Raymarine Raytech RNS User Manual

Raytech RNS V6.1
User’s Guide
Document Number: 81260_2
October 2008
Trademarks and registered trademarks
Autohelm, HSB, Raymarine, RayTech, Sail Pilot, SeaTalk and Sportpilot are registered trademarks of Raymarine Limited. Apelco is a registered trade­mark of Raymarine Holdings Limited (Registered in all major marketing territories).
AST, Autoadapt, Auto GST, Autoseastate, Autotrim, Bidata, Marine Intelli­gence, Maxiview, On Board, Raychart, Raynav, Raypilot, Raystar, ST40, ST60, Seaclutter, Smart Route, Tridata and Waypoint Navigation are trade­marks of Raymarine Limited.
Windows and NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel.
NVIDIA and GeForce are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corp.
Maptech is a registered trademark of Maptech.
C-Map and C-Map NT+ are registered trademarks of C-Map SRL.
Navionics is a registered trademark of Navionics SpA.
All other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trade­marks (if applicable) of their respective companies.
© Raymarine plc 2008


Contents............................................................. i
Important information .................................... 1
Safety notices.........................................................................1
Intended use ..........................................................................1
Disclaimers............................................................................. 1
The limits of electronic navigation .........................................2
About this manual.................................................................. 2
Conventions used...................................................................3
Product use ............................................................................3
System integration .................................................................3
Technical accuracy .................................................................3
System overview and features.....................5
Introduction .......................................................................... 5
What do I get in the box? ..................................................... 5
System overview ................................................................... 6
System features .................................................................... 6
Easy marine navigation ....................................................... 6
Chart formats ...................................................................... 6
Comprehensive Weather/ Oceanographic reporting............ 7
Advanced graphical user interface ...................................... 7
Navionics Platinum chart card............................................. 7
Sailboat racing .................................................................... 7
Fishing (US market only) ..................................................... 7
System requirements.....................................9
Introduction ...........................................................................9
System requirements .............................................................9
Minimum system requirements............................................9
Optimum system requirements ............................................9
Is my PC ready to use RayTech? ............................................10
Upgrading drivers and adapters ............................................12
Driver update .......................................................................12
DirectX .................................................................................13
Useful websites....................................................................14
Getting started ............................................... 15
Introduction ...........................................................................15
Installing RayTech .................................................................15
Installation from a CD-ROM.................................................15
Installation from the Internet ...............................................15
Starting to use RayTech .........................................................16
License keys .........................................................................16
Running RayTech for the first time.......................................17
Using RayTech on a new computer......................................19
Continuing To Use RayTech ...................................................19
Operating modes .................................................................19
Simulator .............................................................................19
Raytech Planner - Simulate mode. .......................................20
RayTech Planner only operates in ‘Simulate mode’. If you want
to change the Simulator’s automatic settings, you can taylor the
menu to suit your needs. The Simulator menu is available to edit:
Setting up RayTech ................................................................20
ii RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Installing instruments to RayTech ..........................................21
RayTech Tools ......................................................................21
File/Setup/Instruments feature .............................................21
Installing charts .....................................................................25
C-MapNT+/PC charts from CD-ROM ....................................25
Maptech cartography ...........................................................25
Navionics cartography..........................................................26
RayTech chart installer .........................................................26
The user interface and controls .................. 27
Introduction ...........................................................................27
The screen .............................................................................27
Interface controls ...................................................................27
Drop down menus................................................................28
Toolbars ...............................................................................28
Right mouse menus..............................................................28
Pathfinder panel...................................................................29
Displaying information ..........................................................29
Selection dialog box.............................................................29
Action box............................................................................30
Data box...............................................................................30
Alert and information dialog box .........................................30
Application information box.................................................30
Changing what you see on the screen ...................................31
Moving around a split page .................................................31
Using charts..................................................... 33
Introduction ...........................................................................33
Use your charts safely .......................................................... 33
The chart screen .................................................................... 33
Opening a chart .....................................................................33
Moving around the chart .......................................................34
Chart panning ...................................................................... 34
Finding your boat on the chart.............................................34
Choosing a chart type ...........................................................34
Chart layers..........................................................................35
Chart order...........................................................................35
Chart quilting.......................................................................36
Using Platinum cartography ........................ 39
Introduction ...........................................................................39
2D cartography ....................................................................39
3D bathymetric charts..........................................................39
New 2D chart features ..........................................................40
Aerial photo overlay.............................................................40
Pilot book.............................................................................41
2D chart enhancements .........................................................42
Business services information ..............................................42
Find nearest .........................................................................42
Search port by name ............................................................ 43
Wrecks data.........................................................................43
Coastal roads ....................................................................... 44
US inland waterways ...........................................................44
3D bathymetric chart application ..........................................45
The application ....................................................................46
The controls......................................................................... 46
The operating modes........................................................... 46
Using 2D and 3D charts together ........................................ 49
Navigating with 3D Charts .................................................. 49
Working with waypoints ...............................51
Introduction .......................................................................... 51
What is a waypoint? ............................................................. 51
Placing a waypoint ............................................................... 51
...at the cursor’s current position......................................... 51
... at the boat’s current position .......................................... 51
... at a known position ........................................................ 51
Placing a man overboard marker .......................................... 53
Changing a waypoint symbol ............................................... 53
