Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind. Realtek may make improvements
and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document
could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document
are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This document is intended for the hardware and software engineer’s general information on the Realtek
ALC662 codec IC.
Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more
information may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide.
Revision Release Date Summary
1.0 2007/01/15 First release for ALC662.
1.1 2008/03/15 Added ALC662-VC (ALC662 C version) data.
Update passband ripple information in Table 82, page 64.
1.2 2008/12/02
1.3 2009/07/03 Added ALC662-VC1-GR part number information.
Correct General Description and Software Features sections. The ALC662 supports
Dolby Digital Live (Dolby Home Theater is not supported).
ALC662-VC part number corrected to ALC662-VC0-GR.
Revised Table 85, page 66.
5.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codec ii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.3
ALC662 Series
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................................1
2.1.HARDWARE FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................2
2.3.ALC662-VCSERIES UPGRADED FEATURES FOR FUTURE WLP ..................................................................................4
3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................4
5.1.PACKAGE AND VERSION IDENTIFICATION ....................................................................................................................6
7.1.1. Signal Definitions .................................................................................................................................................10
7.3.RESET AND INITIALIZATION .......................................................................................................................................18
7.3.1. Link Reset .............................................................................................................................................................18
7.4.VERB AND RESPONSE FORMAT ..................................................................................................................................20
7.5.1. System Power State Definitions............................................................................................................................23
7.5.2. Power Controls in NID 01h..................................................................................................................................24
7.5.3. Powered Down Conditions...................................................................................................................................24
8. SUPPORTED VERBS AND PARAMETERS................................................................................................................25
8.11.VERB –GET AMPLIFIER GAIN (VERB ID=BH) ...........................................................................................................40
8.12.VERB –SET AMPLIFIER GAIN (VERB ID=3H) ............................................................................................................43
8.13.VERB –GET CONVERTER FORMAT (VERB ID=AH)....................................................................................................44
8.14.GET CONVERTER FORMAT SUPPORT ..........................................................................................................................44
8.15.VERB –SET CONVERTER FORMAT (VERB ID=2H) .....................................................................................................45
8.16.VERB –GET POWER STATE (VERB ID=F05H)............................................................................................................46
8.17.VERB –SET POWER STATE (VERB ID=705H).............................................................................................................46
9.1.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings..................................................................................................................................63
9.1.2. Threshold Voltage ................................................................................................................................................63
9.1.3. Digital Filter Characteristics ...............................................................................................................................64
9.2.1. Link Reset and Initialization Timing ....................................................................................................................65
9.2.2. Link Timing Parameters at the Codec..................................................................................................................66
9.2.4. Test Mode .............................................................................................................................................................67
TABLE 15.SOLICITED RESPONSE FORMAT .................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 16.UNSOLICITED RESPONSE FORMAT .............................................................................................................................23
TABLE 17.SYSTEM POWER STATE DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................23
TABLE 18.POWER CONTROLS IN NID01H .................................................................................................................................24
TABLE 19.POWERED DOWN CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................24
TABLE 46.VERB –GET AMPLIFIER GAIN (VERB ID=BH)...........................................................................................................40
TABLE 47.VERB –SET AMPLIFIER GAIN (VERB ID=3H)............................................................................................................43
TABLE 48.VERB –GET CONVERTER FORMAT (VERB ID=AH) ...................................................................................................44
TABLE 49.GET CONVERTER FORMAT SUPPORT .........................................................................................................................44
TABLE 50.VERB –SET CONVERTER FORMAT (VERB ID=2H).....................................................................................................45
TABLE 51.VERB –GET POWER STATE (VERB ID=F05H)...........................................................................................................46
TABLE 52.VERB –SET POWER STATE (VERB ID=705H)............................................................................................................46
5.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codec vi Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.3
TABLE 80.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS................................................................................................................................63
TABLE 81.THRESHOLD VOLTAGE ..............................................................................................................................................63
TABLE 84.LINK RESET AND INITIALIZATION TIMING .................................................................................................................65
TABLE 85.LINK TIMING PARAMETERS AT THE CODEC ...............................................................................................................66
FIGURE 7.SDOSTREAM TAG IS INDICATED IN SYNC..............................................................................................................12
FIGURE 8.STRIPED STREAM ON MULTIPLE SDOS.....................................................................................................................13
FIGURE 10.SDISTREAM TAG AND DATA ..................................................................................................................................14
FIGURE 11.CODEC TRANSMITS DATA OVER MULTIPLE SDIS ....................................................................................................15
FIGURE 14.LINK RESET AND INITIALIZATION TIMING................................................................................................................65
FIGURE 15.LINK SIGNAL TIMING ...............................................................................................................................................66
5.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codec viii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.3
ALC662 Series
1. General Description
ALC662 products are 5.1 Channel High Definition Audio Codecs designed for Windows Vista premium
desktop and mobile PCs. The ALC662, ALC662-VC0, and ALC662-VC1 (ALC662 version C series)
meet audio performance and function requirements for the latest Microsoft WLP3.10 (Windows Logo
The ALC662-VC series (ALC662-VC0 and ALC662-VC1) are upgraded versions of the ALC662 that
pass stricter WLP performance requirements (See section 2.3 ALC662-VC Series Upgraded Features for
Future WLP, page 4).
