Roland DWX-4W User Manual

User's Manual
Operation Screen
Roland DG Corporation has developed a special website introducing dental solutions. For the latest information regarding this machine (including manu­als), see our special Easy Shape website (


Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Operation Screen ........................................................................................................................... 4
Displaying or Exiting VPanel ....................................................................................................... 5
What is VPanel? .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Displaying VPanel .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
VPanel Display in the Task Tray ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Exiting VPanel ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
VPanel Window ........................................................................................................................... 7
Top Window ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
"Settings" Tab .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
"Maintenance" Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
"Mail" Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................................10
"Manual correction" Dialog Box .............................................................................................................................................11
"Milling bur management" Dialog Box ................................................................................................................................12
"Milling bur registration" Dialog Box ....................................................................................................................................13
2. Milling............................................................................................................................................14
Using/Reading the Built-In Panel ..............................................................................................15
Using/Reading the Built-In Panel ...........................................................................................................................................15
Statuses Indicated by Status Light Color ............................................................................................................................15
Switching the Power On or Off .................................................................................................. 16
Switching the Power On ...........................................................................................................................................................16
Switching the Power O ...........................................................................................................................................................16
Preparing for Milling ..................................................................................................................17
Preparing a Workpiece (Usable Workpieces) .....................................................................................................................17
Preparing a Milling Bur ..............................................................................................................................................................17
Preparing Compressed Air (Setting the Regulator).........................................................................................................17
Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant ...............................................................................................................18
Starting Milling ...........................................................................................................................23
Milling Precautions .....................................................................................................................................................................23
STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short) ................................................................................................................................................ 23
STEP 1: Mounting the Workpiece ..........................................................................................................................................24
STEP 2: Outputting Milling Data ............................................................................................................................................25
Aborting Output .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Deleting Standby Milling Data ...............................................................................................................................................27
Following Daily Operations .......................................................................................................28
Collet Maintenance .....................................................................................................................................................................28
3. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 32
Maintenance Precautions ..........................................................................................................33
Maintenance Precautions .........................................................................................................................................................33
Daily Care .................................................................................................................................34
Cleaning after Milling Finishes ...............................................................................................................................................34
Care of the Dummy Pin for Milling ........................................................................................................................................36
Periodic Care and Maintenance ............................................................................................... 38
Cleaning the Waterproof Plate ...............................................................................................................................................38
Milling Machine Correction .....................................................................................................................................................39
Milling Bur Change Test ............................................................................................................................................................45
Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant ...............................................................................................................46
Care and Storage of the Automatic Correction Jig .........................................................................................................47
Care of the Regulator Bowl ......................................................................................................................................................47
Replacing Consumable Parts ....................................................................................................49
Replacing the Spindle Unit ......................................................................................................................................................49
Milling Bur Service Life .............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Replacing the Coolant Tank Filter ..........................................................................................................................................49
Replacing the Collet ...................................................................................................................................................................53
Extended Periods of Non-Use / Moving the Machine ...............................................................55
Draining the Coolant Lines ......................................................................................................................................................55
Spindle Run-In (Long) ................................................................................................................................................................57
Attaching the Retainers ............................................................................................................................................................59
4. Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................................64
Machine Problems ....................................................................................................................65
The Machine Does Not Run/Cannot Generate Output ..................................................................................................65
The Operation Button Does Not Respond .........................................................................................................................65
VPanel Does Not Recognize the Machine ..........................................................................................................................65
No Data Is Being Output to the Machine, or the Machine Will Not Operate Even Though Data Is Being Output
The Computer Shuts Down when Connecting Multiple Machines ..........................................................................66
Compressed Air Does Not Come Out ...................................................................................................................................67
Automatic Correction Fails .......................................................................................................................................................67
The Milling Bur Management Information was Lost ......................................................................................................67
Collet Maintenance Cannot Continue Due to an Error Occurring .............................................................................68
Water Is Leaking from the Front Cover ................................................................................................................................68
Milling Quality Problems ............................................................................................................69
The Milling Results Are Not Attractive .................................................................................................................................69
There Is a Line of Level Dierence in the Milling Results ..............................................................................................69
The Dimensions of the Milling Results Do Not Match ...................................................................................................69
Chipping (Edges of Milling Products Become Chipped) Occurs ................................................................................70
A Hole Opens in the Milling Results .....................................................................................................................................70
Installation Problems ................................................................................................................. 71
Installing the Driver Separately ..............................................................................................................................................71
Installing the Software and the Electronic Manual Separately ................................................................................... 73
Driver Installation Is Impossible .............................................................................................................................................73
Uninstalling the Driver ..............................................................................................................................................................75
Uninstalling VPanel .....................................................................................................................................................................76
Responding to Error Messages .................................................................................................77
Thank you very much for purchasing this product.
To ensure correct and safe usage with a full understanding of this product's performance, please be sure to read
through this manual completely and store it in a safe location.
Unauthorized copying or transferal, in whole or in part, of this manual is prohibited.
The contents of this operation manual and the specications of this product are subject to change without notice.
The operation manual and the product have been prepared and tested as much as possible. If you nd any
misprint or error, please inform us.
Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur
through use of this product, regardless of any failure to perform on the part of this product.
Roland DG Corporation assumes no responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may occur with
respect to any article made using this product.
Company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright © 2015-2016 Roland DG Corporation
Roland DG Corporation has licensed the MMP technology from the TPL Group.

