rotork Installation, Commissioning And Maintenance Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
GT Range
Pneumatic Actuator
Single-Acting and Double-Acting Configuration
Keeping the World Flowing
Installation, Commissioning and
Maintenance Manual
Section PageSection Page
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Standards & Regulations 3
3.0 General Information 4
4.0 Health & Safety 4
4.1 Residual Risks 4
4.2 Thermal Risks 4
4.3 Noise 4
4.4 Health Risks 4
4.5 Mechanical Risks 4
4.6 Magnetic Risks 5
5.0 Labels & Nameplates 5
6.0 Operating Limits 6
6.1 Allowed Fluid Types 6
6.2 Expected Lifetime 6
6.3 Tightening Torque Chart 6
7.0 Handling & Lifting 7
7.1 Lifting Recommendations 7
7.2 Lifting Instructions 7
8.0 Storage 8
9.0 Long Term Storage 8
10.0 Installation on Valve 9
10.1 Preliminary Actions 9
10.2 Instructions 9
10.3 Assembly Configurations 10
11.0 Removal from Valve 10
12.0 Operation 11
12.1 Description 11
12.2 Single and Double Limit Stop 12
12.3 Angular Stroke Setting 13
12.4 Pneumatic Power Supply 14
12.5 Pneumatic Connections 14
12.6 Electrical Connections 15
12.7 Start Up 15
13.0 Dismantling & Disposal 16
14.0 Rotork Sales and Service 16
15.0 Troubleshooting 17
16.0 Periodic Maintenance 18
17.0 Part List 32
18.0 Grease Specification 34
18.1 Grease 34
Single-acting actuatorDouble-acting actuator
This manual contains important safety information.
Please ensure it is throughly read and understood
before installing, operating or maintaining the
Rotork Fluid Systems reserves the right to modify,
amend and improve this manual without notice.
Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
Due to wide variation in the terminal numbering of
actuator products, actual wiring of this device should
follow the print supplied with the unit.
1.0 Introduction2.0 Standards & Regulations
This manual covers maintenance aspects and instructions
specific to the GT range actuators. General information on
Rotork Fluid Systems actuators are described in the User
Manual, delivered separately.
In this manual, warning indications are represented by icons,
according to ISO 7010 Safety Signs:
Generic danger
Hand crush / pinch point
Explosive material
Customer Service
For technical assistance, please contact the
Rotork Fluid Systems Customer Service:
Rotork Fluid Systems, Via Padre Jaques Hamel 138B,
Porcari, Lucca, IT. Tel: +39 0583-222-1
Rotork plc, Brassmill Lane, Bath, UK. Tel +44 (0)1225 733200
Actuators destined for European member states have been
designed, built and tested according to the Quality Control
System, in compliance with the EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
and with the following regulations/directives.
2006/42/EC: Machinery Directive
2014/34/EU: Directive for safety equipment and systems
to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
ISO 80079-36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres – Basic method and requirements
ISO 80079-37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres – Non-electrical type of protection
construction safety "c", control of ignition sources "b",
liquid immersion "k".
Keeping the World Flowing
3.0 General Information4.0 Health & Safety
This manual is produced to enable a competent user to install,
operate and maintain the Rotork Fluid Systems GT Actuator
Single- and Double-Acting.
The mechanical installation should be carried out as outlined
in this manual and also in accordance with any relevant
national standard codes of practice.
Maintenance and operation should be carried out in
accordance with National Legislation and Statutory Provisions
relating to the safe use of this equipment, applicable to the
site of installation.
Any inspection or repair in a Hazardous Area should not be
undertaken unless it conforms to National Legislation and
Statutory Provisions relating to the specific Hazardous Area.
Only Rotork approved replacement parts should be used.
Under no circumstances should any modification or alteration
be carried out on the equipment, as this could invalidate the
conditions under which its certification was granted.
Only trained and experienced operators should be allowed
to install, maintain and repair Rotork Actuators. Work
undertaken must be carried out in accordance with
instructions in this manual. The user and those persons
working on this equipment should be familiar with their
responsibilities under any statutory provisions relating to the
Health and Safety of their workplace.
Operators should always wear appropriate Personal
Protection Devices (PPDs) in line with the existing plant
Appropriate Usage
Rotork Fluid Systems GT actuators have been specifically
developed to motorize part turn valves, such as ball valves,
butterfly valves or plug valves installed on pipelines for oil &
gas transport and distribution.
Improper use can damage the equipment or cause
dangerous situations for health and safety. Rotork
Fluid Systems declines any responsibility for damage
to people and/or objects resulting from the use of
the equipment for applications different from those
described in the manual.
Before installing the equipment, verify it is suitable for the
intended application. If unsure consult Rotork Fluid Systems.
4.1 Residual Risks
Residual risks resulting from equipment risk evaluation
performed by Rotork Fluid Systems.
