The Temperature Controller (T48) and Process Controller (P48) are both multipurpose series of industrial control products that are field-programmable for solving
various applications. These series of products are built around the concept that the end
user has the capability to program different personalities and functions into the
controllers in order to adapt to different indication and control requirements.
The controller which you have purchased, has the same high quality workmanship
and advanced technological capabilities that have made Red Lion Controls the leader
in today’s industrial market.
Red Lion Controls has a complete line of industrial indication and control equipment,
and we look forward to servicing you now and in the future.
UL Recognized Component,
File # E156876
CAUTION: Risk of Danger.
Read complete instructions prior to
installation and operation of the unit.
CAUTION: Risk of electric shock.
Table of Contents
GENERAL DESCRIPTION····························································· 1
Signal (P48) ··································································· 6
Power Wiring····································································· 6
ControlandAlarmOutputs·························································· 6
Triac Connections (T48 only) ····················································· 7
HeaterCurrentMonitorWiring(T48only)·············································· 7
RemoteSetpointWiring ···························································· 7
Main Linear DC Output Wiring ······················································· 7
Second Linear DC Output Wiring····················································· 7
User Input Wiring ································································· 7
RearTerminalAssignments························································· 8
T48 Models Without RS-485 and Analog Output ····································· 8
T48 Models With RS-485 or Linear DC Analog Output ································ 9
ALL P48 Models ······························································ 10
Serial Connections to a Host Terminal ··············································· 11
Linear DC Analog Output Jumper Selection ··········································· 12
Remote/LocalSetpointTransferOptions(trnF) ····································· 45
Heater Current Monitor Module (7-N2 or 7-HC) (Optional) ······························· 46
Second Linear DC Analog Output Module (8-A2) (Optional) ······························ 46
Second Linear DC Output Range (A2tP) ··········································· 46
Second Linear DC Output Scaling Points (A2LO, A2Hl) ······························ 46
Factory Service Operations Module (9-FS)············································ 46
PROM precautions)··························· 62
Heater Current Response: HC (T48 only) ·········································· 62
OutputStatus: W······························································ 62
CommunicationFormat···························································· 62
Command Response Time ························································· 63
Full Field Controller Transmission Byte Format····································· 64
Abbreviated Controller Transmission Byte Format ·································· 65
Troubleshooting Serial Communications ·········································· 65
CHECKS AND CALIBRATION ··················································· 69
Main Input Check ··························································· 69
mV Reading Check (T48) ·················································· 69
Thermocouple Cold Junction Temperature Check (T48) ··························· 69
RTD Ohms Reading Check (T48) ············································ 69
Voltage Check (P48)······················································ 69
Current Check (P48) ······················································ 69
Remote Setpoint Input Check (T48 and P48) ······································ 69
Heater Current Input Check (T48 only) ··········································· 69
Error Flag E-CL ···························································· 70
Calibration For T48 ························································· 70
Factory Service Operations - Calibration (9-FS) ································· 70
Millivolt Calibration (CAL) ·················································· 70
Thermocouple Cold Junction Calibration (CJC) ·································· 71
RTD Ohms Calibration (rtd)················································· 71
Main or Second Linear DC Analog Output Calibration ····························· 71
Remote Setpoint Calibration ················································ 71
Heater Current Input Calibration ············································· 71
Calibration For P48 ··························································· 72
Factory Service Operations (9-FS) ··········································· 72
Input Calibration ························································· 72
Main or Second Linear DC Analog Output Calibration ····························· 72
Remote Setpoint Calibration ················································ 72
TROUBLESHOOTING ························································· 73
REPLACEABLE OUTPUT BOARD DESCRIPTION ···································· 75
SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ············································· 76
ORDERING INFORMATION ····················································· 80
The T48 Controller accepts signals from a variety of temperature sensors
(thermocouple or RTD elements), while the P48 Controller accepts either a 0
to 10 VDC or 0/4 to 20mA DCinput signal.Bothcontrollerspreciselydisplay
the process, and provide an accurate output control signal(time proportional
or linear DC) to maintain a process at the desired control point. The
controllers’ comprehensive programming allows themto meet a wide variety
of application requirements.
The controller can operate in the PID control mode for both heating and
cooling, with on-demand Auto-Tune, which will establish the tuning
constants. The PID tuning constants maybe fine-tuned by the operator at any
time and thenlocked out from further modification. The controller employs a
unique overshoot suppression feature, which allows the quickest response
without excessive overshoot. Operation of thecontroller canbetransferredto
manual mode, providing the operator with direct control of the output. The
controller may also be programmed to operate in the ON/OFF control mode
with adjustable hysteresis.