1. Operation Screen

Displaying or Exiting VPanel .................................................5
What is VPanel? .......................................................................... 5
Displaying VPanel ........................................................................5
VPanel Display in the Task Tray ..................................................6
Exiting VPanel .............................................................................6
VPanel Window ..................................................................... 7
Top Window .................................................................................7
"Settings" Tab ..............................................................................8
"Maintenance" Tab ....................................................................... 9
"Mail" Tab ...................................................................................10
"Manual correction" Dialog Box ................................................. 11
"Milling bur management" Dialog Box ....................................... 12
"Milling bur registration" Dialog Box ........................................... 13

Displaying or Exiting VPanel

What is VPanel?

VPanel is an application that allows milling machine operation on a computer screen. It has functions to output milling data, perform maintenance, and make various corrections. It also displays milling machine er­ror messages.
"Setup Guide" ("Installing the Software")

Displaying VPanel

Click (VPanel icon) in the task tray on the desktop.
VPanel will be displayed. If you cannot nd in the task tray, start the program from the Windows [Start] screen (or the [Start] menu).
Starting from the Windows [Start] screen (or [Start] menu)
Windows 7 / 10
From the [Start] menu, click [All Apps] (or [Program]), then [Roland DWX-4W]. Then click [VPanel for DWX-4W].
Windows 8.1
Click on the [Start] screen, and from the Apps screen, click the [VPanel for DWX-4W] icon under [Roland DWX-4W].
VPanel serves as resident software.
VPanel works as resident software that is constantly working to manage the milling machine, send e-mails*, and so on. It is
recommended to congure the settings so that VPanel starts automatically when the computer starts. (
Tab") Also, clicking in the upper right corner of the window will cause the window to disappear from the screen, but
the program will not be exited. While VPanel is running,
* E-mails are sent to notify of milling completion or errors that occur. (
is constantly displayed in the task tray.
P. 10 ""Mail" Tab")
P. 8 ""Settings"
1. Operation Screen
Displaying or Exiting VPanel

VPanel Display in the Task Tray

When the VPanel icon is displayed in the task tray, the status of a connected milling machine is always monitored. The display of the VPanel icon changes depending on the status of the milling machine. The meanings of the displays are shown below.
Indicates that at least one of the connected milling machines is on (is online). Messages are displayed automatically if an error occurs, during milling, and in similar situations. Even after the message disappears, if you hover the mouse pointer over this icon, the status of each connected machine (such as Ready, Milling, Finished, Completed, or Oine) will be displayed. Messages prompting you to perform maintenance (such as "Spindle run-in (long) required") will also be displayed. In these situations, perform the maintenance work indicated by the message.
P. 23 "STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short)", P. 32 "3. Maintenance"
Indicates that all the connected milling machines are o.
Indicates that an error has occurred on at least one of the connected milling machines. If you hover the mouse pointer over this icon, you can check which machine has the error.

