Rain Bird PAR+ES Installation Manual

PAR+ES Controller
Installation Manual
P/N: 635778
635778 Rev B (PAR+ES installation manual (1of2 ENG)) source.indd 1 9/2/2008 4:09:27 PM
Introduction ������������������������������������������ 1
Mount Controller Pedestal on Poured­In-Place Concrete Pad �������������������������� 2
Pour the Concrete Pad and Mount the Pedestal ����3
Install Power Wiring (120, 220 or 240 VAC) ������������������������������������������������������� 4
Connect AC Power Supply �������������������� 5
Connect Power Wires and Surge Arrestor Wires �����5
Controller to Controller Connections Overview ����������������������������������������������� 6
Install MAXI 2-Wire Interface Board ���� 7
Install The +LINK Radio/Modem Kit ���� 8
+LINK Power Transformer Installation & Connection ��������������������������������������������������������������������������8
PAR+ES Controller
Installation Manual
CAM Link Installation Flow Chart ������ 10
Basic PAR+ES Field Wiring������������������11
Decoder Controller ����������������������������� 12
Install an Additional Output Station Module (OSM) �������������������������������������15
Upgrade Kit Installation ��������������������� 16
Sensor Installation ����������������������������� 17
Controller Grounding System Installation ������������������������������������������ 18
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This manual shows how to install your new PAR+ES irrigation controller� Refer to the controller’s Operation Manual for instructions on programming and operating your controller�
System Configuration
PAR+ES controllers may be installed in three different configurations:
Stand-Alone Models
- Controller operates
independently and is not connected to a central control system�
Two-Wire Models
- Controller is hard-wired
to a central control system through a 2-wire connection�
Wireless (LINK) Models
- Controller is
connected to a central control system via a wireless radio/modem unit�
Every Model is available with Output Station Modules (Standard Controllers) or with Decoder Interconnect Board (Decoder Controllers)� Standard controllers output directly to the solenoid or remote control valves� Decoder controllers output to decoders which in turn activate solenoids or remote control valves�
Parts List and Tools Required
Before beginning installation, make sure you have the following parts and required tools and materials:
PAR+ES controller Installation Manual�
PAR+ES controller�
Plastic controller mounting template�
Four L-bolts�
Eight stainless steel nuts�
Four large washers�
Four small split-ring washers�
Tools and Materials
Hammer, nails, framing lumber, concrete, trowel,
etc� (for concrete pad)�
1”, 1 ½” and 4” non-metallic conduit, sweep ells,
and appropriate fittings for routing power wires, communication wires, valve wires and ground wires�
Conduit cutting tool�
Adjustable wrench or pliers�
Phillips screwdriver�
Small flat blade screwdriver�
Tape measure�
Electrical wire�
Wire cutters/strippers�
Wire nuts (or other code-approved wire connectors)�
Intermatic AG-2401 Surge Arrestor; one for each
controller being installed (recommended) if single, or one per cluster�
Metal junction box (4” x 4” x 1½”); one for each
controller being installed (except last controller in a cluster)�
Grounding grid installation materials (recom-
mended; see Appendix 1)�
Installation Checklist
To install your PAR+ES controller, we recommend that you complete the following steps in order:
Choose location and prepare to to concrete pad���������������������������������� Page 2
Mount controller pedestal on concrete pad��������������������������������������� Page 3
Install junction box��������������������������� Page 4
Install surge arrestor������������������������� Page 4
Connect AC power supply�������������� Page 5
Connect power wiring��������������������� Page 5
Connect decoders (only required on Decoder Controllers)����������������� Page 12
PAR+ES Installation Manual 1
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Mount Controller Pedestal on Poured-In-Place Concrete Pad
Mount the controller on a poured-in-place concrete pad� Orient the pad to provide easy access of electrical conduit into the front of the controller� Make sure the pad is flat and level to allow the controller’s doors and lid to open and close properly� Avoid installing the controller in the direct path of a sprinkler head� If the controller is in the direct path of a sprinkler, place the pedestal with hinge (back) side facing the sprinkler�
Install L-Bolts in Mounting Template(s)
Screw four of the 5/16” stainless steel nuts onto 1. the L-bolts (see Figure 1)�
Insert the L-bolts into the threaded holes in the
plastic mounting template�
Screw another stainless steel nut onto each L-bolt
to hold it in place�
Repeat steps 1-3 with templates for other
controllers (if installing multiple controllers)�
Concrete Pad Requirements
Location - Any convenient outdoor location
with access to AC power�
Do not locate the concrete pad in low-lying areas that may flood during heavy rains� Install pad 1” above grade�
- 20” x 20” minimum� If mounting multiple
controllers on the same pad, size the pad to allow at least 6” clearance between controllers (see Figure 2)�
- 6” minimum�
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Before Pouring Concrete Pad
Position a 1” sweep “ell” for the 120, 220, or 240 1. volt power wires� If installing multiple controllers on the same pad, position another 1” sweep ell to carry power wires to the other controllers (see Figures X and Y for proper sweep details)�
Position a 1” sweep ell for the 2-wire
communication wires (for 2-wire systems only)� If installing multiple controllers on the same pad, place another 1” sweep ell to carry communication wires to the other controllers�
Position one 4” ell for the valve output wiring, valve
common wires, Maxi Wire (decoder controller installation), master valve wiring, etc�
Decoder Controllers only require a 1 1/2” sweep ell for valve wire path(s), master valve wiring, ground wire, etc�
