RCA 2520 User Manual

Important Information
Equipment Approval Information
Your telephone equipment is approved for connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network and is in compliance with parts 15 and 68, FCC Rules and Regulations and the Technical Requirements for Telephone Terminal Equipment published by ACTA.
1 Notification to the Local Telephone Company On the bottom of this equipment is a label indicating, among other
information, the US number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.
The REN is useful in determining the number of devices you may
connect to your telephone line and still have all of these devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most (but not all) areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed
5. To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the pr
and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68 rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also compliant. See installation instructions for details.
This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the
telephone company.
Party lines are subject to state tariffs, and therefore, you may not be
able to use your own telephone equipment if you are on a party line. Check with your local telephone company.
Notice must be given to the telephone company upon permanent
disconnection of your telephone from your line.
If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the
telephone line, ensure the installation of this product does not disable your alarm equipment. If you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment, consult your telephone company or a qualified installer.
US Number is located on the cabinet bottom
REN number is located on the cabinet bottom
emises wiring
Important Information
2 Rights of the Telephone Company
Should your equipment cause trouble on your line which may harm the
telephone network, the telephone company shall, where practicable, notify you that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. Where prior notice is not practicable and the circumstances warrant such action, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue service immediately. In case of such temporary discontinuance, the telephone company must: (1) promptly notify you of such temporary discontinuance; (2) afford you the opportunity to correct the situation; and (3) inform you of your right to bring a complaint to the Commission pursuant to procedures set forth in Subpart E of Part 68, FCC Rules and Regulations.
The telephone company may make changes in its communications
facilities, equipment, operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation of its business and not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If these changes are expected to affect the use or performance of your telephone equipment, the telephone company must give you adequate notice, in writing, to allow you to maintain uninterrupted service.
Interference Information
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for
radio or television that is “receiving” the interference).
Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the
telecommunications equipment and receiving antenna.
Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiving antenna is connected.
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering copies.
Important Information
Notice: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Licensed under US Patent 6,427,009.
Hearing Aid Compatibility
This telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.
FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with the belt clip supplied with this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.
Information for DECT Product
This telephone is compliant with the DECT 6.0 standard which operates in the 1.92GHz to 1.93GHz frequency range. Installation of this equipment is subject to notification and
be coordinated through and approved by UTAM. UTAM may be contacted at 1-800-429-8826.
coordination with UTAM. Any relocation of this equipment must
EquipmEnt ApprovAl informAtion ............... 2
intErfErEncE informAtion ...........................3
licEnsing .................................................. 4
HEAring Aid compAtibility ......................... 4
fcc rf rAdiAtion ExposurE stAtEmEnt ...... 4
informAtion for dEct product ................. 4
introduction ............................................. 7
pArts cHEcklist .........................................7
tElEpHonE JAck rEquirEmEnts ..................... 7
instAllAtion .............................................. 8
Digital Security SyStem ...............................8
your cordlEss pHonE usEs A digitAl sEcurity
systEm to protEct AgAinst fAlsE ringing, unAutHorizEd AccEss, And cHArgEs to your
pHonE linE. ............................................ 8
importAnt instAllAtion guidElinEs .............. 8
HAndsEt lAyout ........................................ 9
bAsE lAyout ............................................10
instAlling tHE pHonE ............................... 11
inStalling the hanDSet Battery ................. 11
BaSe Station ...............................................12
progrAmming tHE pHonE ........................14
StanDBy Screen ..........................................14
Programming FunctionS ............................14
Phone Setting .............................................14
Date/time ....................................................15
auto anSwer (only aPPlicaBle For hanDSet) ..
auto anSwer intercom (aPPlicaBle For BaSe
anD hanDSet) .........................................16
Dial moDe (only aPPlicaBle For BaSe) .......16
rea coDe (only aPPlicaBle For BaSe) .......16
a regiStration (only aPPlicaBle to hanDSet) 16
regiSter ......................................................17
remove hanDSet .........................................17
De-regiSter (only aPPlicaBle For BaSe) ....17
2nD call alert .........................................18
hanDSet name (only aPPlicaBle For hanDSet)......
