Roland Kiwi-8P User Manual

Table of Contents
Kiwi-8P Features................................................................6
Kiwi 8P Flow Chart............................................................7
Kiwi 8P Front Panel...........................................................8
Front Panel Description.....................................................9
RED BUTTONS...........................................................................................................9
WRITE BUTTON.........................................................................................................9
MIDI PANIC BUTTON.................................................................................................9
CANCEL BUTTON......................................................................................................9
GREY EDIT BUTTONS.............................................................................................10
MASTER TUNE BUTTON........................................................................................10
MIDI BUTTON..........................................................................................................10
NAME BUTTON.......................................................................................................10
PARAMETER BUTTON............................................................................................11
CONTROL BUTTONS...............................................................................................11
HOLD BUTTON........................................................................................................11
ARP BUTTON...........................................................................................................11
SEQ BUTTON...........................................................................................................11
KEY MODE BUTTON................................................................................................11
CHORD BUTTON.....................................................................................................12
GLOBAL TEMPO BUTTON.......................................................................................12
KEY TRANSPOSE.....................................................................................................12
TAP TIMER................................................................................................................12
SYSEX DUMP...........................................................................................................13
QUICK EDIT BUTTON..............................................................................................13
NAME EDIT LEFT.....................................................................................................13
NAME EDIT RIGHT...................................................................................................13
GREEN BUTTONS....................................................................................................14
GROUP 1-8...............................................................................................................14
BLUE BUTTONS.......................................................................................................15
BANK 1......................................................................................................................15
BANK 2......................................................................................................................15
BANK 3......................................................................................................................15
BANK 4......................................................................................................................15
BANK 5......................................................................................................................15
BANK 6......................................................................................................................16
BANK 7......................................................................................................................16
2 JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
BANK 8......................................................................................................................16
RED BUTTONS.........................................................................................................17
TONE 1-8..................................................................................................................17
PG-800 Support..............................................................18
Performance Control Section..........................................19
Pitch Bender Range.................................................................................................19
LFO Trigger...............................................................................................................19
JX-8P Upgrade Notes......................................................20
Digital Oscillators......................................................................................................20
Front Panel Buttons..................................................................................................20
Factory Presets.........................................................................................................21
Midi Received...........................................................................................................21
Midi Panic.................................................................................................................21
Note Hold..................................................................................................................21
Edit Buffer Compare.................................................................................................21
LFO Generators........................................................................................................22
Sequencer Writing / Editing.....................................................................................24
C) Playing.................................................................................................................26
Chord Mode....................................................................28
Parameter Editing............................................................29
DCO Parameters.......................................................................................................29
VCF Parameters........................................................................................................30
LFO Parameters........................................................................................................30
Modulation Matrix.....................................................................................................31
VCA Level..................................................................................................................33
VCA LFO Level..........................................................................................................33
VCA LFO Select........................................................................................................33
VCA ENV Select........................................................................................................33
VCA Dynamics..........................................................................................................33 JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Voice Assign Mode...................................................................................................34
Voice Mode Steal......................................................................................................34
Voice Mode Staccato................................................................................................34
Analogue Feel...........................................................................................................34
Seq One Shot...........................................................................................................34
Seq Key Down Play..................................................................................................35
Seq Auto Transpose.................................................................................................35
Seq Auto Trans Reset...............................................................................................35
Sequence Complete.................................................................................................35
Patch Clock...............................................................................................................35
ARP Step Timing.......................................................................................................35
SEQ Step Timing......................................................................................................36
ENV ADSR................................................................................................................36
ENV KEY...................................................................................................................36
Quick Edit Assign.....................................................................................................36
Mod Wheel Destination...........................................................................................36
Mod Wheel Level......................................................................................................36
AT Destination...........................................................................................................37
GLOBAL PARAMETERS...........................................................................................37
Device ID...................................................................................................................37
Master Clock Source................................................................................................37
Midi Clock Gen.........................................................................................................37
Mod Wheel Level......................................................................................................37
Aftertouch Level Multiplier........................................................................................37
Not Used...................................................................................................................37
Hold Pedal Mode......................................................................................................38
Cart Import................................................................................................................38
Factory Reset............................................................................................................38
Setting up with External Devices.....................................39
Importing/Exporting Tones..............................................40
Importing Tones........................................................................................................40
Exporting Tones........................................................................................................40
Firmware Updates...........................................................42
Test Mode........................................................................43
Upgrade install................................................................44 JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Adjustments for the JX-8P...............................................53
Midi Data.........................................................................55
Continuous Controllers............................................................................................56
Real Time Commands..............................................................................................60
Midi Sysex Support.........................................................61
Midi Sysex Data........................................................................................................62
5 JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Kiwi-8P Features
Tones are stored in Flash memory so no battery is required.