Navigating to a waypoint ..................................................... 54
...using the WAYPT button .................................................. 54
...using the cursor................................................................ 54
...using the waypoints list ................................................... 54
Moving a waypoint ............................................................... 54
Edit waypoint details ............................................................ 55
Organizing waypoints ........................................................... 55
Deleting a waypoint or waypoint folder? .............................. 56
Waypoint recycle bin ............................................................ 56
Transferring route and waypoint data .................................. 57
Working with routes ......................................61
Introduction .......................................................................... 61
What is a route? ................................................................... 61
Creating a route .................................................................... 61
Add a waypoint to a route ...................................................62
Deleting a waypoint.............................................................63
Choosing a route..................................................................64
Following route....................................................................64
Monitoring the course ...........................................................64
Restart XTE ..........................................................................65
Next Leg and Previous Leg...................................................65
Using tides and currents................................67
Introduction ...........................................................................67
Setting the region ................................................................67
Tides ......................................................................................68
Open nearest tides...............................................................68
Currents .................................................................................69
Open nearest currents..........................................................69
Working with radar (Analog)........................ 71
Introduction ...........................................................................71
Displaying radar in a new page .............................................71
The radar picture ...................................................................71
Changing how the radar picture is shown .............................72
Head - up (H-UP)..................................................................72
North - up (N-UP).................................................................72
Course - up (C-UP) ...............................................................72
Getting the best radar picture ...............................................72
Gain ....................................................................................72
Sea mode .............................................................................73
Gain mode ...........................................................................73
iv RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Tune .....................................................................................73
Making targets clearer? .........................................................74
Interference rejection ...........................................................74
Wakes ..................................................................................74
Setting up the radar display ...................................................74
Short range scales................................................................74
Long range scales.................................................................74
Changing the displayed range..............................................75
Marking a position on-screen ................................................75
Using radar to help avoid a collision .....................................75
Range rings ..........................................................................75
VRMs/EBLs. ..........................................................................76
Guard zones.........................................................................77
Placing a guard zone............................................................78
MARPA ..................................................................................78
Safety Notices ......................................................................78
What is MARPA?..................................................................78
Target and vector history .....................................................79
Target history .......................................................................80
MARPA targets.....................................................................80
Using the Radar (Digital)............................... 83
Radar setup ...........................................................................83
Select scanner ......................................................................83
Scanner setup.......................................................................83
Powering on/off the various scanner operating modes ..........84
Radar range and image quality .............................................85
Image quality ....................................................................... 86
Side lobes.............................................................................86
Indirect echoes.....................................................................87
Multiple echoes....................................................................87
Blind sectors ........................................................................87
Sea clutter............................................................................ 87
Rain or snow clutter............................................................. 88
Mutual radar interference .................................................... 88
Radar window overview ........................................................ 89
Your position .......................................................................89
Operation modes .................................................................89
Other vessels or objects .......................................................89
Factors affecting echo strength............................................89
Using waypoints with the radar ............................................90
Radar display options ............................................................90
Setting the motion mode .....................................................92
Tuning the radar display: .......................................................93
Gain .....................................................................................93
Gain presets.........................................................................93
Manually adjusting gain settings .........................................93
Gain .....................................................................................93
Color Gain............................................................................94
Radar colors.........................................................................94
Rain clutter ..........................................................................94
Sea clutter............................................................................ 94
Super HD adjustments ...........................................................94
Antenna boost..................................................................... 94
Power boost ........................................................................ 95
Tuning the radar display: ENHANCE ECHOES ....................... 95
Interference rejection .......................................................... 95
Expansion............................................................................ 95
Wakes ................................................................................. 95
Radar range .......................................................................... 96
Synchronizing radar range and chart scale.......................... 96
Measuring distance, range and bearing ............................... 96
Range rings ......................................................................... 96
Bearing and range............................................................... 97
The Variable Range Marker (VRM) and Electronic Bearing Line
(EBL).................................................................................... 97
Variable Range Marker........................................................ 97
Electronic Bearing Marker ................................................... 98
Combined range and bearing.............................................. 99
Tracking a target with a VRM or EBL .................................. 99
Floating VRM and EBL......................................................... 99
Using radar to track objects .................................................. 100
Guard zones ........................................................................ 100
MARPA................................................................................ 101
Displaying vessel identity (AIS)............................................ 104
Automatic Identification System (AIS)........105
Introduction .......................................................................... 105
What is AIS? ......................................................................... 105
Classes of AIS data.............................................................. 105
What do I need to run AIS? .................................................. 106
AIS baud rate selection ..........................................................106
Selecting the AIS function .....................................................107
How is AIS data displayed? ...................................................108
AIS Target symbols...............................................................109
Viewing target information..................................................109
MARPA and AIS options ......................................................110
