Renault Visteon Schematic

Multimedia Service Manual
for the Control Module used on the Renault Rear Seat Entertainment System
Control Module
Control Module
Control Module Control Module
Part Number 4035241
Part Number 4035241
Part Number 4035241Part Number 4035241
Document no. 30-900-00015 Produced by: Visteon Technical Service
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2002-11-28 First Issue
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Rear Seat Entertainment System Control Module
for the Renault Scenic, Laguna and Espace
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30-900-00015 Issued 2002-11-28 http:/ © Copyright Visteon 2002
Service Manual – Renault System

A. Initial Inspection and Test.

1. Read the dealer fault report.
2. Examine the module. Note any bent or missing connector pins or other obvious damage.
3. Plug the module into the test kit and test as follows. Note any faults found.
Step Procedure Check that . . Verification 1 Connect the control module to the test
kit. Plug the output from the DVD into CN1 (see figure 1) on the control module. Connect a 12.5 V DC supply to
The DVD switches on.
the permanent and ignition inputs of the test kit.
2 Aim the remote control at TFT screen A
and press 'POWER'
Both TFT screens come on
3 Press 'MENU' on the remote. Navigate
to 'MEDIA SELECT' then press 'ENTER'.
The menu appears on TFT A. Menu chip.
Select DVD and press ENTER again.
4 Aim the remote at TFT screen B and
select DVD as per step 2 above.
The menu appears on TFT B
5 Insert a DVD disk into the DVD player. Check that the DVD displays on
both screens and there is sound on both channels.
6 Aim the controller at TFT A, press Stop,
wait and then press PLAY.
7 Aim the controller at TFT B and press
Menu. Press Stop and then PLAY as
The DVD pauses then continues to play each time.
10 Plug the DVD output into CN2. Use the
remote to select AUX 1 on both screens.
11 Plug the DVD output into CN3. Use the
remote to select AUX 2 on both screens.
17 With the remote aimed at Screen A
The picture from the DVD appears on TFT A and TFT B as each selection is made and there is sound on both channels. Colour scale appears on screen
select COLOUR on the DISPLAY menu.
18 Vary intensity from high to low colour.
Set back to mid-range.
19 Select BRIGHTNESS. Vary intensity from
high to low then to mid-range.
20 Select CONTRAST. Vary intensity from
high to low contrast then back to
Colour changes from black & white to extreme colour. Brightness changes from dark to bright. Contrast changes from diffuse to sharp.
21 Press the OFF button on the remote. Screens become dark, picture and
illumination ceases. 22 Turn off the ignition switch After 5 min the power switches off. Auto-off feature 23 Unplug the control module.
4. If the unit is faulty proceed to the next step.
Module power circuits and regulator.
Control, power & IR. Transmission, backlight & screen power supplies to the TFT monitors
Control power to TFT B
Video and Audio circuits
IR coms
Menu chip, TFT screens
Colour adjustment
Brightness adjustment Contrast adjustment
Power switching
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Service Manual – Renault System

B Opening the Control Module

CAUTION: Observe anti
CAUTION: Observe anti----stati
CAUTION: Observe antiCAUTION: Observe anti precautions when handling the PCB.
precautions when handling the PCB.
precautions when handling the PCB.precautions when handling the PCB.
Figure 1 Control Module Housing
Figure 1 Control Module Housing
Figure 1 Control Module HousingFigure 1 Control Module Housing
1. Loosen screws 1 to 4 and remove the control box lid.
2. Remove screws 5 to 8. and separate the PCB from the control box base.
3. Visually inspect the components for obvious signs of mechanical or electrical damage.
4. Proceed to section C.
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Service Manual – Renault System

