The Temperature Setpoint Controller Unit (TSC) is a multi-purpose series of
industrial control products that are field-programmable for solving various
applications. This series of products is built around the concept that the end user
has the capability to program different personalities and functions into the unit in
order to adapt to different indication and control requirements.
The TSC unit, which you have purchased, has the same high quality
workmanship and advanced technological capabilities that have made Red Lion
Controls the leader in today’s industrial market.
Red Lion Controls has a complete line of industrial indication and control
equipment, and we look forward to servicing you now and in the future.
CAUTION: Read complete
instructions prior to installation
and operation of the unit.
CAUTION: Risk of electric shock.
Table of Contents
GENERAL DESCRIPTION ·····························································6
Start Operation From The Profile Control Status Display ······························18
Start Operation From The Hidden Mode ···········································18
Start Operation Using The User Input ·············································18
Start Operation On Power-Up ··················································18
Start Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option ······································18
Stop Operation From The Profile Control Status Display ······························19
Stop Operation From The Hidden Mode ···········································19
Stop Operation On Power-Up ···················································19
Stop Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option ······································19
Advance Operation From The Profile Control Status Display ··························19
Advance Operation From The Hidden Mode ·······································20
Advance Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option ···································20
Pause Operation From The Profile Control Status Display ····························20
Pause Operation From The Hidden Mode ·········································20
Pause Operation Using The User Input ···········································20
Pause Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option ·····································20
Continue Operation From The Profile Control Status Display ··························20
Continue Operation From The Hidden Mode ·······································21
Continue Operation Using The User Input ·········································21
Continue Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option ··································21
Reset Timed Event Output(s) From The Hidden Mode ·······························21
Reset A Timed Event Output Using The User Input ··································21
Reset A Timed Event Output Via RS-485 Serial Option ·······························21
Configuration Of Parameters ·······················································22
Parameter Entry ··································································23
Normal Display Mode ·····························································23
Modifying A Secondary Display Parameter From The Front Panel ······················23
Setpoint Value Display ························································23
% Output Power Display ·······················································24
Profile Control Status Display ···················································24
Profile Phase Time Remaining Display ············································24
Time Proportioning Cycle Time (CYCt) ············································32
Output Control Action (OPAC) ···················································32
Output Power Limits (OPLO & OPHI) ··············································32
Sensor Fail Preset Power (OPFL) ················································32
ON/OFF Control Hysteresis Band (CHYS) ··········································32
Auto-Tune Damping Code (tcod) ·················································33
Linear DC Analog Output (ANAS, ANLO, & ANHI) (Optional) ··························33
Cooling Cycle Time (CYC2) ·····················································39
Cooling Relative Gain (GAN2) ···················································39
Heat-Cool Overlap/Deadband (db-2) ··············································40
Serial Communications Module (6-SC) (Optional) ······································41
Baud Rate (bAUd) ·····························································41
Parity Bit (PArb) ·······························································41
Address Number (Addr) ·························································41
Abbreviated or Full Transmission (Abrv) ···········································41
Print Rate (PrAt) ·······························································41
Print Options (PoPt) ····························································41
Control Points Module (7-CP) ·······················································42
Control Point Set-up (CSEt) ·····················································42
Setpoint Value (SP-n) ··························································42
PID Values(PId) ·······························································42
Profile Set-Up ·································································42
Profile Cycle Count (PnCC) ······················································43
Profile Linking (PnLn) ··························································43
Profile Power Cycle Status (PnSt) ················································44
Profile Error Band (PnEb) ·······················································44
Ramp Phase (Pnrn) ····························································44
Setpoint Value (PnLn) ··························································45
Hold Phase (PnHn) ····························································45
Timed Event Output(s) (Pn 1 to Pn 16) ············································45
Profile Example ·······························································47
Factory Service Operations Module (9-FS) ············································48
RS-485 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE ·······································58
Communication Format ····························································58
Sending Commands And Data ······················································58
Receiving Data ···································································60
Serial Connections ································································62
Terminal Descriptions ··························································62
Connecting To A Host Terminal ··················································63
Troubleshooting Serial Communications ··············································63
PID CONTROL ······································································64
Proportional Band ································································64
Integral Time ····································································64
Derivative Time ··································································65
Output Power Offset (Manual Reset) ·················································65
Pid Adjustments ··································································65
ON/OFF CONTROL ··································································67
AUTO-TUNE ·······································································69
To Initiate Auto-Tune: ·····························································70
To Cancel Auto-Tune: (Old PID settings remain in effect). ·······························70
APPENDIX “A” - APPLICATION EXAMPLE ·············································71
APPENDIX “B” - SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ···································72
APPENDIX “C” - TROUBLESHOOTING ················································76
Output Leakage Current ···························································79
APPENDIX “D” - MANUAL TUNING ····················································80
APPENDIX “E” - CALIBRATION ·······················································82
APPENDIX “F” - USER PARAMETER VALUE CHART ····································85
APPENDIX “G” - ORDERING INFORMATION ···········································87
The TSC is a setpoint controller suitable for time vs. temperature, process
control applications. The TSC accepts signals from a variety of temperature
sensors (thermocouple and RTD elements), precisely displays the process
temperature, and provides an accurate output control signal (timeproportional or linear) to maintain a process at the desired control point. A
comprehensive set of easy to use steps allows the controller to solve various
application requirements. The user input can be programmed to perform a
variety of controller functions.