uPDate hanDSet liSt (only aPPlicaBle For
BaSe) ......................................................18
DiSPlay Setting ...........................................18
contraSt .....................................................19
Backlight (only aPPlicaBle For BaSe) ........19
SounD Setting ............................................19
ring volume ...............................................20
key tone .....................................................20
anSwering SyStem (only aPPlicaBle For BaSe) .....
on/oFF StatuS ............................................20
oga PlayBack............................................21
Set oga .....................................................21
Table of Contents
et oFFice time ...........................................21
Set work hourS ........................................22
Set aFter hourS.........................................22
ring Delay ..................................................23
meSSage length .........................................23
call Screening ...........................................23
meSSage alert ...........................................23
remote PaSSworD.......................................24
reStore Setting ..........................................24
tElEpHonE opErAtion ............................... 24
making callS with the corDleSS hanDSet 24 making callS in the SPeakerPhone moDe
(From the BaSe) .....................................24
making call in the SPeakerPhone moDe
(From the hanDSet) ...............................25
making callS with the oPtional heaDSet 25
Pre-Dialing .................................................25
anSwering a call ......................................25
Switching Between the SPeakerPhone,
hanDSet, anD heaDSet moDe ...............26
BaSe .....................................................26
corDleSS hanDSet ................................26
mute ...........................................................26
Do not DiSturB ..........................................27
FlaSh ...........................................................27
inSerting a PauSe in the Dialing Sequence ...
reDial ..........................................................27
reviewing the reDial numBerS..................27
Storing a reDial recorD in Phone Book ..28 tranSFerring a call to another extenSion ...
28 receiving a tranSFerreD call From another
ringer on/oFF anD ringer volume ..........28
SPeakerPhone, hanDSet, anD heaDSet
volume ..................................................29
holD ............................................................29
conFerence callS .......................................29
Join a call in ProgreSS: .......................29
3-way conFerence call By an intercom
call: ......................................................29
3-way conFerence call with two lineS: ... 29 4-way conFerence call (line 1 + line 2
+ 2 extenSion): ....................................29
intErcom cAlls ....................................... 30
one-touch intercom .................................30
anSwering an intercom call ....................30
Page ............................................................30
auto StanDBy .............................................30
Table of Contents
CALLER ID (CID) .................................... 31
REVIEWING CID RECORDS .............................31
MEMORY .................................................32
DELETING A CID RECORD ..............................32
DELETING ALL CALL RECORDS ........................32
DIALING BACK ..............................................32
CODE ......................................................32
AREA CODE ............................................33
CALL WAITING CALLER ID .............................33
MEMORY .............................................. 33
ADDING PHONE BOOK ENTRIES ......................33
APPLICABLE FOR BASE) ............................. 34
EDITING A PHONE BOOK RECORD ...................34
COPYING A PHONEBOOK RECORD ...................35
DIALING A PHONE BOOK RECORD ..................36
MODE: ....................................................36
REVIEWING IT: .........................................36
ANSWERING SYSTEM ON/OFF ........................36
MONITORING INCOMING CALLS ......................37
MEMO RECORD.............................................37
MEMO RECORDING .......................................37
MESSAGEMEMO PLAYBACK............................37
RASING MESSAGES .....................................38
IN A MAILBOX ..........................................38
MEMORY FULL ..............................................39
CHANGING THE BATTERY ..............................39
BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .....................39
DISPLAY MESSAGES ...................................40
HANDSET SOUND SIGNALS ...........................40
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ............................ 41
TELEPHONE SOLUTIONS ...................................41
NO DIAL TONE .........................................41
HANDSET DOES NOT RING .........................41
AND OUT .................................................41
DISPLAY ...................................................41
SETTING ................................................... 41
ALLER ID SOLUTIONS ...................................42
NO DISPLAY ............................................42
NO CALLER ID .......................................42
BATTERY ........................................................42
GENERAL PRODUCT CARE ............................ 42
CAUSES OF POOR RECEPTION .......................43
WARRANTY ASSISTANCE .............................. 44
Connections & Setup
Digital Security System
Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to protect against false ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line.
INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause or receive interference with nearby TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther away from these appliances.
Certain other communications devices may also use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication, and, if not properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoid interference. Typical devices that may use the
1.9 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems.
Important Installation Guidelines
• Avoid sources of noise and heat, such as motors, fluorescent lighting, microwave ovens, heating appliances and direct sunlight.
