Legend Strip Kit
(Catalog No. 6189-KEYKIT1)
For 6180 Industrial Computers
These instructions describe how to use the Legend Strip Kit (Catalog
No. 6189-KEYKIT1). The legend kit contains legend strips for the
following computers:
Catalog Number
6180-xxCxxxxxxxx 6180 Industrial Computer, 10.4 inch Color Screen Standard
6180-xxDxxxxxxxx 6180 Industrial Computer, 10.4 inch Color Touch Screen Standard
6180-xxExxxxxxxx 6180 Industrial Computer, 11.3 Inch Color Screen Standard
6180-xxFxxxxxxxx 6180 Industrial Computer, 11.3 inch Color Touch Screen Standard
6180-xxGxxxxxxxx 6180 Industrial Computer, 10.4 inch Color Screen
Computer Type Keypad
Legend Kit Contents
The Legend Strip Kit (Catalog No. 6189-KEYKIT1) contains legend
strips for both the standard and full alphanumeric keypad versions of
the 6180 computer. The standard keypad legend strips are longer
than the strips for the full alphanumeric keypad. The kit contains:
• Two Preprinted Legend Strips for standard keypads. These
strips are preprinted on both sides. One side has function key
labels F11 ! F12 and S1 ! S12. The reverse side of this strip is
preprinted with labels for letters A ! Z.
• Three Blank Legend Strips for standard keypads. The strips are
blank on both sides and may be marked for custom legends.
• Three Preprinted/Blank Legend Strips for full alphanumeric
keypads. These strips are preprinted on one side with function
key labels F1 ! F20. The reverse side of the strips are blank for
marking your own custom legends.
Marking the Legend Strip
When custom labeling the legend strips, use an indelible type of
marker. All printing must appear within the white text areas. We
recommend that you test print the legends on a separate sheet of
paper to verify that the insert has adequate space for the legends.

Legend Strip Kit2
Installing the Legend Strip
To reverse or change a legend strip:
1. Carefully pull the legend strip from the slot(s) on the bezel.
Slot for Legend Strip
2. If you are using the blank legend strips, mark the legends on the
matt surfaces provided for marking.
3. Re-insert the tab into the slot. Here are some helpful hints:
• Grip the legend strip near the point where the strip enters the
slot and use short “pushes”. This helps prevent buckling of
the legend strip.
• It may be helpful to “cup” the legend strip slightly as you hold
it. This will stiffen the legend strip and also prevent buckling.
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1997 Allen-Bradley Company
, Inc. Printed in USA