Dual 4-digit displays allow viewing of the measured temperature value and
setpoint or temperatureandprofile status simultaneously.Front panel indicators
inform the operator of controller status and output states. Replaceable output
modules (Relay, Logic/SSR drive or Triac) can be fitted to the main control
output, alarm output(s) or timed event output(s), and cooling output.
The TSChas been designedto simplify the set-up andoperation of acontrolled
setpoint profile program. The setpoint program is easily entered and controlled
through thefront panel. Fulldisplay capabilities keepthe operator informedof the
process temperature, profile status, output states, and setpoint value.
The controller can operate in the standard PID control mode for both
heating or cooling, with on-demand Auto-Tune which establishes the PID
gain set. The PID gain set can befine tunedby the operator at any time or may
be lockedfrom further modification.The unit can be transferred to the manual
control mode providing the operator with direct control of the output.
The TSC features four programs or profile recipes, each with up to eight
ramp/soak segments,which can beeasily stored and executed atany time. Longer
profiles canbe achieved bylinking one ormore profiles together,creating a single
profile of up to 32 ramp/soak segments. Temperature profile conformity is
assured during either soak (hold) phases or both ramp and hold phases by an
adjustable error band parameter. The program repeat function cycles the profile
either a set number of times or continuously. Power-on options automatically
re-start, stop, or resume a running profile. The profile can be controlled via the
front panel buttons, the user input, or the serial communications option.
Four control points, each having a setpoint and PID parameter set, are
available for instant front panel implementation during batch changeover, or
other process conditions. A control point may have its PID gain set values
disabled when implementing the control point.
The optional RS-485 multidrop serial communications interface provides
the capability of two-way communication between a TSC unit and other
compatible equipment such as a printer, a programmable controller, or a host
computer. In multipoint applications the address number of each unit on the
line canbe programmed from 0-99. Up to thirty two units can be installedon a
single pair of wires. The Setpoint value, % Output Power, Setpoint Ramp
Rate, etc. can be interrogated or changed, by sending the proper command
code via serial communications. Alarm output(s) may also be reset via the
serial communications interface option.
Optional alarm output(s) may be configured to operate as a timed event
output or as a standard alarm output. As an alarm output it may be configured
to activate according to a variety of actions (Absolute HI or LO, Deviation HI
or LO,or Band IN or OUT)with adjustable hysteresis. Also, astandby feature
suppresses the output(s) on power-up until the temperature stabilizes outside
the alarm region. Timed event output(s) allow the controller to activate other
equipment while a profile is running. Each profile can define up to 16 event
states (phases), for each output(s).
An optional secondary output is available for processes that require
cooling, which provides increased control accuracy and response.
The optional linear 4-20 mA or 0 to 10 VDC output signal is available to
interface with final actuators, chart recorders,indicators, orother controllers.The
output signal canbedigitally scaled andselected to transmit oneof the following:
% Output PowerMeasurement Value Deviation
Measurement ValueSetpoint Value
An optional NEMA 4X/IP65 rated bezel is available for washdown and/or
dirty environments, when properly installed. Modern surface-mount
technology, extensive testing, plus high immunity to noise interference,
makes the controller extremely reliable in industrial environments.
All safety relatedregulations, local codes andinstructions that appear inthe
manual or on equipment must be observed to ensure personal safety and to
prevent damage to either the instrument or equipment connected to it. If
equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the
protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not use the TSC to directly command motors, valves, or other actuators
not equipped with safeguards. To do so, can be potentially harmful to persons
or equipment in the event of a fault tothe unit. An independent and redundant
temperature limit indicator with alarm outputs is strongly recommended. Red
Lion Controls model IMT (thermocouple) or model IMR (RTD) units may be
used forthis purpose. The indicators should have input sensors andAC power
feeds independent from other equipment.
The unit should be installed ina location thatdoes not exceedthe maximum
operating temperature and provides good air circulation. Placing the unit near
devices that generate excessive heat should be avoided.
Continuous exposure to directsunlight may accelerate the aging process of
the bezel. The bezel should be cleaned only with a soft cloth and neutral soap
product. Do NOT use solvents.
Do not use tools of any kind (screwdrivers, pens, pencils, etc.) To operate
the keypad of the unit.
Prepare the panel cutout to the dimensions shown in the installation figure.
Remove the panel latch and cardboard sleeve from the unit and discard the
cardboard sleeve. The unit should be installed with the bezel assembly in
place. Insert the unit into the panel cutout. While holding the front of the unit
in place, push the panel latch over the rear of the unit so that the tabs of the
panel latch engage in the slots on the case. The panel latch should be engaged
in the farthest forward slots possible. Tighten the screws evenly until the unit
is snug in the panel.
The optional NEMA 4X/IP65 TSC Controller is designed to provide a
watertight seal inpanels with aminimum thickness of1/8 inch. The unitmeets
NEMA 4X/IP65 requirements for indoor use, when properly installed. The
units are intended to be mounted into an enclosed panel. Prepare the panel
cutout to the dimensions shown in the installation figure. Carefully apply the
adhesive side of the panel gasket to the panel cutout. Remove the panel latch
and cardboard sleeve from the unit and discard the cardboard sleeve. The unit
should be installed with the bezel assembly in place and the bezel screws
tightened slightly. Insert the unit into the panel cutout. While holding the front
of the unit in place,push the panellatch over therear of theunit so thatthe tabs
of the panel latch engage in the slots on the case. The panel latch should be
engaged inthe farthest forward slot possible.To achieve a proper seal, tighten
the latch screws evenly until the unit is snug in the panel (torque to
approximately 7 in-lbs [79 N-cm]). Do NOT over-tighten the screws.
