Ricoh Priport JP1030 Operating Instructions Manual

Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Please read the Saf ety In for matio n bef ore usin g thi s machi ne. It co ntains impor tant infor mation rela ted to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations may be slightly different from your machine. Certain options may not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the Inch version. For good print quality, Ricoh recommends that you use genuine Ricoh master and ink. Ricoh shall not be respons ible for any dama ge or expens e that mi ght res ult from the use of part s other
than genuine Ricoh parts in your Ricoh office product.
Power Source:
120 V, 60 Hz, 2.5 A or more Please be sure to conn ect the po wer cord to a power sourc e as above. For details about power s ource,
see P.110
“Power connection”
Note to users in the United States of America
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital devices, pur­suant to Part 1 5 of t h e FCC Rules. These limi t s ar e de si gned to provide rea so nable protectio n aga ins t harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, might cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi dent ial a rea i s l ikel y to c ause harm ful i nter fere nce i n whic h ca se the user wil l be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note to users in Canada
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Remarque concernant les utilisateurs au Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
In accordance with ISO Standard 7001, this machine uses the following symbols for the main switch:
aaaa means POWER ON. bbbb means POWER OFF.
Copyright © 1998 Ricoh Co., Ltd.
15-5, 1 chome, Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan Telephone: Tokyo 3479-3111
Overseas Affiliates
RICOH CORPOR ATI ON 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwe ll, New Je rs ey 07 006 Phone: +1-9 73-882-2000
The Netherlands
RICOH EUROPE B.V. Groenelaan 3, 1186 AA, A mstelve en Phone: +31- ( 0) 2 0- 5 474111
United Kingdom
RICOH UK L TD. Ricoh House, 1 Plane Tree Crescent, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 7HG Phone: +44-(0)181-261-4000
RICOH DEUTS C HLA ND GmbH Mergenthaler Allee 38-40, 65760 Eschbor n Phone: +49- ( 0) 6 196-9060
RICOH FRANC E S . A . 383, Avenue du Général de Gaulle BP 307-92143 Cl amar t Cedex Phone: +33-(0)1-40-94-38-38
RICOH ESPAÑA S.A. Av.Litoral Mar, 12-14, 08005 Barc elona Phone: +34 - ( 0) 9 3- 295-7600
RICOH ITALI A SpA Viale Della Metallurgia 12, Zona Basson 37 139 Verona Phone: +39-(0)45-8181500
Hong Kong
RICOH HONG KONG LTD. 23/F., China Overseas Building, 139, Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Phone: +852- 2 862-2888
RICOH ASI A PACIFIC P T E . LTD. 260 Orchard R oa d, #15-01/02 The Heeren, Singapore 238855 Phone: +65- 830-5888
Printed in Japan UE USA C231-8607A
Please read the Saf ety In for matio n bef ore usin g thi s machi ne. It co ntains impor tant infor mation rela ted to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations may be slightly different from your machine. Certain options may not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the Inch version. For good print quality, Gestetner recommends that you use genuine Gestetner master and ink. Gestetner shall not be responsible for any damage or expense that might result from the use of parts
other than genuine Gestetner parts in your Gestetner office product.
Power Source:
120 V, 60 Hz, 2.5 A or more Please be sure to conn ect the po wer cord to a power sourc e as above. For details about power s ource,
see P.110
“Power connection”
Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Please read the Saf ety In for matio n bef ore usin g thi s machi ne. It co ntains impor tant infor mation rela ted to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Some illustrations may be slightly different from your machine. Certain options may not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Two kinds of size notation are employed in this manual. With this machine refer to the Inch version. For good print quality, Savin recommends that you use genuine Savin master and ink. Savin shall not be r esponsible for any damage or expense that migh t r es ul t fr om t he us e of parts other
than genuine Savin parts in your Savin office product.
Power Source:
120 V, 60 Hz, 2.5 A or more Please be sure to conn ect the po wer cord to a power sourc e as above. For details about power s ource,
see P.110
“Power connection”
Read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference. For safety, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Note to users in the United States of America
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital devices, pur­suant to Part 1 5 of t h e FCC Rules. These limi t s ar e de si gned to provide rea so nable protectio n aga ins t harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, might cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a resi dent ial a rea i s l ikel y to c ause harm ful i nter fere nce i n whic h ca se the user wil l be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note to users in Canada
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Remarque concernant les utilisateurs au Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
In accordance with ISO Standard 7001, this machine uses the following symbols for the main switch:
aaaa means POWER ON. bbbb means POWER OFF.