MidiCC & Sysex support for all parameters and Midi Sysex support for Tone Dump & Load
PG-800 Support for Control of Parameters
Key Assign Modes are Poly Single, Poly Dual, Poly Triple, Unison & Solo
Each Key Assign mode can have Rotate/Reassign, Staccato/Legato, Steal/No Steal with five steal modes (Highest,
Lowest, Oldest, Newest, Quietest)
Portamento in all modes
DCO Key Assign Detune available in all key modes except Solo. In addition there is a 'Analog Feel' parameter that
add an adjustable small random frequency to each note. Detune is best used with Poly Dual, Poly Triple or Unison keying modes for greatest effect
Three independent envelope generators. These are traditional ADSR type and are modeled on the Original JX-8P. Each ENV Mod can select from ENV 1 - 3 and has an Inverted or Normal modes. These are faster than the traditional JX-8P envelopes
Three independent Low Frequency Oscillators with 6 waveforms each. Each LFO Mod can select from LFO 1-3. LFOs can be plus and minus base note or plus base note only.
Aftertouch scaling option to help with the failing 8P aftertouch strip.
Key transpose allows transposition to any key with a range of plus 2 or minus 1 octaves. Sequencer key can be
shifted while playing
Internal Master Clock with the range 5-299 BPM.
Full Matrix mod system that can channel any mod source to any destination. The matrix mod control parameter can
itself be modified from various sources making the matrix very powerful
A quality Front Panel Overlay is provided with the Kiwi-8P upgrade
Any chord with up to 6 notes can be set and played from any key
The Arpeggiator is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8 Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note.
Arp modes are Up, Down, Up and Down, Random, As Played, 1, 2, 3 or 4 octaves
Arp can be Started, Stopped & Continued using Midi Commands
Appeggiator will Output Midi Data
8 separate 124 Max step Polyphonic sequences can be created and stored
Sequences can be edited
The Sequencer is clocked from the Master Clock and can be independently divided to Half Note, Quarter Note, 1/8
Note, 1/8 Note Half Swing, 1/8 Note Full Swing, 1/8 Note Triplets, 1/16 Note, 1/16 Note Half Swing, 1/16 Note Full Swing, 1/16 Note Triplets, 1/32 Note, 1/32 Note Triplets, 1/64 Note.
Sequencer will Output Midi Data
Sequencer tracks can optionally be used to control parameters or output midi data JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Kiwi 8P Flow Chart
Kiwi 8P Front Panel
Front Panel Description
The Kiwi-8P front panel differs from the original 8P in a number of ways and the Kiwi-8P Upgrade redefines most of the buttons on the Roland JX-8P. Many of the buttons have been assigned new functions and others now operate differently. An overlay label is supplied with the upgrade that fits over the existing JX-8P front panel label. This has the additional benefit of fixing the very common label cracking that occurs on the jx-8p front panel
The new layout can be seen on the front panel layout on the previous page.
Because of the number of parameters in the Kiwi-8P the parameter editing system has also been altered. Each parameter has a three button addressing system that looks like G1 B1 T1. These refer to the Group buttons 1-8, Bank buttons 1-3 & Tone buttons 1-8.
Most of the other buttons have also changed use and function and are described here in more detail.
The WRITE button has different operation depending on the mode the Kiwi-8P is currently in.
For writing a Tone to permanent memory in normal play mode simply press WRITE followed by the Group (1-8), Bank (1-8) and Tone (1-8). The actual write is done when the Tone button is pressed and the Group and Bank buttons are optional. If the Tone you wish to save is in the same Group or Bank you can skip selecting these again.
A Tone can be easily copied from one location to another by selecting a different Group and/or Bank before pressing the Tone button.
The MIDI PANIC will stop all sound from the Kiwi-8P.
This button is also used to put the Kiwi-8P into update mode. This is done by holding down this button during power on.
