Ricoh GX100, GX100 VF User Manual

Camera User Guide
This manual is for Caplio GX100 and Caplio GX100 VF KIT. Caplio GX100 VF KIT is supplied with an LCD viewfinder (VF-1).
The serial number of this product is given on the bottom face of the camera.
Basic Operations
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Advanced Operations
Read this section when you want to lea r n more about the different camera functions.
This section provides a basic overview of how to turn on the camera, take pictures and play back pictures.
This section provides more detailed information about the functions used to take pictures and play back pictures, as well as information on how to customize the camera settings, print pictures, and use the camera with a computer.
Do not connect the USB cable yet!
If you conne ct th e cam era to a co mpute r t hrou gh the USB cable before installing the provided software on the computer, the software required for connection between camera and computer may not be installed correctly. Be sure to connect the camera to your computer after installing the provided software. (GP.164)
This manual provides information on how to use the shooting and playback functions of this product, as well as warnings on its use. To make the best use of this product’s functions, read this manual thoroughly before use. Please keep this manual handy for ease of reference.
Ricoh Co., Ltd.
Safety Precautions For the safe use of your camera, be sure to read the safet y prec autions
Test Shooting Please be sure to do some test shooti ng to make sure it is recording
properly befor e norm al use.
Copyright Reproduction or alter ation of copyrighted docum ent s, ma gazines, music
and other materials , ot her than for personal, home or s i milarly limited purposes, witho u t the consent of the copyrigh t holder is prohibited .
Exemption from Liability Ricoh Co., Ltd. assumes no liability for failure to record or play back images
caused by malfunctio n of thi s product.
Warranty This product is ma nufactured to lo cal specification s and the warranty is v alid
within the c ount ry of purchase. Should the product fail or m al function whi l e you are abroad, the manufactur er assumes no responsibility for servicing the product locall y or bearing the expenditure i ncurred thereof.
Radio Interf erence Operating this product in the vicinity of othe r el ect ronic equipment may
adversely affect the per for m ance of both devices. In parti cular, operating the camera close to a radio or t elevi s i on m ay lead to interference. If interference occurs, follow the procedures below.
Move the camera as far away as possible from the TV, radio or other device.
Reorient the TV or ra dio antenna.
Plug the devices into sep arate electrical outlet s.
This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of Ricoh. © 2007 RICOH CO., LTD. All rights reserved. The contents of this document may be changed in the future, without prior notice. This booklet was created with thorough attention to its content. If, however, you have a question, spot an error, or find a description lacking, please refer to the end of this booklet for information on how to contact us.
Microsoft, MS, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries. Macintosh, Power Macintosh, and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States of America and other countries. Adobe and Adobe Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All trademarked company and product names mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Using These Manuals
The following two manuals are included with your Caplio GX100/ Caplio GX100 VF KIT.
“Camera User Guide” (This booklet) This guide explains the usage and functions of the camera. It
also explains how to install the provided software on your computer. * The “Camera User Guide” (English edition) is available from
the provided CD-ROM as a PDF file. “Software User Guide” (PDF file) This gu ide exp lains how to downloa d images fr om the cam era
to your computer and display and edit them on your computer. The “Software User Guide” is available in the following folders on the provided CD-ROM.
“Camera User Guide” (English edition) (PDF file)
Each language has its own “Software User Guide” in the respective folder.
To copy the Software User Guide onto your hard disk, copy the PDF file from the respective folder directly to your hard disk.
The camera is provided with the Irodio Photo & Video Studio software that allo ws you t o displ ay and edit im ages on y our com puter. Fo r how t o use Ir odio Photo & Video Studio, see the displayed “Help”.
For more information on Irodio Photo & Video Studio, contact the Customer Support Center below.