Dual 4-digit displays allow viewing of the process/temperature and
setpoint simultaneously. Front panel indicators inform the operator of the
controller and output status. The control output and the alarm outputs are
field replaceable on select models.
Optional alarm (s) can be configured to activate according to a variety of
actions (Absolute HI or LO, Deviation HI or LO,Band INor OUT, and Heater
Current Break) with adjustable hysteresis. A standby feature suppresses the
alarm during power-up until the process stabilizes outside the alarm region.
Optional Main Linear DC output (10 V and 20 mA) can be used for control or
retransmission purposes. Programmable output update time reduces valve or
actuator activity. The output range can be scaled independent of theinput range.
Optional Second Linear DC output (10 V or 20 mA) provides an
independent process retransmission, while the main Linear DC output is
being used for control. The output range can be scaled independent of the
input range.
The T48 optional Heater Current Monitor provides a direct readout of
process heater current. An alarm can be programmed to signal when the
heater has failed. This provides early warning of system failure before
product quality is affected.
A Remote Setpoint input (0/4 to 20 mA) allows for cascade control loops,
where tighter control quality is required; and allows for remotely driven
setpoint signal from computers or other similar equipment. Straightforward
end pointscaling with independent filtering and local/remote transfer option
expands the controller’s flexibility.
The optional RS485 serial communication interface provides two-way
communication between a controller andothercompatibleequipmentsuch as
a printer, PLC, HMI, or a host computer. In multipoint applications (up to
thirty-two), the address number of each controller on the line can be
programmed from 0 to 99. Data from the controller can be interrogated or
changed, and alarm output(s) may be reset by sending the proper command
code via serial communications. PC software, SFCRM, allows for easy
configuration of controller parameters. These settings can be saved to disk
for later use or used for multi-controller down loading. On-line help is
provided within the software.
The unit is constructed of a lightweight, high impact plastic case with a tinted
front panel. Thefront panel meets NEMA 4X/IP65 specificationswhen properly
installed. Multiple units can be stacked horizontally or vertically. Modern
surface-mount technology, extensive testing, plus high immunity to noise
interference makes the controller extremelyreliableinindustrialenvironments.
All safety related regulations, local codes and instructions that appear in
the manual or on equipment must be observed to ensure personal safety and to
prevent damage to either the instrument or equipment connected to it. If
equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the
protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Do not use the controller to directly command motors, valves, or other
actuators not equipped with safeguards. To do so, can be potentially harmful
to persons orequipmentin the event of a fault to the unit.An independent and
redundant temperature limit indicator with alarm outputs is strongly
The controller meets NEMA 4X/IP65 requirements for
indoor use to provide awatertightseal in steel panels with a
minimum thickness of 0.09 inch, or aluminum panels with
a minimumthicknessof 0.12 inch. The units are intended to
be mounted into an enclosed panel.It isdesigned so that the
units can be stacked horizontally or vertically (see Figure
1). The bezel assembly MUST be in place during
installation of the unit.
1. Prepare the panel cutout to the dimensions shown in
Figure 1, Panel Installation.
2. Remove the panel latch from the unit. Discard the
cardboard sleeve.
3. Carefully remove the center section of the panel gasket
and discard. Slidethepanel gasket over the unitfrom the
rear, seating it against the lip at the front of the case.
4. Insert the unit into the panel cutout. While holding the
unit in place, push the panel latch over the rear of the
unit, engaging the tabs of the panel latch in the farthest
forward slot possible.
5. To achieve a proper seal, tighten the panel latch screws
evenly until the unit is snug in the panel, torquing the
screws to approximately 7 in-lbs (79 N-cm). Over
tightening can result in distortion of the panel, and
reduce the effectiveness of the seal.
Note: The installation location of the controller is important.
Be sure to keep it awayfrom heat sources (ovens, furnaces,
etc.), and away from direct contact with caustic vapors,
oils, steam, or any other process byproducts in which
exposure may affect proper operation.
Figure 1, Panel Installation
The controller is designed for close spacing of multiple units. Units can be
stacked either horizontally or vertically. For vertical stacking, install the
panel latch with the screws to the sides of the unit. For horizontal stacking, the
panel latch screws should be at the top and bottom of the unit. The minimum
spacing from center line to center line of units is 1.96" (49.8 mm). This
spacing is the same for vertical or horizontal stacking.
Note: When stacking units, provide adequate panel ventilation to ensure that
the maximum operating temperature range is not exceeded.