If you are editing a sequence then the editing can be finished by pressing the Write if you wish to save the seq to permanent memory. To save a sequence press WRITE followed by Tone 1-8. The Group and Bank are not used for Sequences.
If the memory is protected then an error message will display when a write is attempted.
To perform a FACTORY RESET which will clear all memory hold WRITE and MIDI PANIC down as you power on the Kiwi-8P.
Warning – this will clear all memory in the synth and there will be no confirmation.
The CANCEL button will exit most operations. The Arp & Seq Step Timing button edits will need to be exited via the same Step Timing button.
This button is also used to put the Kiwi-8P into test mode. This is done by holding down this button during power on. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
The MASTER TUNE button allows the synth global fine tune to be set.
The Tune is changed by moving the EDIT slider.
The MIDI button allows the synth global midi options to be set. These will be memorised and retained when the power is turned off.
The button will cycle though the seven global midi parameters and the value is changed using the Edit Slider
1) Midi In – This can be 1-16 or Omni
If omni is set any midi channel is recognised by the Kiwi-8P
2) Midi Out - This can be 1-16
3) Seq Midi Out - This can be 1-16
and will only apply to notes from the sequencer output
4) Soft Through – There are four
possible options.
Stop All – No incoming midi is sent
out the Midi Out
Pass All – All incoming midi is sent out
the Midi Out
Pass Only Non CC – All Midi except
CC is passed to Midi Out
Stop Used CC – All Midi is passed to
Midi Out except CC commands that are recognised and used by the Kiwi­8P
The Master Tune can be set from A395 to A485.
Press Master Tune Again or CANCEL to exit master tune mode.
5) Program Change Enable – There
are four possible options.
Off – No program change is sent or
In Only – Program Change commands
are received but not sent
Out Only – Program Change
commands are sent but not received
Both In & Out – All Program
Commands are both sent & received
6) CC Enable – There are four
possible options.
Off – No MidiCC is sent or received In Only – MidiCC are received but not
Out Only – MidiCC are sent but not
Both In & Out – All MidiCC are both
sent & received
7) Sysex Enable – There are two
Off – No sysex is recognised by the
On – Sysex with correct header
information will be recognised
The NAME button allows the Name of the currently selected Tone to be edited. Name editing is temporary until the Tone is changed and will only be retained if the Tone is written to memory.
Editing is done by selecting the letter to change using the Left & Right Arrow buttons and using either the Edit Slider or any button with a letter on it. E.g. The Bank 1 button can be used for the letter 'G'.
Once editing is finished control can be returned to normal mode by any of the following methods.
1) CANCEL is pressed
2) WRITE is pressed to save the Tone
3) NAME is pressed JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letter “W”
The PARAMETER button allows editing of all the parameters for a Tone as well as some of the Global Parameters. A parameter is made up of three sections.
1) a 'G' number. These are selected using the Group buttons 1-8.
2) a 'B' number. This number is selected from the Bank buttons 1-3
3) a 'T' number. This number is selected using the Tone buttons 1-8.
The HOLD button will toggle HOLD mode. The LED will be on when HOLD is on.
Every parameter will have an ID. For example the VCF cutoff looks like 212 (G2B1T2). To get to this parameter for editing press Parameter, Group button 2, Bank button 1, Tone button 2 in that order. The value of the cutoff can now be changed using the EDIT SLIDER.
If edits are made using the PG-800 the parameter being edited will be identified on the display using the same numbering system.
Also see the Quick Edit Button.
During Name Editing this button will select the letter W
Edit Letter “X”
Edit Letter “Y”
Edit Letter “*”
This button will toggle the ARP On and Off. The LED will be on when the ARP is playing.
This button will toggle the SEQ On and Off. The LED will be on when the Sequence is playing.
The KEY MODE button will rotate around 5 Key Mode types.
POLY SINGLE – Each note played will select a single sounding voice. Voice assign parameters 421 – 423 will effect how notes are assigned.
POLY DUAL – Each note played will select two sounding voices.
POLY TRIPLE – Each note played will select three sounding voices.
UNISON – Only the last note played will select 6 sounding voices.
During Name Editing this button will select the letter X
During Name Editing this button will select the letter Y
SOLO – Only the last note played will select 1 sounding voices.
During Name Editing this button will select the symbol '*' JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letter “-”
Edit Letter “,”
The CHORD button allows Chords to be set or cleared. To set a chord play the chord near middle C & press and release the CHORD button while the keys are being held. The Chord Light will be lit when a chord is set.