North America (U.S.) TEL: (Toll Free) +1-800-458-4029 Europe
UK, Germany, France and Spain: TEL: (Toll Free) +800-1532-4865
Other Countries: TEL: +44-1489-564-764 Asia TEL: +63-2-438-0090 China TEL: +86-21-5450-0391
Business hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Key Features
Wide-angle zoom lens can capture wide­angle pictures
This camera has a compact body only 25 mm thick, featuring a 24-mm* (Wide-angle) to 72-mm* (Telephoto) 3× optical zoom lens that covers a wide range of shooting. The wide-angle lens is great for capturing buildings, landscape scenes, group photos, and more. *Equ ivalent to that on a 35mm camera
Camera shake correction function reduces blurring (P.106)
The camera comes with a camera shake correction function to allow you to take clearer pictures with minimized blurring even indoors, at night and in other situations where camera shake may occur.
Variety of accessories for greater creative expression (P.16)
Use the camera with the optional hood & adapter and 19-mm wide conversion lens to capture even wider angles. Enhance your photographi c expe rien ce wi th a variety of optional accessori es, including an LCD viewfinder and cable switch. The camera is equipped with a hot shoe to allow you to use an external flash.
Macro shooting at 1 cm (P.43) and close­up flash shooting at 15 cm (Telephoto ) or 20 cm (Wide-angle) (P.44)
The unsurpassed macro shooting function allows you to capture details from a very close distance at only 1 cm. The camera also has a built-in flash for close-up shots at 15 cm (Telephoto) or 20 cm (Wide-angle). This combination gives you clear macro shots even under low light conditions.
Aperture priority mode, manual exposur e mode, a nd program sh ift mode for fine-tuned adjustments
You can manually set the aperture value and shutter speed. This small, compact, and lightweight camera has advanced modes that rival those of digital SLR cameras.
Power your camera in one of thre e ways (P .25)
You can power the camera in one of three ways for convenient shooting anytime , anywhere. Use the supplied large-capacity rechargeable battery for long periods of shooting and playback. Use commercially available alkaline batteries when traveling with your camera. Use the convenient AC adapter for transferring data to a computer.
10.01 megapixel CCD and RAW mode for high-quality shooting (P.80)
The camera has a CCD with 10.01 million effective pixels to ensure high-resolution images. In ad dition , you ca n use RA W mode to save the raw picture data (as a .DNG file). This prov ides less image quality det erioration than JPEG files and easier image processing on a computer. A JPEG file based on the DNG file is recorded at the same time.
Up-down dial and ADJ. lever for faster and easier operations (P.20)
You can use the up-down dial and A DJ. lever to quickly and easily make the shooting settings and v ari ous menu operations. You can also press the ADJ. lever to easily select ADJ. mode (P.64) and make various shooting settings.
30 fps or 15 fps high-quality movies with sound (P.10 9)
Record high-quality movies with 640 × 480 pixels at 30 frames per second and with full sound.
Easily customize your favorite shooting settings with my settings mode (P.76)
You can customize two groups of settings, and then turn the mode dial to MY1 or MY2 to shoot with those registered settings.
Skew correction mode helps straighten skewed images (P.46)
In skew correction mode, a rectangular object shot at an angle can be straightened to look as if it were shot squarely. With the simple touch of a button, you can straighten skewed images of objects such as a message board, a display panel, or a name card.
USB cable enables instant transfer of camera data to a computer
Install the provided software on your computer and then simply connect the camera to your computer with the provided U SB c able to automatically transfer images to your co mputer. The camera is compatible with USB 2.0 for high-speed data transfers. (Your computer must also be compatible with USB 2.0 to take advantage of this feature.)
Irodio Photo & Video Studio softwa re for browsing, viewing, and editing still images and movies (P.166)
This bu ndle d soft ware en able s you to v iew, organize, and edit shot images. You can also use the video editor function to create movies using still images, video clips, audio, and music files.
Direct printing without the use of a computer (P.128)
A direct print-compatible printer can be connected to the camera with the USB cable to directly transfer images to the printer. This allows for easy printing without using a computer. You can also print repo rts.