4.2 Thermal Risks
Risk Hot/Cold surface during normal
operation (RES_01).
Preventive measures
Operators should wear protective gloves.
4.3 Noise
Preventive measures Operators should wear ear protections.
Noise >85 dB during operation (RES_05).
Operators should not stand near the
equipment during operation.
4.4 Health Risks
Risk Pressurized fluid ejection during
normal operation (RES_02).
Preventive measures All fittings must be properly sealed.
All fixing clamps must be correctly
tightened and sealed.
Risk Risk of intoxication (according to the
type of medium utilized) (RES_06).
Preventive measures Operators must use P.P.Ds and any
other equipment (breathing apparatus)
based on the type of supply medium.
4.5 Mechanical Risks
Risk Uncontrolled movement (remote
operation) (RES_03) (This risk is
applicable only for actuators provided
with control panel).
Preventive measures Assure that the actuator cannot be
operated remotely. Prior to starting,
remove pneumatic supply, vent all
pressure vessels, and remove
electrical power.
Risk Presence of moving parts (center body,
valve adapter) (RES_04).
Preventive measures Do not perform start-up or test
the actuator if the cylinder tube is
Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
4.0 Health & Safety
5.0 Labels & Nameplates
Risk Loss of stability with possible parts
projection (RES_08).
Preventive measures Do not disassemble the actuator
in case of malfunctioning. Follow
instructions in the manual and contact
Rotork Fluid Systems.
Preventive measures Foresee periodic maintenance
procedure to verify tightening.
Risk Presence of potential energy (RES_10)
during dismantling.
Preventive measures Do not disassemble the actuator
during dismantling. Follow instructions
in the manual and contact Rotork
Fluid Systems.
4.6 Magnetic Risks
Risk Risk of magnetic field/disturbance and
exothermic reactions.
Preventive measure The End User shall assure that actuator
and its components are installed
far from magnetic field, electromagnetic field, radioactive source,
electroacoustic transducer which could
modify its behaviour.
(This mitigation is applicable only for
actuators provided with control panel).
Avoid maintenance operations with
acid/basic solutions.
The following label is applied externally to the each Actuator:
Via Padre jacques Hamel, 138B
Fluid Systems
MAX PRESSURE : 1,0MPa/10bar/150Psi
Serial Number
Product of Italy
Tel: +00 (039) 0583 2221
Fig 5.1 Actuator label
In case of ATEX and/or EAC certifications the following labels
with be also applied:
II 2 G Ex h IIC T5 Gb
II 2D Ex h IIIC T100°C Db
T. amb. -50 °C +70 °C
Модель: GT / RCR - пневматический привод
№ TC RU C-IT.ME92.B.00889
Серийный номер привода указан на корпусе привода
Темп. окр. среды: -50 °C +70 °C
Fig 5.2 Actuator ATEX/EAC label for standard
T. amb. -15 °C +160 °C
Модель: GT / RCR - пневматический привод
№ TC RU C-IT.ME92.B.00889
Серийный номер привода указан на корпусе привода
Темп. окр. среды: -15 °C +160 °C
Fluid Systems
Deposited in Cesi
Тех. пакет: R563-X/2017
Депозитарий в
г. Чези, Италия:
temperature (-50°C<T<+70°C)
Fluid Systems
II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb
Deposited in Cesi
Тех. пакет: R563-X/2017
Депозитарий в
г. Чези, Италия:
Fig 5.3 Actuator ATEX/EAC label for high
temperature (-15°C<T<+160°C)
Fluid Systems
II 2G Ex h IIC T2 Gb
T. amb. -60 °C +200 °C
Модель: GT / RCR - пневматический привод
№ TC RU C-IT.ME92.B.00889
Серийный номер привода указан на корпусе привода
Темп. окр. среды: -60 °C +200 °C
Fig 5.4 Actuator ATEX/EAC label for low
temperature (-60°C<T<+200°C)
Label removal is not allowed.
Keeping the World Flowing
Deposited in Cesi
Тех. пакет: R563-X/2017
Депозитарий в
г. Чези, Италия:
6.0 Operating Limits
Temperature: -50 °C to +70 °C (-58 °F to +158 °F)
NBR o-ring, Delrin Guide
-15 °C to +160 °C (+5 °F to +320 °F)
Viton o-ring, IXEF Guide
-60 °C to +200 °C (-76 °F to +352 °F)
Silicon o-ring, PTFE Guide
Operating pressure: 2 to 10 bar (compressed air)
Operating pressure: 2 to 5 bar (methane, ethane,
propane, butane)
Do not use the equipment outside its operating limits.
It is critical that external surface temperature does not reach
or exceed the ignition temperature of potentially explosive
atmospheres when installed in these locations.
