RIGOL DP832A User Manual

Programming Guide
DP800 Series Programmable Linear
DC Power Supply
Jun. 2015
RIGOL Technologies, Inc.

Guaranty and Declaration

© 2013 RIGOL Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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RIGOL is a registered trademark of RIGOL Technologies, Inc.
Publicatio n Number
Software Version
00.01.14 Software upgrade might change or add product features. Please acquire the latest version of the manual from RIGOL website or contact RIGOL to upgrade the software.
RIGOL products are covered by P.R.C. and foreign patents, issued and pending. RIGOL reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications and pricing policies at
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Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice. RIGOL shall not be liable for either incidental or consequential losses in connection with the furnishing,
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Any part of thi s document is forbidden to be copied, photocopied or rearranged without pr ior written
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RIGOL guarantees this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in China as well as the ISO9001:2008 standard and the ISO14001:2004 standard. Other international standard conformance certification is in progress.
Contact Us
If you have any problem or requirement when using our products or this manual, please contact RIGOL. E-mail: service@rigol.com Website: www.rigol.com
DP800 Programming Guide I
For the newest version of this manual, please download it from RIGOL official website (www.rigol.com).

Document Overview

This manual introduces how to program the power supply over remote interfaces in details.
Main Topics in this Manual:
Chapter 1 Programming Overview
This chapter introduces how to build the remote communication between the power supply and PC and how to control the power supply remot ely. Besides, it also provides a brief introduction of the syntax, symbol s, parameter types and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands as well as the SCPI status system.
Chapter 2 Command System
This chapter introduces the syntax, function, parameters and using instruction of each DP800 command in A-Z order.
Chapter 3 Application Examples
This chapter provides the application examples of the main functions of the power supply . In the application example, a series of commands are combined to realize the corresponding basic function of the power supply.
Chapter 4 Programming Demos
This chapter introduces how to program and control DP800 using various development tools, such as Visual C++, Visual Basic and LabVIEW.
Chapter 5 Appendix
This chapter provides various information, such as the command list and factory setting list.
Format Conventions in this Manual:
1 Key
The function key at the front panel is denoted by the format of "Key Name (Bold) + Text Box" in the manual. For example, Utility denotes the "Utility" key.
2 Menu
The menu item is denoted by the format of "Menu Word (Bold) + Character Shading" in the manual. For example, SysInfo denotes the "SysInfo" item under Utility.
3 Operation Step
The next step of the operation is denoted by an arrow "" in the manual. For example, Utility System denotes pressing Utility at the front panel and then pressing System.
II DP800 Programming Guide
Content Conventions in this Manual:
DP800 series programmable linear DC power supply includes the following models. Unless otherwise noted, in this manual, DP831A is taken as an example to illustrate the using method of each DP800 series command.
Model Number of Channels Output Voltage/Current
DP831A/DP831 3 8V/5A, 30V/2A, -30V/2A DP832A/DP832 3 30V/3A, 30V/3A, 5V/3A DP821A/DP821 2 60V/1A, 8V/10A DP811A/DP811 1 20V/10A (Range 1), 40V/5A (Range 2)
DP800 Programming Guide III
RIGOL Contents
Guaranty and Declaration .......................................................................................................... I
Document Overview ................................................................................................................. II
Chapter 1 Programming Overview ..................................................................................... 1-1
To Build Remote Com munication ................................................................................................ 1-2
Remote Control Methods ........................................................................................................... 1-3
SCPI Command Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-3
Syntax ............................................................................................................................... 1-3
Symbol Description ............................................................................................................. 1-4
Parameter Type .................................................................................................................. 1-4
Command Abbreviation ....................................................................................................... 1-5
SCPI Status Registers ................................................................................................................ 1-5
Questionable Status Register ............................................................................................... 1-9
Standard Event Register .................................................................................................... 1-12
Status Byte Register ......................................................................................................... 1-13
Chapter 2 Command System .............................................................................................. 2-1
:ANALyzer Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-2
:ANALyzer:ANALyze ............................................................................................................ 2-2
:ANALyzer:CURRTime ......................................................................................................... 2-3
:ANALyzer:ENDTime ........................................................................................................... 2-4
:ANALyzer:FILE? ................................................................................................................. 2-4
:ANALyzer:MEMory ............................................................................................................. 2-5
:ANALyzer:MMEMory ........................................................................................................... 2-5
:ANALyzer:OBJect ............................................................................................................... 2-6
:ANALyzer:RESult? .............................................................................................................. 2-6
:ANALyzer:STARTTime ........................................................................................................ 2-7
:ANALyzer:VALue? .............................................................................................................. 2-7
:APPLy Command ...................................................................................................................... 2-8
:APPLy ............................................................................................................................... 2-9
:DELAY Commands .................................................................................................................. 2-11
:DELAY:CYCLEs ................................................................................................................ 2-12
:DELAY:ENDState ............................................................................................................. 2-13
:DELAY:GROUPs ............................................................................................................... 2-14
:DELAY:PARAmeter ........................................................................................................... 2-15
:DELAY[:STATe] ................................................................................................................ 2-16
:DELAY:STATe:GEN ........................................................................................................... 2-16
:DELAY:STOP.................................................................................................................... 2-17
:DELAY:TIME:GEN ............................................................................................................ 2-18
:DISPlay Commands ................................................................................................................ 2-19
:DISPlay:MODE ................................................................................................................ 2-19
:DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe] ............................................................................................. 2-20
:DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT:CLEar ....................................................................................... 2-20
:DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT[:DATA] ..................................................................................... 2-21
IEEE488.2 Common Commands ............................................................................................... 2-22
*CLS ................................................................................................................................ 2-22
*ESE ................................................................................................................................ 2-23
*ESR? .............................................................................................................................. 2-24
*IDN? .............................................................................................................................. 2-24
*OPC ............................................................................................................................... 2-25
*OPT? ............................................................................................................................. 2-25
*PSC ............................................................................................................................... 2-26
*RCL ............................................................................................................................... 2-26
*RST ............................................................................................................................... 2-27
*SAV ............................................................................................................................... 2-27
IV DP800 Programming Guide
Contents RIGOL
*SRE ............................................................................................................................... 2-28
*STB? ............................................................................................................................. 2-28
*TRG .............................................................................................................................. 2-29
*TST? ............................................................................................................................. 2-29
*WAI ............................................................................................................................... 2-29
:INITiate Command ................................................................................................................ 2-30
:INITiate ......................................................................................................................... 2-30
:INSTrument Commands ......................................................................................................... 2-31
:INSTrument:COUPle[:TRIGger] ........................................................................................ 2-31
:INSTrument:NSELect ....................................................................................................... 2-32
:INSTrument[:SELEct] ...................................................................................................... 2-32
:INSTrument[:SELect] ...................................................................................................... 2-32
:LIC Command ....................................................................................................................... 2-33
:LIC:SET .......................................................................................................................... 2-33
