Table of Contents
1. Applications for the RS100 Room controller ····························· 2
2. RS100 Wiring Note ······································································· 3
3. Single Heating Zone Systems ····················································· 5
3.1 Single Zone Boiler Wiring ······························································································· 5
3.2 Single Zone Boiler Piping ······························································································· 6
4. Multiple Heating circuit system (zone valves or pumps) ·········· 7
4.1 Programming the boiler for 100% Outdoor Reset ························································ 7
4.2 Factory Settings ··············································································································· 8
4.3 Multiple Zone Valves ······································································································ 9
4.3.1 Multiple Zone Valve Boiler Wiring with Differential Pressure Bypass ··············· 9
4.3.2 Multiple Zone Valve Piping with Differential Pressure Bypass ························· 10
4.3.3 Multiple Zone Valve Boiler Wiring 3
4.3.4 Multiple Zone Valve Piping with 3
4.4 Multiple Pumped Zones ································································································ 13
4.4.1 Multiple Pumped Zones Boiler Wiring ································································· 13
4.4.2 Multiple Pumped Zone Piping ··············································································· 14
Party pump control ································ 11
Party pump control ···································· 12
5. Symbols Key ··············································································· 15
1. Applications for the RS100 Room controller
This manual will cover two basic installation possibilities of the RS100. The RS100 is intended to work only with
Rinnai boilers.
The RS100 has two programming possibilities; it can function as a room controller for a single zone system with
night set back capabilities and is preprogrammed for this setup or it can also function as a clock to enable the
outdoor reset day and night curves. The RS100 will need additional programming for this functionality. In both
cases the RS100 has the capability to program daily and weekly heating time programs, domestic hot water
programs, display fault codes, and provide system information to the installer and home owner.
Note: When the RS100 is installed the TT terminals 22 and 23 are disabled and will not re ceive input signals from
third party controls and therefore have no functionality.
2 RS100 Control System Applications Manual
2. RS100 Wiring Note
When wiring the RS100 please follow these instructions carefully. Connect the wires to the b ack pan el of the
controller. Ensure wire “A” from the room controller is connected to terminal 20 on the Boiler. Ensure wire “B” from
the room controller is connected to terminal 21 on the Boiler. If these are swapped the RS100 will not exit “Auto
Set” upon activation. Shielded wire is recommended especially in application s u sing lo ng lengths of wire.
Shielded wire is required when near high voltages.
RS100 Wiring non shielded wire
RS100 Control System Applications Manual 3
RS100 Wiring shielded wire
4 RS100 Control System Applications Manual
3. Single Heating Zone Systems
The RS100 is a room controller and not an on/off room thermostat. It is intended to work only with Rinnai boilers.
When used in conjunction with a Rinnai boiler it will sense the room temperature and use it to influence the supply
water temperature. This will allow less cycling of the boiler, a more efficient installation, and a more stable room
temperature than any traditional on/off thermostat could provide.
The RS100 can be used to control a single heating zone system. A single heating zone system has only one loop
of heating. The placement of the RS100 is very important; it must be placed in the coldest area in the single zone
system. If the RS100 is not placed in the coldest area there is a chance that the coldest area will not receive
enough heat and therefore not be comfortable. The RS100 needs no additional installer level programming to
work for this installation.
3.1 Single Zone Boiler Wiring
Do Not
RS100 Control System Applications Manual 5