RCA DTA800B1 User Manual

user manual
manual de usario
It is important to read this instruction book prior to using your new product for the rst time. Es importante leer este manual antes de usar por vez primera su equipo.
FCC information
Equipment tested for
compliance as a
complete unit
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
WARNING: Changes or expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
modications to this
Y ou must a dequ ate ly ventila te the pr odu ct. Mak e sur e the re is ade quat e space ar oun d the u nit to provid e prop er air f low f or ve ntila tio n. See di agra m.
10 cm
7 cm
10 cm
10 cm
This conve rter box has ea rned the EN ERG Y STAR.
7 cm
10 cm
10 cm
7 cm
7 cm
10 cm
This symbol indicates that this product incorporates double insulation between the hazardous mains voltage and user accessible parts.
For your safety
The AC power plug is polarized (one blade is wider than the other) and only  ts into AC power outlets one way. If the plug won’t go into the outlet completely, turn the plug over and try to insert it the other way. If it still won’t  t, contact a quali ed electrician to change the outlet, or use a dierent one. Do not attempt to bypass this safety feature.
Removing the power plug is the only way to completely remove power from your product. Make sure the power plug remains easily accessible.
For your records
Keep your sales receipt for proof of purchase to obtain warranty parts and service. In the event that service should be required, you may need both the model number and the serial number. In the space below, record the date and place of purchase, and the serial number:
Date of Purchase : Place of Purchase : Serial No. :
Important battery precautions
Any battery may present a risk of  re, explosion, or chemical burn if abused. Do not try to charge a battery that is not intended to be recharged, do not incinerate, and
Non-rechargeable batteries, such as alkaline batteries, may leak if left in your product for a long period of time. Remove the batteries from the product if you are not going to use it for a month or more.
If your product uses more than one battery, do not mix types and make sure they are inserted correctly. Mixing types or inserting incorrectly may cause them to leak.
Discard any leaky or deformed battery immediately. They may cause skin burns or other personal injury.
Do not expose batteries to excessive heat (for example, by leaving them in sunlight or close to  re).
Please help to protect the environment by recycling or disposing of batteries according to federal, state, and local regulations.
do not puncture.
Important safety instructions
Please read and save for
future reference
Som e o f the f oll owi ng inf orm atio n may no t appl y t o your par ticu lar pr oduct ; how ever, a s w ith an y elect roni c pr odu ct, pre caut ions sho uld be ob served d urin g hand ling a nd use.
Re ad the se instr uctio ns. K eep the se instr uctio ns. He ed all w arn ings. Foll ow al l instr uctio ns. Do no t use thi s a ppar atu s n ear w ate r. Cle an onl y w ith d ry cloth . Do no t block any ven tila tion o peni ngs. In stall i n a ccord ance wi th the m anuf act urer ´s instr uctio ns. Do no t insta ll nea r any he at sou rces such as ra diat ors, h eat reg ister s, stove s, or oth er ap para tus (in cludi ng amp lifi e rs) tha t pro duce he at. Do no t def eat t he saf ety pur pose of the po lari zed or gro und ing-t ype plu g. A po lari zed pl ug has tw o bla des wit h one w ide r than t he ot her. A gr oun ding ty pe plug h as two bla des and a t hird g rou ndin g p ron g. The w ide bl ade or t he thi rd pro ng ar e p rovi ded fo r your sa fet y. If the p rovid ed plu g does no t fi t int o your o utle t, consu lt an el ectri cian f or rep lacem ent o f the ob solet e outl et. Pro tect th e pow er cord f rom b eing w alk ed on or p inche d par ticu larl y a t plug s, conve nien ce r ecept acle s, and th e poin t wh ere th ey exit f rom t he app ara tus. On ly use att achm ents/acce ssorie s spe cifi e d b y the ma nuf actur er. Use only wit h t he ca rt, stand, tr ipod, bra cket, or tab le specied by the manu factur er, o r so ld w ith the appa ratus. W hen a cart is used, use caution whe n m oving the cart/app aratu s combi nation to avoid inj ury from tip -over. Un plug th is appa rat us duri ng ligh tnin g stor ms or wh en unu sed fo r long p erio ds o f tim e. Re fer a ll servi cing to qu alif i ed serv ice perso nnel . Servi cing is req uire d whe n t he ap para tus ha s be en da mage d in any wa y, such as pow er-su pply cor d o r plug i s d amag ed, li quid ha s be en spill ed or ob jects ha ve fal len in to the a ppar atu s, the a ppa ratu s h as been e xpose d t o rai n or moi sture , does
not o per ate no rma lly, or ha s b een dr opped .