:MEASure Commands .............................................................................................................. 2-34
:MEASure:ALL[:DC]? ........................................................................................................ 2-34
:MEASure:CURRent[:DC]? ................................................................................................. 2-35
:MEASure:POWEr[:DC]? ................................................................................................... 2-35
:MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? .............................................................................................. 2-36
:MEMory Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-37
:MEMory[:STATe]:DELete .................................................................................................. 2-37
:MEMory[:STATe]:LOAD .................................................................................................... 2-38
:MEMory[:STATe]:LOCK .................................................................................................... 2-38
:MEMory[:STATe]:STORe .................................................................................................. 2-39
:MEMory[:STATe]:VALid? .................................................................................................. 2-39
:MMEMory Commands ............................................................................................................ 2-40
:MMEMory:CATalog? ......................................................................................................... 2-40
:MMEMory:CDIRectory ..................................................................................................... 2-41
:MMEMory:DELete ............................................................................................................ 2-42
:MMEMory:DISK? ............................................................................................................. 2-42
:MMEMory:LOAD .............................................................................................................. 2-43
:MMEMory:MDIRectory ..................................................................................................... 2-43
:MMEMory:STORe ............................................................................................................ 2-44
:MONItor Commands .............................................................................................................. 2-45
:MONItor:CURRent:CONDition .......................................................................................... 2-46
:MONItor:CURRent[:VALue] .............................................................................................. 2-47
:MONItor:POWER:CONDition ............................................................................................ 2-47
:MONItor:POWER[:VALue] ................................................................................................ 2-48
:MONItor[:STATe] ............................................................................................................ 2-48
:MONItor:STOPway .......................................................................................................... 2-49
:MONItor:VOLTage:CONDition ........................................................................................... 2-50
:MONItor:VOLTage[:VALue] .............................................................................................. 2-51
:OUTPut Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-52
:OUTPut:CVCC? ............................................................................................................... 2-53
:OUTPut:MODE? .............................................................................................................. 2-53
:OUTPut:OCP:ALAR? ........................................................................................................ 2-54
:OUTPut:OCP:QUES? ........................................................................................................ 2-54
:OUTPut:OCP:CLEAR ........................................................................................................ 2-55
:OUTPut:OCP[:STATe] ...................................................................................................... 2-56
:OUTPut:OCP:VALue ........................................................................................................ 2-57
:OUTPut:OVP:ALAR? ........................................................................................................ 2-58
:OUTPut:OVP:QUES? ........................................................................................................ 2-58
:OUTPut:OVP:CLEAR ........................................................................................................ 2-59
:OUTPut:OVP[:STATe] ...................................................................................................... 2-60
:OUTPut:OVP:VALue ........................................................................................................ 2-61
:OUTPut:RANGe ............................................................................................................... 2-62
:OUTPut:SENSe ............................................................................................................... 2-63
:OUTPut[:STATe] .............................................................................................................. 2-63
DP800 Programming Guide V
RIGOL Contents
:OUTPut:TIMEr................................................................................................................. 2-64
:OUTPut:TIMEr:STATe ....................................................................................................... 2-65
:OUTPut:TRACk ................................................................................................................ 2-66
:PRESet Commands ................................................................................................................. 2-67
:PRESet[:APPLy] ............................................................................................................... 2-68
:PRESet:KEY .................................................................................................................... 2-69
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:CURRent .................................................................................... 2-70
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:DEFault ...................................................................................... 2-71
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:OCP ........................................................................................... 2-72
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:OTP ........................................................................................... 2-73
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:OVP ........................................................................................... 2-74
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:SURE ......................................................................................... 2-75
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:TRACk ....................................................................................... 2-75
:PRESet:USER[<n>]:SET:VOLTage .................................................................................... 2-76
:RECAll Commands .................................................................................................................. 2-77
:RECAll:LOCal ................................................................................................................... 2-77
:RECAll:EXTErnal .............................................................................................................. 2-77
:RECorder Commands ............................................................................................................. 2-78
:RECorder:DESTination? ................................................................................................... 2-78
:RECorder:MEMory ........................................................................................................... 2-79
:RECorder:MMEMory ......................................................................................................... 2-80
:RECorder:PERIod ............................................................................................................ 2-80
:RECorder[:STATe] ............................................................................................................ 2-81
:SOURce Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-82
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] .............................................. 2-83
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement] .................................... 2-84
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] ................................................ 2-85
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:CLEar ..................................................................... 2-86
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection[:LEVel] ................................................................... 2-87
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe .................................................................... 2-88
[:SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped? ............................................................... 2-89
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] ............................................... 2-90
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement]..................................... 2-91
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] ................................................. 2-92
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:CLEar ..................................................................... 2-93
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] ................................................................... 2-94
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe ..................................................................... 2-95
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? ............................................................... 2-96
[:SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:RANGe ..................................................................................... 2-97
:STATus Commands ................................................................................................................. 2-98
:STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? .................................................................................... 2-98
:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle........................................................................................... 2-99
:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? ...................................................................................... 2-100
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ENABle ...................................................................... 2-101
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument[:EVENt]? ................................................................... 2-102
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:COND? ............................................ 2-102
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle ............................................ 2-103
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]? ......................................... 2-104
:STORe Commands ............................................................................................................... 2-105
:STORe:LOCal ................................................................................................................ 2-105
:STORe:EXTErnal ............................................................................................................ 2-106
:SYSTem Commands ............................................................................................................. 2-107
:SYSTem:BEEPer:IMMediate ............................................................................................ 2-108
:SYSTem:BEEPer[:STATe] ................................................................................................ 2-108
:SYSTem:BRIGhtness ...................................................................................................... 2-108
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:ADDRess ............................................................................ 2-109
