Roland Music Atelier AT-100, Music Atelier AT-300, Music Atelier AT-500, Music Atelier AT-75 Voice & Rhythm Manual

Voice & Rhythm List
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form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
Voice List
Full Organ1 *1 Full Organ2 *1 Full Organ3 *1 Full Organ4 *1 Full Organ5 *1 Full Organ6 *1 Full Organ7 *1 Ballad Organ *1 Jazz Organ1 *1 Jazz Organ2 *1 Jazz Organ3 *1 Jazz Organ4 *1 Jazz Organ5 *1 Jazz Organ6 *1 ComboJazzOrg *1 Rock Organ1 Rock Organ2 Lower Organ1 *1 Lower Organ2 *1 Lower Organ3 *1 Lower Organ4 *1 Lower Organ5 *1 Lower Organ6 *1 Manual Bass *1 Pipe Organ1 Pipe Organ2 Pipe Organ3 Pipe Organ4 Pipe Organ5 Pipe Organ6 Pipe Organ7 AEx Pipe Mix AEx PipeOrg Diapason 8’ FluteCeleste Trompet 8’ Bombarde16’ Tibia 8’ *2 Theater Or.1 *2 Theater Or.2 *2 Theater Or.3 *2 Theater Or.4 *2 Theater Or.5 *2 Theater Or.6 *2 Theater Or.7 *2 Theater Ens. AEx Theater *2 Synth. Org.1 *2 Synth. Org.2 Synth. Org.3 *2 Pop. Organ1 *2
Pop. Organ2 *2 Pop. Organ3 *2 Org. Attack1 Org. Attack2 Org. Attack3 Org. Attack4 Org. Click
Orch.Str.Ens *2, *4 Strings1 Strings2 Strings3 *2 Strings4 *2 Strings5 Strings6 Strings7 *2 Pizzicato *2 Mellow Pizz. *2 AEx Strings AEx Str+Chr Mood Strings *2 Slow Str.1 Slow Str.2 Synth. Str.1 Synth. Str.2 Synth. Str.3 Violin *2 AEx Violin *2 Viola *2 Cello *2
Human Voice
Jazz Scat *2 Dreamy Choir *2 Jazz Doo *2 Jazz Doot *2 Jazz Dat *2 Jazz Bap *2 Jazz DowFall *2 Pop Voice *2 Soprano 2 Tenor Classical Gregorian Choir Synth. Choir Synth. Voice *2 Space Voice
Grand Piano Piano1 Piano2 Piano3 AEx PianoStr Honky-tonk Honky-tonk2 StageE.Piano *2 Dyno E.Piano *2 E.Piano1 E.Piano2 E.Piano3 AEx EP+Str Harpsichord Clavi.
Nylon-str.Gt *2 Nylon Gt.2 *2 Requinto Gtr *2 Ac.Gtr Sld *2 Steel-str.Gt *2 12str Guitar *2 Jazz Guitar *2 Clean Guitar *2 JC E.Guitar *2 Overdrive Gt *2 DistortionGt *2 Muted Guitar *2 Hawaiian Gt. *2 Banjo *2 Mandolin Harp *2 Harpvox *2 Koto *2 Taisho Koto *2 Shamisen *2 Sitar *2
BrassSect.1 *2 Orch.Tutti 1 *2 Orch.Brs Ens *2 Power Brass *2 Brass Fall *2 AEx Brass *2 Twin Tp. *2 Tp. Section *2 Twin Bones *2 Fr.Horn Sect Fr.HornSect2
: Active Expression Voice *1: Rotary: effective, Chorus: ineffective *2: Vibrato: effective, Aftertouch: effective
*3: Voices that also produce sound when you take your finger off the keyboard *4: D Beam [Filter]: ineffective
Voice List
Sax.Section *2 Sax.Section2 *2 Sax/Brass Synth. Brass *2 Trumpet *2 Trumpet2 *2 Tp/Shake *2 Mariachi Tp. *2 Cup Mute Tp. *2 Mute Trumpet *2 MuteTrumpet2 *2 Flugel Horn *2 Trombone *2 Trombone2 *2 F.Horn Solo1 *2 Soprano Sax *2 Soprano Sax2 *2 Alto Sax Ex *2 Alto Sax *2 Alto Sax2 *2 Blow Sax *2 AEx AltoSax *2, *4 Super Tenor *2 Tenor Sax *2 Tenor Sax2 *2 BaritoneSax *2