Note: The installationlocation of the controlleris important. Be sureto keep it
away from heat sources (ovens, furnaces, etc.), away from direct contact
with caustic vapors, oils, steam, or any other process by-products in which
exposure may effect proper operation.
Note: Prior to applying power to the controller, the internal AC power
selector switch must be set. Damage to the controller may occur if the
switch is set incorrectly.
To remove a NEMA 4X/IP65 or standard unit from the panel, first unscrew
and remove the panel latch screws. Insert flat blade screwdrivers between the
latch and the case on the top and bottom of the unit so that the latches disengage
from the grooves in the case. Push the unit through the panel from the rear.
The bezel assembly must be removed from the case to install or replace
output modules, to select the input sensor type, or to set the 115/230 VAC
selector switch.To remove a standard bezel assembly (without bezel securing
screws) press the latch under the lower bezel lip and withdraw the bezel
assembly. To remove the sealed NEMA 4X/IP65 bezel assembly, loosen the
two bezel securing screws until a slight “click” is felt (the screws are retained
in the bezel) and withdraw the assembly. It is recommended to disconnect
power to the unit and to the output control circuits to eliminate the potential
shock hazard with the bezel assembly removed.
Note: The bezel assembly contains electronic circuits which are damaged by
static electricity. Before removing the assembly, discharge stray static
electricity on your body by touching an earth ground point. It is also
important that the bezel assembly be handled only by the bezel itself.
Additionally, if it is necessary to handle a circuit board, be certain that
hands arefree from dirt,oil, etc., to avoid circuit contamination which may
lead to malfunction.
To install the standard bezel assembly, insert the assembly into the case
until the bezel latch snaps into position.
To install the NEMA 4X/IP65 bezel assembly, insert the assembly into the
case and tighten the bezel screws uniformly until the bezel contacts the case
and then turn each screw another half turn to insure a watertight seal (do not
over-tighten screws).
Note: When substituting or replacing a bezel assembly, be certain that it is
done with the same model using the same Output Modules. Damage to the
controller may resultif the unit’s output modulesare not the same.A NEMA
4X/IP65 and a standard bezel assembly are NOT interchangeable.
The maincontrol, optional alarm,and optional cooling output socketsmust
be fitted with the appropriate output module. Output modules are shipped
separately and must be installed by the user.
Output Variations Without RS-485 Option
The Dual Alarm or the Cooling with Alarm output, without the RS-485
option, has independent outputs. Therefore, the cooling output and/or alarm
output(s) can be installed with any combination of output modules.
Output Variations With RS-485 Option
The Dual Alarm or the Cooling with Alarm output, with RS-485 option,
does not have independent outputs. In this case, the cooling output and/or
alarm output(s) must have the same type of output modules installed since
they share the common terminal.
Installing Output Modules
To install an output module into the controller, remove the bezel
assembly from the case (see Removing Bezel Assembly). Locate the
correct output module socket(OP1, AL1, or AL2/OP2, seehardware figure
or label outside of case) and plug the output module into the socket. No
re-programming is required. Ifchanging an output moduletype, be sure the
appropriate output interface wiring changes are made. Re-install the bezel
assembly when complete.
RelayNormally open contact is closed.
Logic/SSR DriveSource is active.
TriacSolid state switch is closed.
Typical Connections
Type: Form-C
Rating: 5 Amps@ 120/240VAC or 28 VDC(resistive load), 1/8 HP @120
VAC (inductive load).
Life Expectancy: 100,000 cycles at maximum load rating. (Decreasing
load and/or increasing cycle time, increases life expectancy.)
Min. Load Current: 10 mA
Off State Leakage Current: 7 mA max.
Operating Frequency: 20 to 500 Hz.
Protection: Internal Transient Snubber, Fused.
The input sensor type (thermocouple or RTD) must be selected by an
internal hardware jumper to match the input sensor type programmed. The
jumper is located inside the case on a small accessory circuit board near the
rear of the unit onthe main circuitboard (See hardwareselection figure and/or
label on outside of case).
The AC power to the unit must be selected for either 115 VAC or 230 VAC.
The selectorswitch is located insidethe case nearthe rear ofthe unit onthe main
circuit board (Seehardware figure and/orlabel on inside oroutside of case).The
unit is shipped from the factory with the switch in the 230 VAC position.
Note: Damage to the controller may occur if the AC selector switch is set
Although this unit is designed with a high degree of immunity to
ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI), proper installation and wiring methods
must be followed to ensure compatibility in each application. The type of
electrical noise, source or coupling method into the unit may be different for
various installations. Listed below are some EMC guidelines for successful
installation in an industrial environment.
1. The unit should be mounted in a metal enclosure, which is properly
connected to protective earth.
2. Use shielded (screened) cables forall Signaland Control inputs. The shield
(screen) pigtail connection should be made as short as possible. The
connection point for the shield depends somewhat upon the application.
Listed below are the recommended methods of connecting the shield, in
order of their effectiveness.
a. Connect the shield only at the panel wherethe unit ismounted to earth
ground (protective earth).
b. Connect the shield to earth ground at both ends of the cable, usually
when the noise source frequency is above 1 MHz.
c. Connect the shieldtocommon of the unitand leavethe other end of the
shield unconnected and insulated from earth ground.
3. Never run Signalor Control cables in the same conduit or raceway with AC
power lines, conductors feeding motors, solenoids, SCR controls, and
heaters, etc. The cables should be run in metal conduit that is properly
grounded. This is especially useful in applications where cable runs are
long and portable two-way radios are used in close proximity or if the
installation is near a commercial radio transmitter.
