Roland iModela iM-01 Master Manual

Before You Read This Document
Before you read this document, be sure to read the "First Step Guide" and the "To Ensure Safe Use" to familiarize yourself with the basic operations of this machine and the safe and correct way to operate it.
The explanations and procedures contained in this document assume that you have completed the following operations.
Hardware setup of this machine (installation, cable connections, etc.) Software setup of this machine (the connection between this machine and the PC, the necessary software
Documentation Included with the Machine
The following documentation is included with the machine.
iModela (iM-01) First Step Guide
This guide describes the procedure from checking the accessories to initial cutting. Be sure to read this manual before you use the machine for the rst time.
iModela (iM-01) Master Guide (this guide)
This guide contains detailed explanations of the machine's features, maintenance methods, and troubleshoot­ing information. The manual is in electronic format, and no printed document is included. You can nd it on the included Roland Software Package CD-ROM.
NC Code Reference Manual
Read this manual when you want to perform NC code programming. The manual is in electronic format, and no printed document is included. You can nd it on the included Roland Software Package CD-ROM.
P. 3, "Viewing the Documentation for the Softwares"
For the latest information on this machine , see the iModela special website (


Contents ........................................................................................................1
Getting Started ..............................................................................................3
Viewing the Documentation for the Softwares ..................................................................... 3
Viewing the NC Code Reference MANUAL ..............................................................................3
Chapter 1 Basic Operation ..................................................................................4
Names of Components .................................................................................5
Names of Components ................................................................................................................... 5
Starting and Shutting Down the Machine ......................................................6
Starting the Machine....................................................................................................................... 6
Shutting Down the Machine ........................................................................................................ 6
Basic Operation of the iModela Controller ....................................................7
Operation of the Spindle Unit ...................................................................................................... 7
About the Cutting Tool Location Display .................................................................................8
Selecting the Command Set .......................................................................10
About the Command Sets ...........................................................................................................10
Selecting the Command Set .......................................................................................................10
Chapter 2 Cutting ...............................................................................................11
Before Starting Cutting ................................................................................12
Checking Operations ....................................................................................................................12
Conrming the Command Set...................................................................................................13
Selecting the Cutting Tool and Cutting Material ................................................................13
Range Where the Cutting Material Can Be Mounted ........................................................14
Installing the Cutting Tool and Loading the Cutting Material .......................................15
Starting Cutting ...........................................................................................18
Setting the Cutting Origin ...........................................................................................................18
Starting Cutting (for output from iModela Creator) ..........................................................21
Starting Cutting (NC code Data) ...............................................................................................23
Advanced Operations ..................................................................................27
Adjusting (Overriding) the Feed Rate during Cutting .......................................................27
Saving and Reusing Output File Lists ......................................................................................28
NC Code Setting ..............................................................................................................................30
Testing Output of NC Code Files ...............................................................................................31
Displaying and Saving This Machine's Settings ...................................................................32
Initializing This Machine's Settings ..........................................................................................32
Spindle Motor Management ......................................................................................................33
Chapter 3 Maintenance .....................................................................................34
Cleaning and Greasing ...............................................................................35
Cleaning .............................................................................................................................................35
Cleaning the X-, Y-, and Z-Axis Screws ....................................................................................36
Application of Grease to X, Y, Z Axes .......................................................................................38
Maintenance of the Cutting Tool ..............................................................................................40
Replacement of Consumable Parts ............................................................41
Caution and Note for Replacement of Consumable Parts ...............................................41
Replacement Periods for Consumable Parts ........................................................................41
Replacing the Spindle Motor .....................................................................................................43
Replacing the Hooks .....................................................................................................................45
Chapter 4 Appendix ...........................................................................................47
What to Do If ...............................................................................................48
Initialization Is Not Performed or Initialization Fails ..........................................................48
The iModela Controller Does Not Operate Correctly ........................................................48
Operations Are Ignored ................................................................................................................48
The Spindle Doesn't Revolve ......................................................................................................49
Abnormal Cutting Occurs ............................................................................................................49
The Origin Is O ..............................................................................................................................49
The Feed Rate Is Wrong ................................................................................................................50
The Cutting Results Are Not Clean ...........................................................................................50
The LED Beside the Power Button Is Flashing ......................................................................50
The Deletion of Cutting Data Takes Time ...............................................................................51
To Install iModela Driver Separately ........................................................................................51
To Install Software and Electronic Manual Separately ......................................................55
The iModela Driver Cannot Be Installed .................................................................................56
Uninstalling the iModela driver .................................................................................................57
Responding to Error Messages ...................................................................59
Responding to Error Messages ..................................................................................................59
NC Code Specications ..............................................................................63
List of Settings Related to NC Code .........................................................................................63
Items Related to the Mechanical Specications .................................................................64
Interpretations of NC Code Omissions ...................................................................................65
Word List ............................................................................................................................................66
How to Store in the Dedicated Case ...........................................................68
Main Unit Specications ..............................................................................69
External Dimensions/Table Dimensions ................................................................................69
Location of Power Rating and Serial Number Label ..........................................................70
Main Specications ........................................................................................................................71
System Requirements for USB Connection ...........................................................................71
The company and product names in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their re­spective holders.
Copyright © 2011 Roland DG Corporation