Portable Cart Warning
Al way s le ave suf fi cie nt space a rou nd the pr odu ct for ven tila tion . Do not p lace pr oduct i n or on a be d, rug , in a boo kcase o r cabin et tha t may pr even t air f l o w thr ough v ent ope ning s. Do no t place l ight ed cand les, cig aret tes, cig ars, e tc. on th e pro duct. Con nect po wer co rd onl y t o AC po wer so urce as ma rke d on the p rodu ct. Car e should b e t ake n so that o bjects do no t fal l i nto th e p rodu ct. Do no t att empt t o disasse mble th e cabin et. Th is prod uct doe s n ot cont ain cu stome r service able co mpon ents. W here t he ma in plug o r an ap plian ce coupl er is used a s th e disco nnect d evice, the di sconne ct device sh all re main r eadi ly ope rab le.
If your product operates on batteries
Ad here t o the f ollo win g preca utio ns: A. Any ba tte ry may le ak el ectro lyte if mixe d w ith a d iff eren t
bat ter y t ype, i f inser ted in corre ctly, or i f all ba tter ies ar e not rep laced a t the sa me time .
B. An y batt ery ma y l eak e lectr olyt e or expl ode if d ispose d o f in
fi r e or an a ttem pt is made t o char ge a bat ter y n ot int ende d to be r echa rged .
C. Disca rd lea ky bat teri es imme diat ely. Lea kin g batt erie s ca n
cau se sk in bu rns or ot her pe rsona l inju ry. Wh en disca rdin g bat ter ies, be sur e to disp ose of t hem in th e prop er ma nner, acco rdin g t o your st ate /pr ovinci al and l ocal re gula tion s.
D. Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, re or the like.
Additional safety information
Ap para tus sha ll not be e xpose d to dri pping o r splash ing an d no ob jects fi l led wi th liq uids, su ch a s v ases, sha ll be pla ced on th e appa rat us.
Box contents ................................... 4
Setting up ......................................... 4
Program the supplied remote
control ............................................... 6
General controls ............................ 7
Menu settings ................................. 8
Display 16:9 contents .................. 11
Watching non-digital over-the-air
TV broadcasts ................................. 12
Closed captioning on the
Converter Box ..................................12
More information ......................... 13
Box contents
The following items are included:
RCA Digital TV Converter Box
Quick Start Guide
User Manual (this booklet)
RF coaxial cable
+ -
+ -
2 AAA Batteries
Remote control
Setting up
Step 1: Installation
The Converter Box can be installed either horizontally or vertically. The left side of the Converter Box can be rotated as a stand for vertical installation.
Bottom view
Vertical installation (recommended)
Step 2: Connections
Option 1: Basic connection to TV
From antenna
Tip: Using the optional Audio/Video cable connection provides better picture quality in case your TV set has Audio/Video input available.
Horizontal installation
Connect your existing antenna cable to the ANTENNA IN jack
of the Converter Box.
Connect the RF coaxial cable (supplied) from the OUTPUT TO TV jack of the Converter Box to the ANTENNA jack of the TV set.
Slide the CH3/CH4 selector on the back of the Converter Box to the channel that is not in use in your area. The Converter Box will send its video signal to either Channel 3 or 4 on your TV.
Connect the Audio/Video cables (not supplied) from the Audio /Video OUT jacks (yellow, white, red) of the Converter Box to the Audio/Video IN jacks on the TV set. If there are more than two sets of Audio/Video jacks on the TV set, connect only either INPUT1 or INPUT2 to those of your converter box.
Connect the AC power cable of the Converter Box to a suitable wall outlet.
Note: You may choose to connect the RF coaxial cable to TV, or Audio/Video cables to TV, or both the RF coaxial cable and AV cables to TV.
Setting up (continue)
O p t i o n 2 : I f y ou also need to connect your VCR
Note: The SMART ANTENNA IN jack lets you connect a Smart Antenna. Refer to the antenna’s user manual for proper connection. Smart Antenna provides improved reception. For more information, please consult your TV dealer.