4. Signal or Control cables within an enclosure should be routed as far
away as possible from contactors, control relays, transformers, and
other noisy components.
5. In extremely high EMI environments, the use of external EMI suppression
devices, such as ferrite suppression cores, is effective. Install them on Signal
and Control cables as close to the unit as possible. Loop the cable through the
core severaltimes or usemultiple cores oneach cable foradditional protection.
Install line filters on the power input cable to the unit to suppress power line
interference. Install them near the power entry point of the enclosure. The
following EMI suppression devices (or equivalent) are recommended:
Ferrite Suppression Cores for signal and control cables:
Note: Reference manufacturer’s instructions when installing a line filter.
6. Long cable runs are more susceptible to EMI pickup than short cable runs.
Therefore, keep cable runs as short as possible.
7. Switching of inductive loads produces high EMI. Use of snubbers across
inductive loads suppresses EMI.
After the unit has been mechanically mounted, it is ready to be wired. All
wiring connections are made on a fixed terminalblock. Whenwiring theunit, use
the numbers onthelabel to identifythe position number withthe proper function.
All conductors should meet voltage and current ratings for each terminal.
Also cabling should conform to appropriate standards of good installation,
local codesand regulations. It is recommended that powersupplied to the unit
(AC or DC) be protected by a fuse or circuit breaker. Strip the wire leaving
approximately ¼"(6 mm) bare wire exposed (stranded wires should betinned
with solder). Insert the wire into the terminal and tighten the screw until the
wire is clamped in tightly. Each terminal can accept up to two, 18-gage wires.
Wire each terminal block in this manner.
Signal Wiring
When connecting the thermocouple or RTD leads, be certain that the
connections are clean and tight. If the thermocouple probe cannot be
connected directly to the controller, thermocouple wire or thermocouple
extension-grade wire must be used to extend the connection points (copper
wire will not work). Always refer to the thermocouple manufacturer’s
recommendations for mounting, temperature range, shielding, etc. For
multi-probe temperature averaging applications, two or more thermocouple
probes may be connected to the controller (always use the same type).
Paralleling a single thermocouple to more than one controller is NOT
recommended. Generally, the red wire from the thermocouple is negativeand
connected to the controller’s common.
RTD sensors are used where a higher degree of accuracy and stability is
required when compared to thermocouples. Most RTD sensors available are
the three wire type. The third wire is a sense lead for canceling the effects of
lead resistance of the probe. Four wire RTD elements may be used by leaving
one of the sense leads disconnected.
Two wire RTD sensors may be used in either of two ways:
A) Install a shorting wire between terminals #8 & #9. A temperature offset
error of 2.5°C/ohm of lead resistance will exist. The error may be
compensated for by programming a temperature offset.
B) Install a copper sense wire of the same wire gage as the RTD leads. Attach
one end of the wire at the probe and the other end to terminal #8. Complete
lead wire compensation will be in effect. (preferred method)
Note: With extended cable runs, be sure the lead resistance is less than 10
Thermocouple Connection
RTD Connection
User Input Wiring
The programmed User Input function is performed when terminal #7 is
used in conjunction with common (terminal #10). Any form of mechanical
switch may beconnected to terminal #7.Sinking open collector logicwith less
than 0.7 V saturation may also be used (no pull-up resistance is necessary).
Note: Do not tie the commons of multiple units to a single switch. Use either a
multiple pole switchfor gangedoperation or a singleswitch for each unit.
AC Power Wiring
Primary ACpower is connected to the separate twoposition terminal block
labeled AC. To reduce the chance of noise spikes entering the AC line and
affecting the controller, a separate AC feed should be used to power the
controller. Be certain that the AC power to the controller is relatively “clean”
and within the -15%, +10% variation limit. Connecting power from heavily
loaded circuits orcircuits that also power loads thatcycle on and off, (contacts,
relays, motors, etc.) should be avoided.
The front panel bezel material is flame and
scratch resistant tinted plastic. Available is an
optional NEMA 4X/IP65 version which has a
bezel that meetsNEMA 4X/IP65 requirements,
when properly installed. There are two 4-digit
LED displays, a red upper Main Display and a
lower green Secondary Display.
There are up to six annunciators depending
on options installed, with red backlighting,
which illuminate to inform the operator of the
controller and output status.
Four front panel buttons are used to access
different modes and parameters. The
following is a description of each button.
DSP -In the normaloperating mode, the Display
(DSP) button is used to select one of the four
parameters in the secondary display or
indicate the temperature unit’s (°F or °C). In
the ConfigurationParameter Modes, pressing
this button causes the unit to exit (escape) to
the normal operating mode with NO changes
made to the selected parameter.
UP, DN - In the normal operating mode, the
up/dn buttons can be used to modify the
setpoint value, % output power (manual
mode only), the profile status, or the
profile phase time remaining, when viewed in the secondary display.
The variables foreach parameter areselected using theup/dn buttons. In
the Hidden Mode, the up/dn buttons can be used to reset alarm(s), event
output(s), select auto or manual operation, invoke or cancel auto-tune,
load a control point, or change the status of a running profile.
PAR - The Parameter (PAR) button is used toaccess, enter, andscroll through
the available parameters in any mode.