C. Diagnosis and Repair.

1. Connect the open control module to the test kit.
2. Connect the 12.5 V power supplies to the test kit.
3. Compare the symptoms observed under A. Initial Inspection and Test with the symptoms listed below to locate the components likely to be faulty and effect the necessary repairs.
Symptom Investigation
as DVD or TV missing from OSD
Media Device Switching OFF/ON continuously, video signal present Audio Fault No sound both left and right
Symptom Investigation
Power Faults
Power Faults
Power FaultsPower Faults
No Power / No LCD
Investigation Corrective Action
Check for <1 V at IC1
Corrective Action
Corrective ActionCorrective Action
If OK go to next line Replace IC1. Media device such pin11,12 Power OFF
supply for
Repower system and recheck fault. 5 Seconds
Check for <0.5 V TR3 collector
If OK go to next line Check TR3, D1, IC1, C3, C26,
C36, C37 in turn. Replace faulty components.
IC11 defective Replace IC 11.
Check Audio route in
If OK go to next line Replace faulty components.
logical manner IC7/19 > IC1 > IC2/5 > IC3/4 Video OK?
Check as No Colour / poor /no image – NO audio OSD OK
– See "Image Faults" below.
If OK go to next line.
Check IC1, IC3, IC4.defect - Replace defective components.
Investigation Corrective Action
Corrective Action
Corrective ActionCorrective Action
Check 12 V on F1 If OK go to next line F1 Defect - check for S/C on
output. Replace defective
components. Check 5 V/12 V IC 17
If OK go to next line IC 17/D3 Defective or S/C on
output. Replace defective
components. Check IR sig. on IC11 pin 8 Check Xtal sig. on IC 11pin 6, 7 Check < 0.6 V IC 11tPin 2
If OK go to next line Check IC12/13/14. Replace
defective components.
If OK go to next line XTAL or IC11 Defect. Replace
defective components.
If OK go to next line TR6 defect IC11 Defect. Replace
defective components. Check 5 V IC 16 Pin 2 If OK go to next line TR6 defect, IC16. Replace
defective components. Check for PCB damaged pins . Replace defective components.
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Symptom Investigation
Image Faults
Image Faults
Image FaultsImage Faults
LCDs on. No OSD on one
Investigation Corrective Action
Is color
image shown
on LCD?
LCDs on. No OSD on both LCDs
Check Waveform IC11 Pin 9,10 Check Waveform IC8, 9 Pin 7 CN4 damaged - Check For PCB Damage. -Replace defective components.
No colour, poor /no image – No audio, OSD OK
Check Waveform IC1 pin 1/8 Check 9V IC18 pin 3 If OK go to next line IC18 Defect - check for S/C on
Check Waveform IC1 pin 33/34
No colour, poor
Is OSD OK? If OK go to next line Go to image Faults – No OSD
/no image – audio OK: All 3 Inputs, one or both LCDs
Check Waveform IC1 pin 1,8,15 Check Waveform IC1 pin 44,53
Check Waveform IC10 pin 7,8 Check Waveform CN4 pin 8/18 Check Correct Values R35/36 - Reg supplies 5/12/Gnd.
Service Manual – Renault System
Corrective Action
Corrective ActionCorrective Action
If yes go to next line TR1/2, IC8 Defective CN4
damaged. Replace defective
If OK go to next line IC11 Defect - eeprom corrupt.
Replace defective components.
If OK go to next line IC 8/9 Defect. Replace defective
If OK go to next line CN1/2 / test Media / looms.
Replace defective components.
O/P. Replace defective
If OK suspect Defective IC / inspect soldering or PCB damage. Replace defective components.
If OK go to next line IC v / defect IC1 x S/C. Replace
defective components.
If OK go to next line Defect IC1, C26/36/37-PCB
O/C. Replace defective
If OK go to next line IC10 Defect Replace defective
If OK go to next line R35, 36 – PCB Defect. Replace
defective components.
No colour, poor /no image – audio OK. One input, both LCDs
Check Waveform CN1/2/3 pin7
If OK go to next line Check connector / test
Media/looms. Replace defective
components. Check Waveform IC1 pin 44, 53
If OK go to next line Defect IC1, C26/36/37-PCB