Figure 2, Multiple Unit Stacking Horizontal Arrangement
Caution: Disconnect power to the unit and to the output
control circuits to eliminate the potential shock hazard
when removing the bezel assembly.
To remove a unit from the panel, first loosen the panel latch screws. Insert
flat blade screwdrivers between the latch and the case on either side of the
unit, so that the latches disengage from the grooves in the case. Push the unit
through the panel from the rear.
The bezel assembly, shown in Figure 31, must be removed from the case to
replace the output board. To remove the bezel assembly, insert a flat blade
screwdriver into the pry slot on either side of the unit. Twist the screwdriver
handle until the unit is ejected enough to allow removal.
Figure 3, Bezel Assembly
Caution: The bezel assembly contains electronic circuits that can be damaged by
static electricity. Before removing the assembly, discharge static charge on
your body by touching an earth ground point. It is also important that the bezel
assembly be handled only by the bezel itself. Additionally, if it is necessary to
handle a circuit board, be certain that hands are free from dirt, oil, etc., to avoid
circuit contamination that may lead to malfunction. If it becomes necessary to
ship the unit for repairs, place the unit in its case before shipping.
To install the bezel assembly, insert the assembly into the case until the
bezel is fully seated against the lip of the case. Properly installing the bezel
assembly is necessary for watertight sealing.
Although Red Lion Controls Products are designed with a high degree of
immunity to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), proper installation and
wiring methods must be followed to ensure compatibility in each application.
The type of the electrical noise, source or coupling method into a unit may be
different for various installations. Cable length, routing, and shield
termination are very important and can mean the difference between a
successful or troublesome installation. Listed are some EMI guidelines for a
successful installation in an industrial environment.
1. A unit should be mounted in a metal enclosure, which is properly connected
to protective earth.
2. Use shielded cables for all Signal and Control inputs. The shield
connection should be made as short as possible. The connection point for
the shield depends somewhat upon the application. Listed below are the
recommended methods of connecting the shield, in order of their
a. Connect the shield to earth ground (protective earth) at one end where
the unit is mounted.
b. Connect the shield to earth ground at both ends of the cable, usually
when the noise source frequency is over 1 MHz.
3. Never run Signal or Control cables in the same conduit or raceway with AC
power lines, conductors, feeding motors, solenoids, SCR controls, and
heaters, etc. The cables should be run through metal conduit that is
properly grounded. This is especially useful in applications where cable
runs are long and portable two-way radios are used in close proximity or if
the installation is near a commercial radio transmitter. Also, Signal or
Control cables within an enclosure should be routed as far away as possible
from contactors, control relays, transformers, and other noisy components.
4. Long cable runs are more susceptible to EMI pickup than short cable runs.
5. In extremely high EMI environments, the use of external EMI suppression
devices such as Ferrite Suppression Cores for signal and control cables is
effective. The following EMI suppression devices (or equivalent) are
Fair-Rite part number 0443167251 (RLC part number FCOR0000)
6. To protect relay contacts that control inductive loads and to minimize
radiated and conducted noise (EMI), some type of contact protection
network is normally installed across the load, the contacts or both. The
most effective location is across the load.
a. Using a snubber, which is a resistor-capacitor (RC) network or metal
oxide varistor (MOV) across an AC inductive load is very effective at
reducing EMI and increasing relay contact life.
b. If a DC inductive load (such as a DC relay coil) is controlled by a
transistor switch, care must be taken not to exceed the breakdown
voltage of the transistor when the load is switched. One of the most
effective ways is to place a diode across the inductive load. Most RLC
products with solid state outputs have internal zener diode protection.
However external diode protection at the load is always a good design
practice to limit EMI. Although the use of a snubber or varistor could be
RLC part numbers: Snubber: SNUB0000
Varistor: ILS11500 or ILS23000
7. Care should be taken when connecting input and output devices to the
instrument. When a separate input and output common is provided, they
should not be mixed. Therefore a sensor common should NOT be
connected to an output common. This would cause EMI on the sensitive
input common, which could affect the instrument’s operation.
Visit RLC’s web site at: for
more information on EMI guidelines, Safety and CE issues as they
relate to Red Lion Controls products.
After the unit has been mechanically mounted, it is ready to be wired. All
wiring connections are made to the rear screw terminals. When wiring the
unit, use the numberson the label and thoseembossedon the back of the case,
to identify the position number with the proper function.
All conductors should meet voltage and current ratings for each terminal.