SAVIN CORPORATI ON 333 Ludlow Street Stamford CT06904 203–967–5000
Safety Information
When using your machine, the following safety precautions should be always be followed.
Safety During Operation
In this manual, the following important symbols are used:
Examples Of Indications
Ignoring this warning could cause serious inju ry or ev en de at h.
Ignoring this caut i on could cause injury or damage to propert y.
Symbols R mean a situation that requires you take care.
Do NOT carry out the operation represented by this symbol m.
This example means “Do not take apart”.
Symbols $ mean you MUST perform this operation.
This example means “You must remove the wall plug”.
Only connect the machine to the power source described on the inside front cover of this manual.
Avoid multi-wiring.
Do not damage, break or make any modifications to the pow­er cord. Do not place heavy objects on it, pull it hard or bend it more than necessary. These actions co uld cause an elec­tric shock or fire.
Do not plug or unplug the power cord with your hands wet. Otherwise, an electric shock might occur.
Make sure the wall outlet is near the machine and freely ac­cessible so that in event of an emergency it can be un­plugged easily.
Do not remove any covers or screws other than those spec­ified in this manual. Some parts of the machine are at a high voltage and could give you an electric shock. When the ma­chine needs to be checked, adjusted, or repaired, contact your service representative.
Do not take apart or attempt any modifications to this ma­chine. There is a risk of fire, electric shock, explosion or loss of sight.
If the machine looks damaged or breaks down, smoke is coming out, there is a strang e smell or anything looks un­usual, immediately turn off the main switch th en u npl ug the power cord from the wall. Do not continue using the ma­chine in this condition. Contact your service representative.
If metal, liquid or foreign matter falls into the machine, tu rn off the main swi tch and unplug th e main power cord. Con­tact your service representative. Do not keep using the ma­chine with a fault or defect.
Do not put any metal objects or containers holding water (e.g. vases, flowerpots, glasses) on the machine. If the con­tents fall inside the machine, a fire or electric shock c ould occur.
Keep the machine away from humidity and dust. A fire or an elec-
tric shock might occur.
Do not place the machine on an unstable or tilted surface. If it top­ples over, it could cause injury.
After you move the machine, fix it with the caster fixture. Other­wise, the machine might move or come down to cause a personal injury.
When you move the machine, unplug the po wer cord from the wall outlet to avoid fire or electric shock.
When the machine will not be used for a long time, unplug t he power cord.
When you pull out the plug from the socket, grip the plug to avoid damaging the cord and causing fire or electric shock.
If you use the machine in a confined space, make sure there is a continuous air turnover.
Do not reuse stapled paper. Do not use aluminum foil, carbon­containing paper or other conductive paper. Otherwise, a fire might occur.
This machine has been tested for safety using this supplier's parts and consumables. We recommend you only use these specified supplies.
This equipment is only to be installed by a qualified service per­sonnel.
Deliver to collection point for waste products. Do not be disposed of via domestic refuse collection.
If ink comes into contact with your eyes, rinse immediately in run­ning water. In the case of any abnormal symptoms, consult a doctor.
Keep the ink or ink container out of reach of children.
If ink is ingested, force vomiting by drinking a strong saline solu­tion and consult a doctor immediately.
Be careful not to cut yourself on any sharp edges when you reach inside the machine to remove misfed sheets of paper or masters.
Do not touch the belt at the end of the p aper delivery table. Do not insert your hands under the paper feed table or the paper de­livery table. You might be injured.
How To Read This Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in death or serious injury when you misuse the machine without following the in­structions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are de­scribed in the Safety Information section.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation that might result in mi­nor or moderate injury or property damage that does not involve personal injury when you misuse the machine without following the instructions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instructions, all of which are described in the Safety Information section.
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might be misfed, originals might be damaged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates the prior knowledge or preparations required before op­erating.
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after misop­eration.