From antenna
Back of the RCA converter box
Connect your existing antenna cable to the ANTENNA IN jack
of the Converter Box.
Connect the RF coaxial cable* (supplied) from the OUTPUT TO TV
jack of the Converter Box to the ANTENNA IN jack of the VCR.
Connect the RF coaxial cable* (not supplied) from the
ANTENNA OUT jack of the VCR to the ANTENNA IN jack of the TV set.
Slide the CH3/CH4 selector on the back of the VCR to the
channel that is not in use in your area. The VCR will send its video signal to either Channel 3 or 4 on your TV.
Slide the CH3/CH4 selector on the back of the Converter Box to
the channel that is not being used by the VCR; e.g., if you set the VCR selector to CH3, slide the Converter Box selector to CH4.
Connect the AC power cable of the Converter Box to a
suitable wall outlet.
* You can also use Audio/Video cables (similar to option 1) if the connection jacks are available on the VCR and TV.
Step 3: Initial setup of the Converter Box
1. Press BOX on the remote control to turn on the Converter Box. The green indicator on front panel will turn ON.
Make sure your TV is on the correct channel (either 3 or 4) or INPUT or VIDEO mode. Refer to your TV manual for further instructions.
The following screen can be seen on your TV when the correct channel is chosen.
Choose the language to be used in the menu system.
English - 1
Menu text is displayed in English.
Español - 2
El texto del menú se exhibe en español.
Français - 3
Le texte des menus est affiché en français.
If you cannot see the above screen on your TV set, check if : a) the converter box has been turned on,
b) your TV is on the correct channel (either 3 or 4) or INPUT or VIDEO mode. Refer to your TV manual for further instructions.
c) you have correctly connected the TV set with the
Converter Box.
If you still do not see the above screen, follow the following steps to reset the Converter Box to factory reset status:
- From the “No Signal” screen, press MENU key ;
- Press “5”, “6”, “2” then you should see the above screen and please continue the setup.
2. Press 1 (for English),
3. Press 1 to start automatic channel search.
When the scan nishes, the Channel List menu displays the
Reposition the antenna and perform the automatic
channel scan again if you cannot nd all available
channels by pressing MENU key.
The Converter Box is also compatible with Smart Antennas which can provide improved reception over standard indoor
If a Smart Antenna is connected, press 1 for Quick Scan or
select the menu language.
2 (for Spanish) or 3 (for French) to
Choose the language to be used in the menu system.
English - 1
Menu text is displayed in English.
Español - 2
El texto del menú se exhibe en español.
Français - 3
Le texte des menus est affiché en français.
Channel Scan
Channel scan will search for channels available in your area. You may have to re-adjust the antenna and retry the scan to capture all available channels.
Start channel search.
Begin - 1
found channels.
2 for Full Scan. A full scan with Smart Antenna may take around 40-50 minutes.
Setting up (continue)
4. The Channel List is displayed once scanning is nished.
or to select channel and
Channel List
Channel What's on Now What's on Next
2-1 KTVU Stored Current program Next program
2-2 KTVU Stored Current program Next program 4-1 KRON Stored Current program Next program
OK to start viewing.
You may also hide unwanted channels, refer to “Channel List” on page 8 for details.
Program the supplied remote control
You can control TV sets of all major brands after programming the Converter Box remote control with the PGM key. RCA TV sets can be controlled directly without programming. Refer to the steps below and the separate Program Code leaet to guide you through the programming.
1. Refer to the Program Code at the last page of this booklet. Look for the brand of your TV set and a 3-digit program code next to it. There may be more than one program code available. Choose any one of them.
Program codes/Códigos de programa
Admiral 002, 128, 183, 189 Advent 191, 258, 260, 275 Adventura 129
2. Press PGM on the remote control. The
signal indicator on it remains lit.
signal indicator
3. Enter the 3-digit program code with the
4. Press the volume keys on this
If you fail to control your TV set,
If the signal indicator remains lit after
You can still use your TV remote control
Your Converter Box is now ready for use!
To continue to view non-digital TV broadcasts, if available, press the BOX on your remote to place the
Converter Box in stand-by mode (amber light), then switch your TV to channel 3 or 4 (depending on which channel the Converter ‘s CH3/CH4 selector switch is set to).