Also cabling should conform to appropriate standards of good installation,
local codes and regulations. It is recommended that power supplied to the unit
(AC or DC) be protected by a fuse or circuit breaker. Strip the wire, leaving
approximately 1/4" (6 mm) bare wire exposed (stranded wires should be
tinned with solder). Insert thewireunder the clamping washer and tightenthe
screw until the wire is clamped tightly.
Caution: Unused terminals are NOT to be used as tie points. Damage to the
controller may result if these terminals are used.
Thermocouple (T48)
When connecting the
thermocouple, be certain that
the connections are clean and
tight, refer to Figure 4 for
terminal connections. If the
thermocouple probe cannot
be connected directly to the
controller, thermocouple
wire or thermocouple
extension-grade wire must
be used to extend the
connection points (copper
wire does not work). Always
refer to the thermocouple
recommendations for mounting, temperature range, shielding, etc. For
multi-probe temperature averaging applications, two or more thermocouple
probes may be connected to the controller (always use the same type).
Paralleling a single thermocouple to more than one controller is not
recommended. Generally, the red wire fromthe thermocoupleis negative and
connected to the controller’s common.
Figure 4, Thermocouple Connection
RTD (T48)
When connecting the
RTD, be certain that the
connections are clean and
tight, refer to Figure 5 for
terminal connections. RTD
sensors have a higher
degree of accuracy and
stability than thermocouple
sensors. Most RTD sensors
available are the three wire
type. The third wire is a
sense lead for canceling the
effects of lead resistance of
the probe. Four wire RTD
elements may be used by
leaving one of the sense
leads disconnected. Two wire RTD sensors may be used in eitherof twoways:
A) Attach the RTD to terminals #8 and #10. Install a copper sense wire of the
same wire gage as the RTD leads. Attach one end of the wire at the probe
and the other end to terminal #9. Complete lead wire compensation is
obtained. This is the preferred method.
B) Attach the RTD to terminals #8 and #10. Install a shorting wire between
terminals #9 and #10, as shown in Figure 5, RTD Connection. A
temperature offset error of 2.5°C/ohm of lead resistance exists. The error
may be compensated by programming a temperature offset.
Note: With extended cable runs, be sure the lead resistance is less than 15
ohms/lead. For thermocouple or RTD runs longer than 100 feet, convert the
signal to acurrent near the temperature probe.Current or 20 mA loopsignals
are less susceptible to noise and signal loss than long thermocouple or RTD
runs. The RLC ITMA and IRMA DIN rail modules are designed for these
applications. By converting the temperature signal, the P48 can be used in
place of a T48.
Figure 5, RTD Connection
Signal (P48)
When connecting signal
leads, be certain that the
connections are clean and
tight. For voltage signals, use
terminal #8 for common and
terminal #9 for signal. For
current signals, use terminal
#8 for common and terminal
#10 for signal. These
connections are shown in
Figure 6. Multicontroller
applications using the same
signal source are possible, by
connecting current signals in
series, and voltage signals in
Figure 6, P48 Signal Connection
For T48 heating, cooling, and alarms, there are up to two types of ON/OFF
outputs. These outputs can be relay, or logic for control or alarm purposes.
Relay outputs can switch user applied AC or DC voltages. Logic/SSR drive
outputs supply power to external SSR power units. One Logic/SSR Drive
output can control up to four SSR power units at one time. The P48 is only
available with relay outputs. Terminal numbers for the outputs and output
types vary from model to model. Refer to the Rear Terminal Assignment
Tables or the label on the controller for the terminal numbers corresponding
to the model being wired.
Relay Connections
To prolong contact life and suppress electrical noise interference due to the
switching of inductive loads, it is good installation practice to install a snubber
across the contactor. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation.
Note: Snubber leakage current can cause some electromechanical devices to be
held ON.
AC Power
Primary AC power is connected to terminals #11 and #12, labeled AC. To
reduce the chance of noise spikes entering the AC line and affecting the
controller, an AC feed separate from that of the load should be used to power
the controller. Be certain that the AC power to the controller is relatively
“clean” and within the variation limit. Connecting power from heavily loaded
circuits or circuits that also power loads that cycle on and off, (contacts,
relays, motors, etc.) should be avoided.
DC Power
DC power (18 to 36 VDC) is connected to terminals #11 and #12 labeled
DC+ and DC- respectively.
CAUTION: Observe proper polarity when connecting DC voltages.
Damage to the unit may occur if polarity is reversed.
Relay Outputs:
Type: Form-A
Rating: 3 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC (resistive load).