• Avoid areas of excessive dust, moisture and low temperature.
• Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers.
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the
telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Connections & Setup
Handset Layout
3 Soft keys
VOL +/-
* Tone
Visual Indicator
(Speaker button)
Int/Hold (button)
Connections & Setup
Base Layout
3 Soft Keys
Ans Sys
Vol +/-
One Touch
Headset (button)
Speaker (button)
Line 1 & 2
the Telefield NA Inc. approved Nickel-metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery model T-2734, which is compatible with this unit.
Connections & Setup
4. If you want to mount the telephone on the wall, you can plug the 2 lines such as the below drawing;
Line 2
Line 2
Line 1
Line 1
Line 1 + 2
Programming the Telephone
Area Code (base only), Registration (handset only), De-Registration (base only), 2nd Call Alert (both base and handset), Handset Name (handset only), Update HS List (base only).
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Date/Time.
Press SELECT soft key. “Year 2008” shows in the display.
Use the touch-tone pad to enter the last two digits of the current year
(range: 00 to 99).
Press SAVE soft key to save the year setting and proceed to date setting.
5. Date “01/01” shows in the display. Use the touch-tone pad to enter two digits for current month and day respectively (format: mm:dd).
Press SAVE soft key to save the month/date setting and proceed to time
Time “12:00A” shows in the display. Use the touch-tone pad to enter
four digits for current time and use soft key AM/PM to toggle between “P” (pm) and “A” (am).
Press SAVE soft key to save the setting. “Saved” shows in the display.
NOTE: If you subscribe to Caller ID service, the current Date/Time is set automatically when you receive your first CID record and will override manually set Date/Time.
NOTE: The Date/Time setting item only exists in base menu, handset Date/ Time should update automatically after it is set in the base.
Auto Answer (only applicable for handset)
This option allows you to pick up the handset from base to answer an incoming call without pressing the Talk/Spk/L1/L2 button.
When it is set to off, this function is disabled in this handset.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Auto Answer.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your
selection. The default setting is Off.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Programming the Telephone
Auto Answer Intercom (applicable for base and handset)
If it is set to on, this handset or base will auto answer the intercom call when it receives an intercom call.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Auto Answer Int.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your
selection. The default setting is Off.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Dial Mode (only applicable for base)
The Dial Mode of Line 1 and Line 2 can be set separately.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Dial mode.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select Tone or Pulse and use the DIR or CID button to select L1 or L2.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
NOTE: The Dial mode only can be set in the base menu.
Area Code (only applicable for base)
The telephone uses the pre-programmed area code to determine the number format to display when a valid Caller ID record is received. The pre­programmed area code is also used for the Dialback feature.
From the Phone setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Area code.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the touch-tone pad to enter your 3-digit area code.
4. Press SAVE soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the display.
Registration (only applicable to handset)
A cordless handset will not operate until it is registered to the base. During the registration process, keep the handset near the base. Up to 10 cordless handsets can be registered to one base.
NOTE: If a handset has not been registered to the base, then the display will show “PRESS “REG” TO INITIATE REGISTRATION” once the handset has been activated. Press the REG soft key to start the registration.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Registration.
Press SELECT soft key and you may program the following items:
Register and Remove handset.
Programming the Telephone
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Register.
Press SELECT soft key. “Press base unit page button until beep” shows
in the display.
Press and hold the Page button on base for 5 seconds.
“Registration” displays to indicate the base is now in registration mode.
If the registration is successful, the handset shows “Registration
complete” for 2 seconds and emits a confirmation tone.
If the registration is failed (i.e. timeout), the handset shows
“REGISTRATION FAILED!” for 2 seconds and emits an error tone.
Remove Handset
De-registration cancels registration. During the de-registration process, keep the handset near the base.
WARNING: It is not recommended that a handset be deregistered unless absolutely necessary because once a handset is deregistered, that handset’s telephone features cannot be used until the handset is re-registered.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Remove handset.
Press SELECT soft key. “Remove handset?” shows on the display.
Press the YES soft key to confirm de-registration. “Saved” shows in the
display and then shows “Press “REG” to initiate registration” in the handset.
NOTE: You can press the REG soft key to enter the registation mode again.
De-Register (Only applicable for base)
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Deregistration.