Exiting VPanel

Right-click on in the task tray and click [Exit].
1. Operation Screen

VPanel Window

Top Window

This is the VPanel top window. It displays the statuses of connected milling machines and an output list of milling data. Output of milling data can also be executed in this window.
No. Displayed content Details
READY: Milling data can be received.
OFF: The power of the milling machine is o.
Machine operation status
Name of connected ma­chine
Milling machine status
Output a le/cancel
Milling bur management
Output list
BUSY: Operation is in progress.
ERROR: An error has occurred.
PAUSE: Operation is paused.
COVER: The front cover is open.
Displays the ID and name of a connected machine. The IDs of machines with the power turned o are shown with [-]. If you click the name of a connected milling machine, the status light of the milling machine will ash. This enables you to check the connected machines when multiple machines are connected to the computer.
Displays the operation status, spindle speed, milling time, etc. The information displayed is for the machine that has the radio button to the left of the name selected (the machine for which the round button to the left of its name displays a dot).
Used when outputting or cancelling milling data.
P. 25 "STEP 2: Outputting Milling Data"
Used to select or register a milling bur for which you want to control the work time.
P. 12 ""Milling bur management" Dialog Box"
Display the settings window.
P. 8 ""Settings" Tab", P. 9 ""Maintenance" Tab", P. 10 ""Mail" Tab"
Displays the data being milled and the data awaiting processing. Also displays the milling progress.
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Settings" Tab

In this tab, you can congure the VPanel auto-startup settings, settings related to the NC code, and other settings. When more than one machine is connected, the machine selected in the top window becomes the target for the settings.
Click to display the special website in your Internet browser.
NC code with decimal point
Machine ID
Run VPanel at PC start-up
Select the handling and interpretation of the decimal point in NC codes. With "Con­ventional," the unit is interpreted as millimeter (or inch) when there is a decimal point, and as 1/1000 millimeter (or 1/10000 inch) when there is no decimal point. With "Calculator," the unit is always interpreted as millimeter (or inch) regardless of whether there is a decimal point. Select the scope of the application when selecting "Calculator." Select an appropriate setting according to your CAM or NC code. Initial setting: Conventional
You can set an ID to a machine. This is useful when connecting multiple units. Initial setting: A
"Setup Guide" ("Connecting Multiple Units")
To change an ID, be sure to follow the procedure explained in the "Setup Guide."
When this is checked, VPanel will start automatically when Windows starts up and the VPanel icon will be displayed in the task tray. Initial setting: Checked
Displays the VPanel version and the rmware of connected machines (the machine selected in the top window when more than one machine is connected).
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Maintenance" Tab

In this tab, you can perform operations related to maintenance, including automatic correction of the milling machine and system reporting. When more than one machine is connected, the machine selected in the top window becomes the target for the operations.
Daily maintenance
Perform collet and spindle maintenance before starting daily operations.
P. 23 "STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short)"
Perform corrections to correct the rotary axis position. You can usually use "Automatic correction."
P. 39 "Milling Machine Correction", P. 11 ""Manual correction" Dialog Box"
Move the spindle unit and rotary axis. This function is used for cleaning and when repacking the machine.
P. 34 "Cleaning after Milling Finishes", P. 59 "Attaching the Retainers"
Perform operation tests, maintenance, and other tasks that use the ATC magazine. If the milling bur is caught on the workpiece and the machine has stopped, you can forcibly release the milling bur by clicking [Emergency release] (enabled when the power is on with the front cover open).
P. 45 "Milling Bur Change Test", P. 36 "Care of the Dummy Pin for Milling"
Use this function to reset the coolant work time and to drain all of the coolant inside the machine.
P. 55 "Draining the Coolant Lines"
Displays the total work time of the spindle and can be used for long-term spindle management such as run-in when the spindle has not been used for a long time.
P. 57 "Spindle Run-In (Long)"
You can use these buttons to create reports such as machine system reports (including rmware version and total operating hours) and error reports. The various reports can be saved as les.
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Mail" Tab