Life Expectancy: 100,000 cycles at maximum load rating. (Decreasing
load and/or increasing cycle time, increases life expectancy).
Figure 7, Relay Output
Logic/SSR Connections (T48 only)
Logic/SSR Drive Output:
Rating: 45 mA @ 4 V min., 7 V nominal (current limited)
Min Load Current:10mA
Offstate Leakage Current: 7 mA max. @ 60 Hz
Operating Frequency:20to500Hz
Protection: Internal transient snubber
Figure 9, Triac Output
Models with the Heater Current Monitor option have two input terminals to
receive the output directly from a 100 mA current transformer.
Caution: Never connect a current transformer witha ratingother than 100 mA.
These terminals are labeled #13 and #14 “2nd Input Option”. There is no
polarity observation for these inputs.This input is only for single phase heaters.
Models with the Remote Setpoint option have two input terminals to
receive a 0 to 20 mA signal.Connect the Remote Setpoint signal to terminals
labeled #13 (+) and #14 (-), “2nd Input Option”. The common of this input is
isolated from input common, but is not isolated from the Linear DC output
commons. For proper operation, keep this common isolated from all other
controller commons.
Models with the Linear DC output option provide either a linear 10 V or a
linear 20 mA signal. The output range is selected by jumpers on the output
board. (See Linear DC Analog Output Jumper Selection, page 12). The
terminals are #1 (-) and #2 (+). The common of this output is isolated from
input common, but is notisolated from other commons. For proper operation,
keep this common isolated from all other controller commons.
Models with the Second Linear DC output option provide a conditioned
and scaledretransmitted signal output.The terminals are #13 (+) and #14 (-).
The common of this output is isolated from the input common, but not from
the other commons. For proper operation, keepthis common isolated from all
other controller commons.
The use of shielded cable is recommended. Follow the EMC installation
guidelines for shield connection.
Terminal #6 is the User Input, which is programmable for a variety of
functions. Any form of mechanical switch may be connected to terminal #6
(USER INPUT) and terminal #8 (COMM.). Sinking opencollector logic with
less than 0.7 V saturation and off-state leakage currentof less than 1 µAmay
also be used.
T48 Models Without RS-485 and Analog Output
TCRTDAC/DC PowerA2 or 02Dedicated A1 Dedicated O1User Input
Six controllers are used to monitor and control parts packaging machines
in a plant. The controllers are located at each machine in the production area
of the building. A communication line is run toanindustrialcomputerlocated
in the production office.
Each controller is programmed for a different address and all are
programmed for the same baud rate and parity as the computer (ex. 9600
baud, parity even). An application program is written by the user to send and
receive data from the units using the proper commands.
Figure 10, Connecting to a Host Terminal
(Main & Second)
The Linear Analog DC Output ranges are selectable for either voltage
(0-10 V) or current (0/4-20 mA). The main set of jumpers must correspond
with the configuration in Linear Output Range (ANAS) in the Output
Parameter Module (2-OP). The optional secondary set of jumpers must
correspond with the configuration in Second LinearDC OutputRange(A2tP)
in the Second Linear DC Analog Output Module (8-A2). The jumpers are
accessible from the rear after removing the controller from the case. Dashed
lines show factory setting of 20 mA.
Figure 11, Linear Output Range Jumpers
The front panel bezel material is flame and scratch resistant, tinted plastic
that meets NEMA 4X/IP65 requirements, when properly installed.
Continuous exposure to direct sunlight may accelerate the aging process of
the bezel. The bezel should be cleaned onlywith a soft cloth and neutral soap
product. Do NOT use solvents. There are two 4-digit LED displays, a red
upper Main Display and a lower green Secondary Display.
There are up to six annunciators, with red backlighting, that illuminate to
inform the operator of the controller and output status. See Figure 12, Front
Panel, for a description of the annunciators.
Four front panel buttons are used to access different modes and
parameters. The following is a description of each button.
Do NOT use tools of any kind (screwdrivers, pens, pencils, etc.) to operate the
keypad of this unit.
D - In the Normal Display Mode, the
Display (D) button is used to
select one of the operational
parameters in the secondary
display. In other modes, pressing
the D button causesthe controller
to exit (escape) directly to the
Normal Display Mode.
P - The Parameter (P) button is used
to access programming, enter the
change, and scroll through the
available parameters in any mode.
UP, DN - In the Normal Display
Mode, the Up/Down (L/ M)
buttons can be used to directly
modify the setpoint value or
% output power (manual control
only), when viewed in the
secondary display.