The actuator surface temperature is strictly dependent
on the temperature of the process fluid used and by the
irradiation’s conditions. The end-user has to check the surface
temperature of the assembly, so that this cannot exceed the
minimum gas ignition’s temperature, which classifies the area
with the explosion’s risk.
Dust and debris accumulated on the actuator will slow down
its cooling and contribute to the increase of its external
6.3 Tightening Torque Chart
Actuator size
52 - 63M582
75 - 83 - 92M6123
110 - 118M815 4.5
143 - 160M10208
190 - 210M122813
254 - 255 M144020
Stop nut
6.1 Allowed Fluid Types
GT pneumatic actuators are designed to be operated with
Gas, Instrument air filtered PNEUROP/ISO class 4; if not
differently specified in specific project documentation.
Do not use the actuator in presence of naked flames.
6.2 Expected Lifetime
Expected Lifetime greater than 25 years, in normal service
conditions and with planned maintenance.
Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
7.0 Handling & Lifting
Only trained and experienced personnel should
handle/lift the actuator.
GT actuators are supplied packed in cardboard boxes suitable
for normal handling.
Handle the actuator with care.
7.1 Lifting Recommendations
The lifting device and the sling must be suitably rated for
the actuator weight and dimensions
Do not use damaged sling(s)
The sling must not be shortened with knots or bolts or
any other makeshift device
For lifting purposes, use only suitable lifting tools
Do not drill holes, weld eye bolts or add any other type of
lifting device on the actuator external surface
Do not lift the actuator and valve combination with the
actuator lifting lugs
Every assembly must be estimated separately for a safe
and correct lifting
Avoid pulls or abrupt movements during lifting. Avoid
pushing the load
During lifting operations, do not handle the slings and/or
the actuator
Do not step underneath suspended load.
7.2 Lifting Instructions
NOTE: Indication of weight, center of gravity,
lifting points are reported within project specific
Consult project specific documentation before lifting.
Prior to lifting the actuator, remove electrical power and
vent all pressure vessels (if present)
Actuators up to size 160 can be manually lifted
Actuators sizes from 190 to 302 must be lifted using the
lifting lugs to be installed on the top side of the actuator
The actuator must remain horizontal; balance the load.
Angle β must between 0° and 45° as shown opposite
Fig 7.1 Lifting (size 190)
Keeping the World Flowing
8.0 Storage
9.0 Long Term Storage
Rotork Fluid Systems actuators have been fully tested before
leaving the factory.
In order to keep the actuator in good condition
until installation, at least the following measures are
Check presence and assembling of dust plugs
Keep the actuator on shipping pallet until installation
Never put the actuator directly on the ground.
Actuator must be positioned upwards
Protect against adverse weather conditions, covering the
actuators with appropriate polyethylene sheets
Check the actuator condition every 6 months and verify
the above protection measures remain in place
Remove package only when required for
If long term storage is necessary, further operations must
be carried out to maintain the actuator in a good working
Storage should be indoors and the units should be
protected against humidity and other harmful elements
Replace the plastic plugs with metal plugs
Stroke the actuator every 12-months
Cycle the actuator (using filtered, dehydrated air) to the
working pressure indicated on the name plate
Cycle the actuator with all the existing controls
(i.e. two complete strokes - one open, one closed)
at least 5 times
Cycle the actuator fitted with the mechanical manual
override or hydraulic manual override by means of the
override for 4 complete strokes
Disconnect the pneumatic and electric (if present)
supply from the actuator, and carefully close all the
threaded connections of the actuator
Remove electrical component covers (if present) to ensure
control terminals are clean and free from oxidation and
humidity. Reassemble the covers
In case of storage for over 12 months prior to installation,
it is recommended to operate the actuator to verify
correct operation
Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
10.0 Installation on Valve
Before proceeding, read and understand the Health and
Safety information.
Note: The valve should be properly secured prior to
performing the following operations according to
instructions provided by the Valve Manufacturer.
Prior to performing any operations check the
operating drawings and TAG numbers.
Consult Rotork Fluid Systems for any additional information.
10 .1 Preliminary Actions
Verify the Hazardous Area classification of the
actuator is compatible with the plant zoning. Refer to
actuator nameplate.
The centreline of the cylinder is usually aligned to the
centreline of the associated pipe work
Ensure all fasteners are adequately tightened to avoid
loosening during operation, taking into account the
vibrations induced by the dynamics of the pipeline
Piping used to provide power to the actuator must be
free from contaminants and debris. Ensure tubing runs
are adequately fastened and supported to minimize
repetitive stress induced by the dynamics of the pipeline.
Ensure there are no leaks from any gas connections.
Tighten as required
10.2 Instructions
Actuator to valve attachment can be performed by:
Mounting directly using the actuator housing bottom
flange drilling
Using an adapter and a coupling joint between the
actuator and the valve
Actuator bottom flange drilling is in accordance to ISO 5211
(DIN 3337) standard.