Using These Manuals............................................................. .... ...1
Key Features................................................................................. 2
Basic Operations 11
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Packing Li st............... ............... ........ ............... ............................ 12
Optional Accesso ries ............ ...... ............... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...14
Camera System and Accessories ............................................... 16
Names of Par ts.................................... ............................. ........ ... 17
How to Use the Mode Dial.................................................. .. .... .. .19
How to Use the Up-down Dial and ADJ. Lever............................ 20
LCD Monitor Display ................................... ........ ............... ........ .22
Getting Ready .............................................................................25
About the Battery ....................................................................................25
SD Memory Card (available in stores)....................................................27
Charging the Rechargeable Battery........................................................29
Loading the Battery and SD Memory Card.............................................30
Turning the Power On/Off.......................................................................32
Setting the Language..............................................................................34
Setting the Date and Time ......................................................................35
Basic Shooting ............ .............................. ........ ............... ........... 36
Holding the Camera................................................................................36
Using the Zoom Functio n...... ...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...42
Shooting Close- Ups (Ma cro Shooting )....... ...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... ...43
Using the Flash........... ..... ..... ...... ............... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...44
Shooting with Optimal Settings According to Shooting Conditions.........46
t Using the Self-Timer...........................................................................50
Playing Back Images................................................................... 51
Reviewing the Image You Just Took (Quick Review).............................51
Viewing Your Image s............ ...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...52
Three-frame View/Grid View (Thumbnail Display)..................................53
Magnifying Images..................................................................................55
Deleting Files............................................................................... 56
Deleting a File.........................................................................................56
Deleting All Files.....................................................................................57
Deleting Multiple Files at One Time........................................................57
Changing the Display with the DISP. Button.................... .... .. .... .59
Maximizing the LCD Monitor Brightness.................................................61
Advanced Operations 63
Read this section when you want to learn more about the different camera functions.
1 Various Shooting Functions 64
Using the ADJ. Lever .................................................................. 64
ADJ. Mode ..............................................................................................64
Changing the Text Density (Scene Mode)..............................................65
Shifting the AF Target (Macro)................................................................66
Using the Function Button........................................................... 67
Settings by Mode ....................................................................................68
Switching Between Auto Focus and Manual Focus (AF/MF)..................69
Locking the Exposure (AE LOCK) ..........................................................70
Shooting with a Set Aperture Value
(A: Aperture Priority Mode)......................................... .... .. .... ...71
Shooting with a Set Aperture Value and Shutter Speed
(M: Manual Exposure Mode)...................................... .. .... .... .. .72
Shooting with an Combined Aperture Value and Shutter Speed
(P: Program Shift Mode)........................................... .. .... .... .. ...74
Shooting with Custom Settings
(MY1, MY2: My Settings Mode)............................................... 76
Shooting Setting Menu.............................. .... .. .... ......... .. .... .... .. ...77
Using the Menu...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... ...... ............... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...79
Choosing Picture Quality Mode/Image Size
(PIC QUALITY/SIZE).......... ............................. ........................ 80
Changing the Focusing Mode (FOCUS)...................................... 83
Manual Focus Shooting (MF)..................................................................84
Changing the Light Metering (AE METERING) ........................... 86
Shooting with Multi-Shot (CONT./S-CONT/M-CONT)................. 87
Viewing an S-CONT or M-CONT Still Image in Enlarged
Display Mode......................................................................................90
Setting the Picture Quality (IMG SET)......................................... 91
Customizing the Picture Quality (SETTING1, SETTING2) .....................92
Shooting Consecutively with Different Exposures