The GLOBAL TEMPO BUTTON is used to set the master internal clock rate. This is done by pressing the GLOBAL TEMPO button and setting the speed using the EDIT SLIDER. The speed range can be set from 5 BPM to 299 BPM. Press the GLOBAL TEMPO Button again to return to the previous mode.
Each note played with the chord set will be used as the base note for the chord. Keying will behave the same as Unison or Solo and some keying mode parameters will not have any effect.
To clear a chord press and release the Chord Button with no keys pressed. The Chord light will turn off.
During Name Editing this button will select the letter - (Minus)
The Master Clock source can be selected from one of 2 sources using Global parameter edit G6B1T2.
1) Internal clock
2) Midi
During Name Editing this button will select the letter , (Comma)
Edit Letter “Z”
Edit Letter “/”
The Kiwi-8P Key Transpose can be changed using this button.
While the Key Transpose Button is pressed, press the note you wish to transpose to on the keyboard. Then release the Key Transpose button. The current transpose will show on the display while the button is pressed.
It is also possible to step the transpose up and down using the left & right arrow buttons while the Key Transpose button is pressed
The internal clock rate can be set by using this button. Tapping this button in time with the beat will set the internal clock to this rate. The first tap will display “TIMING TAP” and the second tap will display the actual BPM that was measured.
During Name Editing this button will select the letter Z
During Name Editing this button will select the letter / (forward slash) JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letter “\”
The Kiwi-8P can output a number of different sysex dumps and this button is used to start the dump process.
The button sequence to send a sysex dump out the midi out is press SYSEX DUMP, then select the DUMP type using the Yellow SEQ buttons then followed by the WRITE button. The dump will only start when the WRITE is pressed.
A Dump can be canceled before it starts by pressing the CANCEL button.
Note - Write Protect must be off to Load Dumps into the Kiwi-8P
Note – The Kiwi-8P may become unresponsive during a large sysex dump
Seq Select – Dump Current Tone
The currently selected tone will be dumped
Seq Edit – Dump Current
Sequence. The currently selected Sequence will be dumped
Seq Step Timing – Dump All 64
Tones from currently selected Group.
Warning – Large file size
Seq Length – Dump All Sequences
Warning – Large file size
Seq New – Dump Global Data
During Name Editing this button will select the letter \ (back slash)
Edit Letter “ “
Move Edit Position Left
Move Edit Position Right
This button can be set up with a Edit Parameter ID as a short cut into Parameter Editing. To assign an edit parameter to this button use parameter edit 531
This button will move the Name letter being edited to the Left if possible.
Note – The Kiwi-8P tone name is 20 characters. Due to display size on the 8P only the first 12 characters are displayed
This button will move the Name letter being edited to the Right if possible.
During Name Editing this button will select a space
During Name Editing this button will move the selected letter one position to the left if possible.
During Name Editing this button will move the selected letter one position to the right if possible. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letters “1-8”
These buttons will select Group 1 to Group 8 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load.
When writing a Tone these buttons will select the Group 1-8 that the Tone will be stored under. The Tone is not written to memory until the Tone Button is pressed. This allows a tone to be written (or moved) to any position in memory.
Each Group has 64 Tones (8 Banks x 8 Tones) and there are 8 Groups making a total of 512 Tones in total.
During Parameter Editing these buttons will select the G1 to G6 parts of the parameter number.
During Name Editing these buttons will select the numbers 1-8 JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letter “G”
Edit Letter “H”
Edit Letter “I”
This button will select Bank 1 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
When writing a Tone these buttons will select the Bank that the Tone will be stored under. The Tone is not written to memory until the Tone Button is pressed. This allows a tone to be written (or moved) to any position in memory.
This button will select Bank 2 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
This button will select Bank 3 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
During Seq Editing this button will change the editing step to the first step. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number G
During Seq Editing this button will insert a Rest. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number H
During Seq Editing this button will insert a Tie. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number I
Edit Letter “J”
Edit Letter “K”
This button will select Bank 4 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
This button will select Bank 5 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
During Seq Editing this button will step the editing position forward one position if possible. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number J
During Seq Editing this button will step the editing position backward one position if possible. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number K JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Edit Letter “L”
Edit Letter “M”
Edit Letter “N”
This button will select Bank 6 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
This button will select Bank 7 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons
This button will select Bank 8 Tones under normal play mode. The Tone will immediately load. Each Bank has 8 Tones which are selected using the TONE buttons.