Press SELECT soft key. The list of all registered handsets will be shown,
and use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection.
Press the SELECT soft key. “Remove handset?” shows on the display.
Press YES soft key to confirm de-registration. “Saved” shows in the
display and then shows “Press “REG” to initiate registration” in the handset.
Programming the Telephone
2nd Call Alert
If it is set to On, you will hear the alert tone when you are in conversation and there is an incoming call from another line.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to 2ND Call Alert.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your
selection. The default setting is On.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Handset Name (only applicable for handset)
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Handset name.
Press SELECT soft key. The default name is Handset.
Use the touch-tone pad to enter a name (up to 13 characters). More
than one letter is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Bill Smith, press the 2 key twice for the letter B. Press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I. Press the 5 key 3 times for the letter L. Press the 5 key 3 times for the second letter L, and press the 1 key to insert a space between the first and last name. Press the 7 key 4 times for the letter S; press the 6 key once for the letter M; press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I; press the 8 key for the letter T; press the 4 key twice for the letter H.
NOTE: If you make a mistake, press DIR/CID button to move the cursor forward or backward, and then use the Mute/Del button to backspace and delete one character at a time.
Press the SAVE soft key to save your name. You will hear a confirmation
tone and the display shows “Saved”.
Update Handset List (only applicable for base)
This function is used to update all registered handsets from the current handset name list.
From the Phone Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Update HS List.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. The latest handset name list stored in the base will be sent to all registered handsets.
Display Setting
1. Make sure your phone is OFF (not in Talk mode).
2. Press the Menu button on HS or the MENU soft key on BS to go to the main menu.
Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Display Setting.
Press SELECT soft key to confirm and you may program the following
items: Language, Contrast and Backlight (base only).
Programming the Telephone
From the Display Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Language.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select English, Francais or Espanol. The default setting is English.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection.
From the Display Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Contrast.
Press SELECT soft key. The “MIN and MAX” contrast scale shows on the
Use the VOL (- or +) button to adjust the contrast. The display instantly
adjusts with each press of the VOL (- or +) button.
Press SELECT soft key to save the desired contrast level.
Backlight (Only applicable for base)
From the Display Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Backlight.
Press SELECT soft key and use the VOL (- or +) button to select Always
On or Automatic.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection.
Sound Setting
1. Make sure your phone is OFF (not in Talk mode).
2. Press the Menu button on HS or the MENU soft key on BS to go to the main menu.
Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Sound Setting.
Press SELECT soft key to confirm and you may program the following
items in base and handset: Ring Tone, Ring Volume and Key Tone.
Ring Tone
There are 8 tone levels for your selection. They are Melody 1 to 8 for line 1 and line 2 respectively.
From the Sound Setting Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Ring Tone.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L 1 and L 2. The default setting is Melody 1 for both lines.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Programming the Telephone
Ring Volume
There are 5 volume levels and OFF for your selection. The Ring volume can be set individually for each line.
From the Sound Settings Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Ring Volume.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L 1 and L 2. The default setting is VOL 3.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Key Tone
From the Sound Settings Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Key Tone.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select On or Off.
Press SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in the
Answering System (only applicable for base)
1. Make sure your phone is OFF (not in Talk mode).
2. Press the MENU soft key on BS to go to the main menu.
3. Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to “Answer Sys.”.
Press SELECT soft key to confirm. You may program the following
items in base: On/Off Status, OGA Playback, OGA Record, Set OGA, Set Office Time, Ring Delay, Message Length, Call Screening, Message Alert, Remote Password.
On/Off Status
This is used to set the answering system On or Off for each telephone line individually.
From the Answering System Menu:
Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the On/Off Status.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select On or Off and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L1 and L2.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and the status shows in
the display.
Programming the Telephone
OGA Playback
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the OGA Playback.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use left and right button to toggle between Line 1 and Line 2 and use VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection.
Press SELECT soft key to play the selected OGA, if the selected OGA is
empty, “EMPTY” shows in the display.
OGA Record
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the OGA Record.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use left and right button to toggle between Line 1 and Line 2 and use VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the selection you want to record.
Press the SELECT soft key to record. After the beep, you can start to
Press the FINISH soft key to end the recording.