(AUTO BRACKET)............... ............... ........ ............... ............. 93
Shooting Consecutively with Different White Balance (WB-BKT)...........94
Shooting Pictures Automatically at Set Intervals (INTERVAL).... 96
Shooting a Still Image with Sound (IMAGE WITH SOUND)........ 98
Insertin g th e D a te into a St il l Image (DA TE IMPRINT)................ 99
Changing the Exposure (EXPOSURE COMP.)......................... 100
Using Natural and Artificial Lighting (WHITE BALANCE).......... 101
Setting the White Balance Manually (MANUAL SETTINGS)................103
Changing the Sensitivity (ISO SETTING).................................. 104
Using the Camera Shake Correction Function to Prevent
Camera Shake (CAMERA SHAKE COR).............................. 106
Returning the Shooting Setting Menu Settings to their Defaults
(RESTORE DEFAULTS )........ ............... ........ ............... ........ .108
2 Shooting/Playing Back Movies 109
3 Shooting Movies .............. ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ................ ..... .109
Setting the Frame Rate (FRAME RATE) ..............................................110
Playing Back Movies........ ................ ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...........112
3 Other Playback Functions 113
Playba ck Se tting Menu........... ........ ............... ........ ............... .....113
Using the Menu...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... ...... ............... ...... ..... ..... ..... .1 13
Displaying Photos in Order Automatically (SLIDE SHOW) ....... 114
Write-Protecting Files (PROTECT)............................................ 115
Protecting a File....................................................................................115
Protecting All Files ................................................................................116
Protecting Multiple Files at Once ..........................................................117
Using a Printin g Se rvice (DPOF)......... .............. ......... .............. .118
Setting DPOF for the Displayed Still Image..........................................118
Setting DPOF for All Still Images..........................................................119
Setting DPOF for Multiple Still Images..................................................120
Changing the Image Size (RESIZE).......................................... 121
Copying the Contents of the Internal Memory to an
SD Memory Card (COPY TO CARD).................................... 123
Straightening Skewed Images (SKEW CORRECTION)............ 124
Viewing on a Tele vision.......... ............... ............................. .......126
4 Direct Printing 128
Direct Print Function....................... ......... .............. ......... ........... 128
Connecting the Camera to a Printer.......................................... 129
Printing Still Images ................................................................... 130
Printing One or All Still Images .............................................................130
Printing Several Still Images.................................................................132
5 Changing Camera Settings 134
SETUP Menu .......... ......... .............. .............................. ........ ..... 134
Using the SETUP Menu... ................ ..... ..... ...... ..... ................ ..... ..... ..... .135
Preparing the SD Memory Card (FORMAT [CARD]) ................ 137
Forma t ti n g th e Interna l Me mory (FORM AT [INT. M EM.]).......... 138
Adjusting the Brightness of the LCD Monitor
(LCD BRIGHTNESS)...... ........ ............... ............................. ... 139
Regist e ring Custom Set tings (REG. MY SETTINGS) .............. .140
Changing the Step Zooming Setting (STEP ZOOM)................. 142
Changing the ISO AUTO-HIGH Setting (ISO AUTO-HIGH)...... 143
Changing the Auto Power Off Setting (AUTO POWER OFF) ... 144
Changing the Beep Sound Setting (BEEP SOUND)................. 145
Changing the Beep Sound Volume (VOL. SETTINGS)............. 146
Changing Image Confirmation Time (LCD CONFIRM.) ............ 147
Assigning a Function to the ADJ. Lever (ADJ LEVER SET.) .... 148
Changing the Shutter Release Button Setting
(ADJ SHTR BTN SET) .......................................................... 149
Assigning a Function to the Function Button
(FNCTN. BTN. SET.)................................. ........ ............... ..... 150
Changing the AF Auxiliary Light Setting (AF AUX. LIGHT)....... 151
Changing the RAW Mode JPEG Image Setting
(RAW/JPEG SETTING)........................................ ........ ......... 152
Using the Auto Resize Zoom (DIGITAL ZOOM IMG)................ 153
Displaying a Settings Change Warning
(SHTG STGS WARNG.)..... ............... ........ ............... ............. 155
Enlarging Icon Display (ENLGE PHOTO ICON) ....................... 156
Changing the USB Setting (USB CONNECTION)..................... 157
Changing File Name Settings (SEQUENTIAL NO.).................. 159
Setting the Date and Time (DATE SETTINGS)......................... 161
Changing the Display Language (LANGUAGE/N)............... 162
Changing the Playback Method for Viewing on TV
(VIDEO OUT MODE)............................................................. 163
6 Downloading Images to Your Computer 164
For Windows ................................................... .... ......... .. .... .... .. .164
Using the Caplio Software CD-ROM..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ................ ..... ..... .165
System Requirements for Using Caplio Software CD-ROM.................169
Installing the Software Required for Handling the Camera and
Installing the DeskTopBinder Lite .........................................................173
Installing Other Software on Your Computer ........................................175