Upon applying power, the controller delays control action and temperature
indication for five seconds to perform several self-diagnostic tests and
displays basiccontroller information. Initially, the controller illuminates both
displays and all annunciators to verify that all display elements are
functioning. Following, the controller displays the programmed input sensor
type in theMain display (verify thatthe input select sensor jumpermatches the
programming). Concurrently, it displays the current revision number of the
operating system software in the bottom display. The controller checks for
correct internal operation and displays an error message (E-XX) if an internal
fault is detected (see Troubleshooting).
A profile can be programmed to Start (run mode), Stop (off mode), or Pause if
it was runningonpower-up (see “ProfilePower Cycle Status Parameter”section).
Upon completion of this sequence, the controller begins control action by
displaying the temperature and updating the outputs based upon the PID
control value.
At power down, the steady state control value as well as all parameters and
control modes are saved, to provide a quick and predictable temperature
response on the next power-up.
When powering down the process, it is important to power down the
controller at the same time. This prevents the reset action of the controller
from shifting the proportional band while the temperature is dropping, which
prevents excessive overshoot on the next process start-up.
After starting the process, the controller’s PID settings must be initially
“tuned” to the process for optimum temperature control. Tuning consists of
adjusting the Proportional Band, Integral Time, and Derivative Time
parameters to achieve the optimum response to a process disturbance. Once
the controller is tuned, it may need to be re-tuned if the process has been
changed significantly. Several options exist for tuning these parameters:
A) Use the controller’s built-in Auto-Tune feature (see Auto-Tune).
B) Use a manual tuning technique (see manual tuning).
C) Use a third party tuning software package (generally expensive and not
always precise).
D) Use valuesbasedon control loopexperience or values froma similar process.
If the controller is a replacement, the PID settings from the unit being
replaced may be used as good initial values. Be sure to consider any
differences in the units and the PID settings when replacing. The PID settings
may befine tuned by using thetechniques outlined in the PID Control section.
After tuning the controllerto theprocess, it is important to power the load and
the controller at the same time for best start-up response.
The controller can be transfered between Automatic control (closed loop;
PID or ON/OFF control) and Manual control (open loop). Placing the
controller inthe Manual Mode does not impede the advancement oroperation
of a runningprofile. In the Hidden FunctionMode, the “trnf” parameter allows
the operator to select the desired operating mode. To allow front panel
switching between control modes, program the transfer (trnf) parameter to
“Enbl” in the Lockout module. The User Input or RS-485 serial interface
option may also be used to perform the auto/manual transfer function,
independent of the setting in the Lockout module.
Manual operationprovides direct control of theoutput(s) from 0 to +100%,
or -100% to +100% if cooling output is installed. The MAN (manual)
annunciator flashes to indicate that the unit is in manual operation.
In theManual Mode, theoutput power canbe adjusted using the frontpanel
arrow buttons when % output power is viewed in the lower display. If the %
output power is locked or read only, then the output power can be adjusted in
the unprotected parameter mode when OP is viewed. With the serial option,
the % output power can be modified independent of what is viewed in the
display as long as the unit is in the manual mode.
When transferring the controller mode from/to automatic, the control
power output(s) remain constant, exercising true “bumpless” transfer. When
transferring from manual to automatic, the power initially remains steady but
integral action will correct (if necessary) the closed loop power demand at a
rate proportionalto the IntegralTime. The programmable high andlow power
limit values are ignored when the unit is in manual operation.
Run Mode
The controller is in the Run Mode when a profile is executing. While in the
Run Mode, the profile can be stopped (Off Mode), paused (Pause Mode) or
advanced to the next phase. A profile is started and placed into the Run Mode
either manually or automatically when the controller is powered-up. The
advancement of the profile can be viewed in the secondary display.
Off Mode
The Off Mode signifies that all profiles are dormant. The Off Mode is
achieved by manuallyterminating a profile in progress orby allowing a profile
to run to completion. When a profile ends or is terminated, the active setpoint
is the lasthold setpoint value.A profile terminated duringa ramp phaseresults
in the activesetpoint value to be the setpointvalueat the instant oftermination.
A profile terminated during a hold phase results in the active setpoint value to
be the setpoint value at the hold level.
Pause Mode
The pause modesignifies that a profile isactive but the timebase is stopped.
The pause mode is caused only by a manual action. Pausing a profile during a
ramp phase stops the ramp and the controller maintains the setpoint value at
the instant of the pause action. During hold phases, the timing of the hold
phase is stopped. The use of pause mode effectively lengthens the total run
time of a profile. Pause mode is indicated by “PAUS” flashing in the profile
control status display. A profile can be placed in the pause mode via the front
panel buttons, the user input, or the serial communications option. The unit
remains in the pause mode until a continue operation is performed. The
continue operation places the profile into the run mode.
Delay Mode
The Delay Modesignifies that a profileis active but thetime base, or profile
advancement is stopped. This is caused by automatic action of the controller
when the input temperature deviates more than a specified amount from the
profile setpoint. The Delay Mode is similar to the pause mode, except the
delay mode is invoked automatically by the controller.
The Profile Deviation Error Band programmed for a positive value, allows
the Delay Mode to be invoked only during hold phases. A negative value
allows the delaymode to be invokedduring “both” ramp and holdphases. The
profile automatically resumes when the process temperature is within the
prescribed error band value. The Delay Mode is indicated by “dEly” flashing
in the profilecontrol status display and bya flashing decimal point inthe upper
main display. The Delay Mode can be terminated manually by changing the
deviation error band value to a larger value or to zero for off. The new error
band value takes effect immediately.