During Seq Editing this button will allow overdubs on an existing sequence. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number L
During Seq Editing this button will allow a step to be inserted at the current step on an existing sequence. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number M
During Seq Editing this button will allow a step to be deleted at the current step on an existing sequence. This is explained in more detail in the Sequencer description
During Name Editing this button will select the number N JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
TONE 1-8
Edit Letters “O-V”
These buttons will select Tones 1 to
8. The Tone will immediately load.
The same tone that is selected when the synth is switched off will automatically loaded when the Kiwi­8P is switched on.
Note - If the tone being used when the synth is powered off has an Arp or Sequence running when it is saved it will automatically start running when the synth is powered on or the Tone is loaded.
When writing a Tone these buttons will select the Tone number that the Tone will be stored under. The Tone will be written to memory when the Tone Button is pressed.
Note – Write protect must be off to write a tone to memory. A MEM PROTECTED message will show on the display if a write is attempted with the protect on.
To Load a sequence the SEQ SELECT button must be pressed before the Tone button.
During Name Editing these buttons will select the letters O to V JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
PG-800 Support
The PG-800 is supported by the Kiwi­8P. Because of the nature of the PG­800 interface the edits made this way can have audible stepping. This is because the hardware interface in the PG-800 is fairly slow. Smoother edits can be achieved by using the Parameter Editing system and using the Edit slider or by using a midi editor. If this is a problem it is recommended to use a midi controller.
All PG-800 Parameters are supported in the Kiwi-8P JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Performance Control Section
Pitch Bender Range
LFO Trigger
This four position switch allows you to change the range of the Bend lever. In the original JX-8P these ranges were 2, 3, 5 & 7 semitones. The Kiwi-8P has extended the range and it is now 2, 3, 5 & 12 semitones
The Bend lever LFO trigger in the JX-8P is a simple on/off switch. The output level of this can be set separately for the Midi Output (Global Parameter 614) and Tone modulation (Tone Parameter
Portamento is available in all playing modes. The Portamento On/Off and Rate are set on the Panel next to the Bend Lever.
Changing the Portamento On/Off or moving the Rate Control will change the saved setting in the edit buffer.
Note - This Switch settings is saved with the Tone.
This was not possible with the original JX-8P
On all factory programs the LFO button has been configured to a moderate level of DCO LFO level on the DCO to give a vibrato effect.
Note – The LFO source from the bend lever trigger does not include the LFO Delay and is always present.
Note - This Slider setting is saved with the Tone.
This was not possible with the original JX-8P.
Note - The Portamento setting will only be changed and overwritten in the Tone while the Portamento Switch is set to 'ON'. If the switch is 'OFF' then the Portamento Rate will be saved as zero when the Tone is written to memory.
The After touch slider is a hardware level that changes the after touch level before it reaches the Kiwi-8P. For this reason this level cannot be saved with the Tone.
The JX-8P has a problem with the after touch strip that is under the keys. These oxidize internally over time and this reduces the AT effect that can be produced. This is a difficult and labour intensive repair as the entire keyboard needs to be disassembled and is usually expensive and has limited long term success rate.
The Kiwi-8P has tried to address this by adding a AT multiplier parameter. This parameter will allow the AT strip output to be made more sensitive by multiplying the output from this by 2, 4 or 8 times.
This parameter is a Global setting number 515. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
JX-8P Upgrade Notes
Digital Oscillators
The JX-8P Synthesizer uses programmable dividers from a single master oscillator to generate the pitch of the notes. While this does create very a stable pitch it does create some issues. Because the dividers are being reprogrammed every time the pitch for that voice changes, the leading edge of the DCO pulse is constantly changing in relation to the other voices. This is a 'feature' of the JX-8P hardware and cannot be altered.
This is especially noticeable when playing in Square wave with Unison or one of the Poly multiple voice modes as more than one voice is playing the same pitch but the start point of the voice waves will not be the same. The audible result of this is that random notes can sound 'thin' with much of the bass portion missing at certain start point combinations. Anything that effects the pitch of a voice (detune, analogue feel, pitch bending, lfo mod, Portamento etc) will change the DCO wave voice start points and change the sound.
