MIDI Implementation
Model CDX-1 Version 1.01, Apl. 16 2001
■ Channel Voice Message
● Note On/Off
Receive the note number which is designated with "RxNote", in the MIDI channel number
which is designated with "Pads Rx Ch." in the UTILITY "MIDI."
9nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
mm = Note No.: 00H–7FH (0–127)
ll = Velocity: 01H–7FH (1–127) / 00H = NOTE OFF
● Program Change
Works as bank switch when MIDI channel number is set for playing the sample.
Status Second
CnH ppH
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
pp = Program No.: 00H–3FH (0–63)
■ Channel Mode Message
● All Sound Off (Controller Number 120)
Mutes all souding notes, in the MIDI channel number which is designated with "Pads Rx
Ch." in the UTILITY "MIDI."
Status Second Third
BnH 78H 00H
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
● All Note Off (Controller Number 123)
Mutes all souding notes, in the MIDI channel number which is designated with "Pads Rx
Ch." in the UTILITY "MIDI."
Status Second Third
BnH 7BH 00H
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
● System Exclusive Message
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H iiH,ddH, ..., eeH F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
iiH Manufacturer ID
ddH Data: 00H–7FH (0–127)
| |
eeH Data
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
● Universal System Exclusive Message
✧ Identity Request
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7EH, Dev, 06H, 01H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7EH Universal System Exclusive Message Non Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H General Information (sub-ID #1)
01H Identify Request (sub-ID #2)
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
The message is used to request the particular of the CDX-1.
If CDX-1 received the message and the device ID of the message is same as 10H or 7FH, the
CDX-1 trasmits the prescribed Identity Replay message.
Second Third
41H RolandsManufacturerID'
7EH Universal Non Realtime Message
7FH Universal Realtime Message
❍ MIDI Machine Control Commands
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, aaH,..., bb F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
aaH Command
| |
bbH Command
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
* See "2. MIDI Machine Control" section.
2. MIDI Machine Control
■ MIDI Machine Control Details
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 01H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
stops immediately.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 02H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
goes into the playback condition.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 03H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
goes into the playback condition after the locate operation.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 03H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
goes into the fast forward condition.

MIDI Implementation
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 05H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
goes into the rewind condition.
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 06H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
goes into the following condition.
1. The CDX-1 is in the playback condition.
Start Recording the tracks that status are the record standby mode.
2. The CDX-1 is in the stop condition.
Start Playing back, and Start Recording the track that status are record standby mode.
■ Channel Voice Message
● Note On/Off
Transmit the number/velocity which is designated, in the MIDI channel number "1" – "16"
which is designated with "Rhythm Ch." in the UTILITY "MIDI."
The MIDI Channel number specified in "Pads Tx Ch." in the UTILITY "MIDI" and the Note
number specified in "RxNote(Pad1)" are output.
In this case, Velocity is fixed at 100.
Status Second Third
9nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
mm = Note No.: 00H–7FH (0–127)
ll = Velocity: 01H–7FH (1–127) / 00H = NOTE OFF
● Program Change
Works as bank switch, in the MIDI channel number which is designated with "Pads Rx Ch."
in the UTILITY "MIDI."
Status Second
CnH ppH
n = MIDI Channel No.: 00H–0FH (ch.1–ch.16)
pp = Program No.: 00H–3FH (0–63)
■ System Common Messages
● MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages
MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages can be transmitted while the CDX-1 is running
(Playing or Recording) if the SONG parameter "Sync Out" is "MTC."
Status Second
F1H mmH (= 0nnndddd)
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 07H F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
exits from the record condition.
❍ Format 2-LOCATE [TARGET]
Status Data Bytes Status
F0H 7FH, Dev, 06H, 44H, 06H, 01H, hrH, mnH, scH, frH, ffH F7H
Byte Description
F0H Status of System Exclusive Message
7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header
Dev Device ID (10H or 7FH)
06H MMC Command Message
06H Number of Bytes
01H "TARGET" sub command
hrH, mnH, scH, frH, ffH Standard Time with Sub Frame
F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message)
If the device ID on the message was as same as that of the receiving 10H or 7FH, the CDX-1
locates the specified time location received from the command.
nnn = Message type: 0 = Frame count LS nibble
1 = Frame count MS nibble
2 = Seconds count LS nibble
3 = Seconds count MS nibble
4 = Minutes count LS nibble
5 = Minutes count MS nibble
6 = Hours count LS nibble
7 = Hours count MS nibble
dddd = 4 bit nibble data: 0H–FH (0–15)
If the upper and lower 4 bits of the count are combined, these bit fields are assigned as
Frame Count xxxyyyyy
xxx Reserved (000)
yyyyy Frame No. (0–29)
Seconds Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Seconds Count (0–59)
Minutes Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Minutes Count (0–59)
Hours Count xyyzzzzz
x Reserved (0)
yy Time Code type
0 = 24 Frames/Sec
1 = 25 Frames/Sec
2 = 30 Frames/Sec (Drop Frame)
3 = 30 Frames/Sec (Non Drop Frame
zzzzz Hours Count (0–23)