Rosemount® 333 HART® Tri-Loop™
Product Data Sheet
September 2015
00813-0100-4754, Rev GB
HART-to-Analog Signal Converter
Convert a digital HART signal into three additional analog signals
Easy to configure and install
Accessory product for multivariable instruments
Available as either high-alarm or low-alarm device

Rosemount 333
Intrinsically Safe Barrier
Rosemount 3051S
Rail Mounted
HART Tri-Loop
Ch. 3
Ch. 2
Ch. 1
Burst Input
to Tri-Loop
RL 250
HART Burst Command 3/
Analog Output
Control Room
receives power
from Control Room
for Primary Variable
Channel 1 must be
powered for the
Tri -Loo p to oper ate
Each Tri-Loop
Channel receives
power from
Control Room
HART Tri-Loop HART-to-Analog Signal Converter
September 2015
Convert a digital HART signal into three analog signals
Convert a multivariable digital HART signal into independent
4-20 mA analog process variables using the Rosemount 333
HART Tri-Loop. Apply in control or monitoring applications to
obtain up to three additional analog outputs without
additional process penetrations.
Accessory product for multivariable instruments
For use with the Rosemount 3051S MultiVariable
, 3051S
Advanced HART Diagnostics, and 3144P products. When
used with the 3051S MultiVariable Transmitter, the 333 HART
Tri-Loop allows possible outputs of Differential, Absolute or
Easy to configure and install
The 333 HART Tri-Loop is easy to configure and maintain
using the 475 Field Communicator. AMS
provides easy PC-based user configuration. Installation is
quick and easy with three DIN rail mount options and
electrically isolated analog output channels for flexible
Available as either high-alarm or low-alarm device
Tri-Loop alarm channels are factory configured. All channels
alarm if the attached device indicates a sensor failure or
transmitter malfunction.
Gage pressure, Process Temperature, Mass or Volumetric
Flow, Energy Flow, Totalized Flow, and Sensor Module
Temperature. When used with the 3051S Advanced HART
Diagnostics, possible outputs include Pressure, Sensor
Module Temperature, Scaled Variable, Standard Deviation,
and Mean. When used with the Rosemount 3144P, possible
outputs include Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Differential and
Transmitter Terminal Temperature.
Figure 1. Example Tri-Loop Installation with Rosemount 3051S MultiVariable Transmitter
Device Manager
Ordering Information ................................................... 3
Specifications ..............................................................3
Dimensional Drawings ..................................................5