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together, or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
[ ]
Keys that appear on the machine's panel display.
{ }
Keys built into the machine's operation panel.
What You Can Do With This Machine
❖❖❖❖ Standard Printing
See P.5 “Standard Printing”.
❖❖❖❖ Adjusting The Print Image Position
See P.8 “Adjusting The Print Image Position”.
❖❖❖❖ Adjusting The Print Image Density
See P.10 “Adjusting The Print Image Density”.
❖❖❖❖ Making Half-tone Prints
See P.11 “Tint Mode—Making Half-tone Prints”.
❖❖❖❖ Making Clear Prints
See P.12 “Fine Mode—Making Clear Prints”.
❖❖❖❖ Changing The Print Speed
See P.13 “Changing The Printing Speed”.
❖❖❖❖ Reducing And Enlarging Using Preset Ratios
See P.15 “Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing And Enlarging Using Preset Ra-
❖❖❖❖ Erasing Center And Edge Margins
See P.17 “Center/Edge Erase—Erasing Center And Edge Margins”.
❖❖❖❖ Erasing Edge Margins
See P.19 “Edge Erase—Erasing Edge Margins”.
❖❖❖❖ Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Originals
See P.21 “Paste Shadow Erase—Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Originals”.
❖❖❖❖ Printing On Thick Or Thin Paper
See P.22 “Printing On Thick Or Thin Paper”.
❖❖❖❖ Selecting Original Type
See P.23 “Selecting Original Type”.
❖❖❖❖ Ink Saving
See P.24 “Economy Mode—Ink Saving”.
❖❖❖❖ Printing From Several Originals At Once
See P.25 “Auto Cycle—Printing From Several Originals At Once”.
❖❖❖❖ Group Printing From The Same Original
See P.27 “Class Mode—Group Printing From The Same Original”.
❖❖❖❖ Group Printing From Different Originals
See P.29 “Memory Mode—Group Printing From Different Originals”.
❖❖❖❖ Combining Originals Into One Print
See P.32 “Combine Copies—Combining 2 Originals Into One Print”.
21 12
❖❖❖❖ Skip Feed Printing
See P.35 “Skip Feed Printing”.
❖❖❖❖ Storing Your Print Settings In Memory
See P.36 “Program—Storing Your Print Settings In Memory”.
❖❖❖❖ Printing Secret Documents
See P.40 “Security Mode—Printing Secret Documents”.
❖❖❖❖ Making Color Prints
See P.49 “Making Color Prints”.
❖❖❖❖ Printing In Two Colors
See P.51 “Printing In Two Colors”.
Guide To Components
Machine Exterior
1. Front Door
Open for access to the inside of the ma­chine.
2. Operation Panel
Operator controls and indicators are lo-
cated here. See P.xii “Operation Panel”.
3. Platen Cover
Lower this cover over an original before printing.
4. Original Table Release Lever
Use to open the original table unit when installing the master.
5. Feed Roller Pressure Lever
Use to adjust the contact pressure of the paper feed roller according to paper thickness.
6. Paper Feed Side Plates
Use to prevent paper skew.
7. Paper Feed Table
Set paper on this table for printing.
8. Side Table Fine Adjusting Dial
Use to shift the paper feed table side­ways.
9. Paper Feed Table Down key
Press to lower the paper feed table.
10. Behind Cover
Flip up when you use the keys under­neath.
Machine Interior
1. Document Feeder (Option)
Original inserted into the document feed­er are individually and automatically fed onto and removed from the exposure
glass. See P.41 “Printing Using The Op-
tional 30 Originals Document Feeder”.
2. Paper Delivery Side Plates
Use to align the prints on the paper deliv­ery table.
3. Paper Delivery End Plate
Use to align the leading edge of prints.
4. Paper Delivery Table
Completed prints are delivered here.
5. Main Switch
Use to turn the power on or off.
6. Drum Unit
The master is wrapped around this unit.
7. Drum Unit Lock Lever
Lift to unlock and pull out the drum unit.
8. Ink Holder
Set the ink cartridge in this holder.
❖❖❖❖ 30 Originals Document Feeder
Other options:
• Color Drum: LG drum
• Color Drum: B4 drum
• Tape Dispenser
• Key Counter
Operation Panel
2120141312109876 11
1 2 3 4 5
1. {
Press to make prints of secret documents.