The assembly position of the actuator must be in accordance
with the actuator design, plant requirements and the valve
model. In order to assemble the actuator onto the valve,
proceed as follows:
Verify the coupling dimensions of the valve flange and
stem; they must meet the actuator coupling dimensions
(refer to PUB110-001 for metric and PUB110-002 for
Actuator is supplied in the fail position (for single-acting).
Set the valve in the right position according to the
actuator fail position. Check the position of the actuator
by means of the position indicator on the body or on the
limit switch box (if present)
Clean the coupling flange of the valve and remove
anything that might prevent adherence to the actuator
flange. Grease shall be completely removed
Inspect, clean and apply grease on the coupling hole
(valve side of coupling joint)
Lubricate the valve stem with oil or grease, to facilitate
Lift the actuator according to instructions in section 7.0.
If possible, place the valve stem in a vertical position
to facilitate assembly – in this case the actuator must
be lifted while the coupling flange is kept in the
horizontal position
If a direct mounting is applied, insert the valve stem
directly into the actuator pinion
If the assembly uses an adapter and a coupling joint,
assemble the coupling joint onto the valve stem before
proceeding with mounting of the actuator
Do not exert any force while lowering the actuator
onto the valve
Installation must be performed by qualified personnel.
Hands must be kept away from the coupling area.
Fig 10.1 Actuator bottom connections
Each pinion, as standard, is provided with a female key ISO
5211 double square, allowing direct mating to the valve stem,
or coupling.
Optional valve interfaces are ISO 5211 single square parallel,
ISO 5211 single square diagonal and double D.
Fix the actuator to the valve by means of threaded
connections (bolts, stud bolts and nuts)
Tighten bolts or nuts of the connecting stud bolts to the
correct torque, in accordance with the size and material
characteristics of the bolts installed by the Customer,
please refer to the Tightening Torque Chart, section 6.3
Support the actuator until fully installed and fixing
bolts are correctly tightened.
Attention: Do not pressurize the actuator/
valve adapter.
Keeping the World Flowing
10.0 Installation on Valve11.0 Removal from Valve
10.3 Assembly Configurations
Different orientations of pinion and pistons are identified
as follows:
Fig 10.2 A ssembly A – Clock wise to close actuators,
upper shaft perpendicular to body
Fig 10.3 A ssembly B – Clock wise to close actuators,
upper shaft parallel to body
The end user is in charge of removing the actuator
from the valve.
Removal shall be performed only by qualified staff,
wearing/using appropriate personal protection devices.
Do not remove the actuator if the valve is blocked in
the intermediate position. Contact Rotork Fluid Systems
Customer Service.
In order to disassemble the actuator from the valve, proceed
as follows:
Isolate electrical power supply
Isolate pneumatic /hydraulic supply
Release any pressure from the control group
Remove the supply pipes from the actuator
Remove control and signal lines from electric components
(if any)
Sling the actuator in line with the instructions given in
section 7.0
Unscrew bolts or nuts from the stud bolts fixing the
actuator to the valve
Lift and remove the actuator from the valve
Fig 10.4 A ssembly C – Counter-clockwise to close
Fig 10.5 A ssembly D – Counter-clockwise to close
actuators, upper shaft perpendicular to body
actuators, upper shaf t parallel to body
Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
12.0 Operation
The following instructions must be followed and integrated
into end user safety program when installing and using
Rotork products. Read and save all instructions prior to
installing, operating and servicing this product.
Follow all warnings, cautions and instructions marked on and
supplied with the product.
Install equipment as specified in Rotork installation
instructions and as per applicable local and national
codes of practice. Connect all products to the proper
pipeline gas sources.
Ensure that the qualified service technician uses only
replacement parts specified by Rotork.
Substitutions will invalidate any hazardous area certification
and may result in fire, electrical shock, other hazards or
improper operation.
12 .1 Description
GT range actuators are a rack and pinion design, available
in both double-acting and single-acting (spring-return)
The rack and pinion design assures constant torque, strength
and reduced overall dimensions. All double-acting actuators
can be easily field converted to spring-return type by inserting
the correct number of spring cartridges to the double-acting
unit without changing the existing end caps. This eliminates
bulky housing extensions and saves weight and space.
For 90° execution, specially designed and patented preloaded
self-containing spring cartridges are completely contained
assuring safe installation and removal. For 120°-180° action
the springs are free.
Standard action is 90°, 120°, 135°, 180° and 240°.
Customised angles are available, as well as three position
Fig 12.1 GT spring-return main components
Fig 12.2 GT double-acting main components
Table 1: GT double-ac ting main components
1Mechanical stop bolt1
3End cap2
5Rack 2
6Spring cartridge*
7Mechanical stop bolt1
(*) Model dependant
Keeping the World Flowing
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