Wood Winds *2 Flute *2 Flute3 *2 Jazz Flute *2 AEx Flute *2 Piccolo *2 Synth. Flute Oboe *2 Bassoon *2 Clarinet *2 Clarinet2 *2 Clarinet3 *2 Clarinet4 *2 Shakuhachi *2 Pan Flute *2 Pan Flute 2 *2 Bagpipe *2 HumanWhistle *2
Synth. Lead1 *2 Synth. Lead2 *2 Synth. Lead3 *2 Synth. Lead4 *2 Synth. Lead5 *2 Synth. Pad1 Synth. Pad2
Sugar Key *2 HollowReleas *2 Acco.Classic *2, *3 Accordion Bandoneon *2 Harmonica *2
Organ Bass1 Organ Bass2 Pipe Org. Bs Bombarde Str.Bass Pdl *2 String Bass *2, *4 String Bass2 *2 Str.Bass Oct *2 Bass+Cymbal *2 Contrabass1 *2 Contrabass2 *2 ContraBs Oct *2 AEx Bs+Timp Tuba Tuba3 *2 E.Bass1 E.Bass2 *2 E.Bass Oct *2 Synth. Bass1 Synth. Bass2 Voice Thum *2
Timpani Timpani2 MalletCymRol Crash Cymbal *2 Ride Cymbal Snare Drum Bass Drum Triangle *2 Tambourine Woodblock Jingle Bell *2 Church Bell Perc. Set1 Perc. Set2 Perc. Set3 *2 Vibraphone *2 Glockenspiel Celesta Organ Harp Tubular-bell Marimba MarimbaTreml *3 Xylophone Steel Drums
Santur *2 Music Box *2 Vibra Bells *2 Finger Snap Bird *2
AEx Voice
AEx Pipe Mix AEx PipeOrg AEx Theater *2 AEx Strings AEx Str+Chr AEx Violin *2 AEx PianoStr AEx EP+Str AEx Brass *2 AEx AltoSax *2 AEx Flute *2 AEx Bs+Timp
: Active Expression Voice *1: Rotary: effective, Chorus: ineffective *2: Vibrato: effective, Aftertouch: effective
*3: Voices that also produce sound when you take your finger off the keyboard *4: D Beam [Filter]: ineffective
Voice List
A11 Full Organ1 *1 A12 Full Organ2 *1 A13 Full Organ3 *1 A14 Full Organ4 *1 A15 Full Organ5 *1 A16 Full Organ6 *1 A20 Ballad Organ *1 B11 Jazz Organ1 *1 B12 Jazz Organ2 *1 B13 Jazz Organ3 *1 B14 Jazz Organ4 *1 B15 Jazz Organ5 *1 B16 Jazz Organ6 *1 B17 ComboJazzOrg *1 B21 Rock Organ1 B22 Rock Organ2 C11 Lower Organ1 *1 C12 Lower Organ2 *1 C13 Lower Organ3 *1 C14 Lower Organ4 *1 C17 Manual Bass *1 D11 Pipe Organ1 D12 Pipe Organ2 D13 Pipe Organ3 D14 Pipe Organ4 D15 Pipe Organ5 D16 Pipe Organ6 D21 Diapason 8’ D22 FluteCeleste D41 AEx PipeOrg E11 Theater Or.1 E12 Theater Or.2 E13 Theater Or.3 E14 Theater Or.4 E15 Theater Or.5 E18 Tibia 8’ F11 Synth. Org.1 F12 Synth. Org.2 F21 Pop. Organ1 F22 Pop. Organ2 G11 Strings1 G12 Strings2 G13 Strings3 G15 Strings5 G21 Orch.Str.Ens G31 AEx Strings H11 Slow Str.1 H12 Slow Str.2 H15 Mood Strings H21 Synth. Str.1 H22 Synth. Str.2 H31 Synth. Pad1 H32 Synth. Pad2