Run all power wires, communication wires, and
field wiring through their appropriate conduits�
Pour the Concrete Pad and Mount the Pedestal
Pour the concrete pad around the properly 1. positioned sweep ells�
Lower the mounting template onto the pad,
setting the L-bolts into concrete as shown in Figure 2� Make sure the template is level and properly oriented before setting it into concrete at concrete’s grade� Make sure the L-bolts extend true vertical from the pad�
If installing multiple controllers, position the
mounting templates for the other controllers� Make sure to maintain a minimum 6” clearance distance between controllers�
After the concrete hardens, remove the four
exposed nuts from the L-bolts�
Lower the controller pedestal onto the L-bolts in
the template� Place a split-ring washer on each bolt and use the stainless-steel nuts to bolt the controller pedestal securely to the concrete pad�
PAR+ES Installation Manual 3
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Install Power Wiring (120, 220 or 240 VAC)
Install Junction Box
PAR+ES controllers must have a metal junction box installed on the bottom of the controller’s wiring compartment� The first controller in a cluster and any other controller(s) feeding power to another controller must be equipped with a junction box�
CAUTION: F To avoid a serious shock hazard,
make sure the primary AC power source to the controller is OFF before installing power wiring�
First Controller(s) in the Cluster
Punch out a junction box knockout and attach
the box to the 1” power wire conduit� Route the hot (black), neutral (white), and green (ground) power wires into the junction box�
Secure the junction box to the conduit using a
short nipple and the required fittings as shown in Figure 3�
Punch out one of the knockouts in the side of
the junction box and use the hole to install the recommended Intermatic model AG-2401 surge arrestor (see Surge Arrestor Installation)�
Last Controller in the Cluster
No electrical junction box is required for the last
controller in the cluster or for a stand-alone model that does not feed power to another controller�
Run the 1” conduit directly to the controller wiring
compartment and use an appropriate fitting to connect the conduit to the wiring compartment�
Surge Arrestor Installation
Rain Bird recommends installing a surge arrestor to protect the controller’s power wiring circuits from voltage fluctuations� Recommended surge arrestor models include the Intermatic AG-2401 (or 1G2401LA1)�
Install Surge Arrestor
Knockout a hole in the right side of the metal
junction box and mount the surge arrestor in the knockout hole�
Extend the surge arrestor wires (two black, one
white) into the junction box with the AC power wires�
Install Surge Arrestor (Alternate Location)
For stand-alone and 2-wire installations, you may choose to install the surge arrestor in the vacant compartment designed for the wireless transformer�
To avoid a serious shock hazard, make sure the primary AC power source to the controller is OFF�
Remove the power supply access panel�
Punch out the bottom left knockout hole in the 2. power supply compartment� Mount the surge arrestor into the knockout hole�
Connect the surge arrestor wires to the controller’s
power wires (see Connect Power Wires and Surge Arrestor Wires)�
Replace the controller’s power supply access
To order a surge arrestor, contact Intermatic,
Inc. at (815) 675-2321.
PAR+ES Installation Manual4
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Connect AC Power Supply
Connect AC Power
CAUTION: F To avoid a serious shock hazard,
make sure the primary AC power source to the controller is OFF�
Punch out a knockout hole in the top of the
junction box and run a length of conduit from the junction box to the controller’s power supply compartment�
Use appropriate fittings to connect the conduit
to the junction box and the power supply compartment�
Run three power wires from the power supply
compartment down into the junction box (green, black and white for 120 VAC installations; green black and red or other appropriately identified hot-wire for 220-240 VAC installation)�
Attach the power wires to the modular snap-in
connector in the power supply compartment, as shown in the diagram on the power supply access cover (see Figure 4)�
Connect the utility ground to the ground lug
on the left side of the wiring compartment (see Figure 5)�
Use the 3-position selector switch to choose
correct voltage option for your installation (default voltage setting is 220 VAC)�
Select the correct voltage before turning on AC power� If the switch position is changed after applying power, the controller will be damaged�
In 240 VAC the power wire are colored red/black or red/blue�
Connect Power Wires and Surge Arrestor Wires
In the junction box, connect the AC power wires 1. (black, white, and green) as shown in Figure 3�
Wire the two black surge arrestor lead wires into
the controller’s 120, 220, or 240 VAC power wiring� Connect one of the two black surge arrestor lead wires to the HOT (black) power wire�
Use only double-crimp style wire nuts approved by local regulations for all PAR+ES wiring connections�
Connect the other black surge arrestor lead wire
to the NEUTRAL (white) power wire�
If using a 220/240 volt system, the other black surge arrestor lead should go to the other HOT (red or blue) power wire�
Connect the white surge arrestor ground wire to
one of the controller’s copper grounding lugs�
Each controller location or cluster of controllers requires a Controller Grounding System to protect your controller(s) from lightning damage� Refer to the manual Appendix for details on installing an appropriate grounding system for your location�
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Controller to Controller Connections Overview
Figure 6 shows overview of how power and communication wiring connects from controller to controller in a cluster.
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+ 16 hidden pages