Figure 12, Front Panel
Upon applying power, the controller delays input indication and control
action for five seconds toperform several self-diagnostic tests and to display
basic controller information. Initially, the controller illuminates both
displays and all annunciators to verify that all display elements are
functioning. The controller then displays the programmed input sensor type
in the main (top) display and the revisionnumber ofthecontroller’soperating
system software in the secondary (bottom) display. The controller checks for
correct internal operation and displays an error message (E-xx) if an internal
fault is detected. (See Troubleshooting, page 73, for further information).
Upon completion of this sequence, the controller begins displaying the
input value and updating the outputs based upon the control calculation.
The controller is programmed with certain parameter settings from the
factory. Factory settings are listed in parentheses in the various Configuration
of Parameters tables. In many cases, these settings must be changed to the
particulars of the application before proper operation can be started.
The controller is typically in the Normal Display Mode. When changes to
parameter configurations are needed,the P button is pressed. From the factory,
the controller will enter directly into the Unprotected Parameter Mode.
Continue to presstheP button until CnFP appearsin the bottom display. At this
time, press the Uparrowbutton and 1-In will appearin the bottom display. This
will be the Configuration Parameter Mode. This programming flow is shown in
the Front Panel Programming Chart. (If at any time during front panel
programming the D button is pressed, the controller will return to the Normal
Display Mode and the programming can be started over.)
In the Configuration Parameter Mode, the Up or Down arrow buttons can
be pressed to move to the desired Parameter Module. The P button is then
pressed to enter into that module. The main (top) display will be theparameter
and the secondary (bottom) display will be the parameter value. The Up or
Down arrow buttonsare used to change the desired parameter value andthe P
button enters the new value and moves to the next parameter.
The Setpoint value (lower display) is changed with the Up or Down arrow
buttons when it is selected in the Normal Display Mode.
For basic start-up, it is important to verify or change Input Parameter
Module (1-IN) parameters tYPE and SCAL, and Output Parameter Module
(2-OP) parameter OPAC. For alarm and heat/cool set-up, it is important to
verify or change Alarms Parameter Module (4-AL) parameters ACt1, AL-1,
ACt2 and AL-2.
If the above Input Parameters or the input wiring connections are not
correct, then themain(top) display may display anerror message or incorrect
value. Verify the input programming and wiring. (If incorrect display
continues refer to Troubleshooting, page 73.) All other parameter
configurations are important but will notpreventthe controller from showing
a correct display.
The parameter settings can be changed by the front panel buttons or by
serial communications using PC Windows based SFCRM software. The
controller must have optional RS485 communications. An RS485 to RS232
converter is available from Red Lion Controls for RS232 interfaces. For
serial communications set-up, it is important to checkserialwiring and verify
or change Serial Parameter Module (6-SC) parameters bAUd, ConF,s and
Addr. (See Serial Communications Interface, page 58, for more details.)
After verifying proper programming and system start-up, a controlling
method needs to be configured. For Manual Control or open loop, where the
control does not work from the setpoint or process feedback, see Manual
Control, page 47. For On / Off Control, set Proportional Band Prop to 0.0%
and see On / Off Control, page 48. The controller comes with factory setting
for PID Control. However, for optimum PID Control, several options exist
for configuring Proportional Band, Integral Time, and Derivative Time
parameters for specific applications.
a. Use controller’s built-in Auto-Tune feature (See Auto-Tune For PID
Control, page 51).
b. Use a manual tuning technique (See Manual Tuning For PID Control,
page 56).
c. Use a third party tuning software package.
d. Use values based oncontrolloop experience, calculated values or values
from a similar process or previous controller.
ON/OFF, PID, and Manual Controlcanbe used for O1 (heat) and O2(cool)
outputs according to the combinations below.
PID—0% to +100%O1-TP—
(ProP = 0.0)
PIDPID-100% to +100%O1-TPO2-TP
TP - Time Proportioning
Any other settingO1-OFF—
0% to +100%O1-TPO2-OFF
-100% to 0%O1-TPO2-ON
Any other settingO1-OFFO2-OFF
In the Normal Display Mode, the temperature or scaled process value is
displayed in the main (top) display. By successively pressing the D button,
the parameters listedbelow can beviewed in thesecondary (bottom) display.
Each of these parameters can be independently locked out from appearing or
from being modified through the Lockout Parameter 3-LC. If all four displays
are locked out, the display blanks after pressing the D button. To gain access
to the next modes, press the P button from any parameter.
