espresso machines
[1] Space Saver
(Optional) Extended sides can be
easily removed for space saving
[2] C-lever
(Rancilio Patent) The new steam
valve with a special control knob
and ergonomic design makes it
completely functional. The valve
has a very short travel distance,
and is operated by rotating it just
25°. Turning it upwards, it opens
and remains in this position. Turned
downwards, it automatically closes
when released. Rapidity, precision
and ergonomics: maximum user
comfort for daily work.
[3] Grid System
To make cleaning easier, Rancilio
has equipped all of its products
with a revolutionary work surface.
Support grids come in a scratchproof polymer, with an effi cient
liquid collection system that keeps
the work surface clean and protects cups against unsightly marks
left by drops of coffee. The grids
can be removed for washing in a
dishwasher. Rancilio quality also
means attention to details.
Technical Updates - 2008
- The drain system has been updated to allow larger volumes of liquid to pass through by adding
an expanded drain tray and a larger drain hose.
- The E version allows the technicion to easily control the boiler pressure from the touch pad located
on the exterior of the machine.
- Integrated LED indicator is located on the inside of the left
panel. The indicator alerts the technicion of errors, monitors
the board and assists in diagonsing problems.
See picture
- The Pressure Transducer that is available on the E version
machine monitors steam pressure in the boiler. This new
transducer will instantaneously activate the heating element
when steam is used to maintain consistent steam pressure.
Classe 6 E: Standard Features
ergomonic steam control advanced diagnostics smart power management rapid setting voltage stabilizer pod & capsule adaptable
LED indicator
Classe 6 S: Standard Features
ergomonic steam control pod & capsule adaptable
[2][1] [3]
Rancilio Lab - Classe 6
C-LEVER (Rancilio Patent).
The new steam valve with a special control knob and ergonomic design is complete
with open-stay and open-close functions. The valve has a very short travel distance,
and is operated by rotating it just 25°. Turning it upwards, it opens and remains in this
position. Turned downwards, it automatically closes when released. Rapidity, precision
and ergonomics: maximum user comfort for daily tasks.
Easy fix is an advanced diagnostics function, which allows a technician to immediately
trace any technical problems and solve them easily.
Easy fix function is available only on the machines fitted with V-flex.
ABM07 (Advanced Boiler Management).
The ABM07 function allows electronic control of the boiler and water system. A specifically
designed software system improves the performance of the machine by switching on the
heating element when simultaneously brewing espresso, dispensing water and steaming
milk. The machine will stabilize temperature, anticipating usage. The new version features
a control that immediately and effectively senses pressure fluctuation.
For locations with low power availability, the electronics can be adjusted to reduce power
absorption to 2/3 of normal value.
PLUG & BREW (Rancilio Patent Pending)
Installing a Rancilio machine has never been quicker or easier. Dosages and the main
functions of the machine can be programmed immediately.
Even machines without a display feature allow you to adjust the temperature externally,
thanks to a new function that allows boiler pressure to be varied from the control buttons.
V-flex is a self-adapting system that harmonizes the operating voltage of the
machine with voltage variations in the main power supply. V-flex avoids installation errors and eliminates the fluctuation in the supplied voltage. Machines
fitted with V-flex also have an advanced diagnostics function called Easy-Fix,
which allows a technician to immediately trace any technical problems and solve
them easily.
All Rancilio machines are now pod and capsule adaptable.
macchine per caffè s.p.a.
Viale della Repubblica 40
20010 Villastanza di Parabiago
Milano - Italy
tel. +39 0331 408200
fax +39 0331 551437
Rancilio España s.a.
Gran Vía de Carlos III, 84 3ª
Edificio Trade
08028 Barcelona - Spain
tel. +34 902 884 275
Fax +34 93 496 57 01
Rancilio North America Inc.
8102 S. Lemont Rd. #1200
Woodridge, IL 60517 - USA
ph. +1 630 427 1703
fax +1 630 427 1713
Asian Market Access
601 Tak Woo House
17-19 D’aguilar Street Canal
Hong Kong
Tel +852 2521 7839
Fax +852 2521 5787