In this tab, you can congure the settings so that you receive a notication e-mail when milling has nished, when an error has occurred, or when maintenance has nished. When more than one machine is connected, all of the machines become the targets for the settings.
Check [Use mail notication] to enter each item. For information on the input elds, see the table below.
Receiver address
Sender address
Server host name
Server port number
Use SSL connection
Use SMTP authentication User name / Password
Click [Send test] to perform a sending test. If an e-mail with the following data is received at the address specied in "Receiver address," conguration of the settings is complete.
Subject: <Machine name> Body: Test
If the e-mail fails to send, the "Windows Script Host" error window will be displayed. Check the content in the input elds again.
The recipient's e-mail address. You can input more than one address by separating with a comma.
The e-mail address used for the computer that is currently used to congure VPanel settings. (This becomes the sender's e-mail address. The address must be one that can send e-mails via the outgoing server mentioned below.)
The outgoing e-mail server name (SMTP server name) of the e-mail software used on the computer that is currently used to congure VPanel settings.
The outgoing e-mail server port number of the e-mail software used on the com­puter that is currently used to congure VPanel settings.
Check to use a security-protected connection (SSL). Congure the settings accord­ing to the e-mail software being used.
Check to use authentication when sending e-mails. Input the user name and pass­word for authentication. Congure the settings according to the e-mail software being used.
* It may be impossible to send e-mails because of security software settings or the like. If e-mails cannot be sent, check the
settings of the security software being used as anti-virus software or for a similar purpose. * For detailed information about the e-mail settings, consult your network administrator. * VPanel does not support TLS connections (STARTTLS).
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Manual correction" Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can directly enter the manual correction values of the milling machine. Perform correction to precisely adjust accuracy. When more than one machine is connected, the machine selected in the top window becomes the target for correction.
* Perform automatic correction before performing this correction.
P. 39 "Milling Machine Correction"
A axis back side
Origin point
Clear these values when executing the automatic correction
Correct moving distances in the X, Y, and Z directions. Set the correction value while considering the initial moving distance as 100%. Initial setting: 100%
Correct the angle when the A axis is rotated 180 degrees. Set the correction value while considering the initial setting as 0.00 degrees. Initial setting: 0.00 degrees
Correct the origins of the X, Y, and Z axes. Set the correction value while con­sidering the initial setting as 0.00 mm. Initial setting: 0.00 mm
Check to reset the values for "Distance," "Origin point," and "A axis back side" when performing automatic correction. Initial setting: Checked
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Milling bur management" Dialog Box

By selecting a milling bur to be used in this dialog box, the work time of the selected milling bur will be recorded auto­matically. In addition, when the bur reaches the preset replacement time, a warning message will be displayed. When more than one machine is connected, the machine selected in the top window is managed.
Milling burs
Work time / Replacement time
Milling bur registration
Here you can select from among the registered milling burs the bur whose work time you want to count. (#1 to #4 are stocker numbers.) Select a milling bur according to the milling burs set in the ATC magazine. The name and work time / replacement time of the selected milling bur will be displayed on the top window. When not using this function, leave the box blank.
Displays the work time and replacement time of the selected milling bur. The replacement time can be changed from "Milling bur registration." After replacing the milling bur with a new one, click [Reset] to set the work time to 0.
Here you can register milling burs whose work time you want to manage, or remove burs you no longer want to manage. Click here to open the "Milling bur registration" dialog box.
P. 13 ""Milling bur registration" Dialog Box"
1. Operation Screen
VPanel Window

"Milling bur registration" Dialog Box

In this dialog box, you can register milling burs whose work time you want to manage, or remove burs you no longer want to manage. When more than one machine is connected, the milling burs for the machine selec ted in the top window are managed.
Milling bur list
Milling bur info
Add milling bur
Remove milling bur
Displays the name, work time, and replacement time of a registered milling bur.
Allows the milling bur name, work time, and replacement time of the milling bur se­lected in the list to be edited. Click [Save] to overwrite and save the edited content. Because replacement times depend on the type of milling bur or workpiece as well as the milling conditions, adjust the replacement time value as necessary.
Here you can register additional milling burs. You can register up to 20 milling burs.
Here you can remove the milling bur selected in the list.
1. Operation Screen

2. Milling

Using/Reading the Built-In Panel ........................................15
Using/Reading the Built-In Panel ............................................... 15
Statuses Indicated by Status Light Color ................................... 15
Switching the Power On or Off ............................................ 16
Switching the Power On ............................................................16
Switching the Power Off ............................................................16
Preparing for Milling ............................................................17
Preparing a Workpiece (Usable Workpieces) ............................ 17
Preparing a Milling Bur ..............................................................17
Preparing Compressed Air (Setting the Regulator) ...................17
Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant ......................... 18
Starting Milling ..................................................................... 23
Milling Precautions .....................................................................23
STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short) .................................................23
STEP 1: Mounting the Workpiece .............................................. 24
STEP 2: Outputting Milling Data ................................................ 25
Aborting Output ..........................................................................27
Deleting Standby Milling Data....................................................27
Following Daily Operations..................................................28
Collet Maintenance .................................................................... 28

Using/Reading the Built-In Panel

Using/Reading the Built-In Panel

Operation button
This lights up when the power is turned on.
Illuminates when operation is paused. Flashes when operation is ongoing (from the point when the operation button is pressed during milling to the point when operation is paused).
Flashes when an error has occurred.
Flashes when data is being cancelled and during initialization. Milling data received while this light is ashing will be cancelled.
Pressing this button during milling will pause or restart the machine. Pressing and holding this button during milling will abort milling or clear some errors. Pressing this button in standby will rotate the rotary axis position 180 degrees. The button will ash during initialization, spindle head or rotary axis operation, spindle rotation, and maintenance operation. The button will illuminate under any other status while the power is on.

