2.0 LOGGING IN ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 User ................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.0 HOME SCREEN ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2MENU BAR .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.5 Help .............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3ICON BAR ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.1 Open Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Save As .......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.3 Save .............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.2 Bluetooth ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.7STATUS BAR ............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.7.1 Connection Status .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.0 CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTING DEVICES .......................................................................................... 22
4.1SEARCHING FOR DEVICES ............................................................................................................................. 22
4.2CONNECTING TO AN ACTUATOR .................................................................................................................... 23
4.3CONNECTING TO A BLUETOOTH SETTING TOOL ................................................................................................. 23
4.4DISCONNECTING FROM DEVICES .................................................................................................................... 23
5.1CVQ/CVLDEVICE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.1 Valve Tag ...................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.2 CVA/CVQ Type ............................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3 CVA Main PCB Software Version .................................................................................................... 25
5.1.4 Manufacturing Data ...................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.5 Service Notes ................................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.6 Date of Manufacture ..................................................................................................................... 25
6.1ACTUATOR INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.1 Actuator User Information ............................................................................................................. 38
6.1.2 Actuator Serial Numbers ................................................................................................................ 38
6.1.3 Actuator Manufacturing Information ............................................................................................. 39
6.2ACTUATOR NAME PLATE ............................................................................................................................. 40
6.2.1 Actuator Name Plate Info .............................................................................................................. 40
6.2.2 Valve Manufacturing Information .................................................................................................. 41
6.2.3 Gearbox Manufacturing Information ............................................................................................. 42
6.5.1 Power Type.................................................................................................................................... 48
6.6.1 DI Function .................................................................................................................................... 49
6.6.2 DI Input Type ................................................................................................................................. 49
6.9OPTION CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................... 53
7.0 IQ3 DATA LOGGER.................................................................................................................................... 61
7.1.1 Time Line ....................................................................................................................................... 62
7.1.3 List View ........................................................................................................................................ 64
8.1.1 Valve Tag ...................................................................................................................................... 78
8.1.2 Close Action ................................................................................................................................... 78
8.1.3 Open Action................................................................................................................................... 78
8.1.4 Close Pressure (Limit) (%) ............................................................................................................... 78
8.1.5 Close Pressure (Mid) (%) ................................................................................................................ 78
8.1.6 Open Pressure (Limit) (%) ............................................................................................................... 78
8.1.7 Open Pressure (Mid) (%) ................................................................................................................ 78
8.1.0 Open Limit ..................................................................................................................................... 78
8.3.2 Configure Local Controls ................................................................................................................ 80
8.3.3 Low Power Mode ........................................................................................................................... 80
8.3.4 Closed LED Colour .......................................................................................................................... 80
8.4DIGITAL CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................... 81
8.4.2 Hold Position ................................................................................................................................. 81
8.4.3 Position Hysteresis ......................................................................................................................... 81
8.4.4 Over Pressure Hysteresis ................................................................................................................ 81
8.4.5 Under Pressure Hysteresis .............................................................................................................. 81
8.5.3 Reference Partial Stroke Test Recorded Values ............................................................................... 83
8.6ANALOGUE CONTROL ................................................................................................................................. 84
8.6.1 Analogue Control ........................................................................................................................... 84
9.7.5 Delete All Missions......................................................................................................................... 93
9.7.6 Format BST .................................................................................................................................... 94
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Installing Insight 2
1.2 Uninstalling Insight 2
1.3 Updating Insight 2
1.1 Installing Insight 2
The Insight 2 program can be downloaded from the Insight 2 download page on:
You will be required to Log in with your Rotork Internet Portal Account to access this page.
(To register for a free Rotork Internet Portal Account click register and fill out the application form)
On the IQ Insight 2 download page you can view information about the software and the minimum
PC operating requirements. It is worth noting down the program access passwords for future use.
When you are satisfied that your machine is compatible with Insight 2, click Download IQ-Insight 2
Software for PC. This will begin the software package download for the latest version of Insight 2.
Once the download is complete, extract the install package to a user specified save location. Open
the Setup.exe file to load the installation wizard and begin the program install process. Follow the
on-screen prompts to install Insight 2.
1.2 Uninstalling Insight 2
To uninstall Insight 2 use the Uninstall Insight 2 start menu shortcut or proceed through the standard
Windows software management feature. This can be found within the control panel.
For XP users use the “Add/Remove Programs” feature.
For Vista and 7 users use the “Uninstall a program”
Select Insight 2 from the program list and select uninstall. Follow the onscreen wizard to complete
the removal of Insight 2.