Uninstalling the Software ............ ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ............... .176
Downloading Images to Your Computer...............................................178
Downloading Images Without Using the Caplio Software.....................179
Using the Original Driver to Download Images.....................................181
Disconnecting the Camera from Your Computer..................................183
For Macintosh................... .............. .............................. ........ ..... 184
Downloading Images to Your Computer...............................................184
Disconnecting the Camera from Your Computer..................................185
7 Appendices 186
Troubleshooting......................................................................... 186
Error Messages.....................................................................................186
Camera Troubleshooting ......................................................................187
Software and Computer Troubleshooting .............................................193
Number of Images That Can be Stored in Internal Memory/
SD Memory Card..............................................................................197
Optional Accessories................................................................. 198
Using the AC Adapter (sold separately)................................................199
Using the External Flash........................................................... 201
Functions Whose Defaults are Restored When Camera is
Turned Off ....... ........ ............... ......... .............. ........................ 203
About Scene Mode........................... ....... .... .... .. .... ......... .. .... .. ...205
Shooting Setting Menu Items by Scene Mode......................................206
Using Your Came ra Ab road .................................. ......... ........... 207
Cautions on Use................. .............. .............................. ........ ... 208
Care and Storage...................................................................... 209
Warranty and Servicing......................... ........ ............... ............. 210
Index......................................................................................... 212
Basic Operations
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Packing List ......................................12
Camera System and Accessories
Names of Parts.................................17
How to Use the Mode Dial...............19
How to Use the Up-down Dial and
ADJ. Lever........................................20
LCD Monitor Display .......................22
Getting Re ady ..................................25
Basic Shooting.................................36
Playing Back Images.......................51
Deleting Files ...................................56
Changing the Display with the
DISP. Button.....................................59
Packing List
Open the package and make sure all the items are included.
Caplio GX100
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
The serial number of the camera is provided on the bottom face of the camera.
Rechargeable Battery
Hot Shoe Cover
Included with the camera.
Battery Charger
USB Cable
Used to connect the camera to a computer or direct print­compatible printer.
AV Cable
Used to view your images on a TV.
Lens Cap Lens Cap Strap
Camera User
Caplio Software
(This booklet)
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Attaching the handstrap to the camera
Thread the small end of the st rap through the strap eyelet on the camera a nd loop the ends as shown.
The provided software and the “Software User Guide” are included on this CD-ROM.
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Attaching the lens cap strap to the camera
About Caplio GX100 VF KIT-------------------------------------------------------------------
Caplio GX100 VF KIT also comes with the following accessories.
LCD Viewfinder (VF-1)
VF-1 user guide
Make sure the camera is off before attaching the LCD viewfinder.
Optional Accessories
AC Adapter (AC-4c)
Used for power supply from a household outlet to the camera. Use this adapter for long periods of
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
playback or when transferring images to a computer.
LCD Viewfinder (VF-1)
Caplio GX100 VF KIT is supplied with an LCD viewfinder (VF-1). For details on using the LCD viewfinder, see the documentation that came with the LCD viewfinder.
Rechargeable Battery (DB-60)
Wide C onve rs ion Lens (DW-6)
Battery Charger (BJ-6)
Cable Switch (CA-1)
Hood & Adapter (HA-2)
Neck Strap (GS-1)
ST-1 cannot be used.
Soft Case (SC-45)
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Attaching the neck strap and lens cap to the camera
Remove the end of the neck strap (GS-1) from the connector and attach it as shown in the figur e.
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For information on optional accessories, see P.198.
For the latest information on optional acc essories , see the Ricoh website (http: //
Removing/attaching the ring cap -----------------------------------------------------------
Remove the ring ca p when usin g the wide conversion lens or h ood & adapter.
Removing the ring cap
With the ring cap re moval button presse d, turn the ring cap counterclockwise (in the direction of the arrow) while the camera turned of f and r em ove fr om th e c amer a body .
Attaching the ring cap
With the camera turned off, align the marking on the ring cap (2) with the marking on the camer a bo dy (1) and turn the ring cap clockwise until it clicks.
Ring cap removal button
Camera System and Accessories
External Flash
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
LCD Viewfinder
Attach to the hot shoe.
Remove the ring cap before attaching.