Getting Started

Viewing the Documentation for the Softwares

The documentation for the softwares is in electronic format. Follow the procedure below to view it.
iModela Creator
Start iModela Creator, and then click "Help"-"Contents."
Virtual Modela, SFEdit2
On the taskbar, click [Start] ( ), [All Programs], choose the software you’re using, then click [Help].
Start the software, and then click "Help"-"Contents."

Viewing the NC Code Reference MANUAL

On the taskbar, click [Start] ( ), [All Programs], [iModela Manuals], then [NC Code Reference Manual].
Chapter 1
Basic Operation
Names of Components ..................................................................5
Names of Components ................................................................5
Starting and Shutting Down the Machine.......................................6
Starting the Machine ....................................................................6
Shutting Down the Machine.........................................................6
Basic Operation of the iModela Controller .....................................7
Operation of the Spindle Unit ......................................................7
About the Cutting Tool Location Display ......................................8
Selecting the Command Set ........................................................10
About the Command Sets .........................................................10
Selecting the Command Set ......................................................10

Names of Components

Names of Components

Side cover
Power button
Main unit
USB port
Rear cover
Power cord connector
Side cover
Spindle head
Spindle motor
Front cover
The side covers are interchangeable. Both can be installed on either the left or right side of the machine. In this manual, the mechanisms around the spindle unit, including the spindle motor, are called the “spindle
head.” The rotary-axis area inside the spindle unit is called the “spindle.”
Chapter 1 Basic Operation
Chapter 1 Basic Operation

Starting and Shutting Down the Machine

Starting the Machine


Shutting Down the Machine

Press the power button.
In itializat io n begin s. When the green LED changes from ashing to on, the initialization has nished.
Start the iModela Controller, which is used to control the machine.
On the taskbar, click [Start]( ), [All Programs], [iModela Controller], then [iModela Controller].
Click on the iModela Controller.
The iModela Controller closes.
Press the power button.
When the green LED turns o, the machine has shut down.
Chapter 1 Basic Operation

Basic Operation of the iModela Controller

Operation of the Spindle Unit

Feed buttons Click to move the spindle head or the table. Clicking these buttons
Display of the X, Y, and Z coor­dinates The current location of the cut­ting tool is displayed as a set of numeric values.
Spindle revolution on and off. The number of spindle revolutions per minute is also displayed.
to manually move the spindle head or the table is called a “manual feed”. NOTE: Manual feeds cannot be performed while cutting is in progress.
These controls are used to select the amount of movement that is performed during manual
feeding, and move the spindle head or table to a specic location
X/Y, Z
The spindle head or table moves continuously while you hold down a feed but­ton.
Each click of a feed button moves the spindle head the specied distance. x1 = 0.01 mm x10 = 0.1 mm x100 = 1 mm * For display in inches, the value in mm is converted into inches.
The components move to the view position (the spindle head moves to the high­est position at the center of the machine, and the table moves to the front of the machine). Use this button when you want to change the cutting tool or the cutting material.
Moves to the XY origin and the Z origin of the selected coordinate system.
P. 10, "Selecting the Coordinate System That Is Used to Display the Cutting Tool Location"
Click this button to stop the movement of the spindle head (as it moves to the view position, the XY origin, or the Z origin).
Basic Operation of the iModela Controller
Chapter 1 Basic Operation
About Y-Axis Movement
Under the factory default settings, Y-axis movement assumes a direction of cutting tool movement relative to the object being cut. This means that clicking a Y-axis feed button makes the table move in the opposite direction from what the arrow indicates. You can use the iModela Controller to set the direction that the table moves when you click a Y-axis feed button.