Another 'feature' of this type of oscillator is with smooth changes between notes audible stepping will increase the higher the frequency. The reason for this is the change required in the divider ratio gets smaller as the frequencies get higher with fewer divider steps between notes.
This will be audible on LFO, Bend, portamento etc and the higher the frequency and the faster the change the worse the problem. This is a hardware problem and cannot be addressed
Front Panel Buttons
All the front panel buttons on the JX­8P have been designed without blocking diodes. The result of this is if you push two buttons at the same time unintended effects happen.
In version 4+ of the Kiwi-8P program the synth will undergo a tuning process whenever the Kiwi-8P is switched on.
This also happens in the JX-8P but is more obvious in the Kiwi-8P as the display updates any switch presses. The JX-8P does not display many of the button or switch changes.
This tuning fine tunes the SAW waveform shape. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
Factory Presets
Midi Received
Midi Panic
The Kiwi-8P display provides feedback and instructions that make navigating the menu much easier. On normal play the display will show the Tone number (G/B/T) followed by a space followed by the first 12 characters of the tone name.
The factory presets are now supplied as sysex dumps labelled Kiwi Factory 1-4 and can be restored if required.
Midi data received will flash the MIDI Led if it is recognized by the JX-8P.
The MIDI PANIC button next to the WRITE button will cancel any sounding notes including internal.
As edits are made with the PG­800 or midi the parameter being edited will display along with the GBT location and the value.
The factory restore option will wipe all the internal tones so make sure you have back up your tones first.
To stop all output from the JX-8P press and release MIDI PANIC.
Note Hold
Edit Buffer Compare
The Original JX-8P has no Note Hold except when using a hold pedal. A Hold Function has been added to the Kiwitechnics Kiwi-8P Upgrade front panel and uses the HOLD button. Pressing HOLD will toggle Hold on or off. The HOLD LED will be lit when hold is on.
Whenever the edit buffer does not match the saved Tone showing on the display the three decimal points on the G/B/T part of the display will be lit.
The HOLD light will flash when the
Hold Pedal is used
To retain these changes when the Tone is changed or the JX-8P is powered off the Tone must be written to memory. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
LFO Generators
The Kiwi-8P has 3 independent LFO generators. These each have 6 waveforms and can be free running or sync'd with the master clock with a divider. Each LFO has it's own sync divider with 16 possible divide ratios including swing options.
LFO 1 & 2 will continue to free run when a new note is pressed after all notes were lifted. LFO 3 will restart (sync) its wave to a first note played after all notes lifted.
When LFO's are running as sync'd they need 2-3 cycles of the clock to correctly measure the current rate and generate a sync'd rate. Until this is measured the LFO will not run correctly. This can take a while with a slow master clock and/or long division times.
Each LFO can be Normal or Plus mode. Normal will move the base above and below the normal parameter level and plus mode will only move the base level up. Each section of the Kiwi-8P that uses LFO input can select from one of the 3 LFOs and can also select whether the LFO is normal or inverted.
The Kiwi-8P has three independent Envelope Generators. The Envelopes generated are also available as Matrix sources. Envelopes 1-3 are the traditional ADSR type and closely match the existing JX-8P envelopes.
Note – Due to technical problems the EnvKey control is currently disabled. We are not sure if this can be solved or not at this stage. JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
The JX-8P Upgrade contains a polyphonic 6 track sequencer that has the capacity of 124 step automatic playing.
The clock for the Sequencer is always the Master Clock and this can be divided by one of 13 different ratios including swing options. The Seq Clock Divide parameter is G4B3T8 or the Seq Step button on the front panel.
Note - If the Master clock source is set to the Midi Clock and no midi clock is present the Sequencer will not run.
This button followed by a Tone button is used to select and load a sequence. There are 8 Sequence memories and only one of these can be selected at a time. If a new sequence is loaded while one is playing the playing one will finish before the new one will take effect.
This button will enter sequence edit mode (see the sequence edit section)
This button is a shortcut to editing parameter 438 Seq Step Timing. The step timing is changed using the EDIT slider. Press Seq Step Timing again to exit this mode.
The playing length of a sequence can be changed non-destructively. If the length is made longer than the seq in memory the extra steps are treated as REST steps and will not sound
This button followed by a tone button 1-8 followed by the WRITE button will blank a sequence JX-8P Upgrade User Manual v130
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