I11 Violin I12 Viola I13 Cello I14 Pizzicato I21 AEx Violin J11 Jazz Scat J12 Pop Voice J13 Jazz Doo J14 Jazz Doot J15 Jazz Dat J16 Jazz Bap J17 Jazz DowFall J21 Choir J22 Gregorian J23 Classical J31 Synth. Choir J33 Space Voice K11 Grand Piano K14 Piano3 K15 AEx PianoStr K21 Honky-tonk K31 E.Piano1 K32 E.Piano2 K33 E.Piano3 K35 StageE.Piano K37 AEx EP+Str K41 Harpsichord K42 Clavi. L11 Accordion L12 Bandoneon L21 Harmonica M11 Nylon-str.Gt M12 Nylon Gt.2 M21 Steel-str.Gt M22 12str Guitar M23 Ac.Gtr Sld M31 Jazz Guitar M32 Clean Guitar M33 JC E.Guitar M41 Overdrive Gt N11 Hawaiian Gt. N12 Banjo N13 Mandolin N14 Koto N16 Shamisen N21 Harp N31 Sitar O11 Vibraphone O12 Glockenspiel O13 Celesta O14 Music Box O21 Marimba O22 Xylophone
O31 Tubular-bell O41 Steel Drums O52 Vibra Bells P11 Tp. Section P15 Power Brass P17 BrassSect.1 P21 Fr.Horn Sect P25 Orch.Brs Ens P27 Orch.Tutti 1 P31 Sax.Section P32 Sax.Section2 P34 Sax/Brass P41 Synth. Brass P53 AEx Brass Q11 Trumpet Q12 Trumpet2 Q13 Tp/Shake Q21 Mute Trumpet Q31 Trombone Q32 Trombone2 Q41 Flugel Horn Q42 F.Horn Solo1 Q51 Soprano Sax Q61 Alto Sax Q63 Blow Sax Q65 AEx AltoSax Q71 Tenor Sax Q72 Tenor Sax2 R11 Flute R13 Flute3 R16 AEx Flute R22 Pan Flute R31 Oboe R32 Bassoon R34 Wood Winds R41 Clarinet R42 Clarinet2 R51 Shakuhachi R52 HumanWhistle R61 Bagpipe S11 Synth. Lead1 S12 Synth. Lead2 S13 Synth. Lead3 S14 Synth. Lead4 S18 Sugar Key T11 Organ Bass1 T12 Organ Bass2 T21 Pipe Org. Bs T23 Bombarde T31 String Bass T32 Bass+Cymbal T37 Str.Bass Oct T41 Contrabass1
: Active Expression Voice *1: Rotary: effective, Chorus: ineffective
T42 Contrabass2 T44 ContraBs Oct T51 E.Bass1 T52 E.Bass2 T56 E.Bass Oct T61 Tuba T63 Tuba3 T71 Synth. Bass1 U11 Org. Attack1 U13 Org. Attack3 V11 Timpani V21 Ride Cymbal V22 Crash Cymbal V23 Tambourine V24 Woodblock V25 Jingle Bell V26 Snare Drum V27 Bass Drum V31 Perc. Set1 V32 Perc. Set2 V62 Triangle
Voice List
Voice List
A11 Full Organ1 *1 A12 Full Organ2 *1 A13 Full Organ3 *1 A14 Full Organ4 *1 A15 Full Organ5 *1 A20 Ballad Organ *1 B11 Jazz Organ1 *1 B12 Jazz Organ2 *1 B13 Jazz Organ3 *1 B14 Jazz Organ4 *1 B15 Jazz Organ5 *1 B17 ComboJazzOrg *1 B21 Rock Organ1 C11 Lower Organ1 *1 C12 Lower Organ2 *1 C17 Manual Bass *1 D11 Pipe Organ1 D12 Pipe Organ2 D13 Pipe Organ3 D14 Pipe Organ4 D21 Diapason 8’ D41 AEx PipeOrg E11 Theater Or.1 E12 Theater Or.2 E13 Theater Or.3 E14 Theater Or.4 F11 Synth. Org.1 F21 Pop. Organ1 G11 Strings1 G12 Strings2 G15 Strings5 G21 Orch.Str.Ens G31 AEx Strings H11 Slow Str.1 H15 Mood Strings H21 Synth. Str.1 H31 Synth. Pad1 H32 Synth. Pad2 I11 Violin I12 Viola I13 Cello I14 Pizzicato J11 Jazz Scat J12 Pop Voice J13 Jazz Doo J14 Jazz Doot J15 Jazz Dat J16 Jazz Bap J17 Jazz DowFall J21 Choir J23 Classical K11 Grand Piano K15 AEx PianoStr