Profile Start Operation
A profile always starts at the first ramp phase and the setpoint value ramps
from the current temperature value. The profile can be programmed to ramp
from a known setpoint value (see Ramp Phase section). Link-started profiles
use the last target setpoint level as the starting point. A profile is started from
the off mode, which places the controller into the run mode. To re-start a
running profile from the beginning, it is necessary to first stop the profile.
Start Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Profile must be in the off mode (no profiles running).
3. Press and hold “up” button for three seconds until “Pr-1” appears.
4. Select the desired profile by using the “up/down” buttons.
5. Press the “PAR” button to start the selected profile. The unit displays
“Strt” in the secondary display and starts the profile. If the “PAR”
button is not pressed within five seconds, no action is taken.
Start Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Profile must be in the off mode (no profiles running).
3. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
4. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
5. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select the
desired profile (Pr-1, Pr-2, Pr-3, or Pr-4).
6. Press the “PAR” button to start the selected profile. The unit displays
“End” in the secondary display and starts the profile. If a selection is
not made within ten seconds, no action is taken.
Start Operation Using The User Input
The user input can only start profile #1.
User Input Selected For Run/Stop (P1rS):
A low to high transition at terminal # 7 always starts profile 1.
User Input Selected For Run/Pause (P1rH):
A low to high transition at terminal # 7 starts profile 1, if no profiles
are in the pause mode.
Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.
Start Operation On Power-Up
If power is interrupted or removed from the unit, the profile can be
programmed to automatically start when power is restored. In the Setpoint
Profiles Module (8-Pr), a profile can be programmed to automatically re-start
on power-up. The“Strt” option must selected foreach profile (see powercycle
status parameter for details).
Start Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
Any profile canbe started viathe serial communications option.Transmit the
unit address, command letter with the value identifier and the desired profile
number via the serial port (see serial communication section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Start profile 2 of TSC unit 6.
Profile Stop Operation
Stopping a profile places the controller into the off mode.
When a profile is stopped, the active setpoint value is the old profile
setpoint value.
Stop Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
3. “OFF” appears inthe secondary display and theprofile is placed in the
off mode.
Stop Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in
lockout programming.
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. When “Prun”is displayed,use the “up/down” buttonsto select stop (off).
5. Press the “PAR” button to stop the profile. The unit displays “End” in
the secondary display and stops the profile. If a selection is not made
within ten seconds, no action is taken.
Stop Operation On Power-Up
If power is interrupted or removed to the unit, the profile can be
programmed to automatically stop when power is restored. In the Setpoint
Profiles Module (8-Pr), each profile must be selected for the “Stop” option
(see power cycle status parameter for details).
Stop Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A running profile can be stopped via the serial communications option.
Transmit the unit address, command letter, with the value identifier and
number via the serial port (see serial communication section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Stop the currently running profile of TSC unit 6.
Profile Advance Operation
Advancing a profile ends the currently active phase and begins the next
phase of the profile. The total run time of the profile is shortened by using
the advance operation. Profiles in the pause mode must have a continue
operation performed before an advance operation. The profile can be
advanced from the delay mode.
Advance Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “up” button for three seconds.
3. “Adnc” appears in the secondary display and the profile advances to
the next phase.
Advance Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select
advance (Adnc).
5. Press the “PAR” button to advance the profile to the next phase.
6. The unit displays “End” in the secondary display and the profile
advances to the next phase. If a selection is not made within ten
seconds, no action is taken.
Advance Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A running profile can be advaced to the next phase via the serial
communications option. Transmit the unit address, command letter, the
value identifier and number via the serial port (see serial communication
section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Advance the currently running profile of TSC unit 6 to the next phase.
Profile Pause Operation
The pause mode freezes the state of the profile. The controller maintains the
setpoint value atthe instant theprofile is placed intothe pause mode.The profile
must have a continue operation performed to resume the profile operation.
Pause Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “down” button for three seconds.
3. “PAUS” appears in the secondary display and the profile is placed in
the pause mode.
Pause Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select pause
5. Press the “PAR” button to pause the profile.
6. The unit displays “End” in the secondary display and the profile is
paused. If a selectionis not made within ten seconds,no actionis taken.
Pause Operation Using The User Input
The user input can pause a running profile.
User Input Selected For Run/Pause (P1rH):
A low level at terminal # 7 pauses a profile that is running.
Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.
Pause Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A profilecan be paused via the serial communications option. Transmitthe
unit address, command letter, with the value identifier and number via the
serial port (see serial communication section for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Pause the currently running profile of TSC unit 6.
Profile Continue Operation
The continue operation resumes operation of a profile that is in the pause
mode. The continue operation places the profile back into the run mode. The
profile resumes normal execution from the point where it was paused.
Continue Operation From The Profile Control Status Display
1. Verify the profile control status display (P-CS) is enabled in lockout
2. Profile must be in the pause mode.
3. Press and hold the “up” button for three seconds.
4. “Cont” appears in the secondary display and the profile is placed into
the run mode.
Continue Operation From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify profile access (PrAC) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Unit must be in the pause mode.
3. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
4. Scroll to “Prun” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
5. When “Prun” is displayed, use the “up/down” buttons to select
continue (Cont).
6. Press the “PAR” button to continue the profile.
7. Theunit displays “End” in the secondary display andthe profile resumes
to run. Ifa selectionis not made withinten seconds, no action is taken.
Continue Operation Using The User Input
The user input can continue a paused profile.
User Input Selected For Run/Pause (P1rH):
A high level continues the profile.
Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.
Continue Operation Via The RS-485 Serial Option
A paused profile can be continued via the serial communications option.
Transmit the unit address, command letter, with the value identifier and
number via the serial port (see serial communication section, for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Continue profile 2 of TSC unit 6.