The ALC662 series feature three stereo DACs, two stereo ADCs, and legacy analog input to analog
output mixing, to provide fully integrated audio solutions for multimedia PCs and ultra mobile devices.
All analog IO (except CD-IN and PCBEEP) are input and output capable, and three headphone amplifiers
are also integrated to drive earphones on front (port-E and port-F) and rear panel (port-D).
The ALC662 series support 16/20/24-bit SPDIF output function and a sampling rate of up to 96kHz.
They offer easy connection of PCs to high quality consumer electronic products such as digital decoders
and speakers.
The ALC662 series support host audio from Intel chipsets, and also from any other HDA compatible
audio controller. With EAX/Direct Sound 3D/I3DL2 compatibility, software utilities like Karaoke mode,
environment emulation, multi-band software equalizer, 3D positional audio, and optional Dolby® Digital
Live and DTS® CONNECT™ programs, the ALC662 series provide an excellent home entertainment
package and game experience for PC users.
Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 2. The version number is shown
in the location marked ‘VV’. For example, ‘VV=C0’ indicates silicon version ‘C’ and stepping version
‘0’, which is the stepping of the ALC662-VC0.
The High Definition Audio (HDA) Link is the digital serial interface that connects the HDA codecs to the
HDA Controller. The HDA link protocol is controller synchronous, based on a 24.0MHz BIT-CLK sent
by the HDA controller. The input and output streams, including command and PCM data, are isochronous
with a 48kHz frame rate. Figure 3 shows the basic concept of the HDA link protocol.
BCLK 24.0MHz bit clock sourced from the HDA controller and connecting to all codecs.
A 48kHz signal used to synchronize input and output streams on the link. It is sourced from the HDA
controller and connects to all codecs.
Serial Data Output signal driven by the HDA controller to all codecs. Commands and data streams are
carried on SDO. The data rate is double-pumped; the controller drives data onto the SDO, the codec
samples data present on SDO with respect to each edge of BCLK. The HDA controller must support at
least one SDO. To extend outbound bandwidth, multiple SDOs may be supported.
Serial Data Input signal driven by the codec. This is point-to-point serial data from the codec to the HDA
controller. The controller must support at least one SDI. Up to a maximum of 15 SDI’s can be supported.
SDI is driven by the codec at each rising edge of BCLK, and sampled by the controller at each rising
edge of BCLK. SDI can be driven by the controller to initialize the codec’s ID.
Active low reset signal. Asserted to reset the codec to default power-on state. RESET# is sourced from
the HDA controller and connects to all codecs.
ALC662 Series
Table 7. HDA Signal Definitions
Signal Name Source Type for Controller Description
BCLK Controller Output Global 24.0MHz Bit Clock.
SYNC Controller Output Global 48kHz Frame Sync and Outbound Tag Signal.
SDO Controller Output Serial Data Output from Controller.
