can withstand a maximum voltage of 32V from the power pack and since the current consumption is virtually constant, a simple Ohm’s law calculation can be used to determine the potential at each point in the network. On power up there is no additional inrush current, i.e. the inrush current value is the same as the nominal.
The Foundation fieldbus wiring guide (AG -140) provides examples of how to calculate the voltage at each point.
Fig 4.2: Calculating the Voltage Drop
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Example of voltage drop calculation:
Assume the cable is Type A (24 Ohm per km per conductor), the resistance of each 1000 metre pair is 24 x 2 = 48 Ohms per km.
The current drawn by each node A1 to A6 is 20 mA. Voltage drop Power supply to A1 = current x resistance
= (6 x 0.020) x (0.8 x 48) = 4.6 volts Voltage drop A1 to A2 = (5 x 0.020) x (0.2 x 48) = 0.96 volts Voltage drop A2 to A3 = (4 x 0.020) x (0.2 x 48) = 0.768 volts Voltage drop A3 to A4 = (3 x 0.020) x (0.2 x 48) = 0.576volts Voltage drop A4 to A5 = (2 x 0.020) x (0.2 x 48) = 0.384volts Voltage drop A5 to A6 = (1 x 0.020) x (0.2 x 48) = 0.192volts Total system volt drop = 4.6 + 0.96 + 0.768 + 0.576 + 0.384 + 0.192 = 7.48 volts If the power supply is a 24 V unit, then the voltage at actuator A6 will be (24 – 7.48) = 16.52 volts
which is within the specified limits.
Whilst we have shown the power supply at one end of the segment, they can be fitted to the middle of the network. This would reduce the voltage drop.
Fig 4.3: Voltage Drop Example
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4.3 Termination network
Each highway must be terminated correctly at the two ends of the data highway. The terminator comprises at least one resistor and capacitor in series and they provide a characteristic impedance of 100 Ohm at 39 kHz. They need not be placed on the absolute ends of the highway but should be on the ends of the main trunk section. They are usually incorporated inside the field junction box.
There are no highway termination facilities inside the actuator itself.
Actuator Input Output Signals
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The FF CP card provides feedback data about its status and that of the actuator to the Foundation highway. This data is contained in the Transducer function block and is fully listed in the section on Function Blocks. The actuator is normally controlled by signals from the Foundation highway connecting to the Output blocks and the Transducer block. There are local controls on the actuator itself and there is the possibility to wire in direct contacts to control the movement. This section explains the primary data available and the meaning of the signals generated by the actuator.
Actuator FF CP card
Motor &
Control PCB
Control Inputs
& Outputs
2 x AI
5 x DI
4 x DO
1 x PID
1 x CS
1 x Transducer
1 x Resource
Fieldbus Message Specification
Fieldbus Access Sublayer
Data Link Layer
1 x AO
FF H1 Data Highway
Input signals are those returned by the actuator to the network about the status of the actuator and valve whilst output signals are those used to command the actuator to move or operate its internal relays. An actuator control signal such as a command to open is an output, whilst a reported status such as open limit switch reached is a feedback input.
Fig 5.1: Actuator and FF CP Card Block Diagram
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5.1 Controls
The FF CP card can be used to control the actuator and position the valve. The valve may be moved fully closed, fully open or to an intermediate position. Additionally, the actuator can make the valve adopt an Emergency Shut Down position and in some actuators perform a partial stroke test. Most actuator types can be prevented from moving by the presence of an Interlocking signal from another device on the plant. The actuator may also be operated from its local controls or by hard-wired direct contact inputs. Note that to do this the Auxiliary Mask must be correctly set.
As well as controlling the actuator the FF CP can also be used to operate 4 discrete output relays when the actuator is fitted with a relay card, assuming the DO block itself isn’t in IMAN, LO or OOS.
The control commands have three potential sources:
Foundation Fieldbus generated commands Actuator Local Controls Direct Hard-wired input controls
The full list of commands is shown in the table. The actuator types show whether the command is applicable to that actuator type.