Safety messages...................................................................111
AIS Alarms .............................................................................111
AIS Layer Setup Menu ...........................................................111
Working with sonar........................................ 113
Introduction ...........................................................................113
The sonar screen ...................................................................113
Displaying sonar in a new page ...........................................113
Presets ...................................................................................113
Changing the screen view .....................................................114
Background color.................................................................114
Scrolling speed.....................................................................114
Target depth ID ....................................................................115
Improving the underwater view ............................................115
Changing the range .............................................................116
Selecting the operating frequency........................................116
Making the picture clearer ....................................................117
Gain mode ...........................................................................117
Color gain mode ..................................................................117
Color Threshold....................................................................118
Getting a clear picture of the bottom ....................................120
vi RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Getting a live image from below the boat .............................122
Isolating objects near the bottom ..........................................125
Getting a closer view ...........................................................125
Marking an on-screen position ..............................................125
Measuring an object’s depth and distance ............................127
Sonar alarms ..........................................................................128
Shallow water alarm ............................................................128
Deep water alarm.................................................................128
Fish alarm ............................................................................129
Sonar data recording and playback .......................................129
RayTech advanced features.......................... 133
Introduction ...........................................................................133
Weather information .............................................................133
Advanced Weather and Satellite Fishing Maps ....................133
The screen............................................................................134
Getting weather information from the internet....................135
Getting weather, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Plankton
information by E-mail...........................................................136
3rd Party GRIB (Weather) files .............................................137
Viewing a weather file .........................................................137
Configuring the Weather Layer ............................................137
Viewing an SST and Plankton file.........................................137
Configuring the Fishing Layer (SST and Plankton)................138
Animating weather files .......................................................139
Measuring distances on a chart .............................................141
Creating and modifying databoxes ........................................143
Modifying a databox............................................................143
Creating a databox ..............................................................145
Modifying a channel ............................................................145
Using the font selector.........................................................145
Polar plotting ........................................................................147
Data collection.....................................................................147
Entering and editing data ....................................................147
Graphing and reading a polar plot.......................................151
Instrument calibration for accurate data.............................. 153
DataTrak ................................................................................154
Pre-start display ....................................................................157
Route optimization ................................................................160
Navigation numbers ..............................................................163
Engine panel .........................................................................164
Using video .................................................... 167
Introduction ...........................................................................167
The user interface .................................................................. 167
RNS mode........................................................ 171
Introduction ...........................................................................171
USB navigation keyboard ......................................................171
The controls .........................................................................171
Installing the RNS keyboard ..................................................173
Setting up RayTech for use with the RNS keyboard ...............173
Troubleshooting RayTech ............................. 175
Introduction ...........................................................................175
Technical support ..................................................................182
Charts ..........................................................................183
Vector ..................................................................................183
Raster.................................................................................. 183
Aerial imagery..................................................................... 184
Radar .......................................................................... 185
Scanner ............................................................................... 185
Standard range scales ......................................................... 186
Identifying false echo returns .............................................. 187
Sonar .......................................................................... 191
Boat speed .......................................................................... 192
Target depth........................................................................ 192
Target size........................................................................... 192
Transducer frequency .......................................................... 192
Installation Guidelines............................................. 195
Suppression Ferrites ............................................................ 195
Connections to other equipment......................................... 195
System integration ................................................................ 196
What is System Integration? ............................................... 196
NMEA basics ....................................................................... 197
RS-232 basics ...................................................................... 197
Connecting RayTech to your instruments ............................ 199
Connecting directly to an NMEA GPS.................................. 199
Connecting directly to NMEA equipped instruments........... 200
SeaTalkhs ............................................................................ 200
SeaTalk devices ................................................................... 204
RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface: ................................ 205
Mounting the interface box................................................. 205
RayTech SeaTalk/PC/NMEA Interface box troubleshooting . 206 Connecting NMEA direct to Raymarine Pathfinder displays: 206
Connecting an hsb2 PCMCIA PC kit .................................... 207
PCI to PCMCIA cardbus adapter ..........................................208
Connecting an hsb2 to USB2.0 interface..............................208
Connecting to B & G Instruments.........................................208
Connecting to KVH Instruments...........................................209
Connecting to Ockam Instruments.......................................209
Connecting a USB C-Card Reader ........................................210
Fully integrated system ........................................................210
Integrated system checks.....................................................210
Toolbars...................................................................... 213
Main menu...........................................................................213
Standard toolbar ..................................................................218
Routes and waypoints toolbar .............................................219
Charting toolbar...................................................................219
Animation toolbar................................................................220
Alarms toolbar .....................................................................221
Tides/Currents toolbar..........................................................221
3D toolbar............................................................................222
Fishing toolbar .....................................................................223
Yacht racing toolbar.............................................................223
Pre-start toolbar...................................................................224
Weather toolbar...................................................................224
Databox toolbar...................................................................225
List of abbreviations ................................................ 227
Glossary of terms...................................................... 229
viii RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Important information 1