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:APPLy .................................................................................. 2-109
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:AUTOip[:STATe] ................................................................... 2-110
VI DP800 Programming Guide
Contents RIGOL
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DHCP[:STATe] ..................................................................... 2-111
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:DNS .................................................................................... 2-112
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:GATEway ............................................................................ 2-113
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress ........................................................................... 2-114
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:MAC? .................................................................................. 2-114
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:MANualip[:STATe] ................................................................ 2-115
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:SMASK ................................................................................ 2-116
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUD .............................................................................. 2-116
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:DATABit ........................................................................... 2-117
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:FLOWCrl .......................................................................... 2-117
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:PARItybit ......................................................................... 2-117
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:STOPBit ........................................................................... 2-118
:SYSTem:CONTrast ......................................................................................................... 2-118
:SYSTem:ERRor? ............................................................................................................ 2-118
:SYSTem:KLOCk ............................................................................................................. 2-119
:SYSTem:KLOCk:STATe ................................................................................................... 2-120
:SYSTem:LANGuage:TYPE............................................................................................... 2-120
:SYSTem:LOCal .............................................................................................................. 2-121
:SYSTem:LOCK .............................................................................................................. 2-121
:SYSTem:ONOFFSync ..................................................................................................... 2-122
:SYSTem:OTP ................................................................................................................ 2-122
:SYSTem:POWEron ........................................................................................................ 2-123
:SYSTem:REMote ........................................................................................................... 2-123
:SYSTem:RGBBrightness ................................................................................................. 2-124
:SYSTem:RWLock ........................................................................................................... 2-124
:SYSTem:SAVer .............................................................................................................. 2-125
:SYSTem:SELF:TEST:BOARD? ......................................................................................... 2-125
:SYSTem:SELF:TEST:FAN? .............................................................................................. 2-126
:SYSTem:SELF:TEST:TEMP? ............................................................................................ 2-126
:SYSTem:TRACKMode .................................................................................................... 2-126
:SYSTem:VERSion? ......................................................................................................... 2-127
:TIMEr Commands ................................................................................................................ 2-128
:TIMEr:CYCLEs .............................................................................................................. 2-129
:TIMEr:ENDState ........................................................................................................... 2-130
:TIMEr:GROUPs ............................................................................................................. 2-131
:TIMEr:PARAmeter ......................................................................................................... 2-132
:TIMEr[:STATe] .............................................................................................................. 2-133
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:CONSTruct ............................................................................................. 2-133
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:FALLRate ............................................................................................... 2-134
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:INTErval ................................................................................................ 2-134
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:INVErt ................................................................................................... 2-135
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:MAXValue .............................................................................................. 2-136
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:MINValue .............................................................................................. 2-137
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:OBJect .................................................................................................. 2-138
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:PERIod .................................................................................................. 2-139
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:POINTs.................................................................................................. 2-139
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:RISERate ............................................................................................... 2-140
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:SELect ................................................................................................... 2-140
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:SYMMetry .............................................................................................. 2-141
:TIMEr:TEMPlet:WIDTh .................................................................................................. 2-141
:TRIGger Commands ............................................................................................................ 2-142
:TRIGger:IN:CHTYpe ...................................................................................................... 2-143
:TRIGger:IN:CURRent .................................................................................................... 2-144
:TRIGger:IN[:ENABle] .................................................................................................... 2-145
:TRIGger:IN:IMMEdiate .................................................................................................. 2-146
:TRIGger:IN:RESPonse ................................................................................................... 2-147
:TRIGger:IN:SENSitivity .................................................................................................. 2-148
:TRIGger:IN:SOURce...................................................................................................... 2-148
DP800 Programming Guide VII
RIGOL Contents
:TRIGger:IN:TYPE .......................................................................................................... 2-149
:TRIGger:IN:VOLTage ..................................................................................................... 2-150
:TRIGger:OUT:CONDition ................................................................................................ 2-151
:TRIGger:OUT:DUTY ....................................................................................................... 2-152
:TRIGger:OUT[:ENABle] .................................................................................................. 2-153
:TRIGger:OUT:PERIod .................................................................................................... 2-154
:TRIGger:OUT:POLArity................................................................................................... 2-155
:TRIGger:OUT:SIGNal ..................................................................................................... 2-156
:TRIGger:OUT:SOURce ................................................................................................... 2-156
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay ........................................................................................... 2-157
:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce ........................................................................................ 2-158
Chapter 3 Application Examples ........................................................................................ 3-1
CV Output ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Track Fu nction .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Timing Output .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Delay Output ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
To Trigger the Power Supply ...................................................................................................... 3-4
To Use the Recorder .................................................................................................................. 3-4
To Use the Analyzer .................................................................................................................. 3-5
To Use the Monitor .................................................................................................................... 3-5
To Use the Trigger ..................................................................................................................... 3-6
Trigger Input ...................................................................................................................... 3-6
Trigger Output .................................................................................................................... 3-6
Chapter 4 Programming Demos ......................................................................................... 4-1
Programming Preparations ......................................................................................................... 4-2
Excel Programming Demo .......................................................................................................... 4-3
MATLA B P rogramming Demo ..................................................................................................... 4-6
LabVIEW Programming Demo .................................................................................................... 4-7
Visual Basic Programming Demo .............................................................................................. 4-11
Visual C++ Programming Demo ............................................................................................... 4-13
Chapter 5 Appendix ............................................................................................................ 5-1
Appendix A: Command List ........................................................................................................ 5-1
Appendix B: Factory Setting ....................................................................................................... 5-7
Appendix C: Warranty ............................................................................................................. 5-12
VIII DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL

