TMS may not function correctly if additional, or worse still exotic hardware
add-ons, are connected to your Commodore 64. The disk filing system may
not operate correctly when used in areas with a poor or fluctuation mains
power supply. Large magnetic fields generated by some TV’s and loudspeaker systems could also create problems. Keep your disk drive in good
condition and operate it away from the above mentioned demons.
Filing Errors
If the disc drive reports any problems during filing operations, these will be
shown as “Disk Error XX” pop-ups. Look in your 1541 Disc Drive manual to
find out the nature of the error. (Refer to “DOS ERROR MESSAGES”)
The most likely errors are:
1) Disc Error 21 - No disc in the disc drive! It can also mean that your disk
is unformatted; or, more seriously, your disc drive is faulty.
2) Disc Error 26 - This happens if the disc is “write-protected”, and probably
means you are trying to save files to the System disk.
* Do not attempt to VALIDATE a disk which contains TMS files, as this may
result in the files being erased.
* All TMS filing operations only work on TMS files, so, for example, nonTMS files will not be displayed in the catalogue, and cannot be renamed,
deleted etc.
* New discs must be “formatted” on the CBM64 before they can be used to
store files. If you have a new (unformatted) disc, then before loading TMS,
put the new disc in the disc drive and type:
OPEN 15,8,15,”NEW0:name,ID” <return>
CLOSE 15 <return>
N.B. Refer to the “NEW” command in your Disc Drive User’s Manual.
Audio Link. With care you can easily connect your Commodore and TMS to
your HI FI, with spectacular results. Connect your HI Fl lead to pins 2 and
3 of your video DIN. (C64’s programmers reference guide.) Shield to pin 2
and core to pin 3.