SDI Codec/Controller Input/Output
RESET# Controller Output Global Active Low Reset Signal.
Serial data input from codec. Weakly pulled down by the
8-Bit Frame SYNC
Start of Frame
76540123999 998 997 996995 994 993 992 991 990
3210 499
Codec samples SDO at both rising and falling edge of BCLK
The HDA controller supports two SDOs for the outbound stream, up to 15 SDIs for the inbound stream.
RESET#, BCLK, SYNC, SDO0, and SDO1 are driven by the controller to codecs. Each codec drives its
own point-to-point SDI signal(s) to the controller.
Figure 5 shows the possible connections between the HDA controller and codecs:
• Codec 0 is a basic connection. There is one single SDO and one single SDI for normal transmission
• Codec 1 has two SDOs for doubled outbound rate, and a single SDI for normal inbound rate
• Codec 3 supports a single SDO for normal outbound rate, and two SDIs for doubled inbound rate
• Codec N has two SDOs and multiple SDIs
The multiple SDOs and multiple SDIs are used to expand the transmission rate between the controller and
codecs. Section 7.2 Frame Composition, page 12, describes the detailed outbound and inbound stream
compositions for single and multiple SDOs/SDIs.
The connections shown in Figure 5 can be implemented concurrently in an HDA system. The ALC662 is
designed to receive a single SDO stream.
An outbound frame is composed of one 32-bit command stream and multiple data streams. There are one
or multiple sample blocks in a data stream. Only one sample block exists in a stream if the HDA
controller delivers a 48kHz rate of samples to the codec. Multiple sample blocks in a stream means the
sample rate is a multiple of 48kHz. This means there should be 2 blocks in the same stream to carry
96kHz samples (Figure 6).
For outbound frames, the stream tag is not in SDO, but in the SYNC signal. A new data stream is started
at the end of the stream tag. The stream tag includes a 4-bit preamble and 4-bit stream ID (Figure 7).
To keep the cadence of converters bound to the same stream, samples for these converters must be placed
in the same block.
A 48kHz Frame is composed of Command stream and multiple Data streams
Frame SYNC
Command Stream
Sample Block(s)
Block 1
Sample 1 Sample 2
Block 2
Stream 'A' TagStream 'X' Tag
(Here 'A' = 5)(Here 'X' = 6)
One or multiple blocks in a stream
msb first in a sample
Figure 6. SDO Outbound Frame
Block Y
Sample Z
Stream Tag
Stream 'X' DataStream 'A' Data
Null Field
For 48kHz rate, only Block1 is included
For 96kHz rate, Block1 includes (N)
includes (N+1)
The HDA controller allows two SDO signals to be used to stripe outbound data, completing transmission
in less time to get more bandwidth. If software determines that the target codec supports multiple SDO
capability, it enables the ‘Stripe Control’ bit in the controller’s Output Stream Control Register to initiate
a specific stream (Stream ‘A’ in Figure 8) to be transmitted on multiple SDOs. In this case, the MSB of
stream data is always carried on SDO0, the second bit on SDO1 and so forth.
SDO1 is for transmitting a striped stream. The codec does not support multiple SDOs connected to
To ensure that all codecs can determine their corresponding stream, the command stream is not striped. It
is always transmitted on SDO0, and copied on SDO1.
An Inbound Frame – Single SDI is composed of one 36-bit response stream and multiple data streams.
Except for the initialization sequence (turnaround and address frame), SDI is driven by the codec at each
rising edge of BCLK. The controller also samples data at the rising edge of BCLK (Figure 9).
The SDI stream tag is not carried by SYNC, but included in the SDI. A complete SDI data stream
includes one 4-bit stream tag, one 6-bit data length, and n-bit sample blocks. Zeros will be padded if the
total length of the contiguous sample blocks within a given stream is not of integral byte length
(Figure 10).