Chapter 1 Programming Overview

This chapter introduces how to build the remote communication between the PC and instrument and control the power supply remotely. It also provides a n overview of the syntax, symbols, parameter types and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands and the SCPI status system.
Main topics of this chapter:
To Build Remote Communication Remote Control MethodsSCPI Command OverviewSCPI Status Registers
DP800 Programming Guide 1-1
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview

To Build Remote Communication

You can build the remote communication between DP800 and PC over USB, LAN, RS232 or GPIB (option, can be extended via the USB-GPIB interface converter) interface.
Note: The end mark of the command sent through RS232 interface is "\r\n".
Operation Steps: 1 Install the Ultra Sigma common PC software
You can acquire this software from the resource CD in the standard accessories or download it from RIGOL official websit e (
2 Connect the instrument and PC and configure the interface parameters of the instrument
DP800 supports USB, LAN, RS232 and GPIB (extended via the USB HOST interface of the instrument) communication interfaces, as shown in the figure below.
www.rigol.com) and then install it according to the instructions.
Figure 1-1 DP800 Communication Interfaces
Note: For DP831A/DP832A/DP821A/DP811A, the instrument is installed with the LAN and RS232 options when it leav es factory; users can build the remote communication between the instrument and PC via the LAN or RS232 interface directly. For DP831/DP832/DP821/DP81 1, the LAN interface communication and RS232 interface communication are optional functions; to use the functions, please order the corresponding option and install the option correctly (
(1) Use the USB interface: connect the USB DEVICE interface at the rear panel of DP800 and the USB
HOST interface of the PC using USB cable.
(2) Use the LAN interface:
Make sure that your PC is connected to the local network. Check whether your local network supports DHCP or auto IP mode. If not, you ne ed to
acquire the network interface parameters available, including the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS.
Connect DP800 to the local network using network cable. Press Utility I/O ConfigLAN to configure the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and
DNS of the instrument.
1-2 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
(3) Use the RS232 interface:
Connect the RS232 interface with the PC or data terminal equipment (DTE) using RS232
Press UtilityI/O ConfigRS232 to set interface parameters (such as the baud rate
and parity) that match the PC or terminal equipment.
(4) Use the GPIB interface:
Use the USB-GPIB interface converter to extend a GPIB interface via the USB HOST interface
at the rear panel o f DP800.
Connect the instrument with your PC using a GPIB cable. Press Utility I/O ConfigGPIB to set the GPIB address of the instrument.
3 Check whether the connection is successful
Run the Ultra Sigma, search for resource, right-click the resource name and select "SCPI Panel Control" in the pop-up menu. Enter the cor rect command in the pop-up SCPI control panel and click "Send Command" and then "Read Response" or click "Send & Read" directly to check whether the connection is successful.

Remote Control Methods

1 User-defined Programming
You can program and control the instrument using the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands listed in chapter 2 "Command System" in various development environments (such as Visual C++, Visual Basic and LabVIEW). For details, refer to the introductions in chapter 4 "Progr amming Demos".
2 Send SCPI Commands via the PC Software
It is recommended that you control th e power supply remotel y by send ing SCPI commands vi a the PC software Ultra Sigma provided by RIGOL

SCPI Command Overview

SCPI (Standard Comm ands for Programmable Instruments) is a standardized instrument programming language that is built upon the standard IEEE 488.1 and IEEE 488.2 and conforms to various standards (such as the floating point operation rules in IEEE754 standard, ISO646 7-bit coded character for information intercha nge (equivalent to ASCII programming)). This section introduces the syntax, symbols, parameters and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.


