Rohde & Schwarz HMExplorer User Manual

PAD-T-M: 3574.3259.02
HMExplorer Software
User Manual
User Manual
1178.3305.02 – 03
This manual describes the HMExplorer software for the products listed in the overview in chapter 1.
The software contained in this product makes use of several valuable open source software packages. For information, see the "Open Source Acknowledgement" document, which provided for download with the software at the corresponding Rohde & Schwarz product pages.
Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embedded computing.
© 2020 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Muehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Munich, Germany Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0 Fax: +49 89 41 29 12 164 E-mail: Internet: Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding. R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
HMExplorer Contents
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 3


1 HMExplorer Software .......................................................................... 5
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Main Menu .................................................................................................................... 6
2 Getting Started .................................................................................... 9
2.1 Search for devices / Add device ................................................................................. 9
2.2 Device / Module Properties .......................................................................................10
3 Starting a Software Module .............................................................. 11
3.1 Double Clicking the Instrument ................................................................................11
3.2 Drag & Drop ................................................................................................................12
3.3 Selecting via Instrument Menu .................................................................................12
3.4 Selecting via Module Menu .......................................................................................13
4 SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function ................................ 14
4.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................14
4.2 Terminal Menu ............................................................................................................15
4.3 SCPI Menu ..................................................................................................................17
4.4 Script Menu ................................................................................................................18
5 EMC Precompliance Software ......................................................... 19
5.1 Menu Bar .....................................................................................................................20
5.2 Toolbar (Quick Menu) ................................................................................................22
5.3 Entering Values ..........................................................................................................23
5.4 Setup Window ............................................................................................................24
5.5 File Formats for Test Set Configuration ..................................................................27
5.6 Correction Values HZ530 / HZ540 / HZ550 ..............................................................31
5.7 Measurement Configuration Using Software Wizard .............................................31
5.8 Performing a Measurement ......................................................................................32
5.9 Error Message ............................................................................................................40
6 Software for Storing Instrument Settings ....................................... 41
6.1 Saving Instrument Settings ......................................................................................41
6.2 Loading Instrument Settings ....................................................................................41
HMExplorer Contents
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7 Software To Create Screenshots ..................................................... 42
7.1 Operation ....................................................................................................................42
8 CSV Software .................................................................................... 45
8.1 Operating R&S®HMO Oscilloscopes ........................................................................45
8.2 Reading and Saving R&S®HMO Waveform Data ....................................................46
8.3 Operating R&S®HMC8012 / R&S®HMC804x .............................................................47
9 EasyArb Software ............................................................................. 48
9.1 EasyArb Software Menu ............................................................................................48
9.2 Generating and Editing a Curve ...............................................................................49
9.3 Transferring the Curve ..............................................................................................50
9.4 Export ..........................................................................................................................50
9.5 Import ..........................................................................................................................51
10 Arbitrary Software ............................................................................ 53
10.1 Arbitrary Software Menu ...........................................................................................53
10.2 Generating a Waveform ............................................................................................54
10.3 Remove Curve ............................................................................................................61
10.4 Export ..........................................................................................................................61
10.5 Import ..........................................................................................................................62
10.6 Sum (∑) .......................................................................................................................63
10.7 Product ( * ) .................................................................................................................64
10.8 Edit ..............................................................................................................................65
10.9 Transfer .......................................................................................................................65
11 Power Analyzer Software ................................................................. 66
11.1 Software Menu ...........................................................................................................66
11.2 Software Functions....................................................................................................68
11.3 Display Modes ............................................................................................................75
HMExplorer HMExplorer Software
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 5

1 HMExplorer Software

1.1 Overview

The HMExplorer software supports the following instruments:
Digital Oscilloscopes:
HM1008-2 (for digital mode only) HM1508-2 (for digital mode only) HM2008 (for digital mode only) R&S®HMO Compact Series R&S®HMO3000 Series R&S®HMO1002 / 1202
Function Generators:
R&S®HMF Series
Spectrum Analyzers:
R&S®HMS10x0…30x0 R&S®HMS-X
Power Supply Units:
R&S®HMP Series R&S®HMC804x R&S®NGE Series R&S®NGM20x R&S®NGL20x R&S®NGP Series
Digital Multimeter:
Power Analyzer:
The programmable measurement instruments HM8100 series cannot be used with the HMExplorer software because they do not include a remote control that conform to the SCPI standard.
HMExplorer HMExplorer Software
Main Menu
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 6

