We hope you enjoy your Talking Watch from
RadioShack. This watch announces the time
with the push of a but ton, and provides du al
time zones, daily calendar, countdown timer,
and full-functi on alarm with 4-min ute snooze.
Please read this user’s g uide before using your
new watch.
Package Contents
• Talking Watch
• Button-Cell Bat tery (install ed)
• User’s Guide
Turn on the Watch
Press and hold TA LKI NG fo r 3 seconds.
Power Source ..................Lithium CR2025 battery
Accuracy ............................................. ±1 s econ d/da y
Battery Life ...........................................a pprox. 1 year
..........................(one al arm for 60 seconds per d ay)
Wristband Length .............................9.45 in. (24cm)
Specicati ons are subje ct to change an d improvemen t
without noti ce. Actual pro duct may var y from the ima ges
found in this do cument.
Set the Date and Time
You can set the date and time fo r two dierent
time zones, shown as T-1 and T-2.
1. Press MODE repeatedly
until you enter Time 1 o r
Time 2 mode. T-1 or T-2
displays, and the w atch
announces the current time.
2. Press and h old SET for 3
seconds to enter time-
setting mode. Th e hour digits ash.
3. Press ADJ repeatedly to set the hour, or press
and hold to adjust q uickly.
4. Press SET. The minute digit s ash.
5. Repe at steps 3 – 4 to set the minute, ye ar,
month, and day.
6. Press MODE to conrm and exit setting mode.
• The calendar in cludes dates from years 20 00
to 2099.
• After you set the date, t he watch
automaticall y sets the day of week.
• If you do not press a button fo r more than
1 minute, the watch retu rns to the current
time display.
6. Press ADJ to stop or pause countdown.
Press ADJ again to continue countdown.
7. When the countdown e nds, the watch beeps
for 60 seconds. Press any bu tton to stop the
8. To reset the timer to 0:0 0:00, press
TALK IN G twice aft er the countdown ends .
• Press TAL KIN G to turn th e voice
announcement on o r o when less than
1 minute remaining.
• During the countdown, press MODE to use
the watch’s other featu res.
Set the Alarm
To Set the Alarm Time
1. Press MODE repeatedly until you enter alarm
mode. AL. displays, and the watc h beeps
three times.
2. Press and h old SET for 3 seconds to enter
time-setting mo de. The hour digi ts ash.
3. Press ADJ repeatedly to set the hour, then
press SET. The minute digit s ash.
4. Press ADJ repeatedly to set the minute, t hen
press SET. T-1 or T-2 ashes.
User’s Guide
Talking Watch
• Current time
• Alarm time
• Hour format
• Remaining time
(in timer mode)
• Toggle between
Time 1 (T-1) and
Time 2 (T-2).
• Enter time-settin g
• In T-1/T-2 Mode:
Select alar m and
snooze options.
• In Set Modes: Adjust
hour, minute, time
zone, hour format.
• In Timer Mode: Sta rt
or stop countdown .
• Time 1 (T-1)
• Time 2 (T-2)
• Timer
• Alarm
• Hour
Set the Timer
The countdown timer has a maximum
countdown time of 23 ho urs, 59 minutes.
1. Press MODE repeatedly
until you enter timer mode.
TIMER displays, and t he
watch beeps twice.
2. Press and h old SET for 3
seconds to enter timesetting mode. The hour
digits ash.
3. Press ADJ repeatedly to set the hour, then
press SET. The minute digit s ash.
4. Press ADJ repeatedly to set the minute, t hen
press MODE to conrm.
5. Press ADJ to start the countdown . The watch
announces remaining time at set intervals.
Remaining Time Announcement
20 to 60 minutes Every 10 minutes
10 to 20 minutes Every 5 minutes
1 to 10 minutes Every 2 minutes
10 to 60 seconds Every 5 seconds
0 to 10 seconds Every second
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