To modify values in % Output Power (for Manual Control) or Setpoint, use
the Up or Down arrows while the parameter is displayed and not locked. If
locked, these parameters can be changedin the Protected Parameter Mode. The
controller responds to the new values immediately, however,the change is not
committed to permanent memory until 10 seconds after the last key press.
Normal Display Mode Reference Table
—-Local Setpoint
SP1 or SP2
%P% Output
—-Units Symbol °For°C
—-BlankBlank display
Range and Units
(Factory Setting)
-999 to 9999
(0) for T48
(0.0) for P48
-99.9% to 100.0%
Read only Unless in
Manual Control
-999 to 9999
Read only
-999 to 9999
Read only
Read only
Range limited by
SPLO & SPHI in 1-In.
Not limited by
OPLO & OPHI in 2-OP.
Shows difference
between Temp/Process
(top display) and
Heater Current models
show heater current
value and not process
T48 models only
P48 models only
There are several ways to limit the programming of parameters from the
front panel buttons. The settings of the parameters in the Lockout Module
3-LC, the code number entered, andthestate and/or function programmed for
the User Input (Terminal #6) will all affect front panel access.
The following chart describes the possible program disable settings.
User Input StateCode NumberDescription
Inactive or User
Input not
programmed for
Active with User
Input programmed
for PLOC
Active with User
Input programmed
for PLOC
User Input not
programmed for
Note: A universal code number 222 can be entered to gain access to the
unprotected mode and configuration modules, independent of the
programmed code number.
0Full access to all modes and
0Access to protected parameter
Any # between
1 & 250
parameter modules.
mode only. Code number does not
Access to protected parameter
mode. Correct programmed code
number allows access to
unprotected parameter mode and
configuration modules.
The Unprotected Parameter Mode is accessed by pressing the P button
from the Normal Display Mode with Program Disable inactive. While in this
mode, the operator has access to the most commonly modified controller
parameters by pressing the P button. The temperature or scaled process value
is displayed in the main (top) display.The parameter display will appear with
the corresponding range and units in the secondary (bottom) display.
To modify values, use the Up or Down arrows while the parameter is
displayed. The controller responds to the new values immediately, however,
the change is not committed to non-volatile memory until the controller is
returned to the Normal Display Mode. If power loss occurred before
returning to the Normal Display Mode, the new values must be entered again.
To gain access to the Configuration Parameter Modules, continueto CnFP
and press the Up arrow. These modules allow access to the fundamental
set-up parameters of the controller. When the program list has been scrolled
through, or the D button is pressed, the controller displays “End” and returns
to the normal display mode. The unit automatically returns to the Normal
Display Mode if no action is taken.
Unprotected Parameter Mode Reference Table
Display Parameter
SPLocal **
SP1 or SP2 *
OPOF%Output **
Power Offset
OP% Output **
AL-1Alarm 1
Value *
AL-2Alarm 2
Value *
Access Point
EndReturns to
Display Mode
* Model Number Dependent.
** Only appears if locked out from Normal Display Mode.
Range and Units
(Factory Setting)
-999 to 9999
(0) T48
(0.0) P48
-99.9% to 100.0%
-99.9% to 100.0%
0.0 to 999.9% of
selected input
range (4.0) T48
(100.0) P48
0 to 9999 sec.
(120) T48
(40) P48
0 to 9999 sec.
(30) T48
(4) P48
-999 to 9999,
(0) T48
(0.0) P48
-999 to 9999,
(0) T48
(0.0) P48
Up Arrow
____Brief display message while the
Description/ Comments
Range limited by SPLO & SPHI.
User Input or Hidden Function
Mode selects SP1 or SP2
Appears only if Intt = 0 and unit
is in Automatic Control.
Appears only if unit is in
Manual Control. This parameter
is not limited to output power
limits (OPLO & OPHI).
0.0% is ON/OFF control. If
using ON/OFF, set control
hysteresis appropriately.
0 is off. This parameter does
not appear if ProP = 0.0%.
0 is off. This parameter does
not appear if ProP = 0.0%.
This parameter does not appear
if configured for “heat”.
This parameter does not appear
if configured for “cool”.
Return to Normal Display Mode.
Enter Configuration modules.
unit returns to Normal Display
The Protected Parameter Mode is accessed by pressing the P button from
the Normal Display Mode with Program Disable active. While in this mode,
the parameters can be accessed by pressing the P button. The temperature or
scaled process value (after initial setup) will be displayed in the main (top)
display. The parameter display will appear with the corresponding range and
units in the secondary (bottom) display. Each of these parameters can be
independently locked outfromappearing or from being modified through the
Lockout Parameter 3-LC.