1.2 Main Menu

The HMExplorer main menu is arranged as follows:
Close: Exits the HMExplorer software and closes the module selection
Hide menu: Hides the upper menu bar; right click on + (or already inserted
instrument) "Show menu“ to show the upper menu bar again
Large icons: Displays modules and instruments as large icons Small icons: Displays modules and instruments as small icons Details: Displays details of modules and instruments with detailed description Tiles: Displays modules and instruments in tile format; you can choose
between tile format or detailed display, not both functions simultaneously
HMExplorer HMExplorer Software
Main Menu
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 7
Devices: Shows or hides the connected measurement instrument
Modules: Shows or hides the available software modules
Search for devices:
Manually searches for connected measurement instruments
i. Language: Determines the language for the software and the modules
ii. Startup: Determines if an automatic search for instruments is to be
performed at every startup
iii. Interfaces: Selects the interface that will automatically be verified for a
connected measurement instrument after each restart; the connection via Ethernet (LAN) is exclusively established manually
iv. Tray: If the "Use tray icon“ function is activated (check box is selected)
and if the HMExplorer main window is minimized, the software window will be hidden and can be reselected via Windows task bar.
Index: Displays the default index to save data or modify the file path; the
"Default“ function resets the folder structure to the default settings Directories are intended for the following file types:
i.) Screenshots of all formats
ii.) Device settings file type (*.HDS)
iii.) Curves in CSV format
iv.) Directory for EMV PreCom software module for the file types (*.mes,
*.hlim, *.htr, *.hlga)
HMExplorer HMExplorer Software
Main Menu
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Error report: Error report for HMExplorer software About: General information about software status for the HMExplorer
HMExplorer Getting Started
Search for devices / Add device
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 9

2 Getting Started

2.1 Search for devices / Add device

If a device has not been found automatically (e.g. via Ethernet), or if a new device was connected to the PC after starting the HMExplorer software, it is possible to search for
it manually by using the option "Search for devices“. By default, the following interfaces
are automatically searched after starting the HMExplorer software:
USB / VCP (driver installation required) COM (default settings = Baudrate: 115200, Handshake: None, Parity: None,
Stopbits: 1;
the interface parameters can be adjusted / modified
A device is only manually integrated via Ethernet (LAN). IP address and port have to be manual integrated into the HMExplorer software.
If a new device is connected to the PC after starting the HMExplorer software, the
device can be automatically inserted either by double clicking + or by using the option
"Search for devices“. If the device is manually inserted by using + , a window will be
opened to select the respective interface. After clicking the "OK“, the interface
parameters will be adopted. After completing the search, the detected device will be inserted in the group "Devices“.
HMExplorer Getting Started
Device / Module Properties
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2.2 Device / Module Properties

Right click the inserted device or a software module to open a "Properties“ window
which shows the properties of the device (e.g. device type, serial number, etc.) or of
the selected software module (e.g. module type, supported devices etc.). Use "Close“
to close the properties window.
HMExplorer Starting a Software Module
Double Clicking the Instrument
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 11

3 Starting a Software Module

Starting a software module does not necessarily require a connected instrument. However, to execute the software functions, is necessary to integrate the main window of the HMExplorer software with an instrument. Multiple options are available to connect a connected instrument with a software module.
If the selected software module is not starting, it is recommended to delete
the .set file via “…\User\AppData\Roaming\Rohde-Schwarz\HMExplorer\Folder of the software module”. Please notice that all saved data settings of the software
module will be lost.

3.1 Double Clicking the Instrument

Double clicking the already integrated instrument opens a dialog box which shows the supported software modules. Double click the desired software module to start the module. It is also possible to start the software module via ENTER button if the module has previously marked by using the mouse (highlighted in blue).
HMExplorer Starting a Software Module
Drag & Drop
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3.2 Drag & Drop

After selecting the integrated instrument (highlighted in blue), unavailable software modules will be displayed as crossed out in red. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag and drop the instrument icon to the supported software module. This will start the module.