1.3 Updating Insight 2
Insight 2 will be updated periodically to add new features and increased compatibility with new
Rotork actuators. To update your copy of Insight 2 please follow instructions detailed on the
download page of the Rotork website www.rotork.com/en/support/index/downloads.
2.0 Logging In
2.1 Login Screen
2.2 User Levels
2.2.1 Viewer
2.2.2 User
2.2.3 Service Engineer
2.2.4 Administrator
2.1 Login Screen
Below is the login screen for Insight 2.
This screen provides the user with four access levels on a drop down menu that require the
corresponding passwords to be entered. The check box in the bottom left allows Insight 2 to
remember your login details for easy access to the program in the future.
2.2 User Levels
The Privilege Level drop down menu presents 4 selections.
This selection will determine the available access levels visible when connecting to a Rotork
Bluetooth device.
2.2.1 Viewer
As a Viewer you can connect to any Bluetooth equipped Rotork device. These include: IQ3, CVA, EH
Pro, SI Pro and Rotork Bluetooth Setting Tool Pro. Viewer level prevents operators from modifying
the settings of an actuator.
Default Insight 2 Viewer Password: ROTORK
2.2.2 User
As a User you can perform all the tasks of a Viewer with the ability to modify setting values. An
actuator User login allows you to change some settings within the actuators configuration.
Default Insight 2 User Password: ROTORK
2.2.3 Service Engineer
This login is reserved for the use of Rotork Service Engineers.
2.2.4 Administrator
This Login is reserved for the use of Rotork Engineers.
3.0 Home Screen
3.1 Layout
3.2 Menu Bar
3.2.1 File
3.2.2 Connection
3.2.3 Security
3.2.4 Tools
3.2.5 Help
3.3 Icon Bar
3.3.1 Open Configuration
3.3.2 Save As
3.3.3 Save
3.3.4 Print
3.3.5 Send
3.3.6 Receive Configuration
3.3.7 Discard
3.4 Side Panel
3.4.1 Offline
3.4.2 Bluetooth
3.5 Range Panel
3.6 Presentation Window
3.7 Status Bar
3.7.1 Connection Status
3.7.2 Actuator Login level
3.7.3 Insight 2 Login Level
3.1 Layout
Menu Bar
Blue Icon bar
Side Panel
Range Panel
Presentation Window
Status Bar
For the purpose of this manual the main Insight 2 screen has been split into six areas as shown
3.2 Menu Bar
3.2.1 File
New Configuration
Use this function to create a new
default configuration for a compatible
Rotork product. There are 5 types of
actuator that can be configured with
Insight 2. The name and save location
of the configuration can be modified
appropriately if required.
Once “Ok” is selected the loading screen will appear as Insight 2
prepares the new configuration. This will appear in the Offline
section of the side menu (for side menu information see section
3.4.1) under the correct actuator type.
NOTE: using this function on a live actuator will clear any
previous configuration. Ensure a copy of the existing
configuration is saved before using this feature.
The configuration option allows the user to open saved configuration files. Opened files will be shown in
the Offline section of the Side menu under the relevant actuator type.
This function is only available for Rotork Service Engineers and Service centres.
When a configuration in the Offline section is changed the user can save those changes.
Save As
This function enables the user to save configuration files from the Offline or Online sections of the side
menu to a directory on the PC. These will be available for future offline use. This feature is to be used
for saving the configuration and datalogger files in the format to be read by Insight 2. For other formats
use the export feature.
This exports the current actuator configuration as either a Comma Separated Value (.csv) or a Text file
Configuration and DataLogs
This exports the current actuator configuration and data log file as either a Comma Separated Value
(.csv) or a Text file (.txt). The data log must be viewed within Insight 2 prior to exporting the data.
The Exit function will close Insight 2 and disconnect from any active Bluetooth device.
3.2.2 Connection
Discover Devices
This initialises a search for all Bluetooth enabled actuators* and setting tools within the Bluetooth
adaptor range (setting tools can only be found whilst in slave mode, refer to the Bluetooth Setting Tool
manual for more information).
Recent Discovered Devices
This provides a list of previously connected devices that the operator can connect to without requiring a
Bluetooth search*.
*Actuators must be in a Bluetooth visible mode and within range of the Bluetooth adapter to be
discovered with Insight 2.
3.2.3 Security
Change Privilege
This enables the user to change their privilege level within Insight 2 by re-opening the Login screen (see
section 2 Logging In).
Change Application Password
This function enables the current user to change the Insight 2 login passwords for the current privilege
level and any lower privilege level.
Change Actuator Password
This function is reserved for Rotork Service Engineer use only.