See P.40 “Security Mode—Printing Se-
cret Documents”.
2. {
Paste Shadow Erase
Press to erase the shadow of pasted orig-
inals. See ⇒ P.21 “Paste Shadow Erase—
Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Originals”.
3. {
Press to make half-tone prints. See
P.11 “Tint Mode—Making Half-tone Prints”.
4. {
Image Density
Press to make prints darker or lighter. See
P.10 “Adjusting The Print Image Densi-
5. Check Indicator
This indicator lights when you have se­lected one or more of the functions ac­cessed by lifting the flip up cover and pressing the keys underneath (e. g.
This lets you know whether one or more of these functions is selected, even if the cover is lowered.
}}}} key
}}}} key
}}}} key
Paste Shadow Erase
}}}} key
key etc.).
6. {
Skip Feed
Press to select skip feed printing. See
P.35 “Skip Feed Printing”.
7. {
Center/Edge Erase
Press to print book originals that have a
solid image on the center or edges. See
P.17 “Center/Edge Erase—Erasing Center And Edge Margins”.
8. {
} and {{{{}
Press to select size and direction of paper or original in Center/Edge Erase.
9. {
Press to reduce the image. See P.15
“Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing And En­larging Using Preset Ratios”.
10. {
Full Size
Press to make full size prints.
11. {
Press to enlarge the image. See P.15
“Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing And En­larging Using Preset Ratios”.
12. {
Press to save ink. See P.24 “Economy
Mode—Ink Saving”.
}}}} key
}}}} key
}}}} key
}}}} key
}}}} key
}}}} key
} keys ( Scroll keys)
16 17 18 19
13. {
{Type of Original}}}} key
Press to select Letter, Photo, or Letter/
Photo mode. See ⇒ P.23 “Selecting Origi-
nal Type”.
14. {
{Fine}}}} key
Press to select the fine image. See P.12
“Fine Mode—Making Clear Prints”.
15. {
{Image Position}}}} key
Press to shift the image forwards or back-
wards. See P.8 “Adjusting The Print Im-
age Position”.
16. {
{Program}}}} key
Press to input or recall user programs.
See ⇒ P.36 “Program—Storing Your Print
Settings In Memory”.
17. {
{Clear Modes}}}} key
Press to clear the previously entered job settings.
20. {
Press to adjust the printing speed. See
“Print Speed” in ⇒ P.115 “Main Frame”.
21. {
Press to select Memory or Class mode.
See ⇒ P.27 “Class Mode—Group Printing
From The Same Original” or P.29 “Mem-
ory Mode—Group Printing From Different Originals”.
22. {
Press to enter the desired number of prints and data for selected modes.
23. {
Use to enter data in selected modes.
24. {
While entering numbers, press to cancel a number you have entered.
While copying, press to stop copying.
} and {{{{VVVV}}}} keys (Speed keys)
{Memory/Class}}}} key
{Number}}}} keys
{#}}}} key
{Clear/Stop}}}} key
18. {
{Auto Cycle}}}} key
Use to process the master and make
prints automatically. See P.25 “Auto
Cycle—Printing From Several Originals At Once”.
19. {
{Proof}}}} key
Press to make proof prints.
25. {
{Start}}}} key
Press to make a master.
26. {
{Print}}}} key
Press to start printing.
1 2 43
1. Error Indicators
These indicators are lit when a non-stan­dard condition occurs within the ma­chine.
2. Memory/Class Indicator
Shows the number entered in Memory or Class mode.
3. Speed Indicators
These indicators show the printing speed that is selected.
4. Counter
Displays the number of prints entered. While printing, it shows the number of prints remaining.
5. Guidance Display
Display the machine's condition.