3.3 Selecting via Instrument Menu

Right clicking the already integrated instrument opens a dialog box with the option
"Run with“ to show the supported software modules. Click the respective software
module to start the module.
HMExplorer Starting a Software Module
Selecting via Module Menu
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3.4 Selecting via Module Menu

After selecting a software module and right clicking the module, a dialog box opens. The option "Start with“ allows you to select the integrated instrument. If you select the instrument via left mouse button, the software module opens.
If multiple measurement instruments are integrated with the HMExplorer software, you can only select one instrument to use with the respective software module. If you briefly hold the mouse cursor over the instrument type in the list (by selecting the option "Start with“), a small field with serial number and interface will appear. This enables you to distinguish the instruments or interfaces.

HMExplorer SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function

User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 14
4 SCPI Terminal Program with Script

4.1 Overview

The Terminal menu is arranged as follows:
1. File
a. Close: Closes the terminal function
2. Terminal
a. Save: Saves all output of the terminal function b. Save with options: Saves only the filtered output of the terminal
c. Clear: Deletes all output of the terminal function
3. Script
a. New: Creates new script b. Open: Opens / loads a previously created script c. Save: Saves script d. Close: Closes and exits script
a. Autoselect SCPI: If this function is activated (check box is selected),
the appropriate SCPI remote command list is automatically opened for the connected / selected instrument if this is deposited in the terminal
program. b. Close: Closes the displayed SCPI remote command list c. Measuring instrument group:
i. Measuring instrument: Displays the SCPI remote command
list for the selected measurement instrument
5. Device
a. Selects and displays the measurement instrument which currently is
connected with the HMExplorer software and supported by the
Terminal software module
HMExplorer SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function
Terminal Menu
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4.2 Terminal Menu

Send button:
The remote commands can be manually entered into the command line or inserted by double-clicking on the respective command in the SCPI command list. Use the Send button of the terminal program or the Enter button to transfer the remote command to the instrument.
Receiving commands:
Commands are automatically received. There are two different format types:
ASCII characters, separated by comma, without <“> at the beginning and end
Format: <parameter 1>,<parameter 2>,.., <parameter N>
Example: Rohde&Schwarz,HMC8015,012345678,01.300
Binary data
Format: #<N><Length><Data>
<N> = Number of digits in the field <Length> = Data length
HMExplorer SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function
Terminal Menu
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 16
Example: Image transfer Images are always transferred in binary format. The terminal program saves all binary
data in a file and provides a link to access the screenshot. Depending on the instrument type, the image formats, such as GIF, PNG or BMP, will be recognized automatically.
Save with options:
This function allows the output parameters to be filtered and saved. The following options can be activated or deactivated:
Sent: Saves the sent commands Receiving: Saves the received output data Timestamp: Indicates if the timestamp is to be included when saving Terminal Output: Saves the terminal output (e.g. HMC8012# Connected)
Use the "Save“ button to save the selected options in a .txt file.
HMExplorer SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function
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4.3 SCPI Menu

After selecting the respective measurement instrument, the SCPI remote command list will automatically be opened for this instrument. All available SCPI remote commands will be listed in a tree structure in the upper display area.
The respective commands are briefly described in the lower display area. Double click on the respective command to copy it into the command line.
HMExplorer SCPI Terminal Program with Script Function
Script Menu
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4.4 Script Menu

The SCPI terminal program includes an internal script function. The following commands are supported:
<n> = Number of repetitions Format: Loop <n>
<t> = Time in milliseconds Format: Wait <t>
<s> = Command as ASCI string If the command ends with "?“, the instrument will wait until a response is
returned Format: Send <s>
Use the "Play“ button to run the script. Use "Pause“ to pause the script. Use "Stop“ to stop the script.
Create script:
Use “Script“ “New“ to create a new script.
Open script:
Use “Script“ “Open“ to load / open a previously created script.
Save script:
Use “Script“ “Save“ to save the generated script.
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Script Menu
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5 EMC Precompliance Software