6. After recorded, the unit will automatically play the OGA once.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Set OGA.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use left and right buttons to toggle between Line 1 and Line 2 and use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection. If there is not a message r display and you should select another one. Otherwise, “Saved” shows in the display
NOTE: If you select the option “TIMED” when there is an incoming call, the “Work Hours” OGA or “After Hours” OGA will be played to the caller according to the office time you set.
Set Office Time
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Set Office Time.
Press SELECT soft key. You can program the following items: Work Hours
and After Hours.
ecorded in your selected greeting, “EMPTY” shows in the
Programming the Telephone
Set Work Hours
This will allow you to program the start time for the working hour.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Set Work Hours.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the touch-tone pad to set the time, and use AM/PM soft key to
select AM or PM.
Press the SELECT soft key to save the time.
5. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select Yes or No for Announce Only.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
NOTE: If you select Yes for Announce Only, the unit will hang up the call after announcing the greeting when answering the call is in answering mode.
Set After Hours
This will allow you to program the start time for the after work hour.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Set After Hours.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the touch-tone pad to set the time, and use AM/PM soft key to
select AM or PM.
Press the SELECT soft key to save the time.
5. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select Yes or No for Announce Only.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
NOTE: If you select Yes for Announce Only, the unit will hang up the call after announcing the greeting when answering the call is in answering mode.
a) Set the Work Hours start at 9:00am, and “Announce Only” as NO. b) Set the After Hours start at 5:00pm, and “Announce Only” as NO. c) Select “Timed” while setting the OGA.
When the call comes in within 9:00am to 5:00pm, the W
will be announced to the caller.
When the call comes in after 5:00pm up to 9:00am, the After Hour
OGA will be announced to the caller.
On Satur
days and Sundays, the unit will announce After Hours OGA.
ork Hours OGA
Programming the Telephone
Ring Delay
This feature lets you select the number of times you want the phone to ring before the answering system answers a call.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Ring Delay.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection, from 2 rings to 6
rings or toll saver, and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L1 and L 2.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
NOTE: When the Toll saver is selected, the unit will answer the incoming call after 3 rings if there is new message. Otherwise, the unit will answer the incoming call after 5 rings.
Message Length
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Message Length.
Press SELECT soft key.
3. Use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection, from 1 to 3
minutes, and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L 1 and L 2.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
Call Screening
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Call Screening.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select On or Off.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
Message Alert
This feature set your answering system to give an alert tone every 10 seconds when there are new messages.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Message Alert.
Press SELECT soft key. Use the VOL (- or +) button to select On or Off.
Default is On.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection and “Saved” shows in
the display.
Telephone Operation
Remote Password
You can access the answering system from a tone dialing telephone in another (remote) location. The security code is required for remote access, and it prevents unauthorized access to your answering system.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to the Remote Password.
Press SELECT soft key. The current Remote password shows in the
display. Default is 000.
Use the touch-tone pad to enter your 3-digit security code.
4. Press SELECT soft key to save the setting.
Restore Setting
The feature allows you to reset some menu settings to the original default settings.
From the Answering System Menu:
1. Press Menu button on handset or MENU soft key on the base.
Press the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Restore Setting.
Press SELECT soft key. “LOAD TO DEFAULT?” displays on the screen.
Press YES soft key to let unit reset to default setting; once finished, the
unit will emit a short beep prompt, and “Saved” shows in the display.
If you do not want to reset, press the NO soft key.
Telephone Operation
Making Calls with the Cordless Handset
1. Press the Talk button, the unit will pick the first available line for you.
Press Line 1 or Line 2 soft key to select a line you wanted.
Wait for a dial tone then dial the phone number.
3. Press the End button when finished.
Making Calls in the Speakerphone mode (from the base)
1. Press the Speaker button (in base), the unit will pick the available line
for you. If both lines are available, Line 1 will be used first.
-OR­ Press Line 1 or Line 2 button on the base to select the line, and the
base’s speaker will activate.
Wait for a dial tone then dial a phone number or press One-Touch
button (1-10) to dial stored phone number.
Press the Speaker button when finished.
NOTE: After pick the line, the call timer starts to run until all the calls are hung up. The timer serves for both 2 lines.
Telephone Operation
For the base:
1. Press the Speaker button to answer the call in speakerphone mode,
2. Press the corresponding Line button to answer the call in speakerphone
3. Press the Headset button to answer the call in headset mode.
When finished, press Speaker button (in speakerphone) or Headset
button (in headset mode) to end the call.