Hood & Adapter
43 mm
19-mm Wide
Conversion Lens
43 mm
Attach to the hot shoe.
Soft Case
Neck Strap
Connect to the USB terminal.
Cable Switch
Rechargeable Battery
Battery Charger
AC Adapter
Optional accessories
Caplio GX100 VF KIT is supplied with an LCD viewfinder (VF-1). For
Commercially available
details on using the LCD viewfinder, see the documentation that came with the LCD viewfinder.
Names of Parts
Front View
2934 65879 16
10 11
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Item Name Refer to 1 Up-down Dial P.20 2 Mode Dial P.19 3 Shutter Release Button P.36 4 POWER Button P.32 5 Flash Cover P.44 6 Hot Shoe P.16, 198 7 F (Flash) OPEN Switch P.44 8 Fn (Function) Button P.67 9 Strap Eyelet P.13
10 Microphone ­11 AF Window ­12 Ring Cap Removal Button P.15 13 Lens P.36 14 AF auxiliary light P.50, 151 15 Ring Cap P.15 16 Flash P.44
Rear View
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
1817 19 2120
Item Name Refer to 1 LCD Monitor P.22 2 Auto Focus/Flash Lamp P.38, 42 3 AV Output Ter minal P.126 4 USB Terminal P.129, 178 5 VF/LCD Button P.59 6 ADJ. Lever P.64
10 11
7 z (Telephoto)/8 (Enlarged View) Button P.42, 53 8 Z (Wide-angle)/9 (Thumbnail Display) Button P.42, 53 9 !/MODE Butt on P.46
10 $/F (Flash) Button P.44 11 MENU/OK Button P.79, 113, 135 12 O (DISP.) Button P.59 13 "/N (Macro) Button P.43 14 #/Q (Qui ck Rev i ew ) B utt on P.51 15 6 (Playback) Button P.52 16 17 Terminal Cover P.126, 129 18 Speaker P.112 19 Relea s e Le v er P.30, 199 20 Battery/ Ca r d Co ve r P.30, 199 21 Tripod Screw Hole P.195
(Delete)/t (Self-timer) Button
P.56, 50
How to Use the Mode Dial
Set the mode dial to the desired mode before shooting still images or movies.
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Turn the mode dial to the symbol of the function you want to use.
Mode Dial Symbols and Descriptions
Symbol Function Description
P Program Shift Mode
A Aperture Priority Mode
M Manual Exposure Mode
SCENE Scene Mo de
MY1, MY2 My Settings Mode
Auto Shooting Mode
Movie Mode Allows you to shoot movies with sound.
Automatically sets the optimal aperture value and shutte r speed depe nding on the subject.
Allows y ou to adjus t the combination of aperture value and shutter speed.
Allows y ou to set the a pertu re valu e, and then the camera automatically sets the optimal shutter speed.
Allows you to manually set the aperture value and shutter speed.
Allows you to shoot with set ti ng s optimized for the shooting scene.
Allows you to shoot using the settings registered in [REG. MY SETTINGS].
How to Use the Up-down Dial
and ADJ. Lever
You can use the up-down dial
Up-down Dial
and ADJ. lever to easily
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
perform various operations that are usually done using the !"#$ buttons. You can rotate the Up-down dial as shown here. You can press the ADJ. lever to the left and right and press the center.
ADJ. Lever
You can use the up-down dial and ADJ. lever to perform the following operations.
Up-down Dial ADJ. Lever
Refer to
Selec t AD J . mo de
ADJ. mode Same as !" buttons Push to the left and
Aperture Priority Mode (A)
Manual Exposure Mode (M)
Program Shi ft Mode (P) Allows you to adjust the
Shoot i ng Setting / Playback Setting/ SETUP Menu
Allows you to change the aperture value.
Allows you to change the aperture value.
combin ation of aper ture value and shutter speed.
Same as !" buttons Same as #$ buttons P.77,
- Press the center to select ADJ. mode.
right: Same as #$ buttons.
Press to set: Same as
MENU/OK button.
- P.71
Allows you to change the shutt er speed.