3.2.4 Tools
Sensor Calibration
This function is reserved for Rotork Service Engineer use only.
Zero Thrust
This function is reserved for Rotork Service Engineer use only.
CP Chat
This function is reserved for Rotork Service Engineer use only.
Unit Setting
The units displayed within Insight 2 can be set to Metric or Imperial to suit various global markets
(Insight 2 default = Metric).
Install Actuator Devices
This function enables Insight 2 to be updated using a compressed ADF file package provided by Rotork.
All future updates will be supported via this feature to ensure reliable compatibility with the continually
expanding Rotork product offering.
To download the latest ADF file please visit the Insight 2 download page:
Save the ADF file to an accessible PC directory and then browse to the file through the Install Actuator
Devices function.
On successful installation of the update you will be requested to restart Insight 2.
3.2.5 Help
View Help
Insight 2 Help
This help file is currently under construction. Future releases will include information about various
Insight 2 functions.
Actuator Help
This help file is currently under construction. Future releases will include information about various
Rotork actuator functions relevant to the connected actuator type.
About Us
Shows the current version number of the Insight 2 program and contains a brief description about the
purpose of Insight 2.
3.3 Icon Bar
3.3.1 Open Configuration
This allows the user to open a saved Configuration file (.icf) from a PC directory in the Offline
section of the Side panel.
3.3.2 Save As
This function enables configuration files from the Offline or Online sections of the side menu to
be saved in a PC directory.
3.3.3 Save
When a configuration is open in the Offline Section, this function enables the user to save any
modifications to the settings.
3.3.4 Print
This will print the current information in the presentation window as it is shown on the screen
(only available when actuator information is displayed within the window).
3.3.5. Send Configuration
This function will send all visible configuration changes to the connected actuator. Send
Configuration will only be possible when connected to a Bluetooth device.
3.3.6 Read Configuration
This function will read a device’s current configuration. Read Configuration will only be possible
when connected to a Bluetooth device.
3.3.7 Discard
Removes any unsaved configuration changes (highlighted yellow) displayed within the
presentation window.
3.4 Side Panel
Fig 1
Fig 2
3.4.1 Offline
All offline actuator configurations opened in Insight 2 are stored for the session under their respective
actuator type (see Fig 1). Configurations can be edited and viewed (with the correct privilege level) from
the expanded menu (See fig 2).
This function is reserved for Rotork Service Engineer use only.
3.4.2 Bluetooth
All actuators that have been found by after a Bluetooth search (see 1.0 and 4.0) will be visible here. The
expanded menu can only be accessed once a connection to the device has been established.
Bluetooth Setting Tool
All visible Bluetooth Setting Tools currently in slave mode and available for connection (See Bluetooth
Setting Tool Manual for details) will be visible in this section. The expanded menu can only be accessed
once a connection to the Bluetooth Setting Tool has been established.
3.5 Range Panel
The Range Panel will indicate which actuator range the current configuration or data log belongs to. If
the device is currently connected through Insight 2 the serial number and valve tag will also be
3.6 Presentation Window
The presentation window is where all configuration and data log information is displayed. Any setting
entries that are shaded grey are non-editable at the current privilege level.
3.7 Status Bar
Current status of actuator connection, actuator privilege level and Insight 2 privilege level are displayed
at all times within the Insight 2 window.
3.7.1 Connection Status
Connection status for Insight 2 is visible in the left portion of the status bar. An online connection will
show the actuator Bluetooth tag or Bluetooth Setting Tool tag and the connection method. If a
Bluetooth connection is not currently active an offline status will be displayed.
3.7.2 Actuator Login Level
Current actuator login level is shown in the middle portion of the status bar. There are three levels
available: Viewer, User and Engineer.
3.7.3 Insight 2 Login Level
The current privilege level access for Insight 2 is displayed in the right portion of the status bar. To
change access level, click on this part of the status bar or use the change privilege level option (See
4.0 Connecting and Disconnecting Devices
4.1 Searching for Devices
4.2 Connecting to an Actuator
4.3 Connecting to a Bluetooth Setting Tool
4.4 Disconnecting from Devices
4.1 Searching for Devices
Use the Discover Devices function (as detailed in 3.2). This will begin a search for all Rotork Bluetooth
enabled devices and setting tools within range of the Bluetooth adapter.
Please note only actuators with a Bluetooth Security setting of Medium or Low are visible within Insight
2. Bluetooth setting Tools have to be in slave mode to be found by Insight 2 (refer to the Bluetooth
Setting Tool Manual for information on how to activate Slave Mode).