Reset Event Outputs Operation
The Timed Event Output(s) may be manually reset to the “Off” state at any
time during profile execution. Once reset, the outputs remain reset until the
profile advances to the next phase and updates the event output states.
Reset Timed Event Output(s) From The Hidden Mode
1. Verify alarm access (ALrS) in the hidden mode is enabled in lockout
2. Press and hold the “PAR” button for three seconds to enter the
hidden mode.
3. Scroll to “ALrS” (if necessary) by pressing the “PAR” button.
4. Press the “up” button to reset event output 1. Press the “down” button
to reset event output 2. An event output remains reset during phase
transitions if the buttons are held.
5. The “up” or“down” buttonmust be pressed within tenseconds toreset
an eventoutput. If an output is not reset within ten seconds, no action
is taken.
Reset A Timed Event Output Using The User Input
The user input can reset the timed event outputs.
Note: Thereset operation via the user input resets “Both” AL1 and AL2,
independent of their operation as an alarm or event output.
User Input Selected For Alarm Reset (ALrs):
A low level resets the timed event outputs. As long as the input is held
low, the output(s) remain reset.
Note: Refer to input module 1, user input section, for more details.
Reset A Timed Event Output Via RS-485 Serial Option
A timed event output can be reset via the serial communications option.
Transmit the unit address, command letter, with the value identifier via the
serial port (see serial communication section, for details).
Shown below is a typical command string.
Reset timed event output 2 of TSC unit 6.
As supplied from the factory, the controller parameters have been
programmed to the values listed in the Quick Reference Tables. Theuser must
modify the values, if necessary, to suit the application.
Operation and configuration of the controller is divided into five distinct
operational/programming modes to simplify the operation of the controller:
Normal Display Mode, Unprotected Parameter Mode, Protected Parameter
Mode, Hidden Function Mode, and Configuration Parameter Modules.
S These parameters may not appear due toNote: In any mode or module, DSP returns
unit configuration or programming set-ups.the controller to the normal display mode.
The PAR button is used to select the desired parameter. To modify the
parameter settinguse the UPand DOWN buttons, and thenpress PAR to enter
the new value, the controller progresses to the next parameter. In a
Configuration Parameter Module, pressing the DSP button causes the new
value to be rejected, the controller displays “End”, and returns to the Normal
Display Mode. For those parameters outside the Configuration Parameter
Modules, the new value takes effect and is committed into controller memory
WHILE the value is keyed in. The following is a list of these commonly
modified parameters:
Output Power
Output Power Offset
Proportional Band
Integral Time
Derivative Time
Alarm 1 Value
Alarm 2 Value
Note: While in a Configuration Parameter Module, all new parameters are
rejected andthe old ones recalled ifpower is lost to thecontroller. If power
is removed while modifying ANY parameter, be certain to check the
parameter for the proper value.
In the normal display mode, theprocess temperature is always displayed in
the main display. By successively pressing the DSP button, one of five
parameters can be viewed in the secondary display:
Temperature Setpoint
% Output Power
Profile Control Status
Profile Phase Time Remaining
Display Temperature Units (°F or °C).
Each of these displays can be independently locked out from appearing or
from being modified by the user (see parameter lockout section).
Modifying A Secondary Display Parameter From The Front Panel
The controller must be in the normal display mode to modify any of the
secondary display parameters. Temperature units symbol indicates the
temperature scale (°For °C) and cannot bemodified from this mode.The other
four parameters can bemodified when viewed in the secondary display (if not
locked). Pressing the DSP button scrolls through the secondary display
parameters. The following describes how these parameters can be modified
when viewed in secondary display.
Setpoint Value Display
Use the up and down arrow buttons to modify the setpoint value when
viewed (if not locked). If locked, the setpoint can be changed in the
unprotected or protected mode when “SP” is viewed, independent of viewing
in the secondary display. The setpoint value is constrained to the
programmable setpoint limit values (SPLO & SPHI, input module 1).
The profilesetpoint value can be changed during profile operation to effect
immediate changes to the profile. If locked, the target setpoint value can be
changed when viewedin the protected mode. Permanentchanges to the profile
setpoint value must be done in the profiles module (8-Pr). Changing the
setpoint value may cause the profile to enter the delay mode if the errror band
parameter is enabled.
The ramping setpoint value is displayed during ramp phases. Immediate
changes made to the ramping setpoint value do not alter the ramp rate, but
change the ramp time remaining to the next target setpoint level. This action
either lengthens or shortens the total time remaining. The phase time
remaining is effected the instant the setpoint value is changed.
The holding setpoint value isdisplayed during holdphases. A change to the
holding setpointvalue causes the controller to immediately operateat the new
setpoint level. In addition, the next ramp phase begins ramping from the
modified setpoint value to the target setpoint value.
% Output Power Display
The % output power can only be changed when the unit is in the manual
mode. The annunciator %PW lights when viewed, then use the up and down
arrow buttons to modify the % output power (if not locked). If locked, the %
output power canbe changed in theunprotected or protected modewhen “OP”
is viewed, independent of viewing in the secondary display. The % output
power is not constrained to the programmable output power limit values
(OPLO & OPHI, output module 2).
Profile Control Status Display
The annunciator PGM lights when either the profile control status or the
phase time remaining is displayed. The profile control status indicates the
current mode ofa profile.The table shows variousdisplays for profile modes.
Profile StatusDescription
OFFProfile is off. No profiles running.
P1r1Profile #1 is running and in ramp phase #1.