- P.74
113, 134
Scene Mode (Scene Mode selection screen)
Same as !" buttons - P.46
Refer to
Up-down Dial ADJ. Lever
Playback Mode (Norma l playbac k screen)
Playback Mode (Three- fr a m e vie w)
Playback Mode (Grid view)
Playback Mode (Enlar ged view)
Same as #$ buttons Same as #$ buttons P.52
Same as #$ buttons Same as #$ buttons P.53
Same as !" buttons Same as #$ buttons P.53
Allows you to change the display magnification .
Displays the previous or next image. (When displaying the prev ious or next image during enlarged view, the image is di splayed at normal magnification (100%).)
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
LCD Monitor Display
F3.3 1/15
Example of LCD Monitor Display when Shooting Pictures
123 56789
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
F3.3 1/15
Still Image Mode
18 19
22 23
25 26
28 29
Movie Mode
Item Name Refer to Item Name Refer to 1 Flash P.44 16 ISO Setting P.104 2 Macro Shooting P.43 17 Date Imprint P.99 3 Self-timer P.50 18 Focus P.83 4 Scene Modes P.46 19 AE Lock P.70 5 Mode Types P.19, 46 20 Interval P.96 6 Recordin g Destination P.27 21 Histogram P.61 7 Rema in in g Number of
Still Images
P.197 22 Camera Shake Corre ction P.106
8 Picture Quality P.80 23 Battery Mark P.24 9 Image Size P.80 24
Camera Shake Warning Mark
P.37 10 Zoom Bar P.42 25 Aperture Value P.195 11 White Balance P.101 26 Shutter Speed P.72, 74 12 AE Metering P.86 27 Frame Rate P.110 13 Auto Bracket P.93 28
Remaining Recording Time
14 Image Settings P.91 29 Recording Time P.197 15
Exposure Compensation
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The number of remain ing shots ava ilable may di ffer from t he actual nu mber of shots , depending on the subject.
Movie recording time and the maxi mum number of still pictur es may var y dep ending on the capacity of the recording destination (internal memory or SD memory card), shooting conditions, and the type and manufacturer of the SD memory card.
When the number of remain ing shots i s 1 0,000 or more, “9999” is displayed.
Example of LCD Monitor Display During Playback
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
12 3 4 56
Still Image Mode
8, 9
Movie Mode
Item Name Refer to Item Name Refer to 1 Protect P.115 8 Picture Quality P.80 2 DPOF P.118 9 Image Size P.80 3 Mode Types - 10 File No. ­4 Playback Data Source P.52 11 Battery Mark P.24
5 Number of Playback
6 Total Numbe r of Files - 13 Recordi ng Time or La psed
- 12 Date at Shooting P.99, 161
7 Setting at Shooting
- 14 Indicator -
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The LCD monitor may display messages to inform you of operational instructions or the camera’s status while in use.
Battery Level Indication
A battery mark appears at the lower right of the LCD monitor to indicate the battery level. Recharge the battery before it is depleted.
Battery Mark Description
The battery is suff ic iently c harged.
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
The batt ery level beg ins to dr op. R echar ging the batt ery or exc hangin g wi th new batteries is recommended.
The battery level is low. Recharge the battery or exchange with new batteries.
If you are using AAA ni ckel -hy drogen batteri es o r AAA Oxyrid e batt eries , depe ndin g on the type of batteries and usage conditions, may not appear, or or
may instantaneously appear. Check your batteries beforehand.
If you are using the AC adapter, may appe ar . This does not indicate a malfunction and you can con tinue to use the camer a.
Getting Ready
Turn the power on and get ready to shoot.
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have already used thi s camera, make sure it is turned off before inserting or removing the battery.
For information on how to turn the camera off, see P.32.
About the Battery
Rechar ge a ble Battery DB-60 (supplied )
This is a lithium-ion battery. It is economical because you can recharge it using the battery charger and use it over and over again. The
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
battery lasts a long time, so it is convenient when traveling.
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You can also use the following types of batteries.
AAA Alkaline Batteries (available in stores)
You can obtain them anywhere, so the y are convenient for travel. However , in a low-temperature environment, the number of shots you can t ake will decrea se. Warm the batteries before use. It is recomm ended that you use the recha rgeable ba tte r y wh en us in g the ca me r a fo r a long tim e.