Once the search is complete, all actuators found will be displayed in the expanded menu under the
relevant range heading. Each unit will be identified by Serial Number and Bluetooth Friendly Tag.
Bluetooth Setting Tools will be identified by the acronym BST and the Bluetooth MAC address.
4.2 Connecting to an Actuator
To connect to an actuator, double click on the actuator name or right click on the actuator name and
click Connect.
If you try to connect to more than one actuator the warning box below will be shown.
4.3 Connecting to a Bluetooth Setting Tool
Connecting to a Bluetooth Setting Tool is performed in the same manner as connecting to an actuator.
Upon connection with Insight 2 the Setting Tool’s Enter key will rapidly flash blue indicating a
connection has been established. The connection privilege Level of the Bluetooth Setting Tool is
dictated by the current Insight 2 Privilege Level.
4.4 Disconnecting from Devices
You can disconnect from a device by right clicking the device and
selecting Disconnect from the drop down menu, this is applicable
to all Bluetooth devices.
5. CVA
5.1 CVQ/CVL Device Information
5.1.1 Valve Tag
5.1.2 CVA/CVQ Type
5.1.3 CVA Main PCB Software Version
5.1.4 Manufacturing Data
5.1.5 Service Notes
5.1.6 Date of Manufacture
5.1.7 CVA Hardware
5.1.8 Main Controller Serial No.
5.1.9 UPS Controller Serial No.
5.1.10 Position Sensor Serial No
5.1.11 Motor Sensor Serial No.
5.1.12 Force Sensor Serial No.
5.1.13 User Interface Serial No.
5.2 Actuator Configuration - CVA Valve Setup
5.2.1 Valve Action Settings
5.2.2 MOVTag
5.2.3 Valve Action Settings
5.2.4 Input / Output Setup
5.3 Advanced Settings 1
5.3.1 Tight Shut Off
5.3.2 Obstruction Action Active
5.3.3 Obstruction Values Setup
5.3.4 Manual Test Knob Setup
5.3.5 CVA Status Relay Setup
5.4 Advanced Settings 2
5.4.1 Travel Alarm Thresholds
5.4.2 Bumpless Transfer Setup
5.4.3 Manual Test Knob Setup
5.4.4 CVA Status Relay Setup
5.4.5 Travel Alarm Thresholds
5.4.6 Bumpless Transfer Setup
5.5 UPS Configuration and Status
5.5.1 UPS Configuration
5.5.2 UPS Status Information
5.6 CVA Status
5.6.1 Actuator Position (%)
5.6.2 Actuator Torque/Thrust (%)
5.6.3 Analogue Demand Input (mA)
5.6.4 Analogue Position Feedback (mA)
5.6.5 ESD Input Status
5.7 CVA Data logger
5.7.1 Event Log
5.7.2 Dwell Log
5.7.3 Torque/Thrust Logs
5.7.4 Movement Log
5.1 CVQ/CVL Device Information
Please note that CVA actuators should be configured using dedicated Enlight support software. This is
available to download free of charge from www.rotork.com.
5.1.1 Valve Tag
This is a user defined name for the actuator consisting of up to 32 alpha-numeric or symbolic characters.
It is normally used by operators to specify a unique tag based on location or a description of the
actuator. This setting is linked directly to the MOVTag in the CVA Valve Setup Menu (See Section 5.2.2).
5.1.2 CVA/CVQ Type
This displays the size of the actuator, along with any options fitted. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.3 CVA Main PCB Software Version
Shows the current Main PCB software version in the actuator. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.4 Manufacturing Data
Shows the manufacturing data for the actuator. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.5 Service Notes
This is where service notes can be entered and stored for future reference. This field accepts up to 64
characters. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.6 Date of Manufacture
Shows the date of manufacture in the format YYYY/MM/DD. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.7 CVA Hardware
Shows the current CVA Hardware Number. Rotork Service Engineer use only.
5.1.8 Main Controller Serial No.
This is where the Main Controller serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.1.9 UPS Controller Serial No.
This is where the UPS Controller serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.1.10 Position Sensor Serial No.
This is where the Position Sensor serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.1.11 Motor Sensor Serial No.
This is where the Motor Sensor serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.1.12 Force Sensor Serial No.
This is where the Force Sensor serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.1.13 User Interface Serial No.
This is where the User Interface serial number can be entered and viewed. Rotork Service Engineer use
5.2 Actuator Configuration - CVA Valve Setup
5.2.1 Valve Action Settings
Valve Open Torque/Thrust Setting (%)
The slider sets the percentage of rated torque/thrust the actuator will be limited to during operation in
the open direction. This is adjustable between 40% and 100%.