NOTE: If you have set the Auto Answer as On in the cordless handset, you can answer the call directly by picking up this handset from the base, without pressing any buttons.
NOTE: Adjust the volume by pressing the VOL (- or +) button during a call.
Switching Between the Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset Mode
To switch to the speakerphone, press Speaker button. The speakerphone indicator illuminates.
To switch to the headset, press the Headset button to enable the headset, and the headset indicator illuminates.
Cordless Handset
To switch to the speakerphone, press Spk button. If the headset is plug in, press Talk button to switch to headset. If the headset is not plug in, press Talk button to switch to cordless
handset’s receiver.
To have a private, off-line conversation, use the Mute feature. The party on the other end of the line cannot hear you, but you can still hear them.
1. Press Mute button to activate the mute feature.
NOTE: When using the mute feature on the base, the indicator will illuminate when the mute is activated.
Press the Mute button again to de-activate.
Telephone Operation
Do Not Disturb
This feature is set at individual telephones to disable (silence) an incoming ring signal, intercom ring. When there is an incoming call or an intercom call, the status indicators function as normal but the phone will not ring.
1. When the unit is idle, press the DND/Privacy button. The last setting is
Use the VOL (- or +) button to select the duration. You may choose
from 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours and increase the duration by 1-hour intervals up to 24 hours.
Press the SELECT soft key to confirm. The indicator (on the base) blinks
and the display shows how long the ringer will be disabled.
To cancel, press DND/Privacy button again.
NOTE: If Intercom Auto Answer is activated, the unit automatically answers the intercom call even if the Do Not Disturb function is activated.
Use the Flash button to activate custom calling services such as call waiting or call forwarding, which are available through your local phone company.
Inserting a Pause in the Dialing Sequence
Press the #pause button twice to insert a delay in dialing sequence when a pause is needed to wait for a dial tone (for example, after you dial 9 for an outside line, or to wait for a computer access tone.) Each pause counts as one digit in the dialing sequence, and is shown as “P” in the display.
1. Press the Talk button, or press the Speaker button (speakerphone
mode), or press the Headset button (headset mode) and the first available line will go off hook. If both lines are available, Line 1 will be used.
Press a Line button to select a line.
Press the Redial button. The redial number list (last 3 previously dialed
numbers) is shown.
Use the VOL (- or +) button to select the number. Press the DIAL soft
key to dial out the number.
NOTE: The Redial function will not operate if the number to be redialed contains more than 32 digits. If the number is longer than that, you will hear an error tone.
Reviewing the Redial Numbers
Your phone records up to three previously dialed phone numbers.
1. When the phone is idle, press the Redial button.
Use the VOL (- or +) button to view the last three previously dialed
While the preferred number is displayed, press the Spk, Talk, or a Line
button to dial the phone number.
Telephone Operation
NOTE: If you do not select a Line button, the line is automatically seized and the number is dialed accordingly.
Storing a Redial Record in Phone Book
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in Talk mode).
2. Press the Redial button, then use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to
the desired redial number.
Press the SAVE soft key.
4. “Enter Name” shows in the display. Input a name. Please refer to section
“Handset Name” for name editing method.
NOTE: A name must be input otherwise the record cannot be stored.
Press the SAVE soft key. The desired redial number shows in the display.
6. You can edit the telephone number.
7. Press SAVE soft key to enter the VIP Tone Melody selection.
Transferring a Call to Another Extension
1. Press XFER soft key when the phone is in Talk mode.
2. Use VOL (- or +) to select the desired handset or base you want to
transfer to, and then press the SELECT soft key.
The unit will intercom the selected handset or base, and it will ring for
this intercom call. At this moment, the call is on hold.
Once the selected handset answers the intercom call, after the call
transfer initialized unit hangs up, the call can be transferred to the desired handset or base, or press the CONF soft key to enter conference call mode.
If the selected unit rejects the intercom call, the call transfer initialized
unit shows ”Unavailable” in the display for 3 seconds, and then you can pick up the call again.
Receiving a Transferred Call from Another Extension
If the unit receives a transfer call paging, “Intercom call from base/Handset X” shows in the display. Press the Talk button (handset only) or Speaker
button (both base and handset) to answer the call. If you press the REJECT soft key, the intercom paging will be stopped.