Statuses Indicated by Status Light Color

Status light
Initialization is in progress or the machine is in the standby status. (In the standby status, the color will change to white when the front cover is opened.) In the standby status, if no operation is initiated within 5 minutes, the machine will change to the sleep status, and the status light will turn o.
Milling is in operation or is paused. Also, in the standby status, white light will illuminate when the front cover is opened.
When lit yellow, an error has occurred, and the machine has been paused. Check the error details shown on VPanel. Press the operation button on the built-in panel to resume milling.
When lit or ashing red, an error has occurred and milling has been stopped. Milling cannot be resumed. Check the error details shown on VPanel. When illuminated, pressing and holding the operation button on the built-in panel will cancel milling and return the machine to the ready status. When ashing, turn o the power once and start up the machine again.
The machine is sleeping or the power has been turned o and all lights are out.
2. Milling

Switching the Power On or Off

Switching the Power On

Close the front cover.
Hold this with both hands.
Switch on the machine's power switch.
The machine starts initialization. When the status light stops ashing and remains steadily lit, initialization is complete.

Switching the Power Off

Switch off the machine's power switch.
2. Milling

Preparing for Milling

Preparing a Workpiece (Usable Workpieces)

Workpiece Materials
Glass ceramics Composite resins
Types and Sizes of Workpieces
Type: Type with pin Maximum number of mountable workpieces: 3 Maximum size of mountable workpieces: 40 (W) × 20 (D) × 20 (H) mm
* However, the workpiece size is limited by the number of workpieces mounted in the machine,
and the number of mountable workpieces is limited by the size of the workpieces mounted in the machine.

Preparing a Milling Bur

Usable Milling Burs
Dedicated milling bur (3 types)
Setting Milling Burs in the ATC Magazine
Set the milling burs in stockers #1 to #4 of the ATC magazine. Set the dierent types of milling burs in the stocker numbers according to the milling data settings. Ensure that the tips of the burs face down. Exercise caution regarding the orientation of the burs.

Preparing Compressed Air (Setting the Regulator)

Recommended Set Pressure
0.6 MPa to 0.8 MPa
2. Milling
Preparing for Milling

Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant

Do not overll or tilt the coolant tank.
The uid inlet on the coolant tank is open. Overlling or tilting will cause uid to
spill out.
When raising or lowering the coolant tank,
hold the positions indicated in the following gure.
Failing to do so may result in your ngers being pinched, leading to injury.
Situations Requiring This Work
Filling: When rst using the machine. / When the uid level in the tank reaches the lower limit.
Replacement: Once a week, or when the work time exceeds 15 hours.
When the work time exceeds 15 hours, the message shown above is displayed, prompting coolant replacement. Click [OK], and follow the procedure below to replace the coolant. If the message appears during milling, click [OK], and replace the coolant as usual after milling completes. If replacement will be performed before the work time exceeds 15 hours, follow the same procedure for replacing the coolant.
Water to Use
Use soft or puried water. Using hard water may have a negative eect on the service life of the milling bur and on the quality of the product.
2. Milling
Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant
Replace the coolant.
Preparing for Milling
Open the bottom cover.
Pull out the coolant tank.
Move the coolant tank slowly. Forcefully mov­ing the coolant tank may cause the coolant to spray out.
Remove the coolant tank.
Clean the inside of the coolant tank before you replace the coolant.
Pour a little tap water into the tank, and then shake the tank to the left and right. Dispose of any dirty water. Repeat this step until the water does not become dirty when you shake the tank.
Dispose of coolant properly, in accordance with the laws in eect in your locale. Do not recklessly dispose of it in sewer systems, rivers, or streams. Doing so may have an adverse impact on the environment.
2. Milling
Preparing for Milling
Refer to the appropriate safety data sheet (SDS) for the chemical substances used in the additives and the safety related to those substances. Contact your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer to purchase additives.
Be sure to put the specied additive in the coolant tank.
Additives are effective in reducing coolant deterioration and raising the milling
efciency in order to maintain product performance. Also, if additives are not used, the coolant may generate an unpleasant odor.
Make the coolant.
The coolant should have a water-to-additive ratio of 95:5. Use the included measuring cup for measuring. The capacity of the coolant tank is approximately 3 L. To ll the tank, use 2850 mL of water and 150 mL of additive. After you combine the water and additive, there is no need to mix the substances together.
Remove the uid inlet cap on the cool­ant tank, and pour in the coolant.
Do not add coolant past MAX.
Store the coolant tank.
After lling with coolant, close the uid inlet cap.
Wipe the inside of the bottom cover.
Water accumulates in the bottom inside the bot­tom cover after using for long periods. Wipe regu­larly at the same timing as coolant replacement. Also, pull the rail forward when cleaning.
Part to be wiped
Return the coolant tank to its original position.
Move the coolant tank slowly. Forcefully mov­ing the coolant tank may cause the coolant to spray out.
2. Milling
Push the coolant tank toward the back of the machine.
Push the coolant tank to the point where you feel a click. Make sure that the coolant tank is touching the back of the machine tightly.
Do not push the tank using the bottom­cover.
Preparing for Milling
Move the coolant tank slowly. Forcefully moving the coolant tank may cause the coolant to spray out.
Close the bottom cover.
This completes the lling of the coolant tank or the replacing of the coolant.
2. Milling
Preparing for Milling
Reset the coolant work time.
After replacing the coolant, perform the following procedure. If the work time is not reset, the message prompting coolant replacement will continue to be displayed.
Show VPanel.
P. 5 "Displaying VPanel"
Select a machine to operate.
Click the radio button to the left of the name of the machine to operate.
Click in the top window.
The [Settings] screen will appear.
Click the [Maintenance] tab. Click [Reset].
2. Milling
Click [OK].
The coolant work time display will become "0." The replacement operation is now complete.

