T21 Video no video / abnormal
1. Main Board
- Remove the cover. Check J502 on the main board to see if there is any cold or
hollow soldering and rule out the problem.
- Remove the top cover, check all flat cables in the system to see if they are
correctly plugged to the fixed positions, or re-plug them.
- Check RLC following CVBS to see if there is any wrong parts, cold and hollow
soldering, short circuit, broken circuit, broken parts and rule out the problem.
- If the above actions do not work, then check U101Pin76 and Pin78-80 to see if
there is any cold or hollow soldering and short circuit problem and rule out the
- If the above actions are not working, replace the Main Board.
T22 S-Video no video / abnormal or black & white
1. Main Board
- Remove the cover. Check J506 on the main board to see if there is any cold or
hollow soldering and rule out the problem.
- Remove the top cover, check all flat cables in the system to see if they are
correctly plugged to the fixed positions, or re-plug them.
- Check RLC following Y and C to see if there is any wrong parts, cold and hollow
soldering, short circuit, broken circuit, broken parts and rule out the problem.
- If the above actions do not work, then check U101Pin70, Pin73, and Pin78-80
to see if there is any cold or hollow soldering and short circuit problem and rule
out the problem.
- If the above actions are not working, replace the Main Board.
T23 VCD abnormal picture
1. Main Board
- Check U101 and U102 to see if there is any cold or hollow soldering and short
circuit problem and rule out the problem.
- Check the resistors or capacitors of J903, U901, U701, or U702, or those
adjacent to IC to see if there is any hollow soldering, cold soldering, wrong part,
or misplaced soldering.
- If the above actions are not working, replace the Main Board.
- If the abnormal picture is the problem of pause or skipping tracks, then making
sure if the disc has any scratches or dirt, if no such problems then replace the
T25 DVD abnormal picture