Ringer On/Off and Ringer Volume
1. Make sure the phone is in idle mode.
2. Press the VOL (- or +) button to activate the ringer volume setting. Use
the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to your selection and use the DIR or CID button to toggle between L 1 and L 2. The default setting is VOL 3.
Press the SELECT soft key to save your selection.
NOTE: If you choose the ringer OFF, “L1/L2 RINGER OFF” shows in the display.
Telephone Operation
Speakerphone, Handset, and Headset Volume
While the phone is in use, during the desired mode, press the VOL (+ or -) buttons until you reach a comfortable listening level. The phone stores the setting after the last button pressed.
In Talk mode, press the Hold button to hold the line. “Line X ON HOLD” shows in the LCD display, and the line icon will flash. On the base, the Line button indicator will flash also.
When the line is on hold, the hold alert tone will be emitted. Press the corresponding LINE soft key (on handset), or the Line button (on
base) to release the hold and pick up the call again.
Conference Calls
This system can support 3-way and 4-way conference calls.
Join a call in progress:
1. While a call is in progress, another user can join that call by pressing
the corresponding Line button on the base unit or soft key in the handset. Both parties on the original call will hear a tone to alert them someone else has joined the call.
NOTE: If the privacy feature is On for the original call, the call cannot be joined by another user.
3-way conference call by an intercom call:
While on a call, press the Intercom button, wait for timer to clear from
the screen, press the Intercom button again and then select the desired handset or base to intercom.
The selected handset or base will emit a page tone. The user can press
the Talk button on the handset or the Speaker button on the base to answer the intercom call page.
The originating caller can then press the CONF soft key shown on the
display to establish a 3-way conference between the external caller and the intercom call.
3-way conference call with two lines:
During a call on Line 1, press the Hold button to put the call on hold.
Press the Line 2 button or soft key on the handset to get a dial tone.
Dial the number, and then talk to the other person.
The originating caller can then press the CONF soft key shown on the
display to establish a 3-way conference between the two lines.
4-way conference call (Line 1 + Line 2 + 2 extension):
Once the base unit or handset has both Line 1 and 2 on hold, press
the Intercom button and then select the desired handset or base to intercom.
The selected handset or base will emit a page tone. The user can press
the Talk button on the handset or the Speaker button on the base to answer the intercom call page.
Intercom Calls
3. The originating caller can then press the CONF soft key shown on the
display to initiate a conference. Since Line 1 and 2 are both on hold, the user will be prompted to select Line 1, Line 2 or Both to conference with. The user can then use the soft keys to select the desired option. If the BOTH soft key is selected a 4-way conference is established between the originating caller, both lines and the intercom call.
Intercom Calls
One-Touch Intercom
1. On the base, in idle mode, press any One-Touch Intercom button (1-
10) for the station you want to intercom with. One-Touch button #1 represents handset 01, #2 represents handset 02, etc. The Intercom paging ring will be emitted.
-OR­ You may press the Intercom button, then press the Intercom/Memory
button (1-10) for the stations you want to intercom with.
Press the Intercom button, and all the registered handsets and the
base except itself list in the log, use the VOL (- or +) key to scroll to the station you want to intercom with, and then press SELECT soft key to confirm.
NOTE: To abort intercom call, press the STOP soft key. NOTE: If the receiving station does not answer within 30 seconds, the
intercom call is cancelled. You will hear an error tone and “Unavailable” shows in the display.
Answering an Intercom Call
When you receive an Intercom call, the display shows the Caller’s Name and Phone ID.
If you want to answer with the speakerphone, press the Speaker button. If you want to answer by headset, press the Headset button on the base or the Talk button on the handset. The headset must be already connected.
If you do not want to answer this intercom call, press the REJECT soft key.
The page feature helps you locate a misplaced handset.
1. Press the Page button on the base. The handset beeps and the Visual
Indicator on the handset flashes. “Paging from Base” shows in the handset display.
To cancel the page, press the Page button on the base, or press STOP
soft key on the base, or press Exit key on the base, or press any key on the handset. Otherwise the paging will last for 2 minutes.
Auto Standby
If you place the handset in the cradle while the handset is off the hook (during a call), the call is automatically disconnected.
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