Printing Paper............................................................................................ 1
Originals ..................................................................................................... 2
Preparation For Printing........................................................................... 3
Loading Paper............................... ................................ ....................... ......... 3
Setting Up The Paper Delivery Table..................... ....................... ................ 4
Standard Printing ...................................................................................... 5
Restoring Paper Feed And Paper Delivery Tables................................. 7
Adjusting The Print Image Position......................................................... 8
Shifting The Print Image Position Forward Or Backward.............................. 8
Shifting The Print Image Position To The Right Or Left................................ 8
Adjusting The Print Image Density........................................................ 10
Before Making A Master.............................................................................. 10
After Making A Master................................................................................. 10
Tint Mode—Making Half-tone Prints...................................................... 11
Fine Mode—Making Clear Prints............................................................ 12
Changing The Printing Speed................................................................ 13
Stopping The Machine During The Multi-print Run.............................. 14
When You Want To Stop The Machine During The Multi-print Run And Print
The Next Original........................................................................................ 14
When You Want To Change The Number Of Prints Entered Or Check The
Completed Prints......................................................................................... 14
Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing And Enlarging Using Preset Ratios 15
Center/Edge Erase—Erasing Center And Edge Margins..................... 17
Edge Erase—Erasing Edge Margins...................................................... 19
Paste Shadow Erase—Erasing The Shadow Of Pasted Originals...... 21
Printing On Thick Or Thin Paper............................................................ 22
Printing On Thick Paper.............................................................................. 22
Printing On Thin Paper. . ......... ....... .... ..... ....... ......... .... ... ......... ....... ...... ... ..... 22
Selecting Original Type........................................................................... 23
Economy Mode—Ink Saving .................................................................. 24
Auto Cycle—Printing From Several Originals At Once....................... 25
Class Mode—Group Printing From The Same Original....................... 27
Memory Mode—Group Printing From Different Originals................... 29
Combine Copies—Combining 2 Originals Into One Print ................... 32
Skip Feed Printing................................................................................... 35
Program—Storing Your Print Settings In Memory............................... 36
Storing Your Settings.................................................................................. 36
Recalling A Program................................................................................... 37
Protecting A Program .................................................................................. 38
Removing Program Protection.................................................................... 39
Security Mode—Printing Secret Documents........................................ 40
Printing Using The Optional 30 Originals Document Feeder.............. 41
Document Feeder Exterior.......................................................................... 41
Originals...................................................................................................... 41
Setting Originals In The Document Feeder................................................. 42
Combine Copies With The Document Feeder ............................................ 44
Memory Mode With The Document Feeder................................................ 45
Color Printing Using The Optional Color Drum.................................... 49
Making Color Prints..................................................................................... 49
Changing The Color Drum Unit..................... ......................... ..................... 49
Printing In Two Colors................................................................................. 51
Accessing Service Programs................................................................. 53
Changing The Settings Of Service Programs....................................... 54
Service Program Menu ............................................................................... 55
User Codes............................................................................................... 62
How To Set User Code Mode (# 120)......................................................... 62
How To Use User Code Mode. ................................................................... 63
How To Check The User Code Counter (# 121)......................................... 63
How To Clear The User Code Counter (# 122)........................................... 64
How To Check The Total Number Of Masters And Prints Made Under All User
Codes (# 123) ............................................................................................. 65
How To Clear The User Code Total Counter (# 124).................................. 66
Loading Paper On The Paper Feed Table............................................. 69
Replenishing Paper................ ....................... ......................... ..................... 69
Changing The Paper Size........................................................................... 70
When The Add Ink Indicator (j) Blinks................................................ 71
Master Roll Replacement ................................. ...................................... 74
Placing A New Roll Of Tape In The Tape Dispenser (Option)............. 76
If Your Machine Does Not Operate As You Want................................. 79
x Clearing Misfeeds............................................................................... 82
“x” +“ORIGINAL JAM. REMOVE ORIGINAL”........................................... 82
“x” + “PAPER FEED JAM. REMOVE JAMMED PAPER” ......................... 85
“x” + “MASTER FEED JAM. REMOVE JAMMED MASTER”.................... 88
“x” + “PAPER WRAP JAM. REMOVE JAMMED PAPER”........................ 89
“x” + “MASTER EJECT JAM. REMOVE JAMMED MASTER”.................. 92
“x” + “DELIVERY JAM. REMOVE JAMMED PAPER”............................ .. 94
When The Open Cover/Unit Indicator (M) Blinks................................. 95
When The Master Eject Indicator (k) Blinks........................................ 97
When Other Indicators Blink.................................................................. 98
When The Prints Are Thrown Over The Paper Delivery Table............ 99
Poor Printing.......................................................................................... 100
Dirt On The Back Side Of Paper............................................................... 100
Dirt On The Front Side Of Paper (Black Line/Stain) ................................. 102
White Prints Or Incomplete Prints............................................................. 102
Operation Notes..................................................................................... 105
General Cautions........... ........... ........... ............ ........... ............ ........... ....... 105
Print Paper................................................................................................ 107
Originals...................................... ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ .... 107
Where To Put Your Machine................................................................. 109
Environmental Conditions.................................... ............ ........... ............ .. 109
Power connection...... ........... ....................... ............ ........... ............ ........... 110
Access to machine.................................................................................... 111
Maintaining Your Machine.................................................................... 112
Main Frame............................................................................................... 112
Optional Document Feeder....................................................................... 113
Combination Chart ..... .......... .................... ................... .......... ................ 11 4
Main Frame............................................................................................. 115
30 Originals Document Feeder............................................................. 118
Consumables......................................................................................... 119
INDEX...................................................................................................... 120
This page is intentionally blank.
