This device complies with Part 15of the FCCRules.Operation issubjectto the following two conditions: (1)
This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may causeundesired operation.
In accordance with FCCrequirements, changes or modifications not expressly approved by Thomson
Consumer Electronics could void the user's authority to operate this product.
This device generates and usesradio frequency {RF)energy, and if not installed and used properly,this
equipment may cause interference to radio and television reception.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception (which you can determine by
turning the equipment off and on), try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorientthe receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for the radio or television that is"receiving" the
• Move the unit away from the equipment that is receiving interference.
• Plug the unit into a different wall outlet so that the unit and the equipment receiving interference are
on different branch circuits.
If these measuresdo not eliminate the interference, pleaseconsult your dealer or an experienced radio/
television technician for additional suggestions, Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared
ahelpful booklet, "How ToIdentify and Resolve Radio TV Interference Problems," This booklet is avadable
from the U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Pleasespecify stock number 004-000-
00345-4when ordering copies.
Thisproduct complies with DHHSRules21CFRSubchapter J. Applicable at the date of manufacture.
• Do not play your headset at a high volume. Hearing experts advise against continuous extended
• If you experience a ringing in your ears,reduce volume or discontinue use,
• You should useextreme caution or temporarily discontinue usein potentially hazardous situations.
• Even if your headset isan open-air type designed to let you hear outside sounds, don't turn up the
volume so high that you can't hear what's around you
Model RP-7995
Printedin China
RO Box 1976, Indianapolis, IN 46206
© 1998 ThomsonConsumerElectronics,Inc.
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