SCPI commands present a hierarchical tree structure and contain multiple subsystems, each subsystem consists of a root keyword and one or more sub-keywords. The command string usually starts with ":"; the keywords are separated by ":" and are followed by the parameter settings available. The command keywords and the first parameter are separated b y a space. "?" i s added at the end of the comman d string to indicate query.
For example, :SYSTe m:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress <ip> :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress?
SYSTem is the root keyword of the command. COMMunicate, LAN and IPADdress are the second-level, third-level and forth-level keywords respectively. The command string starts with ":" which is also used to separate the multiple-level keywords. <ip> represents the parameters available for setting. The command
DP800 Programming Guide 1-3
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
keywords :SYSTem:COMMunicate:LAN:IPADdress and parameter <ip> are separated by a space. "?" represents query.
"," is generally used for separating multiple parameters contained in the same command, for example, :DELAY:PARAmeter <secnum>,{ON|OFF},<time>

Symbol Description

The following four symbols are not the content of SCPI commands and will not be sent with the commands. They are usually used to describe the parameters in the commands.
1 Braces { }
Usually, multiple optional parameters are enclosed in the braces and one of the parameters must be selected when sending the command. For example, :DISPlay:MODE {NORMal|WAVE|DIAL}.
2 Vertical Bar |
The vertical bar is used to separate multiple parameters and one of the parameters must be selected when sending the command. For example, :DISPlay:MODE {NORMal|WAVE|DIAL}.
3 Square Brackets [ ]
The content (command keyword) enclosed in the square brackets can be omitted. When the parameter is omitted, the instrument will set the parameter to its default. For example, for the :MEASure[:VOLTage][:DC]? command, sending any of the four commands below can achieve the
same effect. :MEASure? :MEASure:DC? :MEASure:VOLTage? :MEASure:VOLTage:DC?
4 Triangle Brackets < >
The parameter enclosed in the tri ang le br ack ets m us t be replac ed by an ef fec tive valu e. F o r examp le,
send the :ANALyzer:CURRTime <value> command in :ANALyzer:CURRTime 5 form.

Parameter Type

The parameters of the commands introduced in this manua l contains 5 types: bool, integer, real number, discrete and ASCII string.
1 Bool
The parameter could be "ON" (1) or "OFF" (0). For example, :RECorder[:STATe] {ON|OFF}.
2 Integer
Unless otherwise noted, the parameter can be any integer within the effective value range. Note that do not set the parameter to a decimal; otherwise, errors will occur. For example, in the :SYSTem:BRIGhtness <brightness> command, <brightness> can be any integer from 0 to 100.
3 Real Number
Unless otherwise noted, the parameter can be any real number within the effective value range.
For example, for CH1 of DP831A, the ranges of <volt> and <curr> in the :APPLy CH1,<volt>,<curr>
command are 0.000V to 8.400V and 0.0000A to 5.3000A respectively.
4 Discrete
The parameter could only be one of the specified values or characters. For example, in the :ANALyzer:OBJect {V|C|P} command, the parameter can be V, C or P.
1-4 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
5 ASCII String
The parameter should be the combinations of ASCII characters. For example, in the :MMEMory:STORe <file_name> command, <file_name> is the filename of the f ile to be saved and can include Chinese characters, English characters and numbers.
Besides, many commands contain the MINimum and MAXimum parameters which are used to set the parameter to its minimum or maximum value. For example, MINimum and MAXimum in the :SYSTem:BRIGhtness {<brightness>|MINimum|MAXimum} command are used to set the brightness to the minimum or maximum.

Command Abbreviation

All the commands are case-insensitive and you can use any of them. If abbreviation is used, all the capital letters in the comman d must be written c ompletely. For example, the :ANALyzer:ANALyze command can be abbreviated to :ANAL:ANAL.