Printing Paper
The following types of print paper are not recommended for this machine.
• Paper smaller than 90 mm × 148 mm, 3.6" × 5.9"
• Paper larger than 268 mm × 388 mm, 10.5" ×15.2"
• Paper heavier than 157.0 g/m
• Paper lighter than 47.1 g/m
• Roughly-cut paper
• Paper of different thickness in the same stack
• Buckled or curled paper
• Low stiffness paper
Correct curls in the paper before setting it in the machine. When you cannot cor­rect the paper curl, stack the paper with the curl face down. Otherwise the paper might wrap around the drum or stains might appear.
, 41.7 lb
, 12.5 lb
Store paper where it will not curl or absorb moisture. Use paper soon after it is unpacked.
Only use paper where the leading edge has two right angle corners, as shown below.
Originals that can be set on the exposure glass are as follows:
• Maximum size: 257 × 364 mm, 10.2" × 14.4"
• Maximum total thickness: 30 mm, 1.1"
• Maximum total weight: 5 kg, 11.0 lb
If you use paste-up originals, make sure the pasted parts hold firmly to the
base sheet and press the { up original is more than 0.1 mm and the space between the pasted parts is less than 2 mm, 0.08", a shadow might appear on the prints.
If you use originals that have bold letters or solid images at the leading edges,
you might get prints with dirty edges. In this case, insert the widest margin first, or raise the printing speed.
The first 5 mm, 0.2" of the leading edge cannot be printed. Make sure the lead-
ing edge margin is at least 5 mm, 0.2".
Paste Shadow Erase
} key. If the thickness of the paste-
Original Print
a: 5 mm, 0.2"
Preparation For Printing
Loading Paper
Carefully open the paper feed ta-
Put the paper feed side plates lock
lever. Adjust the side plates to match the paper size.
Preparation For Printing
Place the paper on the paper feed table.
Correct the paper curl before
setting the paper. If you cannot do so, stack the paper with the curl face down as shown.
1: Paper Feed Side Plates Lock Le­ver
Make sure that the paper feed
side plates touch the paper light­ly. Put back the lock lever.
Setting Up The Paper Delivery Table
Open the paper delivery table.
Lift the paper delivery side plates
and adjust them to the paper size.
Lift the paper delivery end plate
and move it to match the print pa­per size.
When the prints are not deliv-
ered in a neat stack, see P.99
“When The Prints Are Thrown Over The Paper Delivery Table”.
Turn on the main switch.
Standard Printing
In this manual, the word, “Printing” is used as opposed to “Copying” in order to distinguish between the pro­cess that your machine uses to make prints, and the process used by a stan­dard copier machine.
A standard copier scans in the origi­nal for each copy set made. This ma­chine, however, scans in your original once and makes multiple prints from this master.
This chapter describes the basic pointing operations that your ma­chine is capable of.
Standard Printing
should be centered according to the size marks on the right scale.
Lower the platen cover.
Lift the platen cover.
Set the original face down on the
exposure glass. The original
Press the
A trial print is delivered to the pa­per delivery table.
+ 389 hidden pages