Valve Close Torque/Thrust Setting (%)
The slider sets the percentage of rated torque/thrust the actuator will be limited to during operation in
the closed direction. This is adjustable between 40% and 100%.
5.2.2 MOVTag
Valve Tag
This is a user defined name for the actuator consisting of up to 32 alpha-numeric or symbolic characters.
It is normally used by operators to specify a unique tag based on location or a description of the
actuator. This setting is linked directly to the Valve Tag in the CVQ/CVL Device Information Menu (See
Section 5.1.1).
5.2.3 Valve Action Settings
Shaft Action
Specify the output direction of the actuator. CVL actuators can be configured for extend to close or
extend to open operation. CVQ actuators can be configured for clockwise to close or anti-clockwise to
Open Stop Action
The actuator can be set to stop in the open direction when it reaches the open position limit or when it
reaches the defined open torque/thrust setting value (see section 5.2.1).
Close Stop Action
The actuator can be set to stop in the close direction when it reaches the close position limit or when it
reaches the defined close torque/thrust setting value (see section 5.2.1).
5.2.4 Input / Output Setup
Demand Deadband (%)
The demand deadband sets the expected positioning accuracy of the actuator and is dependent on
various factors including actuator output speed, number of turns and valve torque. The actuator will run
until it reaches a position within the demanded deadband. The actuator will not restart until the
demanded position exceeds the extent of the deadband.
Demand Damping Clockwise (secs)
Setting a value greater than 0 will apply a delay in the clockwise direction, temporarily inhibiting
movement when a change to the set point signal occurs.
Demand Damping Anti-Clockwise (secs)
Setting a value greater than 0 will apply a delay in the anti-clockwise direction, temporarily inhibiting
movement when a change to the set point signal occurs.
4-20mA Output
Specify whether the 4-20mA output provides feedback for Valve Position or Valve Torque/Thrust.
5.3 Advanced Settings 1
5.3.1 Tight Shut Off
Valve tight shut off Open position (%)
This is the minimum position required to fully open (tight shut off) the valve.
Valve tight shut off Closed position (%)
This is the maximum position required to fully close (tight shut off) the valve.
5.3.2 Obstruction Action Active
If enabled, the actuator will back off movement if the maximum torque/thrust is exceeded during
travel. The actuator will make 3 attempts to back off and return to the set point. If disabled, the
actuator will remain stationary until a request to move in the opposite direction is received or the
obstruction is removed. To set up obstruction settings see section 5.3.3.
5.3.3 Obstruction Values Setup
Backoff Distance (%)
The distance the actuator will back off as a percentage of total travel.
Backoff Time (Sec)
The time in seconds before a back off command is executed.
5.3.4 Manual Test Knob Setup
Manual Test Knob Active
Enables or disables the Manual Test knob option provided it is fitted to the actuator.
5.4 Advanced Settings 2
5.4.1 Travel Alarm Thresholds
Direction Change Threshold Distance (%)
The distance the actuator must move (as a percentage of full travel) before a direction change is
registered by the data logger as a start. The default setting is 0.25%.
Total Direction Changes Threshold (1000s)
This can be used to generate a Travel Alarm when a set number of direction changes have been
performed by the actuator.
Total Travel Distance Threshold (%)
This can be used to generate a Travel Alarm when a set distance has been travelled by the actuator.
5.4.2 Bumpless Transfer Setup
Bumpless Transfer Distance (%)
This is the percentage of position error that will reduce the actuator speed to the Bumpless Transfer
Bumpless Transfer Speed (%)
This is the speed that the actuator will revert to if the bumpless transfer distance is exceeded. It is
measured as a percentage of rated maximum speed and the default setting is 40%.
5.5 UPS Configuration and Status
5.5.1 UPS Configuration
Action on Loss of Power
The actuator can be configured to perform four different actions on loss of power. These are:
Closed Limit: The actuator will move to the closed limit.
Open Limit: The actuator will move to the open limit.
Stayput: The actuator will remain at the current position (Default Setting).
Go To Position: The actuator will move to a pre-determined position.
Position CVA travels to on Loss of Power (%)
The position the actuator will travel to on Loss of power, provided the Power Loss Action is set for Go To
Position. The position is a percentage of the full stroke and can be configured in increments of 0.1%.
Powerloss Action Delay timeout (sec)
The delay in seconds before the Power Loss Action is executed. The maximum allowable delay to
guarantee a failsafe action will perform is 10 seconds.
Speed of Operation during UPS action rated (%)
The speed of operation during the UPS action can be adjusted as a percentage of normal operating
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