Please select Home Mode or Retail Mode to continue.
Home Mode (Power Saving) is the default as-shipped television configuration and settings.
And Home Mode (Power Saving) is the setting in which the product qualifies for
Any changes to default as-shipped television configuration and settings would change
the energy consumption. And enabling certain optional features and functionalities may
increase energy consumption beyond the limits required for ENERGY STAR
Retail Mode:Select Retail Mode if you would like your picture to be brighter.At times this mode
may use more energy to operate the Volume/Sound mode and the Picture Mode. In this setting,
the power consumption may possibly exceed the limited requirement of the
ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.
Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy
efficient products and pratices.
Note:If you want change the modes between Home Mode (Power Saving) and Retail Mode,
you can change the setting in the Setup Menu under Picture Mode.
Press Yes to confirm.
ENERGY STAR is a set of power-saving guidelines issued by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency(EPA).
Picture Mode Home Mode
Use the left/right key to arrows on you remote
control to select Power on mode. Home optimizes
the video setting for ENERGY STAR
qualification. Retail optimizes the video setting for
use on a retail showroom floor or demo
Picture Mode Retail Mode
Use the left/right key to arrows on you remote
control to select Power on mode. Home optimizes
the video setting for ENERGY STAR
qualification. Retail optimizes the video setting for
use on a retail showroom floor or demo
Picture Mode Retail Mode
Use the left/right key to arrows on you remote
control to select Power on mode. Home optimizes
the video setting for ENERGY STAR
qualification. Retail optimizes the video setting for
use on a retail showroom floor or demo
If you select Retail Mode
then energy savings are not realised
Are you sure?
Yes No