To modify values, use the Up or Down arrows while the parameter is
displayed. If locked, the parameter will not show in the Normal Display
Mode, but can be changed in the Protected Parameter Mode. The controller
responds to the new values immediately, however, the change is not
committed to non-volatile memory until the controller is returned to the
Normal Display Mode. If power loss occurred before returning to the Normal
Display Mode, the new values must be entered again.
To gain access to the Unprotected Parameter Mode (with User Input
inactive or not programmed for PLOC), continue to CodEand press the arrow
buttons until the value equals the Code as entered in parameter lockouts.
When an incorrect code value is entered, or when the D button is pressed,
“End” will momentarily appear and the controller will return to the Normal
Display Mode.
Protected Parameter Mode Reference Table
Display Parameter
AL-1Alarm 1
value *
AL-2Alarm 2
value *
code to
EndReturns to
* Model Number Dependent.
Range and Units
(Factory Setting)
0.0 to 999.9% of
selected input
(4.0) T48
(100.0) P48
0 to 9999 sec.
(120) T48
(40) P48
0 to 9999 sec.
(30) T48
(4) P48
-999 to 9999
(0) T48
(0.0) P48
-999 to 9999
(0) T48
(0.0) P48
0.0% is ON/OFF Control.
Adjusted by Auto-Tune.
0 is off. This parameter does not
appear if ProP = 0.0%. Adjusted
by Auto-Tune.
0 is off. This parameter does not
appear if ProP = 0.0%. Adjusted
by Auto-Tune.
This parameter does not appear
if configured for “heat”.
This parameter does not appear
if configured for “cool”.
To gain access to Unprotected
Parameter Mode, enter the same
value for Code as used in
parameter lockouts. Does not
appear if zero is entered in code
parameter lockout.
Brief display message while the
unit returns to Normal Display
The Hidden Function Mode is only accessible from the Normal Display
Mode by pressing and holding the P button for three seconds. These
functions must first be unlocked in Configuration Module 3-LC. Factory
settings for these parameters is lock. In this mode, these controller functions
can be performed.
buttons are used to select the operation. Pressing the P button while the
function is displayed executes thefunction,and returns the unit to the Normal
Display Mode. Pressing the D button exits this mode with no action taken.
The unit automatically returns to the Normal Display Mode if no action is
taken within a few seconds.
Hidden Function Mode Reference Table
Display Parameter
* Model Number Dependent
Remote/SP1/SP2 Setpoint Selection
Automatic/Manual Transfer
Initiate/Cancel Auto-tune
Reset Alarm Outputs
The P button is used to scroll to the desired function and the Up and Down
Auto - Automatic control
User - Manual control
Yes: starts the
auto-tune sequence.
No: terminates the
auto-tune sequence.
UP button resets Alarm 1
DOWN button resets
Alarm 2
Description/ Comments
Exits to Normal Display
Mode after being executed.
Exits to Normal Display
Mode after being executed.
Exits to Normal Display
Mode after being executed.
Does not exit to Normal
Display Mode after being
The Configuration Parameter Mode is accessed by pressing the Up button
from CnFP in the Unprotected Parameter Mode. While in this mode, the
various Configuration Modules can bedisplayed by pressing the Upor Down
buttons. The process value (after initial setup) will be displayed in the main
(top) display. The Configuration Module will appear alternating with CnFP
in the secondary (bottom) display.
To access a Configuration Module, press the P button when the desired
Configuration Module is displayed. The parameters of that Configuration
Module can be accessed by pressing the P button. (The module’s parameters
are listed in the appropriate Configuration Module table in this section with
configuration parameter explanations beginning on page 31.) To modify
ranges and units, use the Up or Down arrows while the parameter is displayed.
The controller responds to the new values after the P button is pressed,
however, the change is not committed to permanent memory until the
controller is returned to the Normal Display Mode. If power loss occurred
before returning to theNormal DisplayMode, the new values must be entered
again. Whenever the D button is pressed, End will momentarily appear and
the controller will return to the Normal Display Mode. At the end of each
module, the controller will go to CnFP no. Pressing the Up or Down arrows
will continue in ConfigurationParameterMode and pressing the Pwill return
to the Normal Display Mode.
Unless specified, the parameters, ranges, units and factory settings are the
same for T48 and P48 controllers. Parameters that are model number or
program dependent will only be displayed when the appropriate options are
installed or programmed. Some parameters are accessible but may not be
applicable for the chosen output control mode type.
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