K21 Honky-tonk K31 E.Piano1 K32 E.Piano2 K35 StageE.Piano K41 Harpsichord L11 Accordion L12 Bandoneon L21 Harmonica M11 Nylon-str.Gt M21 Steel-str.Gt M22 12str Guitar M23 Ac.Gtr Sld M31 Jazz Guitar M41 Overdrive Gt N11 Hawaiian Gt. N12 Banjo N13 Mandolin N21 Harp N31 Sitar O11 Vibraphone O12 Glockenspiel O13 Celesta O21 Marimba O22 Xylophone O31 Tubular-bell O41 Steel Drums P11 Tp. Section P17 BrassSect.1 P21 Fr.Horn Sect P25 Orch.Brs Ens P27 Orch.Tutti 1 P31 Sax.Section P41 Synth. Brass P53 AEx Brass Q11 Trumpet Q21 Mute Trumpet Q31 Trombone Q41 Flugel Horn Q42 F.Horn Solo1 Q51 Soprano Sax Q61 Alto Sax Q71 Tenor Sax R13 Flute3 R16 AEx Flute R22 Pan Flute R31 Oboe R32 Bassoon R34 Wood Winds R41 Clarinet R51 Shakuhachi S11 Synth. Lead1 S12 Synth. Lead2 S18 Sugar Key
T11 Organ Bass1 T12 Organ Bass2 T21 Pipe Org. Bs T31 String Bass T32 Bass+Cymbal T37 Str.Bass Oct T42 Contrabass2 T44 ContraBs Oct T51 E.Bass1 T56 E.Bass Oct T61 Tuba V26 Snare Drum V27 Bass Drum V31 Perc. Set1
: Active Expression Voice *1: Rotary: effective, Chorus: ineffective
Voice List
A11 Full Organ1 *1 A12 Full Organ2 *1 A13 Full Organ3 *1 B11 Jazz Organ1 *1 B12 Jazz Organ2 *1 B13 Jazz Organ3 *1 C11 Lower Organ1 *1 C12 Lower Organ2 *1 D11 Pipe Organ1 D12 Pipe Organ2 D13 Pipe Organ3 D41 AEx PipeOrg E11 Theater Or.1 E13 Theater Or.3 G15 Strings5 G21 Orch.Str.Ens H11 Slow Str.1 H15 Mood Strings H31 Synth. Pad1 I11 Violin I13 Cello J11 Jazz Scat J13 Jazz Doo J23 Classical K11 Grand Piano K15 AEx PianoStr K31 E.Piano1 K41 Harpsichord L11 Accordion L21 Harmonica M11 Nylon-str.Gt M21 Steel-str.Gt M31 Jazz Guitar N11 Hawaiian Gt. N12 Banjo N13 Mandolin N21 Harp O11 Vibraphone O12 Glockenspiel O21 Marimba P11 Tp. Section P21 Fr.Horn Sect P25 Orch.Brs Ens P31 Sax.Section Q11 Trumpet Q31 Trombone Q61 Alto Sax Q71 Tenor Sax R13 Flute3 R31 Oboe R34 Wood Winds R41 Clarinet S12 Synth. Lead2
T11 Organ Bass1 T31 String Bass T42 Contrabass2 T51 E.Bass1 T61 Tuba V26 Snare Drum V27 Bass Drum
: Active Expression Voice *1: Rotary: effective, Chorus: ineffective
Drums/SFX Set List
Drum Set1 (AT-900/80SL).eps
Gospel Clap
SD Roll Pop BD B Pop BD A Pop Rim Shot
Pop SD 1 Pop SD Flm B
Pop SD 2 Pop LwTomFlm Pop CloseHH1 [EXC1]
Pop Lw Tom Pop CloseHH2 [EXC1]
Pop MdTomFlm
Pop Open HH [EXC1] Pop Md Tom Pop HiTomFlm PopCrashCym1
Pop Hi Tom PopRideCym1A
Pop ChinaCym Pop RideBell Tambourine 2
Splash Cym ChaChaCowbel
Vibra-Slap 2 Pop RideCym2 Hi Bongo 2 Lw Bongo 2
Hi CongaSlap Hi Conga 2
Lw Conga 2 Hi Timbale 2 Lw Timbale 2
Hi Agogo Lw Agogo
Shaker 2
Shaker 3 ShortWhistle [EXC2] Long Whistle [EXC2] Short Guiro [EXC3]
Long Guiro [EXC3] Claves
Hi WoodBlock Lw WoodBlock Mute Cuica [EXC4]
Open Cuica [EXC4] MuteTriangle [EXC5]
OpenTriangle [EXC5]