About the Cutting Tool Location Display

Coordinate Display
The iModela Controller displays the current location of the cutting tool as a set of numeric values. The numeric values that indicate the location of the cutting tool are called "coordinates," and the starting point for the co­ordinates is called the "origin." The following gure shows a location that has been moved from the origin by 30 millimeters along the X axis, 20 millimeters along the Y axis, and 10 millimeters along the Z axis. The X-axis distance is called the "X coordinate." The Y- and Z-axis distances are similarly called the "Y coordinate" and the "Z coordinate." The distances from the origin to the cutting tool along each axis are the coordinate values.
This location is displayed as "X = 30 mm, Y = 20 mm, and Z = 10 mm."
10 mm
30 mm
20 mm
Chapter 1 Basic Operation
Basic Operation of the iModela Controller
Selecting the Display Unit
Selecting the Coordinate System That Is Used to Display the Cutting Tool Location
You can select the coordinate system that is used to display the cutting tool location from the following op­tions.
User Coordinate System: This coordinate system enables you to freely change the location of the origin. Machine Coordinate System: This is a machine-specic coordinate system in which the location of the
origin is xed.
G54 to G59: These are workpiece coordinate systems that are used with NC codes. For details, see the "NC
Code Reference Manual."
EXOFS: This is a coordinate system that is used with NC codes. For details, see the "NC Code Reference
If the command set is RML-1, always select "User Coordinate System." EXOFS and the options from G54 to G59 can only be selected when the command set is "NC Code" or "RML-1/NC Code."
P. 10, "Selecting the Command Set"

Selecting the Command Set

About the Command Sets

You can select one of the following command sets on this machine.
Select this command set when you want to use the software that was included with this machine.
NC Code
Select this command set when you want to use NC codes. For details on NC codes, see page 63, "NC Code Specications" and the "NC Code Reference Manual" that was included with this machine.
RML-1/NC Code
Select this option to enable the machine to receive cutting programs that use the RML-1 or NC code com­mand sets.

Selecting the Command Set

Use the iModela Controller's Conrm dialog box to select the command set. Select the appropriate command mode to match the application software to be used. If a command that is sent to the machine is dierent
from the command set selected on the iModela Controller, an error occurs and the machine will not be able to carry out the cutting command.
Factory default setting: RML-1
The selected command set is displayed here.
This is enabled when you select "NC Code" or "RML-1/NC Code." For details on the NC code settings, see page 30, "NC Code Set­ting."
Chapter 1 Basic Operation
Chapter 2
Before Starting Cutting.................................................................12
Checking Operations .................................................................12
Conrming the Command Set ...................................................13
Selecting the Cutting Tool and Cutting Material .........................13
Range Where the Cutting Material Can Be Mounted ................14
Installing the Cutting Tool and Loading the Cutting Material .....15
Starting Cutting ............................................................................18
Setting the Cutting Origin ..........................................................18
Starting Cutting (for output from iModela Creator) ....................21
Starting Cutting (NC code Data) ................................................23
Advanced Operations ..................................................................27
Adjusting (Overriding) the Feed Rate during Cutting.................27
Saving and Reusing Output File Lists .......................................28
Corrections ................................................................................29
NC Code Setting ........................................................................30
Testing Output of NC Code Files ...............................................31
Displaying and Saving This Machine's Settings ........................32
Initializing This Machine's Settings ............................................32
Spindle Motor Management ......................................................33