The use of a R&S®HMS spectrum analyzer and the EMC precompliance software allows you to perform EMC precompliance measurements. Precompliance measurements indicate that the measurement is based on a measurement standard but is not identical to it.
The R&S®HMS measuring instruments are able to deliver very precise measurement results. The measured values display an obvious tendency toward the measured value. However, the results are not as accurate as is required for a standard-compliant test result. Therefore, it continues to be necessary to verify a certified test laboratory as a standard-compliant measurement is only approved with the respective measurement receivers and measurement setups. Substantiated information regarding disturbances can occur exclusively within an adequate test environment (shielded measurement environment). The specifications for measurement time, increments, etc. as detailed in the respective EMC standards are entered manually during setup for every new measurement. A diagram is generated during the incremental measurement to record all individually results in a graph.
In conclusion, the following use of the EMC precompliance software is possible:
Perform measurements based on but not identical to CISPR EMC standards Use user-defined limit lines / definition of user-defined measurement environment
Generate test reports (plots for comparison)
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Menu Bar
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 20
The EMC software can be used with the spectrum analyzers R&S®HMS10x0, R&S®HMS30x0 and the R&S®HMS-X (only with installed option R&S®HMS-EMC or
R&S®HV213 voucher). The EMC software module supports the communication via the
HO720 standard interface (USB/RS-232) or the optional HO732 Ethernet/USB interface.
The HO730 interface (Ethernet/USB) is not supported with the EMC Precompliance software.

5.1 Menu Bar

The EMC software menu is arranged as follows:
1. File: a. New measurement: Generates a new test set configuration (setup) b. Load: Loads a measurement, curve or reference curve c. Save: Saves a measurement, curve or reference curve d. Print: Prints a EMC precompliance report including settings e. Wizard: Wizard that automatically guides through all necessary
measurement settings of the EMC software
f. Demo Mode: EMC software demo mode if no R&S®HMS
instrument is available
g. Exit: Exits the module and closes the editing window
2. View: a. Peak detector / Marker: If the functions are activated (check box is
selected), the peak and marker list will be shown below the measurement window
3. Device: Selects and displays the measurement instrument which currently
is connected with the EMC software
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Menu Bar
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4. Measurement:
a. New: Generates a new test set configuration (setup) b. Load: Loads a measurement c. Save: Saves a measurement d. Start Pre Measure: Starts a pre-measurement with previously
selected settings for the measuring position and the selected detector; a pre-measurement can also be started via " Pre Measure“
e. Start Final Measure: Starts a re-measurement with QPEAK
detector. After the pre-measurement, a re-measurement can also
be started via " Re Measure“. f. Stop: Stops a measurement g. Restart: Restarts a measurement h. Setup: Adjusts the test set configuration (setup) i. Comment: Inserts a comment which will be added to the test
5. Traces:
a. Swap: A saved reference curve in the background (light blue) can
be interchanged for the current curve in the front (dark blue)
6. Peak:
a. Add: Adds a peak, the frequency value is manually adjusted via
peak list b. Start peak search: Starts a peak detection after a successful pre-
measurement c. Add to marker list: Adds a selected peak to the marker list d. Remove: Removes a selected peak from the peak list e. Remove all: Removes all peaks from the peak list f. Copy: Copies peak
7. Marker:
a. Add: Adds a marker; the frequency value is manually adjusted via
marker list b. To Highest: Selects the highest marker value (marked in green) c. To Next: Selects the next higher marker value (marked in green)
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Toolbar (Quick Menu)
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 22
d. Add to peak list: Adds a selected marker to the peak list e. Remove: Removes selected marker from the marker list f. Remove all: Removes all markers from the marker list g. Copy: Copies marker
8. Language: Toggles the menu language (DE <> EN)

