Radio Shack 60-2708 User Manual

Winning Hands
Deluxe 3-in-1 Casino Game
Installing Batteries
You will need...
TwoAAA batteries PhillipsScrewdriver
Loosen the screw on the battery compart­ment cover and remove the cover.
Insert two AAA batteries, matching the polaritysymbolsmarkedinside.
Replacethecoverandsecureitwiththe screw.
Turning the Game On/Off
To turnonthegame, press DEAL/DRAW/HIT/ON. To conserve battery power, the game auto­maticallyturnsoffafterabouttwominutes and saves the last game’s settings and point total if you do not press any key. To turn the game back on, press again. Press GAME to start the game over and removeanyaccumulatedscore.
Turning the Sound On/Off
Thegameispresettohearsound. To turnthe sound off, press firmingtonewhenyoutoggleonthesound effects.
Checking the Score
Hold down SCORE to view your currentscore
during a game. Release SCORE tocontinue playing.
Using Bet & Max Bet in Poker/Blackjack
Before you begin a round during Poker or Blackjack,press
increments (minimum 20). Or,press to bet the maximum amount of points during that round.
Note: Deck/Suits does not apply to Pokeror Blackjack.
SOUND. You will hear a con-
BET to bet points in 10-point
About Poker
Minimum points you can bet
Repeatedly press to select Poker
Draw Poker deals five different cards on the display.Each card’ssuitsymbol(heart,diamond, club or spade) appears below it. You select which cardstohold,and thendrawoneor more new cards in order to get a winning poker combination and score points.
• Repeatedlypress
DEAL/DRAW to turn on the game.
GAME until POKER appears.
DEAL/DRAWto start a new game. Your
current score appears, and 20 appears at the top of the display.
BET to place your bet and then press
DEAL/DRAW. Or, press MAX/BET to place amaxi-
mumbet(100points) and press
• Decide which winning poker hand you want to obtain. See Winning Hands.
HOLD beneath eachcardyou wantto
H appears abovethe card(s)youheld.
Press these buttons to hold any cards you wantto keep
Press toturn onthe game or deal/drawthe cards
If you win,
DEAL/DRAW again. The game deals you new cards to replace any cards you did not hold.
WIN flashes, the game plays a sound effect (if sound is on), the winning hand appears, and the game
automatically adds the points won to your total. If you want to change your bet, you must do so before you press
If you lose,
to start a new game.
LOSE flashes, the game plays a soundeffect(ifsoundison),andthe losinghandappears.
• Your bet cannot exceed the number ofpoints available to you. For example, if youhave 80 points,you cannot bet 100 points.
• You can choose to discard all fivecards if thegame deals a bad hand,but you onlyhave one chanceto improve your hand.
• TodiscardacardafterH appears aboveit, press the corresponding HOLD button again. Hdisappears.
Eachplayerbeginsthegamewith10,000points.To increasethescore, a player must have a winning hand. The following chart lists the winninghandsandthemultipliersused by the game to determinehow many points to award you.
Hand Description
Royal Flush
4 of a Kind Four cards of the same value 25 25 Full House
Flush Five cards of the same suit 5 5
3ofaKind Threecardsofthesamevalue 3 3
2Pair Two pairs 2 2
1 Pair, Jacks or
Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and
10 of the same suit
Five consecutive cards of the
same suit
Three cards of the same value
and any pair
Five consecutive cards of any
Pair of Jacks, Queens, Kings,
or Aces
(20-90 Pts.)
250 500
50 50
8 8
4 4
(100 Pts.)
For example, if you bet 50 points (out of a possible maximum bet of 100 points)then win with a straight flush, the game multiplies 50 (your bet) by 50 (the multiplier for a straight flush) and awards you 2,500 points. Otherwise,ifyoupressed
MAX/BETand then won with a straight flush,
thegamemultiplies100(yourbet)by50(themaximumbetmultiplierfor a straight flush) and awards you 5,000 points.
About Solitaire
Object of the Game
The object of this game is to get all52cardsstackedbysuitinascending order,fromAcetoKing,inthesuitstacks.Seven stacks of cards are dealt acrossthedisplay.Movethecardsfrom the deck and fromotherstacksin descendingorderandalternatingcolor(blackandwhite). Ifyouhavean empty stack,moveaKingfromthedeckorfromanotherstackintothat position.Then,buildonthesuitstacks in ascendingorder,beginningwith the Ace of each suit.