Shaker 1 Jingle Bell Bell Tree Castanets A
Mute Surdo [EXC6] Open Surdo [EXC6]
Cana HiTimbaleFlm LoTimbaleFlm
HiTimbalePhr Shekere 1
Shekere 2
Lw BongoMute Hi BongoMute
Gospel Clap SD Roll Rk BD 1B Rk BD 1A Rk Rim ShotA Rk SD 1A Rk SD Flm Rk SD 1B Rk LwTom Flm Rk CloseHH 1 [EXC1] Rk Lw Tom Rk CloseHH 2 [EXC1] Rk MdTom Flm Rk Open HH [EXC1] Rk Md Tom Rk HiTom Flm PopCrashCym1 Rk Hi Tom Rk Ride Cym Pop ChinaCym Pop RideBell Tambourine 2 Splash Cym ChaChaCowbel China Cym Vibra-Slap 2 PopRideCym1B Hi Bongo 2 Lw Bongo 2 Hi CongaSlap Hi Conga 2 Lw Conga 2 Hi Timbale 2 Lw Timbale 2 Hi Agogo Lw Agogo Shaker 2 Shaker 3 ShortWhistle [EXC2] Long Whistle [EXC2] Short Guiro [EXC3] Long Guiro [EXC3] Claves Hi WoodBlock Lw WoodBlock Mute Cuica [EXC4] Open Cuica [EXC4] MuteTriangle [EXC5] OpenTriangle [EXC5] Shaker 1 Jingle Bell Bell Tree Castanets A Mute Surdo [EXC6] Open Surdo [EXC6] Cana HiTimbaleFlm LoTimbaleFlm HiTimbalePhr Shekere 1 Shekere 2 Lw BongoMute Hi BongoMute
Gospel Clap SD Roll Pop BD B Pop BD A Jz SD Sweep1 Jz SD A Jz SD Sweep2 Jz SD B Jz LwTom Flm Pop CloseHH1 [EXC1] Jz Lw Tom Pop CloseHH2 [EXC1] Jz MdTom Flm Pop Open HH [EXC1] Jz Md Tom Jz HiTom Flm Jz CrashCym1 Jz Hi Tom Jz RideCym 1 Jz China Cym Jz RideCym 2 Tambourine 2 Splash Cym ChaChaCowbel Jz CrashCym2 Vibra-Slap 2 Pop RideCym2 Hi Bongo 2 Lw Bongo 2 Hi CongaSlap Hi Conga 2 Lw Conga 2 Hi Timbale 2 Lw Timbale 2 Hi Agogo Lw Agogo Shaker 2 Shaker 3 ShortWhistle [EXC2] Long Whistle [EXC2] Short Guiro [EXC3] Long Guiro [EXC3] Claves Hi WoodBlock Lw WoodBlock Mute Cuica [EXC4] Open Cuica [EXC4] MuteTriangle [EXC5] OpenTriangle [EXC5] Shaker 1 Jingle Bell Bell Tree Castanets A Mute Surdo [EXC6] Open Surdo [EXC6] Cana HiTimbaleFlm LoTimbaleFlm HiTimbalePhr Shekere 1 Shekere 2 Lw BongoMute Hi BongoMute
Gospel Clap Vox Dut Vox Dom Vox Trush Vox Hehho Vox Doyear Vox Thu Vox That Vox Aahhh Vox Tu Vox Dooh Vox Ptu Vox Down Vox Pa Vox Bom Vox Toear Vox Aahhu Vox Toya Vox Thuh Vox Cheey Vox Cymm Vox Tub Vox Pruru Vox Tut Vox Tyun Vox Tdum Vox Afahhh Hi Bongo 2 Lw Bongo 2 Hi CongaSlap Hi Conga 2 Lw Conga 2 Hi Timbale 2 Lw Timbale 2 Hi Agogo Lw Agogo Shaker 2 Shaker 3 ShortWhistle [EXC2] Long Whistle [EXC2] Short Guiro [EXC3] Long Guiro [EXC3] Claves Hi WoodBlock Lw WoodBlock Mute Cuica [EXC4] Open Cuica [EXC4] MuteTriangle [EXC5] OpenTriangle [EXC5] Shaker 1 Jingle Bell Bell Tree Castanets Mute Surdo [EXC6] Open Surdo [EXC6] Cana HiTimbaleFlm LoTimbaleFlm HiTimbalePhr Shekere 1 Shekere 2 Lw BongoMute Hi BongoMute
- - - - -: no sound [EXC]: will not sound simultaneously with other percussion instruments of the same number
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