& SI3
Foundation Network
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓
Emergency Shut Down
✓ ✓ ✓
Analogue Position Demand
✓ ✓ ✓
Partial Stroke
X ✓
Relay 1 output
Relay 2 output
Relay 3 output
Relay 4 output
X Local Actuator Controls
✓ X ✓
✓ X ✓
✓ X ✓
Direct Hard-Wired Inputs
✓ X ✓
✓ X ✓
✓ X ✓
Emergency Shut Down / Net disable
✓ X ✓
Open Interlock (active prevents opening)
✓ X ✓
Close Interlock (active prevents closing)
✓ X ✓
Note:  – Requires an extra relay board to be fitted.
Fig 5.2: Available command options
Actuator Input Output Signals
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The FF commands operate on the Transducer block through Digital Output (DO) blocks that are already connected in the default configuration. The network commands will operate the actuator provided:–
Local/Local Stop/Remote selector is in ‘Remote’ (or “Run” in a CVA).
Foundation commands are not inhibited by the ‘Inhibit/HW_DI-4’ input parameter setting
and HW_DI-4 condition.
No interlock is active.
There is no active hard-wired control input or FF control input present.
No alarm condition prevents the actuator from moving.
The Transducer and Resource blocks are in AUTO.
Open A digital command to cause the actuator to open to the fully open
position as indicated by the Open limit switch. Under correct operation the actuator stops either when the open limit switch is reached, when the torque exceeds the value set and the open limit switch has been reached, or a new command is sent over the network.
Close A digital command to cause the actuator to close to the fully closed
position as indicated by the Close limit switch. Under correct operation the actuator stops either when the close limit switch is reached, when the torque exceeds the value set and the close limit switch has been reached, or a new command is sent over the network.
Stop With no other command present, this digital command causes an
actuator motor that is running to stop.
Emergency Shut Down
A digital command that causes the actuator to drive to its Emergency position. There are settings within the actuator to determine if this is a closed, open or stay-put action.
Analogue Position Demand
This function is only available over the Foundation network. To initiate Analogue Position Control this bit must be set to 1 and all other actuator control bits must be set to 0. This enables the AO block to function. The actuator will then move to within the deadband of whatever position value has been set in the AO block output parameter (range 0-100%, resolution 0.1%). Provided limited range positioning is not invoked, the values 0% and 100% written to the AO output parameter produce a special case output where the command is revised so as to fully close the valve to its tight shut-off position (0%) and to fully open the valve (100%).
Note: Many multi-turn actuators are set to open until the open limit switch is reached and close until the closing on torque switch trips, but it is dependent on the type of valve. The quarter turn actuators normally operate 90-degree valves, use stop-bolts on the actuator or gearbox, and stop when these are reached. The control room indication is always taken from the end of travel limit switch settings
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Note: The following functions are not an option with all actuators – see Fig: 5.2.
Partial Stroke The actuator will move the valve to an intermediate position and back
to the start position provided it is at the correct end of travel position when the command is issued. The end to start from and the amount of travel are selected by parameters in the transducer block.
Relay Output 1 to 4
These 4 commands are used to energise and de-energise the internal relays on the additional relay board (if fitted). (These outputs are referred to as S5-S8 in the standard actuator documentation when there is no FF CP card in the actuator). The resulting outputs can be used for operating other equipment such as a pump or indication light. The actuator itself is not able to control these relays directly from the main board when the FF CP card is fitted; they may only be controlled by the DO blocks. They will maintain their last state if power is removed from the actuator. On restoration of power, the relays will be reset to their de-energised condition.
Hard-Wired Open and Close
These commands operate the actuator in the same way as the open and close commands sent over the Foundation highway, assuming the auxiliary input mask has been set correctly.
Hard-Wired Stop The hard-wired stop input acts as a change of state input. If the
actuator is moving, opening the Stop input will stop the actuator. If the Stop input is already open and a Foundation DO command is sent to the actuator, the Foundation command will be initiated. To stop the actuator the hard-wired input must be closed and opened again.
Hard-wired ESD (Network Disable)
The hard-wired ESD may be set to causes the actuator to drive to its Emergency position. Alternatively, the input can be used to disable Foundation network control. The function of the input is determined by a parameter in the transducer block.
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