1. SORTER EXTERIOR............................................ 2
2. SORTER INSTALLATION.................................... 3
3. SPECIFICATIONS................................................ 6
5. BASIC OPERATION............................................. 8
6. REPLACEMENT...................................................14
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1. Top Button
Push it when clearing jammed paper from the sorter.
2. Top Bin Tray
The delivered copies are stacke d he re while sort or stack mode is not in use.
Also, when interrupt mod e is used while the sorter is operating, all copies are
delivered to the top bin tray.
3. Bin Trays
When the sorter is operating, copie s are de livere d to the bin tra ys accord ing to
the sort or stack modes.
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1. Sorter Adapter ............. .................... .........1
2. Mount Stay................................................1
3. Hinge Bracket: Front.................................1
4. Hinge Bracket: Rear.................................1
5. Mounting Stud Screw................................2
6. Screw M4 x 25............. .............. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...2
7. Screw M4 x 6......................................... ...2
8. Cable Clamp 5N.......................................1
9. Tapping Screw M4 x 10............... .. .. .. .. .. .. .2
10. Tapping Screw M4 x 6........................... ...5
1. Turn off the main switch an d unplu g the
power supply cord of the copier.
2. Remove the rear cover [A] of the copier (4
3. Remove the four plastic caps [B] from the
left cover.
4. Remove the two screws [C] from the top
5. Cut off the cap [D] on the rear cover with
cutting pliers.
6. Screw in the two mounting stud screws [E].
7. Screw two M4 x 6 screws halfway into the
mounting studs.
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8. Hook the sorter adapter [F] on the screws,
and tighten the screws to fix the adapter.
9. Install th e mount stay on the copier with
two screws (M4 x 25) [G].
10. Install the front and rear hinge brackets [H,
I] on the copier with four screws (M4 x 6 Tapping).
11. Attach the sorte r to the hinge brackets by
positioning the lower sup port shaft in the
fork shaped groove of th e hinge bracket.
Tilt the sorter at an angle of 5 degrees
while setting it in the bra cket.
NOTE: Make sure that the ho ok of t he
tension spring is properly
positioned on the bra cket .
12. Install two tapping screws (M4 x 10 Tapping) [J] on the front and rear lower
bracket of the sorter.
13. Feed the connectors (2P, 3P) of the sorter
into the square holes in th e rea r h ing e
bracket from the rear side. Con ne ct two
connectors from the sorte r ada pter with
these connectors.
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