Ricoh CX4 9-2010 User Manual

Any time, any place—capture your inspirations in true-to-life, high-quality images.
The CX4—a tool for putting the fun back into photography.
f=3 5mm 1 /380s ec F4.0 ISO10 0 EV +0.3 WB: M ulti -patt ern A UTO Subj ect-tr ackin g AF
Just choose a scene for clear, limpid photos. Imaging processing performance that places a premium on pure image quality.
The CX4 boasts a back-illuminated CMOS image sensor combined with advanced Smooth Imaging
Engine IV image processing. Poorly-lit indoor or night scenes are rendered in pure, unblemished
quality, as of course are brightly-lit subjects. An output pixel interpolation algorithm residing in
dedicated logic circuits in the imaging engine reduces loss of detail in highlights to faithfully
recreate high-contrast scenes exactly as they appear to the naked eye.
Noise reduction for beautiful results at high sensitivities.
The camera’s noise reduction algorithm processes the image signal as it is output from the CMOS
image s ensor, reduci ng the im ag e noise t hat ten ds to occ ur in pho tographs taken a t high
sensitivities. The result is beautiful, limpid photographs with details, tones, and colors as vivid as
those seen in the original subject.
*Th e nois e redu ction funct ion l evel can be spe cifie d as O ff, Au to, We ak, S trong, or MA X. *Th e time to re cord a n ima ge var ies d ependi ng on the nois e redu ction setti ng.
RICOH Pure Image Quality Technology
The imaging philosophy that lies at the root of all Ricoh digital cameras: not just “high image quality” but “pure image quality, true to
what is perceived by the naked eye.” This is achieved through three core technologies—a low-distortion lens with true-to-life imaging
properties, an image sensor with superior high-sensitivity performance, and an imaging engine that reproduces images in minute detail—
that have been designed and developed as a single mechanism, offering unsurpassed resolution and faithful, unaffected color reproduction.
Imag e
Se n so r
Le ns
Image P rocess ing
En gin e
f=3 5mm 1 /90se c F 4.0 ISO160 0 EV ±0 WB : Flu ores cent
*Fo cal le ngth indi cated are 3 5mm fi lm ca mera e quiva lents.
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