AAA Oxyride Batteries (available in stores)
These a re not re chargeab le batt eries, but th ey can be used lo nger in a digit al camer a than AAA alkaline batteries.
AAA Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries (available in stores)
These ba tteries are economi cal beca use you c an rechar ge and reu se them ove r and over again. Please use a battery charger available in stores.
Number of shots you can take ---------------------------------------------------------------
Approximate number of shots you can take on a single battery charge
Battery Type
Rechargeable Battery (DB-6 0) Approx. 34 0
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
AAA Alkaline Bat teries (available in stores) Approx. 30
*1 Approximately 290 s hots can be taken when using the L CD viewfinder. *2 Approximately 25 s hots can be taken when using the LC D viewfinder.
Based on CIPA standard (Temperature: 23 degrees Celsius, LCD monitor on, 30 second s betwe en shot s, chang in g th e zoo m se tti ng f rom t ele ph oto to wid e-a ngl e or wide-angle to telephoto for each shot, 50% flash usage, turning the power off after each 10 s hots).
The number of shots whe n usi ng AAA al k aline bat teri es is base d on th e use of AAA alkaline batteries manufactured by Matsushi ta Battery Industrial Co., Ltd.
The number of shots is fo r referenc e only. If the camera is use d for long pe r iods of time for setting and playback, the shooting time (the number of shots) will decrease.
Number of Shots
(Normal Mode)
The nickel-hydrogen batteries availab le in stores are not factory-charged. Charge them before use.
The nickel-hy drogen batt eries ma y be ine rt and c onse quen tly may no t supp ly powe r immediately after they are purchased or when left unused for more than a month. In such a case , rec harge t he bat teri es two o r three t imes bef ore us e. The batt eries s elf­discha rge with time even if the camera is not us ed, so recharge them before use.
The life of an AAA alkaline battery depends on the brand and the storage time from the dat e of production. In addition, the lif e of an alk aline battery becomes shorter a t low temperatures.
Other batte r ies, such as manganese dry cell and Ni-Cd batteries, cannot be used.
The battery may become very hot immediat ely after operation . Turn the ca mera off
and leave it to cool down sufficiently before removing the battery.
Please remove the batteries if you are not going to use the camera for a long period of time.
When using a lit hium-ion battery, use only the s pecified rechargeable lit hium-ion battery (DB-60). Do not use other rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
SD Memory Card (available in stores)
You can store still images you have taken either in the camera’s internal memory or on an SD memory card (available in stores). The internal memory capacity is 26 MB. To record a lot of still images or movies at hi gh resolutions, use a high-capacity SD memory card.
Where images are recorded-------------------------------------------------------------------
When no SD memory card is loaded, the camera records images to the internal memory; when an SD memory card is loaded, it records images to the SD memory card.
When no SD memory card is loaded When an SD memory card is loaded
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
Records to the internal memory Records to the SD memory card
If an SD memory card is loaded , the cam era does no t record to t he internal memory, even if th e card is full.
Take care not to get the contacts of the card dirty .
Write-protecting your images ----------------------------------------------------------------
Move the write-protection switch on t he SD memory card to LOCK to prevent your still images from being accidentally erased or the card from being formatted. If you unlock the card (by returning the switch to its original position), it is once again possi bl e to erase imag e s an d form a t the card . It is rec ommende d to move the write-protection switch to LOCK when you have some important data recorded.
Note tha t you ca nno t sho ot im ages on a l ock e d c ard be cau se no data can be recorded to the card. Unlock the card be fore shooting.
Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For information on switching bet ween the SD me mor y card and internal memory during playback, see P.52.
Movie recording time and the maxi mum number of still pictur es vari es depe nding on the capacity of the SD memory card. (GP.197)
Before using a new SD memory card, be sure to format it with this camera. (GP.137)
If you are using the camera for the first time, read this section.
When using an SD memory card previously used with another camera, be sure to back up any necessary data on the card before formatting it. (GP.137)
SDHC memory card (4 GB) can also be used.
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