You must have the RF coaxial cable connected to your TV input, in order to watch non-digital TV broadcasts.
number keys. Press The signal indicator will be o when the program is done.
remote control to check if they can adjust the volume of your TV set.
repeat steps 2 to 4 to program again. Try another program code if there is more than one for your TV brand.
blinking four times, you may have entered the wrong code. Repeat steps 3 to 4 to program again. Make sure you have correctly entered the code.
to turn on your TV set, select input source and control the volume.
for conrmation.
General controls
The keys on the Converter Box remote control are divided into two parts. The keys shown in white in the diagram below control the Converter Box, while the grey keys control your TV set.
You can control TV sets of all major brands after programming this remote control with the PGM key. RCA TV sets can be controlled directly without programming. Refer to
“Program the supplied remote control” section for details.
TV controls ONLY
Turns the TV on or o
Selects CH3, CH4 or
AV INPUT channels on the TV
Mutes or restores sound
output from the TV (if the TV
supports this function)
Adjusts the TV volume
Programs the remote control so
that it can control your TV set.
Refer to “Program the supplied
remote control” for details
Insert 2 “AAA” batteries prior to use.
Signal indicator
Turns the converter box on or o
Navigates through the converter box menus (e.g., to move right, press
Press OK to conrm menu selections
Shows or hides channel information
(it is possible to receive some programs from dierent time zones, the time information might be wrong in this case)
Shows or hides the main menu
Selects the previous or next channel
Selects channels by inputting the channel number Shortcut keys to access functions in the main menu
Displays closed captioning from the converter box Inputs a dash (e.g., 12-1) while selecting an ATSC channel with the number keys (0-9)
Menu settings
The main menu lets you access more features of the converter box. Press MENU to show or hide the menu. When the menu is displayed, press the number keys on the remote control to access the corresponding menu item directly.
Main Menu
Ratings - 3
See what's on and what's next.
Adjust audio and video settings.
Set V-Chip rating limits.
Captions Fonts and Colors.
Channel List - 1
AV Settings - 2
Closed Captioning - 4
Settings - 5
[Menu] Exit, [ ] Move, [OK] Choose
Shortcut keys
Shortcut key
Channel List
Lists the available TV channels and the programs playing on each channel.
To change channels, select a channel number and press OK .
To skip past a channel when pressing the CHANNEL button, select “Stored” next to the channel name and then press OK . The status changes to “Skipped”.
Channel List
Channel What's on Now What's on Next
2-1 KTVU Stored Current program Next program
2-2 KTVU Stored Current program Next program 4-1 KRON Stored Current program Next program
Select “Stored” channels
Select any channels
including “Skipped” ones
Shortcut key
AV Settings
Change the video display and sound output formats.
Press 1 for Picture or 2 for Audio Controls.
– Picture : Press 1 for Widescreen or 2
for Fullscreen .
– Audio Controls : Press 1 for Stereo, or
2 for Alternate Audio (for bilingual programs). When Alternate Audio is selected, press OK on the remote control to switch between main and alternate languages while watching TV.
Shortcut key
This feature enables you to restrict access to certain TV programs whose content may be deemed unsuitable for your children. Viewing is restricted unless the password (initial default password:
0000) that you have chosen is entered. Password is also required before entering the rating menu.
Three sub-menus are available:
Lock/Unlock - 1
Rating Limits - 2
Change PIN - 3
Turn ON/OFF rating enforcement Set rating limits Change password number
Press 1 for Lock/Unlock: to activate or de- activate the rating feature.
– Lock/Unlock : Press 1 to select OFF (to
de-activate the rating feature, even if you have dened certain settings in the Rating Limits menu) or press 2 to select ON (to activate the rating feature) or press 3 to select ON/ Enable (to activate the rating feature and enable downloadable ratings).
Menu settings
Press 2 for Rating Limits
Rating Limits
Movies - 2
TV shows and made for TV Movies
Motion picture movies
Downloaded rating systems
TV Shows - 1
Custom - 3
– Rating Limits: Press 1 for TV Shows ,
press 2 for Movies , press 3 for Custom (only available when ON/Enable is selected in Lock/Unlock menu)
TV Shows: To change the TV
parental ratings by pressing OK against desired rating level. A padlock icon tells you whether or not a rating level is locked.