Press repeatedly untilSolitaire appears
3-card draw
Press to move a card from the
Presstomovea card to or from the suit stack
Press to turn on the game, deal thecardsandflip the cards in the deck
Card Stacks
Card Stack Buttons
Flipped Cards
Indicator forselected card
Suit Stacks
Playing Solitaire
Playing the Game
•PressGAME untilSOLITAIRE appears.
•PressDEAL/DRAW. Then, press MODE to toggle
betweenStandard(Klondike)andVegas-styleSoli­taire.Press SeeScoring below for differences between the two game styles.
PressMODE to togglebetween1-CARD or 3-CARD
•PressDEAL/DRAWto select the style and deal the
• Tomove a cardorstack of cardsfromthe card stacks, pressthebuttonbeneaththe card stack you want to move.Thecard stackandindicator (.)flash.Press the button beneaththedesired card stack to move the card(s)tothatposition.
• Tomove a flippedcardfrom the deck,press the flippedcardflashes.Press the button beneath the desired card stack or press the suits position.
• Tomovecardsfromthesuitstacks,repeatedlypress
SUITSto selectthecardyouwant to move. The card
flashes. Press thebuttonbeneaththecardstackto movethecardtothatposition.Ô
• To stop a card or stack from flashing, press the
• If you try to m ove a card to an incorrect position,
Standard Solitaire
The game starts with 0 points. Cards are turned over one at a time orthreeatatimein thedeck.You can pass throughthedeck as many times as you like.
Points Action
5 Each card moved from the deck to card stacks. 5 Each face down card tur ned up in the card stacks.
-20 After three passes through the deck at 3-card games.
-100 Each pass through the deck after one pass.
The game starts with 500 points and points are accumulatedbetweenconsecutivegames.You onlycan make one pass throughthe d eck.
Points Action
-52 Starting a new game. 5
DEAL/DRAW to select the style you want.
SUITS to move the card to
MODEto start a new game.
corresponding but ton again.
the card will not move.
Each card moved from the deck or card stacks to the suit stacks.
Each card moved from the suit stacks back down to thecardstacks.
Each card movedfrom the deck orcard stacks tosuit stacks.
Each card moved from suitstacks back down to card stacks.
About Blackjack
Dealer’s down card
Yourtotal points
Object of the Game
The objectofBlackjack is to defeat the dealerby gettingmorepoints than the dealer (withoutgoing over 21 points).
Playing the Game
• RepeatedlypressGAME until BJ appears.
DEAL/DRAW/HIT/ON. Your current score
appears,and20 appearsat the top of the display.
• Decideonyour strategy(
DECK/BET to place your bet.
BlackjackStrategy below . Press DEAL/DRAW/HIT/
to deal the cards.
• After each round,thedisplayshows the game status:
If you win, you hear a sound effect (if sound is turned on), handappear.
If you lose, you hear a sound effect (if sound is turned on), GAME OVER and the player’s and dealer’s point totals appear.
• Repeat steps 4-5orpressDEAL/DRAW/HIT/ONto start another round.
Your hand
WIN and the player’s and dealer’s point totals from the
Allows you to Hit, deal the cards and turn on game
Blackjack Strategy
Ifthedealer’s up-cardisan Ace,youcan press INSURE toplace an insurancebet (Refer tothechart below).If the dealer hasaBlackjack, 11/2timesyour insurancebetare addedbackto your total.Ifthe dealerdoesnot have aBlackjack,you lose your insurance and continuethehand.
Ifyourfirsttwocardsare a pair, SPLIT appears. PressSPLIT tosplitthe cardsandplay twohands,which arei ndicated by
SPLIT1 (handone)and SPLIT2 (hand two).Your betautomaticallydoubles and is subtractedfromyourscore.Ô
If you do not think you can beat the dealer’s hand, you can press you lose halfyourbet.
If you thinkyoucanbeatthedealer’s hand with only one more card,youcanpress initialtwo-card combination.Your bet automatically doublesandyou only receive one more card
Press STAND if you are satisfied with your hand anddonotwantto hit, spilt, or double. Playgoesto the dealer.
DEAL/DRAW/HI T/ONtorequestan additional cardifyouarenotsatisfied with your current hand.Yourrunningtotal
You c annot buy insurance if no Aceappears in the dealer’s up card.
• You cannot split if your pointscore isless thanyour initialbet. Forexample, youcannot splitif yourbet is 20points butyou only have10 pointsremaining. Ifyou get aBlackjack after splitting,you win only the amount of points youbet, not the 5-to-2 payofffor Blackjack.
You cannotdouble down if your pointscore is lessthan your bet.