Important information

Safety notices

Navigation aid
When this product is used within a navigation system, it is only an aid to navigation. It’s accuracy can be affected by many factors, including equipment failure or defects, envi­ronmental conditions and improper use or handling. It is the user’s responsibility to exercise common prudence and navigational judgements. This product should not be relied upon as a substitute for such prudence and judge­ment. Always maintain a permanent watch so that you can respond to situations as they develop.
Navionics CF Card Reader
The Navionics CF card reader has been designed and tested for home and dockside planning use only and has not been tested to marine standards for ruggedness or interference with other devices on board the vessel. Raymarine cannot accept responsibility or liability for any damage to the card reader, associated systems and equip­ment or compatibility issues arising from its use while underway.

Intended use

RayTech V6.1 is intended for recreational marine use. Users should note that
only authorized government charts and associated Notices to Mariners
contain all the information required for safe navigation
Product installation
This equipment must be installed and operated in accor­dance with the Raymarine instructions provided within this guide. Failure to do so could result in poor product performance, personal injury, and/or damage to your boat.


This electronic chart is an aid to navigation designed to facilitate the use of
authorized government charts, not to replace them. Only official government
charts and notices to mariners contain all of the current information needed
for the safety of navigation, and the Captain is responsible for their prudent
2 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
This program and its charts do not excuse the user from carrying the required official charts and documents.
Raymarine does not warrant that this product is error free or that it is compatible with products manufactured by any person or entity other than Raymarine.
This product utilizes digital chart data, and electronic information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) and weather information which may contain errors. Raymarine does not warrant the accuracy of such information and you are advised that errors in such information may cause the product to malfunction or give incorrect readings. Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your use or inability to use the product, by the interaction of the product with products manufactured by others, or by errors in chart data or information utilized by the product provided by third parties.
Except for the limited warranty regarding the magnetic media contained in the license agreement accompanying the product, this product is provided ‘AS IS’ without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any others which may arise from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade.

The limits of electronic navigation

Experienced navigators know not to rely on a single method of navigation for determining their position. Two or more methods should be used to determine position and guard against errors placing you or your boat in a dangerous position. Global Positioning System (GPS) based electronic navigation is an amazing application of technology, but like all other technology, has limits. A wise navigator will understand these limits and how they affect the safety of their boat and crew.
The Global Positioning System is made up of components starting with ground based computers to monitor and maintain the system made up of 24 satellites in orbit around the earth. The system ends at your boat’s receiver.
Like all systems it is not perfect and any part of it can fail. GPS accuracy varies between 2 and 50 meters.
NMEA 0183 1.0 / 1.5 only supports 2 digits of latitude and longitude, giving a precision of approximately 60 feet.
NMEA 2.0 / 2.1 supports 3 digits of latitude and longitude, giving a precision of approximately 6 feet.
Another limitation to the system accuracy is digital charts. These electronic charts are made by highly skilled cartographers. Surveys on which the cartography is based, were in some cases, made over 50 years ago. So despite everyone’s best efforts, it may be possible to have errors in the final product.
Lastly, RayTech software was developed by highly skilled and talented software engineers and underwent a rigorous test and quality assurance program before being released. However, it is possible that software issues or malfunctions may remain undetected in the software. While Raymarine make every effort to find, fix and repair software issues as they are discovered, this product is specifically not promised to be issue free.

About this manual

This manual describes how to install and operate RayTech V6.1 marine navigation software. It assumes that the personal computer (PC) on which the software is to be installed meets the requirements for running this version of RayTech, and that all peripheral equipment intended to be operated with it is compatible and has been correctly installed.
This manual is intended for users with varying technical and marine abilities, but assumes a general level of knowledge of PC use and nautical terminology and practices.
This manual gives an overview of RayTech V6.1, and details the main functions and how to operate them. There are several ways that a task can be
Important information 3
completed, experiment, find the way of using RayTech that best suits your way of working.

Conventions used

In this manual the following conventions will be used:
• RayTech refers to RayTech V6.1.
• The names of keyboard keys are printed in boldface, such as Enter.
• Italics are used to show names, such as Find Vessel, except with notes.
• Instructions using menu options are written as menu option/submenu option. For example, the instructions might read ‘Select File/ Layers’. This means go to the File menu on the drop-down menus and select it. A submenu will appear that contains the Layers option for you to select.
• ‘Click’ refers to clicking the mouse button. Unless otherwise stated, it refers to the left mouse button once.
• ‘Right click’ refers to clicking the right mouse button once.
• ‘Double click’ means to click the left mouse button twice quickly.
Open Chart
, or softkeys such as

Product use

You may not use this product unless you agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement.
In accepting these terms and conditions, you agree to be bound by the terms of the license agreement and to release and hold Raymarine harmless from and against any and all claims, obligations and liabilities with respect to the product, except those specifically reserved in the license agreement.
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the license agreement, you may return the program within thirty (30) days of the date of purchase by following the instructions contained within the license agreement.