P2H8Profile #2 is running and in hold phase #8.
P3r4Profile #3 is running and in ramp phase #4.
PAUSProfile is Paused (PAUS flashes). Currently running
profile is in the pause mode.
dElyProfile is Delayed (dEly flashes). Currently running
profile is in the delay mode.
The front panel buttons allow the operator to change the profile status. The
operation of a profile is controlled directly from the profile control status
display, if not locked (see controlling a profile section for details).
Profile Phase Time Remaining Display
The annunciator PGM lights when either the phase time remaining or the
profile control statusis viewed. Use theup/down front panel buttonsto change
the time remaining, if not locked. The ramp or hold phase time remaining can
be changed duringprofile operation to effect immediatechanges to the profile.
Permanent changes tothe profilemust be done inthe profiles module (8-Pr).
During ramp phases the display indicates the time remaining until the next
hold phase. If the time remaining is changed during a ramp phase, the
controller calculates a new, but temporary, ramp rate. The setpoint ramps at
the new ramprate value tothe next setpoint level.The new ramprate may be at
a faster or slower rate depending on the direction that the time remaining was
changed. Changing the time remaining value to zero causes an immediate
advance to the next hold phase, unless the profile is in the pause mode. In this
case, when the profile is placed back into the run mode, the profile
immediately advances to the next hold phase.
During hold phasesthe display indicates timeremaining until the nextramp
phase. Changes to the time remaining during a hold phase effect the duration
of the hold phase. A value of zero causes the profile to advance to the next
ramp phase unless the profile is in the pause mode.
Changing the time remaining effects the total run time of the profile. When
the profile is in the off mode, “0.0” minutes is displayed in the phase time
remaining display.
The Unprotected Parameter Mode is accessed by
pressing the PAR button from the normal display mode
with program disable inactive. In this mode, the operator
has access to the list of the most commonly modified
controller parameters. At the end of the list, a
configuration “access point” allows the operator to enter
the configuration parameter modules. These modules
allow access to the fundamental set-up parameters of the
controller. When the program list has been scrolled
through, the controller displays “End” and returns to the
normal display mode. The unit automatically returns to
the normal display mode if a button is not pressed within
eight seconds.
Unprotected Parameter Mode Reference Table
OPOutput Power -99.9% to 100.0%
InttIntegral Time0 to 9999 sec.
AL-1Alarm 1 Value -999 to 9999 1 or 0.1 degree
AL-2Alarm 2 Value -999 to 9999 1 or 0.1 degree
EndUnit returns to
Power Offset
Access Point
normal display
Range and Units
(Factory Setting Value)
Must be within range of limits
SPLO, SPHI 1 or 0.1 degree
-99.9% to 100.0%
SPLO, SPHI 1 or 0.1 degree
SPLO, SPHI 1 or 0.1 degree
0.0 to 999.9% of selected
input range
0 to 9999 sec.
NOReturn to normal display mode.
YESEnter Configuration modules.
1-INConfigure input parameters.
2-OPConfigure output parameters.
3-LCConfigure parameter lockouts.
4-ALConfigure alarms (optional)
5-02Configure cooling output (optional)
6-SCConfigure serial communications (optional)
7-CPConfigure control points
8-PRConfigure profiles
9-FSFactory service operations (Qualified technicians
—Brief display message
Appears only if setpoint value is locked (LOC) or read
only (rEd). During a profile ramp phase, indicates the
target setpoint value.
Appears only if integral time (Intt) = 0 and controller
is in automatic mode.
Appears only if controller is in user (manual) mode
and % output power is locked (LOC) or read only
(rEd). This parameter is not limited to output power
limits (OPL0 & OPHI)
0.0% is ON/OFF control. If = 0.0%, set control
hysteresis appropriately.
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0%.
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0%.
This parameter does not appear if the alarm option is
not installed or is configured as a timed event output.
This parameter does not appear if the alarm option is
not installed or is configured as a timed event output.
Also does not appear if the cooling option is installed.
The Protected Parameter Mode is accessed from the
normal display mode by pressing the PAR button with
program disable active. In this mode, the operator has
access to thelist of themost commonly modified controller
parameters that have been “unlocked” in the configuration
parameter lockouts module. Depending on the code
number entered in the lockout module, access to the
unprotected parameter mode and hence, the configuration
parameter modules, is possible. The controller returns to
the normal display mode if the unprotected mode and
configuration modules cannot be accessed.
Protected Parameter Mode Reference Table
ProPProportional Band0.0 to 999.9% of selected
InttIntegral Time0 to 9999 sec.
dErtDerivative Time0 to 9999 sec.
AL-1Alarm 1 value-999 to 9999 or 0.1 degree
AL-2Alarm 2 value-999 to 9999 1 or 0.1 degree
CodeAccess code to
EndUnit returns to
unprotected mode
normal display
Range and Units
(Factory Setting Value)
input range
0.0% is ON/OFF control. If = 0.0%, set control
hysteresis appropriately. This parameter does
not appear if locked (LOC).
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0% or locked (LOC).
0 is off. This parameter does not appear if
proportional band = 0.0% or locked (LOC).
This parameter does not appear if the alarm
option is not installed, locked (LOC), or
configured as a timed event output.
This parameter does not appear if the alarm
option is not installed, the cooling option is
installed, locked (LOC), or configured as a
timed event output.
To gain access to unprotected mode, enter the
same value for Code as entered in parameter
lockouts. This parameter does not appear if
zero is entered in code parameter lockout.
Brief display message display mode
+ 64 hidden pages
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