Before Starting Cutting

Checking Operations

Before you begin cutting, there are situations in which you have to check the spindle run-in (warm-up) and the motor load. Use the following chart to determine whether your situation requires you to check the spindle run-in or the motor load.
Situation Idling Motor Load
The rst time that you use the machine
After replacing the spindle unit or the spindle motor
When using the machine in a low-temper­ature environment
After replacing parts (other than the spindle unit or spindle motor)
After application of Grease.
P. 38, "Application of Grease to X, Y, Z Axes"
Before checking the operation, make sure that the cutting tool and cutting material have been removed. If the cutting tool and cutting material are mounted, the cutting material may be cut in an undesirable location.
Check Check
Check Check
Click in the upper left
of the iModela Controller.
Click [Maintenance].
Click the [Conrm] tab.
Chapter 2 Cutting
Before Starting Cutting
[Idling] Click [Start] next to Idling.
The idling operation begins. The operation takes approximately 10 minutes.
[Checking the Motor Load] Select X, Y, or Z, and then click [Start].
The iModela Controller checks the motor load of the selected axis. Check the loads of all three axes: X, Y, and Z. If you want to nish in the middle, click [Stop]. If noise is generated, the replaced part might not be installed properly. In this case, reinstall the part properly. Then, check [Motor load] again.
Conrming the Command Set
You have to select a command set that is compatible with the application software that you will use. For details on the dierent command sets, see page 10, "Selecting the Command Set."

Selecting the Cutting Tool and Cutting Material

Selecting the Cutting Tool
You can use not only the cutting tool that is included as an accessory, but various other cutting tools to meet other needs. It's a good idea to use the cutting tools selectively, according to the work process (such as rough cutting or nish cutting) and the design. Please refer to the iModela special web site.
Selecting Cutting Material
Use the material which satises the conditions listed below:
Material: Soft material such as resin (Conductors such as metal and carbon are not applicable.) Maximum weight: 200 g Maximum size: refer to next page "Range Where the Cutting Material Can Be Mounted"
Chapter 2 Cutting
Before Starting Cutting
Chapter 2 Cutting

Range Where the Cutting Material Can Be Mounted

The range where the cutting material can be mounted is shown in gray in the following illustration. When using a jig, such as a scrap plate, it must not extend out of this range. Be sure to observe this precaution since any piece extending from this range may come into contact with moving parts, resulting in damage to the cutting material or jig or causing the machine to malfunction.
(Unit: mm)
Z-axis travel
Y-axis travel
X-axis travel
Actual Size That Can Be Cut
The range in which you can mount the cutting material is shown in the gure above. However, you cannot use a cutting material that lls this entire area. "Clearance" to allow the cutting tool to perform no-load feeding is necessary in the X, Y, and Z directions. You have to use a cutting material that is small enough to provide this clearance. Also, the possible cutting-in depth is generally determined by the length of the cutting tool. If you use a long cutting tool to enable deep cuts, there is little clearance in the Z direction, which means that you must use a small cutting material that provides extra space in the Z direction. The size of the cutting material that you can cut varies depending on the shape of the object that you want to produce and the cutting tool that you want to use. Be sure to give this issue proper thought before you begin operation.
Chapter 2 Cutting
Before Starting Cutting

Installing the Cutting Tool and Loading the Cutting Material

Install the cutting tool.
Open the front, rear, and side covers. Slowly push the main unit down onto its back.
Be careful not to injure yourself when you handle the blade of the cutting tool.
Click [View] on the iModela Controller.
The spindle head moves to the cen­ter, and the table moves to the front. This is the view position.
Pull the hooks towowrds you with the part of the handle.
Fully insert the cutter into the collet.
Cutting tool (accessory)
Before Starting Cutting
Chapter 2 Cutting
Fix the cutting tool in place.
Use a hexagonal wrench to insert the mounting screw, thereby xing the tool in place. If you cannot see the mounting screw hole, slightly turn the collet by hand.
Attach the blower fan to the cutter.
Be careful of the blade, and fully insert the blower fan.
Hexagonal wrench
Mounting screw
Afx the cutting material.
Double-sided tape
Scrap plate
Double-sided tape
Cutting material
Blower fan
Afx the double-sided tape.
If the trial cutting material, provided as an accessory, is used, peel the protective lm o of both sides. Depending on the cutting method, use a scrap plate.
P. 17, “Cutting Requiring a Scrap
Chapter 2 Cutting
Before Starting Cutting
Afx the cutting material to the table.
Mount the cutting material so that it does not extend from the table. After you have axed the cutting material, check that the cutting material cannot be easily moved from its position.
P. 14, “Range Where the Cutting Material Can Be Mounted”
Return the unit to its original state.
Raise the main unit back into place, x it in place with the hooks, and then close the front, rear, and side covers.
Push here.
Cutting Requiring a Scrap Plate
There is a need to place a scrap plate when the cutting data contains the process to make a hole in the cutting material. The thickness of the scrap plate is decided according to depth of the hole. If the scrap plate does not have the sucient thickness, not only the table might be scraped, broken, or damaged, but also the cutting tool might be broken and it might cause injury.