System integration

RayTech V6.1 has been designed to work transparently with Raymarine’s SeaTalk or SeaTalk
outputs data in National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 format. These protocols allow information such as heading, wind speed and direction, sea temperature and other information to be accessed and displayed within RayTech. Information generated by RayTech can also be displayed on your boat’s standard on-board instruments.
If you intend to run RayTech on a laptop computer as part of an integrated system you should read “Installation Guidelines” on page 195 to ensure correct connectivity into the system.
data communication networks, or any other device that

Technical accuracy

The technical information contained within this manual, to the best of our knowledge, was correct at the time of printing. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain.
In addition Raymarine’s policy of continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice. As a result Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product and the manual.


Under copyright laws use of this manual is intended for the original licensee. No portion of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the licensee’s use, without the express written permission of Raymarine, and provided in the licensing agreement between you and Raymarine.
4 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Chapter 1: System overview and features 5

Chapter 1: System overview and features

1.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces RayTech and covers the following:
• What’s in the box.
•System overview.

1.2 What do I get in the box?

When you open the box containing RayTech, you will find various components, depending on which package you have purchased.
RayTech V6.1 - Part No.E112111
Component Part No.
RayTech CD-ROM with license key decal 47001-2
RayTech accessory list 47015-1
RayTech User’s Manual 81260-1
Navionics CF Chart Reader E86026
If any of the components are missing, you should contact, in the first instance, the Raymarine dealer where you purchased your package, or Raymarine Customer Support, the details of which can be found in the Technical Support section of this handbook, on page 182.
The following accessories are available for RayTech:
Component Raymarine Part No.
Navionics CF Chart Reader E86026
C-Map USB C-Card Reader E86008
SeaTalk to PC Interface E85001
PC (PCMCIA) Kit V6.1
hsb2 PC (USB) Kit V6.1
Serial data cable, DB-9 E86001
RayTech V6.1 Manual 81260-2
crossover coupler
The use of the PCMCIA to hsb
kit, hsb 2 to USB 2.0 and C-map USB C-card reader are limited to use on platforms running on Windows 2000 or XP only
6 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Navionics CF Card Reader
The Navionics CF card reader has been designed and tested for home and dockside planning use only and has not been tested to marine standards for ruggedness or interference with other devices on board the vessel. Raymarine cannot accept responsibility or liability for any damage to the card reader, associated systems and equip­ment or compatibility issues arising from its use while underway.
Subscription services
Technical Support, comprehensive weather reporting and fishing updates require online registration and subscription at www.raymarine.com.

1.3 System overview

RayTech operates within a standard Windows environment, and enables you to utilize the latest digital charts and Global Positioning System (GPS)
instrumentation to help you navigate your boat virtually anywhere in the world. RayTech easily interfaces with your boats onboard navigational systems, offering you the flexibility to allow RayTech to autopilot your boat to any destination you chose to plot.
RayTech also incorporates the capability to download the latest weather and oceanographic information and display it on any chart. Advanced features are included that will enhance RayTech’s route plotting and fishfinding performance making it an ideal choice for the serious sailor or fisherman.

1.4 System features

RayTech has been designed for ease of use and incorporates the following features:

Easy marine navigation

RayTech takes the guesswork out of marine navigation by enabling easy and accurate planning and plotting of simple or complex routes. These can be stored and re-used, even changed whilst in use to take changing weather conditions or other factors into account.

Chart formats

RayTech uses the latest digitized versions of the paper charts traditionally used in marine navigation, and supports the following chart formats:
• Navionics Silver and Gold+.
• Navionics Platinum and Platinum Plus.
• Navionics HotMaps.
• Navionics Fish ‘n’ Chip (US market only).
• C-Map NT and NT Plus.
• Maptech BSB v2.0/v3.0/v4.0 & NOAA RNC.
•Maptech PCX.
• Maptech Photo Regions and Topographical charts.
• SoftCharts Nautical charts and PhotoNavigator.
• NDI/CHS charts.
Support for viewing Navionics cartography within RayTech is only possible if the Navionics cartography is contained on a Compact Flash card, and is served by either a Raymarine Multifunctional display/network or a Navionics Multi-card reader.
Chapter 1: System overview and features 7

Comprehensive Weather/ Oceanographic reporting

RayTech offers you the capability to download and display the latest weather and ocean conditions, and then superimpose this information upon your charts in several layers. Weather and oceanographic charts (in GRIB format) can be downloaded directly from the Internet or requested via e-mail. These files can be animated to show predicted weather conditions over a specified period of time. Typical weather files contain information covering a period of several days, giving you a comprehensive presentation of atmospheric and marine conditions.
These features require online registration at www.raymarine.com.

Advanced graphical user interface

RayTech is operated via an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI) complete with many customizable toolbars, softkeys and ‘floating’ data boxes. Using an intuitive menu hierarchy, you can display only those tools that you commonly use, or customize screens to show you only pertinent information, with just a few mouse clicks. RayTech’s flexible GUI enables you to quickly and easily tailor its powerful resources to suit your needs.

Navionics Platinum chart card

Compatibility with Navionics Platinum chart card provides you with enhanced 2D cartography features, and introduces an easy to use 3D chart format that provides you with a graphical view of land and sea contours around your boat. Much of the information available on a conventional chart can be shown in three dimensions, giving you an accurate easy-to-view image of the area around.
To read Navionics Platinum Chart cards you will need to install a Navionics Multicard reader - Part No. E86026, or have RayTech connected via SeaTalk
to an E-Series display.