SCPI Status Registers

All the SCPI instruments execute the status register operations in the same way. The s tatus system reco rds the various instrument states into three register sets: status byte register, standard event register and questionable status register sets. The status byte register records the advanced summary information reported by other register sets. The SCPI status systems of the DP8 00 series multi-channel models (take DP831A as an example) and single-channel model (take DP811A as an example) are as shown in Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-3 respectively.
Event Register
The event register is r ead-only and is used to report some states of the power supply defined internally. All the bits in the event register are latched and once an event bit is set, the later state (state of the event represented by this bit) changes will all be ignored. The event register bits will be cleared automatically when you send command to query the ev ent register (such as th e command) or send the the bits in the event register. When querying the event register, the query returns a decimal value corresponding to the sum of the binary weights of all the bit s in the register.
*CLS command to clear the register, but the reset command (*RST) will not clear
Enable Register
The enable register is both readable and writable. It is used to define which status i nform ation will be reported to the next-level. The bits in the enable register will not be cleared when you send command to query the enable register or send the can clear the bits in the event register). To enable the bits in the enable register, you need to write into the register a decimal value corresponding to the sum of the binary weights of the bits to be enabled in the register.
*CLS command to clear the register state (but the *CLS command
Multi-logic Output
This part is only applicable to multi-channel models. T ake DP831A as an exampl e. The 3-logic output of the power supply includ es a channel questionable status register and three independent channel questionable status SUMMARY registers (corresponding to the logic outputs of the three channels respectively). The channel questionable status SUMMARY registers report the sta tus of each channel to the channel questionable stat us register which then reports the channel status to the bit13 (ISUM bit) of the
*ESR? or :STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?
DP800 Programming Guide 1-5
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
Questionable Status SUMMARY Register
CH2 Questionable Status SUMMARY Register STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary2
CH3 Questionable Status SUMMARY Register STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary3
Not Used Not used Not used Not used
Not used INST1 event summary INST2 event summary INST3 event summary
Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Channel Questionable Status Register
Event Register Enable Register
To STATus:QUEStionablebit13
Event Register Enable Register
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Event Register Enable Register
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Event Register Enable Register
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Overvoltage Protection Overcurrent Protection
Overvoltage Protection Overcurrent Protection
Overvoltage Protection Overcurrent Protection
questionable status register.
1-6 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
Questionable Status
Event Register Enable Register
Standard Event
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Event Register Enable Register
Status Byte
TEMPerature Not used Not used Not used
Not used Not used Not used Not used
Not used Not used Not Used FAN Not used INSTrument summary Not used Not used
EXE CME Not used PON
OPC Not used QYE DDE
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
*ESE <value> *ESE?
MAV ESB RQS Not used
Not used Not used Not used QUES
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
*SRE <value> *SRE?
Summary Register Enable Register
Output Buffer
20=1 2
Binary Weight
Operation Complete
Query Error
Device Dependent Error
Execution Error
Command Error
Power On
Figure 1-2 The SCPI Status System of DP800 Series Multi-channel Models (Take DP831A as an Example)
DP800 Programming Guide 1-7
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
Event Register Enable Register
Standard Event
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Event Register Enable Register
Status Byte
TEMPerature Not used Not used Not used
VOLTage CURRent Not used Not used
Not used OVP OCP FAN Not used Not used Not used Not used
EXE CME Not used PON
OPC Not used QYE DDE
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
*ESE <value> *ESE?
MAV ESB RQS Not used
Not used Not used Not used QUES
4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3
*SRE <value> *SRE?
Summary Register Enable Register
Output Buffer
Binary Weight
Operation Complete
Query Error
Device Dependent Error
Execution Error
Command Error
Power On
Overvoltage Protection Overcurrent Protection
Figure 1-3 The SCPI Status System of DP800 Series Single-channel Model (Take DP811A as an Example)
1-8 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
Summary information of the channel questionable status SUMMARY register set.

Questionable Status Register

Questionable Status Register of Multi-channel Models
The SCPI status system of the multi-channel models is as shown in Figure 1-2. Wher ein, the channel questionable status register indicates in which channel questionable event occurs. While for each specific logic output, the channel questionable status SUMMARY register is a pseudo-questionable status register.
The questionable status register provides information about the questionable status of the power supply. Bit4 (TEMPerature) reports the over-temperature state; bit11 (FAN) reports the fan failure state and bit13 (INSTrument summary) summaries the questionable output state of any of the three output channels. You can send the first enable the register the information of which you want to summarize using bit13. Send
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ENABle command to enable the chan nel questionable status
the register; then send the the corresponding channel questionable status SUMMARY register. The definitions of the bits in t he questionable status register of the multi-channel models and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Definitions of the bits in the questionable status register of the multi-channel models and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights
:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? command to read the register. To use bit13, you must
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle command to enable
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0-3 Not used 0 Always be 0. 4 TEMPerature 16 Over-temperature. 5-10 Not used 0 Always be 0. 11 FAN 2048 Fan failure. 12 Not used 0 Always be 0.
13 INSTrument summary 8192
14-15 Not used 0 Always be 0.
Channel Questionable Status Register
The channel questionable status register provides the questionable status information of all the three channels. Bit1 (INST1 event summary), bit2 (INST2 event summary) and bit3 (INST3 event summary) report the information about the questionable states of CH1, CH2 and CH3 respectively. You can send
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument[:EVENt]? command to read the register. To use the channel
the questionable status register, you must enable the channel questionable status SUMMARY register. You can send the corresponding channel questionable status SUMMARY register. The definitions of the bits in the channel questionable status register and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-2.
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle command to enable the
questionable status register and channel
DP800 Programming Guide 1-9
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
The power supply is working in constant unregulated.
The power supply is working in constant unregulated.
Table 1-2 Definitions of the bits in the channel questionable status register of the multi-channel model and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0 Not used 0 Always be 0. 1 INST1 event summary 2 Summary information of CH1 events. 2 INST2 event summary 4 Summary information of CH2 eve nts. 3 INST3 event summary 8 Summary information of CH3 events. 4-15 Not used 0 Always be 0.
Channel Questionable Status SUMMARY Register
DP831A provides 3 channel questionable status SUMMARY registers corresponding to the three channe ls respectively. The channel questionable status SUMMARY register provides the channel voltage control, current control, overvoltage and overcurrent information. When the volta ge becomes unregulated, bit0 (VOLTage) is set; when the current becomes unregulated, bit1 (CURRent) is set. You can send
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]? command to read the channel
the questionable status SUMMARY register of the corresponding channel. The definitions of the bits in the channel questionable status SUMMARY register and the decimal values of their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-3.
Table 1-3 Definitions of the bits in the channel questionable status SUMMARY register of the multi-channel model and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0 VOLTage 1
1 CURRent 2
current mode and the voltage becomes
voltage mode and the current becomes
2 OVP 4 Overvoltage. 3 OCP 8 Overcurrent. 4-15 Not used 0 Always be 0.
You can send the
:STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:COND? command to query the
current working mode (CV or CC mode) of the corresponding channel. When bit0 is true, the corresponding channel is working in CC mode; when bit1 is true, the corresponding channel is working in CV mode; when bit0 and bit1 are both true, both the output voltage and current of the corresponding channel becomes unregulated; when bit0 and bit1 are both false, the power supply output is turned off.
1-10 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
The power supply is working in constant current mode and the voltage becomes unregulated.
The power supply is working in constant voltage mode and the current becomes unregulated.
Questionable Status Register of Single-channel Model
The SCPI status system of the single-channel model is as shown in Figure 1-3. Wherein, the questionable status register provides voltage control, curr ent control, over-temperature, overvoltage, overcurrent and fan failure information. You can send the
:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? command to read the register.
The definitions of the bits in the questionable status r egister of the single-channel model and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-4.
Table 1-4 Definitions of the bits in the questionable status register of the single-channel model and the decimal values corresponding to their binary weights
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0 VOLTage 1
1 CURRent 2 2-3 Not used 0 Always be 0. 4 TEMPerature 16 Over-temperature. 5-8 Not used 0 Always be 0. 9 OVP 512 Overvoltage. 10 OCP 1024 Overcurrent. 11 FAN 2048 Fan failure. 12-15 Not used 0 Always be 0.
DP800 Programming Guide 1-11
RIGOL Chapter 1 Programming Overview
Operation complete. All the previous commands including the *OPC command are executed.
Query error. The power supply tries to read the output
or both the input an d output buffers are full.
Execution error (include trigger ignore, initialization and invalid parameter value).
Power-on inspection. Turn off the power supply after the power supply.

