Technical Information
Date: May 16, 1997
Model: RR 927, RR 970
Subject: Programming
Rotel System Remote Controls
The RR 927 is the system remote control from Rotel. This remote will operate all
current 900 series Rotel remote controllable components (except RSP 960AX). To use
the RR 927, it is necessary to select the program codes for your individual Rotel
components. These codes set the commands for each section of the controls for the
various Rotel components.
The RR 927 is preset from the factory to operate the following components without
additional setup:
•Amps/Preamps (RA 985BX, RC 972, RC 995, RSP 970, RSP 980, RTC 970)
•Tuners (RT 940AX, RTC 940AX, RTC 970, RX 950AX)
•CD players (RCD 970BX, RCD 975)
•Cassette decks (RD 960BX)
To use the RR 927 with other Rotel components, it is necessary to select a new
command set for each group of functions -- CD, tape, amplifier, etc. Programming for
the RR 927 will revert to the preset command sets when its batteries are removed.
The four categories of components controlled by the RR 927 are:
•Amplifiers - red AMP button
•Tuners - gray TUNER button
•CD players - gray CD button
•Cassette decks - gray TAPE 1 button

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Programming the RR 927 requires two buttons being pressed so that they are both
activated at the same time. You may press and hold one button and then press
another, or you may press them simultaneously. The AMP, TUNER, CD and TAPE 1
buttons will determine the category of component to be programmed, while the
NUMBER buttons (0-9) will determine which specific component's command set in that
category will be programmed.
Press the following button combinations to program command sets for these Rotel
•AMP and 1 buttons: RTC 940AX, RX 950AX
•AMP and 2 buttons: RA 985BX, RC 972, RC 995, RSP 980, RTC 970
•TUNER and 1 buttons: RT 940AX, RTC 940AX, RTC 970, RX 950AX
•TUNER and 4 buttons: RT 990BX
•CD and 1 buttons: RCD 970BX, RCD 975
•CD and 2 buttons: RCC 935
•CD and 3 buttons: RCC 945/55
•CD and 4 buttons: RCD 990
•TAPE 1 and 1 buttons: RD 960BX
For example: To set the RR 927 to operate the RCC 945 multi-disc player, press and
hold the gray button labeled "CD" and then press the number 3 button for a brief
moment. Release both buttons. The RR 927 will now be programmed to operate the
Rotel RCC 945 multi-disc player instead of the RCD 970BX and RCD 975 (the factory
default command sets for the RR 927). Note that programming a command set for one
category of components, such as CD players, does not effect programming for other
categories such as tuners. Some Rotel components require the selection of command
sets in more than one category -- i.e. tuner and amp command sets for the RX 950AX
receiver or RTC 940AX and RTC 970 tuner/preamps.
Programming can be done over and over again to suit your changing needs. In some
cases, it may be beneficial to have components from the same category but with
different code sets in the same room, so that operation of one will not effect the other.
For example, the RR 927 can be programmed to operate one CD player for recording