Sailboat racing

The sail racer features are targeted towards the professional sailboat racer, and include
• DataTrak.
• Route Optimization.
• Advanced weather routing.
• Pre-start display.
• Navigation numbers.
• Specialized racing toolbar.

Fishing (US market only)

The fishing features are targeted towards the serious fisherman. Raymarine offers subscription services to support the following fishing features:
• Ocean plankton - using data from the Orb View 2 satellite.
• Sea surface temperature (SST) - using data from U.S. Government weather satellites.
These features require online registration at www.raymarine.com.
8 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Chapter 2: System requirements 9

Chapter 2: System requirements

2.1 Introduction

This section deals with making sure that your PC is ready to install and run RayTech and details:
• System requirements.
• Whether your PC is ready to install RayTech.
• Upgrading drivers and adapters.

2.2 System requirements

Before you can begin installing RayTech, you need to make sure that the PC you intend to use meets the minimum hardware requirements for running the software. Whilst RayTech will run successfully on the minimum require­ment, for best performance, the optimum requirements are recommended.
The minimum and optimum requirements are:

Minimum system requirements

The minimum system requirements are:
• Pentium IV processor.
• 256MB RAM.
• XP with SP2 (Service Pack 2).
•CD-ROM drive.
• Monitor - capable of displaying 1024 x 768 resolution, 16 bit color.
IMPORTANT - In addition to the minimum/optimum requirements you will also require 1 or more of the following, depending on how RayTech is to be connected to your instruments system/network:
• Serial port - for connecting to NMEA 0183 or SeaTalk.
• Ethernet port - for connecting to a G or E-Series display using
• PCMCIA port - for connecting to an hsb
• USB 2.0 port - for connecting to a hsb
• USB or USB 2.0 port - for Navionics Multicard Reader or of Serial to
hsb2 adaptor.
PCMCIA adaptor.
USB adapter.
The use of the PCMCIA to hsb
system using a PCMCIA to
system using a USB 2.0/
kit, hsb 2 to USB 2.0 and C-map USB C-card reader are limited to use on platforms running on Windows 2000 or XP only

Optimum system requirements

The optimum system requirements are:
• Pentium IV 2GHz processor or equivalent.
• 1GB RAM or higher.
• Windows XP SP2.
GeForce graphics card.
10 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide

2.3 Is my PC ready to use RayTech?

Is the processor at least a 2GHz Pentium IV?
An upgrade is required.
Visit www.raymarine.com for
details of recommended PCs and adapters
Does the PC have at least 256 mb RAM?
Is the PC running Windows XP?
Does the PC have an NVIDIA GeForce graphics adapter?
Does the PC have a serial (RS232) port?
An upgrade is required.
Visit www.raymarine.com for
details of recommended PCs and adapters
RayTech RNS requires Windows XP
Raymarine recommends NVIDIA
graphics adapters for best performance
A USB-serial adaptor is required if connecting
to NMEA or SeaTalk
Visit www.raymarine.com for
details of recommended PCs and adapters
Chapter 2: System requirements 11
Is the PC a laptop?*
You will need a PCI-PCMCIA adaptor if
connecting to hsb display via an hsb PC kit.
Visit www.raymarine.com for
Does the PC have an USB 2.0 port?
Does the PC have an available Ethernet port
Is the PC's software up-to-date?
details of recommended PCs and adapters
You will need a USB 2.0 port if connecting to an
hsb display using the hsb to USB 2.0 interface
You will need an Ethernet port for interfacing
Get the latest software updates for your PC from
and the manufacturer of your graphics adapter
(e.g. http://www.nvidia.com) or PC.
Your PC is now ready for RayTech RNS
*If you are not planning to buy the Pathfinder PC kit, or use RayTech’s hsb2 networking capability for chart, radar, sonar sharing, you can skip this
12 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide

2.4 Upgrading drivers and adapters

Prior to installing RayTech, Raymarine strongly recommend updating your PC display drivers and verifying that you have the latest versions of Microsoft DirectX and your Display adapter driver installed.
It will be necessary to have the PC connected to the Internet for
these checks and updates to be carried out.

Driver update

To ensure that your PC is current with regard to Windows operating system patches you should execute the Windows Update utility.
Figure 2-1: Welcome to Windows Update.
Figure 2-2: Review Updates screen.
To run the Windows Update utility:
1. On the computer taskbar, click
2. Select and click
Windows Update
. The pop-up menu is displayed.
. The PC will connect to the Microsoft
Windows Update site.
3. The Welcome screen is displayed. See Figure 2-1
4. Click
Scan for Updates
5. Your computer is scanned to find which update patches are required. The screen updates to show the progress of the scan. When the scan is complete the Review Updates screen is displayed. See Figure 2-2
6. Click
7. Click
Review and Install Updates.
Install Now
. Installation of the updates starts, with progress
The available updates are displayed.
being shown on screen.
8. Upon completion of the installation a dialog box appears. This will tell you that installation is complete and that you need to restart your computer for the updates to be activated.
9. Check Restart Now. Click
. Your computer will restart and Windows
will be updated.
10. Repeat Steps 1-9 until all applicable updates have been installed.
Chapter 2: System requirements 13
Windows update does not always update all drivers. Raymarine recommend that you check your PC/Hardware manufacturers web site to check for relevant driver updates.