Standard Event Register

The standard event regi ster repor ts th e f ol lo wing instr ument events: power-on detection command syntax error, command execution error, self-test or calibration error, query error or operation complete. All these events or anyone of these events can be reported by the enable register to the bit5 (ESB, Event Summary Bit) of the status byte register. T o set th e enable register mask, you n eed to use the a decimal value into the register. The definitions of the bits in the standard event register and the corresponding decimal values of their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-5.
Note: An error status (bit2, 3, 4 or 5 in the standard event register) records one or more errors in the power supply error queue and you can send the
Table 1-5 Definitions of the bits in the standard event register and the corresponding dec imal values of their binary weights
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0 OPC 1 1 Not used 0 Always be 0.
:SYSTem:ERRor? command to read the error queue.
*ESE command to write
2 QYE 4
3 DDE 8 Device error. Self-test or calibration error occurs.
4 EXE 16
5 CME 32 Command error. Command syntax error occurs. 6 Not used 0 Always be 0.
7 PON 128
buffer but it is empty; or the system receives a new command before the previous query command is read;
ignore, setting conflict, data overrange, data too long
the event register is read or cleared and then turn on
1-12 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 1 Programming Overview RIGOL
One or more bits in the questionable status register are set (the bits in the enable register must be enabled)
The data in the output buffer of the power supply is available.
One or more bits in the standard event register are set (the bits in the enable register must be enabled)

Status Byte Register

The status byte register reports the status infor mation of the other status registers. The bit4 (MAV, Message Available Bit) in the status byte register will report immediately when querying the data waiting to be queried in the output buffer of the power supply. The bits in the SUMMARY register of the status byte register are not latched. The cor responding bit in the SUMMARY register of the status byte register will be cleared when the event register is cleared. The bit4 (MAV, Message Available Bit) will be cleared when reading all the information including any pending queries in the output buffer. The definitions of the bits in the status byte register and the corresponding decimal values of their binary weights are as shown in Table 1-6.
Table 1-6 Definitions of the bits in the stat us byte register and the corresponding decimal values of their binary weights
Bit Decimal Value Definition
0-2 Not used 0 Always be 0. 3 QUES 8
4 MAV 16
5 ESB 32 6 RQS 64 The power supply is requesting for service. 7 Not used 0 Always be 0.
DP800 Programming Guide 1-13
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL
Parameter Type
Units Available
Default Unit
V, mV
A, mA
W, mW

Chapter 2 Command System

This chapter introduces the syntax, function, parameter and using instruction of each DP800 command in A-Z order.
Main topics of this chapter:
:ANALyzer Commands :APPLy Command :DELAY Commands :DISPlay Commands IEEE488.2 Common Commands:INITiate Command:INSTrument Commands :LIC Command:MEASure Commands :MEMory Commands :MMEMory Commands :MONItor Commands :OUTPut Commands :PRESet Commands :RECAll Commands :RECorder Commands :SOURce Commands :STATus Commands :STORe Commands :SYSTem Commands :TIMEr Commands :TRIGger Commands
Explanation: In this command system, setting commands relating to the time, voltage, current and power parameters can be sent with units. Unless otherwise noted, the units available and the default unit of each parameter are as shown in the table below.
of trigger output), <value> is a time parameter and the units available ar e s, ms and us. The default unit is s.
DP800 Programming Guide 2-1
: For the :TRIGger:OUT:PERIod [D0|D1|D2|D3,]<value> command (setting the period of the square waveform
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System


according to the curre nt setting.
You can send the :ANALyzer:RESult? command to view the analysis results.