A 48kHz Frame is Composed of a Response Stream and Multiple Data streams
Frame SYNC
Response Stream
Sample Block(s)Stream Tag
Block 1
Sample 1 Sample 2...Sample Z
Block 2
...Block Y
msb first in a sample
Figure 9. SDI Inbound Stream
Stream 'A'
Null Pad
For 48kHz rate, only Block1 is included
For 96kHz rate, Block{1, 2} includes {(N)
A codec can deliver data to the controller on multiple SDIs to achieve higher bandwidth. If an inbound
stream exceeds the data transfer limits of a single SDI, the codec can divide the data onto separate SDI
signals, each of which operate independently, with different stream numbers at the same frame time. This
is similar to having multiple codecs connected to the controller. The controller samples the divided stream
into separate memory with multiple DMA descriptors, then software re-combines the divided data into a
meaningful stream.
Frame SYNC
Codec drives SDI
Response Stream
Response Stream
and SDI
Tag A
Tag BData B
Figure 11. Codec Transmits Data Over Multiple SDIs
Stream 'A'
Data A
Stream 'B'
Stream A, B, X, and Y are independent and have separate IDs
Stream 'X'
Stream 'Y'
7.2.5.Variable Sample Rates
The HDA link is designed for sample rates of 48kHz. Variable sample rates are delivered in multiple or
sub-multiple rates of 48kHz. Two sample blocks per frame result in a 96kHz delivery rate, one sample
block over two frames results in a 24kHz delivery rate. The HDA specification states that the sample rate
of the outbound stream be synchronized by the controller, not by the codec. Each stream has its own
sample rate, independent of any other stream.
The HDA controller supports 48kHz and 44.1kHz base rates. Table 8, page 16, shows the recommended
sample rates based on multiples or sub-multiples of one of the two base rates.
Rates in sub-multiples (1/n) of 48kHz are interleaving n frames containing no sample blocks. Rates in
multiples (n) of 48kHz contain n sample blocks in a frame. Table 9, page 16, shows the delivery cadence
of variable rates based on 48kHz.
The HDA link is defined to operate at a fixed 48kHz frame rate. To deliver samples in (sub) multiple
rates of 44.1kHz, an appropriate ratio between 44.1kHz and 48kHz must be maintained to avoid
frequency drift. The appropriate ratio between 44.1kHz and 48kHz is 147/160. Meaning 147 sample
blocks are transmitted every 160 frames.
The cadence ‘12-11-11-12-11-11-12-11-11-12-11-11-11- (repeat)’ interleaves 13 frames containing no
sample blocks in every 160 frames. It provides a low long-term frequency drift for 44.1kHz of delivery
rate. Rates in sub-multiples (1/n) of 44.1kHz also follow this cadence and interleave n empty frames.
Rates in multiples (n) of 44.1kHz applying this cadence contain n sample blocks in the non-empty frame
AND interleave an empty frame between non-empty frames (see Table 10, page 17).
Table 8. Defined Sample Rate and Transmission Rate
(Sub) Multiple 48kHz Base 44.1kHz Base
1/6 8kHz (1 sample block every 6 frames) -
1/4 12kHz (1 sample block every 4 frames) 11.025kHz (1 sample block every 4 frames)
1/3 16kHz (1 sample block every 3 frames) -
1/2 - 22.05kHz (1 sample block every 2 frames)
2/3 32kHz (2 sample blocks every 3 frames) -
1 48kHz (1 sample block per frame) 44.1kHz (1 sample block per frame)
2 96kHz (2 sample blocks per frame) 88.2kHz (2 sample blocks per frame)
4 192kHz (4 sample blocks per frame) 176.4kHz (4 sample blocks per frame)
Rate Delivery Cadence Description
8kHz YNNNNN (repeat) One sample block is transmitted in every 6 frames
12kHz YNNN (repeat) One sample block is transmitted in every 4 frames
16kHz YNN (repeat) One sample block is transmitted in every 3 frames
32kHz Y2NN (repeat) One sample block is transmitted in every 6 frames
48kHz Y (repeat) One sample block is transmitted in every 6 frames
96kHz Y2 (repeat) Two sample blocks are transmitted in each frame
192kHz Y4 (repeat) Four sample blocks are transmitted in each frame
N: No sample block in a frame
Y: One sample block in a frame
Yx: X sample blocks in a frame