O/C. Replace defective
components. Check Waveform
If OK go to next line Recheck Fault symptoms IC10 7, 8 Check test looms Check Reg supplies 5/9/12/Gnd. Replace defective
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Symptom Possible Cause
Possible Cause Probable Diagnosis
Possible CausePossible Cause
Micro defective.
Power supply circuit not
switched on
Control Module Power
interface board IR sensor missing
oooo nnnn
IR detection circuit failure.
Micro does not detect that the media1 or media
Control module fails to detect media device
No video on left screen, audio OK
No video on right screen, audio is ok
iiii dddd eeee oooo
Poor quality video on left and right screens, audio OK
right screen, audio OK
screen, audio OK No video picture, on
either screen, DVD controls working
2 sense lines are grounded
Micro does not detect either Media1 or media 2 sense lines
No video output from IC1 circuit area
No video output from IC10 circuit area
No video output from IC1 circuit area
No video output from IC10 circuit area
Video input signal not terminated properly.
Video output signal not terminated properly Video output signal not terminated properly
No IIC clock signal to LCD screens
Service Manual – Renault System
Probable Diagnosis
Probable DiagnosisProbable Diagnosis
IC11 micro crashed XT1 inoperative TR5 collector output failed low (reset). D3 failed o/c. IC 17 (5 V) TR5 failed low IC16 switch inoperative TR6 output failed low Dry joint at IC11 pin 2. Dry joint or broken track between IC16
pin 23 and TR6 collector. D2 failed s/c R55 & R56 o/c or missing +5 V supply to LCD
C77 & C76 s/c to gnd.
IC12 internally defective holding 14 high. CN3 pin 3 or CN4 PIN 4 or CN4 pin14
gnd. C94 s/c to gnd LK1 missing (no +5V) R42 missing IC14 faulty C50 s/c to gnd IC13 faulty R59, R48 OR R49 o/c. R63 or R54 o/c IC11 pin 11 or 12 dry-jointed Poor continuity between
CN1 pin 2 and IC11 pin 12 and CN2
pin 2 and IC11 pin 11
Media device connected after turning on
power supply to the control box.
C11 or C12 or C13 o/c IC1 defective Dry or open joints on IC1 video input pins
1, 8, & 15 or output pins 44 & 53. C45, C48, R36, L9 o/c IC10 defective Dry/ open joints on IC10 pins C11. C12, C13 o/c IC1 defective Dry open joints on IC1 video input pins 1,
8 & 15 or output pins 53 & 44. C44, C47, R35, L8 o/c IC10 defective Dry/ open joints on IC10 pins R1, R2, R3 dry joint/ o/c RV1 or RV2 or RV3 partial short C11, C12, C13 o/c C44, C47, R35 o/c or dry joint Poor quality video on RV18 partial short C45, C48, R36 o/c or dry joint Poor quality video on left RV15 partial short C80 s/c to gnd. IC9 pin 7 failed, open R31 open, dry-jointed
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Service Manual – Renault System
C78 s/c to gnd Loss of control of OSD functions e.g. contrast, colour, etc. . on right screen.
Loss of control of OSD functions e.g. contrast, colour, etc. on left screen
DVD player does not
respond to remote control
Left side audio missing or out of spec, video OK: left and/or right screen
AAAA uuuu dddd
Right side audio missing or out of spec, video OK: left and/or right screen
IIC control signals to right LCD screen defective
IIC control signals to left LCD screen defective
IR signal not being relayed from the control module
Failure of any left-side audio input circuit associated with CN1
Failure of any left-side audio input circuit associated with CN2
Failure of any left-side audio input circuit associated with CN3
Failure of any right-side audio input circuit associated with CN1
Failure of any right-side audio input circuit associated with CN2
Failure of any right-side audio input circuit associated with CN3
IC8 pin2 failed, open
IC9 pin 7 to CN4 pin 2 open, dry-jointed
IC11 pin 16 output failed, open
R28 open, dry-jointed
TR1 failed, open
C79 s/c to gnd
IC8 pin7 failed, open