:ANALyzer Commands

The :ANALyzer commands are used to set th e analyzer parameter s, execute an alysis and qu ery the analysis results.
For DP831A/DP832A/DP821A/DP811A, the instrument is installed with the analyzer option when it leaves factory and users can directly use the analyzer function. For DP831/DP832/DP821/DP811, the analyzer is an optional function; to use this function, please order the corresponding option and install the option correctly (
Command List
:ANALyzer:ANALyze:ANALyzer:CURRTime:ANALyzer:ENDTime:ANALyzer:FILE? :ANALyzer:MEMory:ANALyzer:MMEMory:ANALyzer:OBJect
:ANALyzer:RESult?:ANALyzer:STARTTime :ANALyzer:VALue?
Description When receiving this command, the instrument executes the analysis operation
Explanation The analysis operation can only be executed when valid record file is opened
not included and you can view the complete introductions of the commands in the text according to the keywords.
: In the "Command List" in this manual, the parameters in the setting commands and the query commands are
2-2 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL
Query the current time of the analyzer.
the record file opened
You can only set the current time when valid record file is opened (:ANALyzer:FILE?).


Syntax :ANALyzer:CURRTime <value>
Set the current time of the analyzer.
<value> Integer
Return Format The query returns an integer, for example, 12.
:ANAL:CURRT 12 /*Set the current time of the analyzer to 12s*/ :ANAL:CURRT? /*Query the current time of the analyzer and the query returns
:ANALyzer:FILE? :ANALyzer:STARTTime :ANALyzer:ENDTime
Start time to end time of
Start time
DP800 Programming Guide 2-3
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
:ANALyzer:ENDTime? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Query the end time of the analyzer.
Refer to the "Explanation"
the recorded data between the start time and end time.
Return Format
The query returns an integer, for example, 125.
:ANAL:ENDT? /*Query the current end time and the query returns 125*/


Query the record file currently opened.
currently opened, the query returns NULL.


Syntax :ANALyzer:ENDTime {<value>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Description Set the end time of the analyzer.
Explanation You can only set the end time when valid record file is opened (refer to
:ANALyzer:FILE? command).
When the groups of the record file opened is less than or equal to 2048, the
range of the end time is from the start time to the maximum record time (groups times record period) of the record file opened and the default is the maximum record time of the record file opened.
When the groups of the record file opened is greater than 2048, the range of
the end time is from the start time to the product of the record period of the record file opened times 2048 and the default is the product of the record period of the record file opened times 2048.
When receiving the
:ANALyzer:ANALyze command, the analyzer will analyze
Example :ANAL:ENDT 125 /*Set the end time of the analyzer to 125s*/
:ANALyzer:ANALyze :ANALyzer:FILE?
Return Format When valid record file is currently opened, the query returns the directory of the file
currently opened, for example, C:\REC 10:test.ROF; when no valid record file is
2-4 DP800 Programming Guide
Chapter 2 Command System RIGOL
:ANALyzer:MEMory {1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}
Open the specified record file in the internal memory (C disk).
opened (:ANALyzer:FILE?).
location 10 in C disk*/
:ANALyzer:MMEMory <dest>
Open the record file in the specified directory in the external memory (D disk).
opened (:ANALyzer:FILE?).
:ANAL:MMEMory D:\RECORD.ROF /*Open the RECORD.ROF file under D disk*/


{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10} Discrete 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10 None
Explanation This command is only available when valid record file is stored in the specified
Parameters 1 to 10 represent the record files stored in the corresponding
locations of the internal memory respectively.
You can only set the start time, end time, current time and analysis object as
well as execute the analysis operation when valid record file is currently
Example :ANAL:MEMory 10 /*Open the record file currently stored in record file storage
:ANALyzer:FILE? :ANALyzer:STARTTime :ANALyzer:ENDTime :ANALyzer:CURRTime :ANALyzer:ANALyze


<dest> ASCII string
Explanation This command is only available when external memory is detected and valid
record file is stored in the specified directory of the external memory.
You can only set the start time, end time, current time and analysis object as
well as execute the analysis operation when valid record file is currently
Valid directory under D
:ANALyzer:FILE? :ANALyzer:STARTTime :ANALyzer:ENDTime :ANALyzer:CURRTime
DP800 Programming Guide 2-5
RIGOL Chapter 2 Command System
Query the analysis object of the analyzer.
the :ANALyzer:FILE? command).
Return Format
The query returns V, C or P.
returns V*/


variance, range, minimum, maximum and mean deviation.


Syntax :ANALyzer:OBJect {V|C|P}
Description Set the analysis object of the analyzer to voltage, current or power.
Explanation You can only set the analysis object when valid record file is opened (refer to
Example :ANAL:OBJ V /*Set the analysis object of the analyzer to voltage*/
:ANAL:OBJ? /*Query the analysis object o f the analyzer and the query
Description Query the analysis results, including the number of groups, median, mode, average,
Return Format The query returns the analysis results with the data separated by commas, for
example, Group:85,Median:41.9994V,Mode:0.0000V,Average:34.0924V,Variance:269.5170V,
Example :ANAL:RES? /*Query the analysis results and the query returns
Group:85,Median:41.9994V,Mode:0.0000V,Average:34.0924V,Va riance:269.5170V,Range:42.0002V,Min:0.0000V,Max:42.0002V,M
2-6 DP800 Programming Guide
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