5.2 Toolbar (Quick Menu)

The EMC quick menu (toolbar) is arranged as follows:
1. Create New Measurement: Generates a new test set configuration (setup)
2. Open measurement: Loads a measurement (.mes file)
3. Save current measurement: Saves a measurement
4. Print measurement results: Prints EMC precompliance reports including settings
5. Pre measure: Selects a detector and starts the pre­measurement
6. Re measure: Starts a re-measurement with QPEAK detector
7. Stop current measurement
8. Zoom in, zoom out, display complete curve: Zooms into the signal, zooms out of the signal or fits the measurement curve in the display window. Additionally, you can use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out of the measurement window. Press and hold the left mouse button to enlarge a cutout of the measurement window.
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Entering Values
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 23
9. Hand tools: Toggles between magnifying and hand tools. If the hand tools are active, you can also press and hold the left mouse button to move the entire measurement curve within the measurement window.
10. Scaling: Scales the level and frequency axis. The frequency axis can only be scaled in Hz (e.g. MHz is shown as 10^6Hz; the potencies are automatically adjusted).
11. Interpolation: Displays the measurement curve as dots (dots on) or as interpolated curve (dots off)
12. Logarithmic display: Toggles between logarithmic (Log on) or linear (Log off) level or frequency display
13. CSV Editor: Generates file to adjust to measurement position

5.3 Entering Values

Entering Frequency Values
The following options are available to enter frequencies within the software:
Data in Hz (Hertz); e.g. 1000000Hz for 1MHz  Data with SI – prefixes (e.g. 1MHz)  Data in exponential notation (e.g. 1e6 or 1E6 Hz for 1MHz)
Adding the unit is optional.
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Setup Window
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 24
Entering Time Values
The following options are available to enter time information:
Data in s (second); e.g. 0.02s = 20ms  Data with SI – prefixes (e.g. 20ms)  Data in exponential notation (e.g. 2e-2s or 2E-2s = 20ms)
Adding the unit is optional.

5.4 Setup Window

Use the Setup window to enter the necessary measurement configurations that are required by the respective EMC standard.
In general, correction factors (transducer, amplifier, attenuators) can be subtracted or added by the EMC software automatically. Therefore, positive and negative values are possible depending on the value sign. If you fill in positive values, the correction factor will be subtracted (attenuation). If you fill in negative values, the correction factor will be added (gain).
A transducer is an antenna (depending on the antenna factor unit), for instance. During an EMC measurement, the electrical field strength issued by the instrument to be tested is captured by an antenna. Depending on the field strength, the
antenna generates an electrical voltage. The voltage level is captured by the measurement receiver and transmitted to the EMC software. To calculate a field strength value from the voltage value, the EMC software requires a conversion factor assigned to the antenna (antenna factor / compensation value). This varies depending on the viewed frequency. Generally, a list of compensation factors for a frequency range is included with an antenna. These compensation values are saved to a file and are included in the test set configuration. The file name appears in the selection list "Transducer" once the file has been saved.
HMExplorer EMC Precompliance Software
Setup Window
User Manual 1178.3305.02 - 03 25
Amplifier / Attenuator
An antenna (antenna factor unit dB) or V-network (e.g. HM6050-2) is connected to the measurement receiver with a cable. Depending on the frequency, this cable has a certain attenuation. This attenuation is compensated to ensure a correct measurement. Similar to the process with a transducer, a file with compensation data is generated. The same applies to components that are installed between transducer and measurement receiver during a measurement. These compensation values are saved to a file and are included in the software. The file name appears in the selection list
"Amplifier/Attenuator“ once the file has been saved. If the respective file has been selected, use the option "Add“ to insert it to the test set configuration. Double click the
file to remove it from the list.
The following correction factors for the HM6050-2 are integrated in the software (please refer to the HM6050-2 data sheet „Insertion Loss“):
HM6050-2 TL-off = Transient Limiter disabled HM6050-2 TL-on = Transient Limiter activated HM6050-2 no L1 TL-off = N-Phase Measurement without Transient Limiter HM6050-2 no L1 TL-on = N- Phase Measurement with Transient Limiter HM6050-2 no N TL-off = L1- Phase Measurement without Transient Limiter HM6050-2 no N TL-on = L1- Phase Measurement with Transient Limiter
Depending on the HM6050-2 setting you have to use the respective correction factor file.
Limit lines can be integrated into the EMC software. These limits will be displayed in the measurement signal window. For each peak or marker value, the distance (delta) to the limit will be displayed. You can select two limits which will both be displayed in the signal window. All the distance values (deltas) that are displayed in the user interface always refer to the limit 1. Limits are selected in the same manner as the transducer.
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