Starting Milling

Milling Precautions

Do not turn the power o during the following operations or stop work before the operation is complete.
Collet maintenance (P. 28) Milling (P. 25) When the machine is operating after you click the [Emergency release] button (P. 9)
If you turn the power o during these operations or stop work before the operation is complete, the spindle unit may be in a state where it does not hold anything (the milling bur and detection pin may also be in states where they do not hold anything). Note that the machine may malfunction in this state.

STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short)

Be sure to perform the following tasks before daily operations. These tasks are necessary for maintaining a favorable machine condition and for ensuring a high level of product quality. If these tasks are not executed, a message prompting operation will be displayed in VPanel.
Show VPanel.
P. 5 "Displaying VPanel"
Select a machine to operate.
Click the radio button to the left of the name of the machine to operate.
Click in the top window.
The [Settings] screen will appear.
Click the [Maintenance] tab. Click [Spindle run-in (short)].
Click [OK].
Spindle run-in will begin. The machine status light will ash blue. The re­maining work time will be displayed on VPanel.
2. Milling
Starting Milling
Do not insert your hands or other objects into the machine or look into the inside of the machine with the front cover open until the spindle has come to a complete
If you open the front cover before the spindle comes to a complete stop, an emer­gency stop will occur. Due to inertia, the spindle will continue to rotate even after an emergency stop has occurred. It is dangerous to touch a rotating tool. Also, the coolant continues to ow until the spindle comes to a complete stop. Coming into
contact with sprayed coolant may be hazardous to your health.

STEP 1: Mounting the Workpiece

When the message shown in the gure appears, the spindle run-in (short) is complete.
Click [OK].
Check that the P. 23 "STEP 0: Spindle Run-In (Short)" procedure is complete.
If the power is off, close the front cover and turn on the power.
P. 16 "Switching the Power On"
Once initialization completes, open the front cover.
 
Insert the pin portion of the workpiece
into the hole on the rotary axis.
Align the notch on the base of the workpiece pin with the protrusion on the rotary axis.
Use a mounting screw to secure the workpiece in place.
Tighten with a hexagonal screwdriver.
Close the front cover.
2. Milling
Starting Milling

STEP 2: Outputting Milling Data

* You can also use commercial CAM software to output milling data. For information on compatible CAM software, contact
your authorized Roland DG Corporation dealer.
Do not place any electronic devices in the vicinity of this machine.
Because coolant ows within this machine, water may be sprayed on objects in the vicinity of the machine when its front cover is opened. To prevent malfunctions, do
not place any electronic devices in the vicinity of this machine.
In the top window of VPanel, select
the machine to output to.
Click .
The [Output a le] window will appear.
Click [Add].
The [Open] window will appear.
Verify that the milling bur has been set.
P. 17 "Preparing a Milling Bur"
Check that the coolant has been set.
P. 18 "Filling the Coolant Tank/Replacing the Coolant"
Select the milling data, and click
The selected milling data is displayed in the data list of the [Output a le] window. Repeat steps continuously.
to output the milling data
2. Milling
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