To ensure that you have the latest version of DirectX installed you should run the DirectX diagnostics utility.
To run DirectX diagnostics utility:
Version number
Figure 2-3: Direct X Diagnostics screen 1.
Display adapter details
1. On the computer taskbar, click
2. Select and click Run. The Run dialog box is displayed.
3. Type in, dxdiag. Click
See Figure 2-3
4. Make a note of the version number installed on your computer.
5. Click the
Display or Display 1
displayed. See Figure 2-4
6. Make a note of the display adapter name, manufacturer, chip type and driver version installed on your computer (highlighted in the picture above).
7. Point your Internet browser to -
If the version installed is not current, download and install the latest version.
8. Point your Internet browser to the display adapter manufacturer’s site and check the current version available. If the version installed is not current, download the latest version.
Laptop users should check their PC Manufacturers web site for rele-
vant video driver updates.
The pop-up menu is displayed.
. The DirectX diagnostic tool will be displayed.
tab. The display adapter screen is
http:// www.microsoft.com/windows/
and check the current version of DirectX.
Figure 2-4: Direct X Diagnostics screen 2.
14 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide

Useful websites

You may find the following websites useful when ensuring your PC has the latest drivers and adapters available:
PC manufacturers
Manufacturer Web site
Acer www.acer.com
Dell www.dell.com
Fujitsu-Siemens www.fujitsu-siemens.com
HP www.hp.com
IBM www.ibm.com
Samsung www.samsung.com
Sony www.sony.com
Toshiba www.toshiba.com
Software and graphics manufacturers
Manufacturer Website
AMD software www.amd.com
ATI graphics www.ati.com
Intel software www.intel.com
NVIDIA graphics www.nvidia.com
SIS software www.sis.com.tw
VIA software www.viarena.com
Chapter 3: Getting started 15

Chapter 3: Getting started

3.1 Introduction

Having made sure that your computer meets the operating requirements and has the latest drivers installed. See “System requirements” on page 9, you are now ready to install and run RayTech. This section deals with:
• Installing and setting up RayTech.
• Installing charts.

3.2 Installing RayTech

Having checked that your computer meets the operating requirements, and upgraded its drivers and adapters as necessary your computer is now ready for installing RayTech.
You are now ready to install RayTech. There is a choice of how RayTech can be installed on your computer:
• from a CD-ROM.
• from the Internet.

Installation from a CD-ROM

To install RayTech using a CD-ROM:
1. Insert the RayTech CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer on which you want to install the software.
2. The CD will automatically run and the Install Shield Wizard Welcome screen appears.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
If the Install Shield Wizard does not automatically run:
1. Select
2. Click Install Software. The Install Shield Wizard Welcome screen is
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
(Substitute the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive for ‘e’ if it is differ­ent). After a few moments the Install Shield Wizard welcome screen is displayed.
from the computer taskbar and type e:\main.exe.

Installation from the Internet

To install RayTech from the Internet:
1. Point your Internet browser to software.
2. Click
3. Click
4. Complete the registration form
5. Click
6. Click
7. Click
8. Select the location and click
RayTechupgrade/Download and install the application here Download RNS 6.1 (Registration required)
screen appears.
. The download instruction page opens.
Proceed to Download Save.
You are now prompted to select a location to save the file.
RayTech is a very large file (130MB). Dial-up connections are not recommended for this operation. A CD-ROM can be purchased from Raymarine if you prefer.
. The registration
. The Download security dialog box appears.
. File download begins.
16 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Figure 3-1: RayTech Startup Wizard Screen
After you have downloaded the file, it must be opened onto your computer as follows:
1. Open the location where the file is stored.
2. Double-click the RayTech icon.
3. Click Run. The Install Shield Wizard is displayed.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Raymarine recommends that you save the downloaded installation executable file by burning it to a CD-ROM and storing with your RayTech documentation.

3.3 Starting to use RayTech

Now that you have successfully installed RayTech on your computer the following steps explain how to start using the product.

License keys

Before using RayTech for the first time you will need to enter a license key.
RayTech Planner does not require a licence key. See “Raytech Planner - Simulate mode.” on page 20.
There are two types of license key for RayTech:
V6.1 Upgrade License key - required if you are upgrading to RayTech V6.1 from an earlier version.
V6.1 License key - included when you purchase RayTech V6.1
Both keys can be purchased from http://www.raymarine.com/
Figure 3-2: RayTech Startup Wizard on-screen keyboard
Chapter 3: Getting started 17
Figure 3-3: RayTech mode dialog box
Figure 3-4: RNS Network Set up Wizard
Entering license key segments of less than 4 characters
You may have a license key that contains segments of less than four numbers. To enable RayTech it is necessary to enter the license key and pad the numbers as follows, for example:
Your key is: 600-1-23-456-7-89.
This should be entered as: 0600-0001-0023-0456-0007-0089.

