RCA RP-7995 User Manual

This device complies with Part 15of the FCCRules.Operation issubjectto the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
Consumer Electronics could void the user's authority to operate this product.
This device generates and usesradio frequency {RF)energy, and if not installed and used properly,this equipment may cause interference to radio and television reception.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception (which you can determine by turning the equipment off and on), try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorientthe receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for the radio or television that is"receiving" the interference).
Move the unit away from the equipment that is receiving interference.
Plug the unit into a different wall outlet so that the unit and the equipment receiving interference are on different branch circuits.
If these measuresdo not eliminate the interference, pleaseconsult your dealer or an experienced radio/ television technician for additional suggestions, Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared
ahelpful booklet, "How ToIdentify and Resolve Radio TV Interference Problems," This booklet is avadable from the U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Pleasespecify stock number 004-000-
00345-4when ordering copies.
Thisproduct complies with DHHSRules21CFRSubchapter J. Applicable at the date of manufacture.
Do not play your headset at a high volume. Hearing experts advise against continuous extended play.
If you experience a ringing in your ears,reduce volume or discontinue use,
You should useextreme caution or temporarily discontinue usein potentially hazardous situations.
Even if your headset isan open-air type designed to let you hear outside sounds, don't turn up the volume so high that you can't hear what's around you
Model RP-7995
Printedin China
RO Box 1976, Indianapolis, IN 46206
© 1998 ThomsonConsumerElectronics,Inc.
Trademark(s)® Registered
Although your Splash Proofportable stereo is rugged,treat it with care. Do not immerse in water. Dry off unit with softclothwhen wet. Do not drop unit.
Never open the cabinet under any circumstances. Never operate this productwith the cabinet removed, Any repairs or internal adjustments shouldbe made only by a trained service technician.
bo not touch the player with wet hands. If any hquid entersthe player cabinet,take the player to a
trained service technicianfor inspection.
ThisCompactDiscPlayerusesa laser to read the music on the disc,The lasermechanism correspondsto the cartridgeand stylusof a traditional record player.ALthoughthis product incorporatesalaser pick-up
lens,it iscompletely safe when operated accordingto directions,
IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION , If you're not going to useyour unit for a month or more, be sure to remove batteries because they can
Leakand cause damage.
* Disposeof batteries in the proper manner, according to federal, state, and local regulations.
Any battery may leak electrolyte if mixed with a different battery type, if inserted incorrectly, if all
batteries are not replaced at the sametime, if disposedof in fire, or if an attempt ismade to charge a battery not intended to be recharged.
Discard leaky batteriesimmediately. Leaking batteries cancause skin burnsor other personal injury.
Thisproduct should be serviced only by those specially trained in appropriate servicing techniques.
In the event that service should be required, you may need both the modeFnumber and the serial number. In the space below, record the date and ptace of purchase, and the serial number:
Model No. RP-7995
Date of Purchase Place of Purchase
Your portable stereo operates on battery or AC Power.
Insert 8 C sized alkaline batteries (not supplied) and you can take your stereo just about anywhere. Open the battery compartment door on the back of the unit by pressing down on the
two tabs and pullincj out the cover. Insert batteries as shown in the battery compartment. Note that
the AC line cord must be unplugged from the iack on the back of the unit to operate on batteries.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove batteries when storing the set for more than 30 days.
Leaky batteries can badly damage the radio/tape recorder. Always return tape operation buttons to their off position before storing. This will relieve pressure on certain parts in the tape recorder that might deform after long periods of time. Be
sure to dispose of leaky, weak or dead batteries properly according to Federal, State, and Local regulations.
Plug the power supply cord into the AC power jack on the back of the unit, and into an AC power outlet that accepts
the polarized plug {one blade wider than the other).
ICan't find the AC power cord? Look in the battery )
compartment on the back of the unit.
Just as moisture can form on the inside of windows on cold day, it can also form on the inside of your portable stereo, causing it to malfunction.
If moisture forms inside this player, it may not operate properly. To correct the problem, turn off the power and wait about 30 minutes for moisture to evaporate.
The AM antenna is built in. The FM whip antenna is attached. Stretch it to its full length and adjust its position to
improve FM reception.
TOlisten to your stereo with headphones (not included), use the 3.5 mm PHONES jack on the back of the unit,
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