– In the above example, all TV
programs rated above TV-PG require the password for viewing.
Movies: To change the movie parental ratings by pressing
against desired rating level. A padlock icon tells you whether or not a rating level is locked.
G - 1
PG - 2
PG-13 - 3
R - 4
NC-17 - 5
– In the above example, all movies
rated PG or above require the password for viewing.
Custom: To update the current TV show and Movies ratings when new releases are available.
– Press the corresponding number key
to select the program restrictions. They include: Entire Audience (1), Dialogue (2), Language (3), Sex (4), Violence (5), Children (6), Fantasy violence (7), MPAA (8).
Press 3 for Change PIN
To change the password for ratings.
The initial default password is “0000”, you must change it and create your own password to activate the rating settings.
After the rating settings are done, do not forget to activate them by selecting ON in the Lock/Unlock menu.
Parental Controls, popularly known as the “V-Chip,” depend on information sent by broadcasters about
c programs. Two ratings systems are available for
speci you to use to screen inappropriate content for your family.
TV shows can be rated by broadcasters based on the following Age and Content-based Guidelines:
TV-Y (All Children – This program is designed to be
appropriate for all children.)
TV-Y7 (Directed to Older Children – This program
is designed for children age 7 and above.) The program may contain fantasy violence (FV).
TV-G (General Audience – Most parents would
this program suitable for all ages.)
TV-PG (Parental Guidance Suggested – This
program contains material that parents may unsuitable for younger children.) The program may contain one or more of the following: moderate violence (V), some sexual situations (S), infrequent coarse language (L), or some suggestive dialogue (D).
TV-14 (Parents Strongly Cautioned – This program
contains some material that many parents would
nd unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.) Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program contains one or more of the following: intense violence (V), intense sexual situations (S), strong coarse language (L), or intensely suggestive dialogue (D).
TV-MA (Mature Audience Only – This program is
designed to be viewed by adults and therefore may be unsuitable for children under 17.) This program contains one or more of the following: graphic violence (V), explicit sexual activity (S), or crude indecent language (L).
Menu settings
Some programmers use the Movie Ratings (MPAA) System to rate TV shows on the same scale as motion pictures:
A G -rated motion picture contains nothing in theme, language, nudity, sex, violence or other matters that would oend parents whose younger children view the motion picture.
A PG -rated motion picture should be investigated by parents before they let younger children attend.
A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them.
An R -rated motion picture contains some adult material.
An NC-17 rated motion picture is one that most parents would consider too adult for their children.
For more information about TV ratings, visit: www.PauseParentPlay.org
Shortcut key
Closed Captioning
Lets you change the closed caption appearance (size, font, text color, text opacity, background color, background, edge eect and edge color).
Press 1 (Font Options) to change font size, color and eects, 2 (Back Options) to change background size, color and eects or 3 (Default) to reset to default settings.
Only digital closed captions can be changed.
For more information, see “Advantages of
closed captioning on the Converter Box”.
Shortcut key
Five sub-meus are available:
Channel Scan - 1
Language - 2
Power Saver - 3
Antenna - 4
System Reset - 6
Press 1 for Channel Scan – To start automatic channel scan. – To scan more channels (Scan Add) after
adjusting your antenna
– Enable the “Scan Add” option if you only
want to scan more channels with keeping
existing channel list.
Press 2 for Language – To select the menu language.
Press 3 for Power Saver – An energy saving feature to turn o
the converter box automatically after 4 (default), 8 or 12 hours according to your selection. Select OFF to de-activate this feature.
– The timer is only active when the
converter box remains idle (i.e. no key activation). Once any “Box” key is pressed, the timer will be reset.
– If you have set up timer recordings for
TV programs, make sure the converter box will not turn o automatically before the recordings
Press 4 for Antenna – To show the signal strength for receiving
broadcast from a TV station. If signal is weak, you may need to reposition the antenna.
Press 5 for Time Zone – To select your local time zone – To enable or disable Daylight Saving Time.
Press 6 for System Reset – To restore all settings to factory defaults.
Search for valid channels. Select language used in menu. Turns off power automatically. Signal strength meter. Setting of local time.
one - 5
Return system to factory settings.
+ 22 hidden pages