Running RayTech for the first time

To run RayTech for the first time:
1. Select Start/All Programs/Raymarine RayTech Navigator
from the Windows task bar. RayTech will load and the RNS Startup Wizard is displayed. See
2. Click the button next to the type of license key you want to enter.
RayTech Planner user’s should skip to section 4.4 and refer to the
Simulator section.
3. Click
. The on-screen keyboard appears. See
For details of license key types refer to “License keys” on page 16.
4. Enter your license key using the on-screen keyboard by moving the
cursor over the required number and clicking.
5. Click Finish. The dialog box closes, and the RayTech splash screen
The splash screen closes and the RayTech mode dialog box appears ­“RayTech mode dialog box” on page 17.
You now have a choice of which mode RayTech opens in:
• Planning - Instrument connection is not required - see “Click the soft
key for the mode you want RayTech to open.” on page 19.
• Onboard - enables you to configure your network settings.
Figure 3-1on page 16
Figure 3-2on page 16
18 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
Configure network settings
IMPORTANT: If you do not choose SeaTalk
on which RayTech is running connected to your boats instruments the first time you run RayTech in Onboard mode. The instruments must also be switched ON.
The following section shows how to configure a SeaTalkhs network.
make sure you have the PC
To configure other types of network click the button next to the network type and follow the on-screen instructions.
To configure the network settings:
1. Follow Steps 1 through 6 of “Starting to use RayTech” on page 16.
2. Click
page 17
The RNS Network Setup Wizard appears -
Figure 3-4on
If any network adapter is acquiring a network address from a DHCP server when Raytech is booting into ‘Onboard’ mode the following message will appear. You should then try to run Raytech once the network adapter has completed acquiring the necessary network address.
3. Click the button next to SeaTalkhs (E-Series).
4. Click the button corresponding to whether the PC is currently connected to your onboard instruments.
5. Click
The following screen appears:
6. Click the button next to the network card description you wish to use with RayTech. This card will be configured to talk to your E-Series display.
7. Click
8. Click
. The RNSNetSetup dialog box appears.
RayTech starts to open and the network initialization
progress box appears.
Chapter 3: Getting started 19
As the initialization process is carried out RayTech will open and the Open New Page dialog box is displayed.
9. Highlight the icon for the page type you want to open and click OK. The new page opens.
10. You can now continue to work in RayTech.
Raymarine recommends that you register your RayTech software on the Raymarine website. This ensures that you can recover your license key in the event of loss or failure of your PC’s hard drive

Using RayTech on a new computer

If you install the upgrade version of RayTech on a new computer, a dialog box may appear after entering the upgrade key asking you to enter your original RayTech V3.0/V4.x/V5.0 or V6.x license key. This should be entered in the same way as before using the on-screen keyboard that appears. Make sure the license key type is set to the correct version number.
To display the license keyboard:
1. Select File/Setup. The Setup dialog box is displayed.
2. Double-click the License icon. The on-screen license entry keyboard is displayed.
3. Enter your license key as described in“To run RayTech for the first time:” on page 17, Steps 7 through 9.

3.4 Continuing To Use RayTech

You will only need to enter a license key number the first time that you use RayTech after installing it. each time that you open RayTech, the following dialog box will appear:
Click the soft key for the mode you want RayTech to open.

Operating modes

RayTech can be operated in either of the following modes:
Enables you to work in a simulated mode, away from your boat if you want to. Useful for planning and learning purposes.
Enables you to work in real-time mode onboard your boat with data being collected and used from all the instruments that you have connected to RayTech.


RayTech includes a simulator mode which enables you to practise oper­ating the software with simulated data of GPS, Radar, Fishfinder.
20 RayTech RNS V6.1 - Users Guide
To Select The Simulator Mode:
1. Select File/setup. The ‘Set Up’ Dialog Box Is displayed.
2. Double-click The
Icon. The Instruments Dialog Box Is
3. Click The Simulator Icon To set It to the required status.

Raytech Planner - Simulate mode.

RayTech Planner only operates in ‘Simulate mode’. If you want to change the Simulator’s automatic settings, you can taylor the menu to suit your needs. The Simulator menu is available to edit:

1. Select File/Setup. The Set Up Dialog Box Is Displayed.
2. Select Instruments.
3. Select Simulator is ON.
4. Taylor the menu to suit your needs/requirements by clicking the options, as pictured below.
RayTech must be restarted for these changes to take effect!
The Vessels position can be edited to anywhere in the world, simply Right­mouse click, and select ‘Move Boat Here’ from the drop down menu.

3.5 Setting up RayTech

Once you have installed and started using RayTech, you can enter specific information for your boat and change default settings to your personal preferences that suit the way you work.
To set up RayTech:
1. With RayTech running select File/Setup. The set up dialog box is displayed.
2. Click on the icon of the setting you want to change.
3. Click
. The dialog box for that setting will be displayed.
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