IC9 pin7 to CN4 pin12 open, dry-jointed.
IC11 pin 14 output failed or open
R29 open, dry-jointed
TR2 failed, open
IC11 pin19 open, dry jointed, output
failed R57 open, dry jointed D5 failed s/c to gnd or to 5 V L2 open, dry-jointed CN1 pin5 dry-jointed C5, C82 o/c or dry joint R4 terminator, R10, R75, R77 o/c or dry
joint, IC7 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 43 or 52. C6, C86 o/c or dry joint R5 terminator, R11, R80, R83, o/c or dry
joint IC7 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 43 or 52. C7, C88, o/c or dry joint R6 terminator, R12, R86, R87, o/c or dry
joint, IC19 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 43 or 52 C8, C83 o/c or dry joint R7 terminator, R13, R78, R84 o/c or dry
joint, IC7 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 45 or 54 C9, C85 o/c or dry joint R8 terminator, R14, R81, R83 o/c or dry
joint IC7 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 43 or 52 C10, C87, o/c or dry joint R9 terminator, R15, R83, R85, R88, o/c
or dry joint IC19 failed or not receiving 9 V supply IC1 partially defective Dry joint on IC1 pin 43 or 52
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Service Manual – Renault System
C25, C29 or C35 o/c C32 failed s/c IC4 pin 7 open IC4 partially defective IC5 pin 2, 12, 13 or 19 open (no IIC) IC5 partially defective R26 or R20 o/c C24, C31 or C34 o/c C33 failed s/c IC4 pin 6 open IC4 partially defective IC5 pin 1, 12, 13 or 18, open
(no IIC) IC5 partially defective R21 or R27 o/c C16, C18 or C20 o/c C22 failed s/c IC2 pin 2, 12, 13 or19 open (no IIC) IC2 partially defective IC3 pin 7 open IC3 partially defective R16 or R24 o/c C15, C19 or C21 o/c C23 failed s/c IC2 pin 1, 12, 13, 18, open (no IIC) IC2 partially defective IC3 pin 6, open IC3 partially defective R17, R25 o/c IC11 pin3 open, dry jointed, output failed IC19 pin 9 output failed LK4 defective TR7 defective IC11 pin3 output failed high R102 defective
TR7 failed high (>6 V)
IC11 pin3 output failed low Right screen audio not
TR7 failed o/c
IC2 pin12 and/or 13 open.
C28 open IC2 pin 15 open (no 9 V) IC2 is defective
IC5 pin 12 and/or 13 open
C30 open IC5 pin15 open (no 9 V) IC5 defective
Left side audio on left screen missing or out of spec., video OK.
Right side audio on left screen missing or out of spec., video OK.
Left side audio on right screen missing
Right side audio on right
screen missing
Audio signal not reaching rear shelf speakers (headphones OK)
Left screen audio not reaching rear shelf speakers (headphones, right screen audio OK)
reaching rear shelf speakers (headphones, right screen audio OK)
Unable to adjust audio controls: treble, bass etc. on right screen. OSD OK.
Unable to adjust audio controls: treble, bass etc. on left screen. OSD OK.
Failure in left side audio processing within the left screen audio processor/amplifier circuit
Failure in right side audio processing within the left screen audio processor/amplifier circuit
Failure in left side audio processing within the right screen audio processor/amplifier circuit
Failure in right side audio processing within the right screen audio processor/amplifier circuit
Channel select signal not being relayed from control module
Channel select signal for left screen audio not being relayed from control module Channel select signal for right screen audio not being relayed from control module No IIC clock signal to right audio processor chip Right screen audio processor IC2 not working
No IIC clock signal to right audio processor chip Left screen audio processor IC5 not working
4. Complete repairs to the control module. Ensure that the repaired items are clean.
5. Reassemble the control module by performing the dismantling procedure described above in reverse.
6. Retest the module as described in section A-3
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