Starting Cutting

Setting the Cutting Origin

About cutting origin
"Before you start cutting, you need to set the cutting origin. The cutting origin is a coordinate refer­ence point, and all the X, Y, and Z coordinates are “0”. This cutting origin is also called as the cutting reference position. When you want to perform cutting with this machine, you need to set the X, Y, and Z origins (set the XY origin to set the X and Y origins at the same time). " "The X and Y origins are determined by the cutting data and the location of the cutting material. (When you use iModela Creator, if the size of the cutting material set in the cutting data and that of the actual cutting material are the same, you can cut almost the same position as the cutting data by setting the X and Y origins at front left of the cutting material.) You normally align the Z origin with the surface of the cutting material." Take the size of the cutting material and the length of the cutter into consideration when you set the origins. In addition, the locations that you should specify for the origins vary depending on the application software that you are using. Set the origins based on the specications of the application software that you are using.
Prepare to set the origin point.
Select “Machine Coordinate System.”
Click [X/Y] under "Origin" of "Move."
The spindle head and table move so that the X, Y and Z coordinates are all “0.00 mm”. Click [X/Y], then [Z] to move the X and Y coor­dinates to “0.00 mm”, then the Z coordinate to “0.00 mm”.
Select “User Coordinate System.”
If “0.00 mm” does not appear for X, Y and Z, click [X/Y], then [Z] under Set Origin Point.
Chapter 2 Cutting
Set the Z origin.
Starting Cutting
Click the [X] and [Y] cursor buttons to move the cutter above the cutting mate­rial.
P. 7, "Operation of the Spindle Unit"
Click the [-Z] cursor button to lower the tip of the cutting tool to about 1 mm from the material surface.
Loosen the mounting screw, and then adjust the cutter so that its tip contacts the surface of the cutting material.
When the tip contacts the surface, x the cutter in place again with the mounting screw.
Chapter 2 Cutting
Starting Cutting
Chapter 2 Cutting
In the case of cutting data created with iModela Creator (for RML-1 data)
If the command set has been set to "RML-1/NC Code," set [Set Origin Point] to "User Coordinate System." If the command set has been set to "RML-1," Set Origin Point can only be set to "User Coordinate System."
If the cutting data is written using NC code
Check that “User Coordinate System” is selected under Set Origin Point.
Use Set Origin Point to select the work­piece coordinate system that matches the cutting data.
Raise the cutting tool.
Next, you will move the cutting tool in the X and Y directions. Raise the cutting tool to a position where it is not located over the cutting material.
P. 7, "Operation of the Spindle Unit"
Click [Z] under Set Origin Point.
Set the Z origin to display “Z 0.00 mm.”
Chapter 2 Cutting
Starting Cutting
Set the XY origin.
Move the cutting tool to the loca­tion that you want to set as the XY origin.
P. 7, "Operation of the Spindle Unit"
If the setting position is dicult to see, remove the top cover for better vis­ibility.
Top cover
Push here and de­tach the top cover
Click [X/Y] under Set Origin Point.
Set the X and Y origins to display “X 0.00 mm” and “Y 0.00 mm”.

Starting Cutting (for output from iModela Creator)

Start iModela Creator.
On the taskbar, click [Start] ( ), [All Programs], [iModela Creator], then [iModela Creator].
Creating the output le.
For information on how to use iModela Creator such as a drawing method, refer to Help of iModela Creator.
P. 3, "Viewing the Documentation for the Softwares"
Setting the cutting origin.
P. 18, "Setting the Cutting Origin"
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