The game deals a card each timeyou press DEAL/DRAW/HIT/ON until you stand,reach 21 points, or have a total ofmore than 21(bust).
SURRENDER to give up your hand. The hand ends and
DOUBLE to double yourbetonany
. Ô
Using Insurance
Initial Bet Insurance Bet Payoff
20 or 30 10 15 40 or 50 20 30 60 or 70 30 45 80 or 90 40 60 100 50 75
Blackjack Rules
Counting the Deck
• Deck consists of three standard 52-card decks.
• Numbered cards count at face value. For example, a four is worth four points,andaneightis worth eight points.
• The 10 and face cards(Jack, Queen, and King) countas 10 points each.
• You can countanAce as either 1 or 11 points.
The game startswith10,000 points. Whoeverwinsthe hand collects the bet. Bets arepaidoffevenly, except when:
• If you Blackjack(get a total of 21 points onthefirstdraw), you get a 5-for-2 payoff— you win 50 points for your 20-pointbet.
• If you doubleyourbet, you can win four timestheamount you bet. For example,ifyoubet an additional 20 points,youwould win 40 points and receiveatotalof 80 points (includingthe40points you bet).
• If you split your hand, you can win double stakes (you bet an additional 20 points onthesecond hand and winbothhandsforatotalof40points).
• If you surrenderyour hand, you only lose halfof your bet.
Winning, Losing, and Pushing
You win your bet in the following ca ses:
• If your totalis21 points or less, and is morethanthedealer’s total.
• If the dealer’s totalis more than 21 points.
• If the two cardsyouare dealt are an Ace and a 10-countcard (blackjack), and thedealerdoes not have a Blackjack.
You loseyourbet in the following cases:
• If your total islessthan 21 points and is less than thedealer’stotal.
• If yourtotal ismorethan 21points( 21 points.).
• If the dealer getsBlackjack andyoudonot.
• If your totalis21pointsbut the dealer gets Blackjack.
Youpush (tie)when you andthe dealerhave the sametotalhand(21 orless). Your betisreturned to you and playcontinueswith the next hand.
BUSTED appearsif yourtotal isexceeds
Hints & Tips
• If the game stops operatingordoesnotoperate properly,you may need
to resetit. Pressthe ened object,suchasapaperclipor straight pen.
• Keep the game dry. Useandstorein normal temperature environments only. Wipeitwithadampcloth occasionallytokeepitlookingnew.
• If your game does notperformas it should,takeittoyourlocal RadioShack store for assistance.
Limited Ninety-Day Warranty
This product is warrantedby RadioShackagainst manufacturing defects in materialand workmanshipunder normal use for ninety (90) daysfrom the dateof purchase fromRa­dioShack company-ownedstores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATIONTO THE DURATIONOF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPTAS PROVIDEDHEREIN,RadioShackSHALL HAVE NO LIABILITYOR RESPONSI­BILITY TO CUSTOMEROR ANY OTHER PERSONOR ENTITY WITH RESPECTTO ANY LIABILITY,LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSEDDIRECTLYOR INDIRECTLYBY USE OR PERFORMANCEOF THEPRODUCTOR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THISWARRANTY,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYDAMAGES RESULTINGFROM INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, D ATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RadioShackHAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allowlimitationson how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusionor limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so the above limitations or ex­clusionsmay not applyto you. In the eventof a product defect during the warranty period, take the product and theRadioShack sales receipt as proof of purchase date to any RadioShackstore.RadioShack will, at its option, unless otherwise provided by law: (a) correct the defect by product repairwithout charge for parts and labor; (b) replace the product with one of the same or similardesign; or (c) refund the purchaseprice. All replaced parts and products, and productson which a refundis made, become the property of RadioShack. New or recondi­tioned parts and productsmay be used in the performance of warrantyservice. Repaired orreplaced parts and productsare warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.Youwill be chargedfor repair orreplacementof the productmade after theexpirationof the warrantyperiod. This warranty does notcover: (a) damage or failure caused by or attributable to acts of God, abuse, accident, misuse, improper orabnormal usage, failure to follow instructions, improper installationor maintenance, alteration, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage or current;(b) any repairs other than those provided by a RadioShackAuthorized Service Facility; (c)consumables such as fuses or batteries;(d) cosmetic damage; (e) transportation, shipping or insurance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation, set-up service adjustment or reinstallation. This warranty gives youspecific legal rights, andyou may also have other rightsw hich vary from stateto state.
©2003.RadioShackCorporation. 60-2708 AllRightsReserved. Printedin China RadioShack and are trademarks 06A03 usedbyRadioShackCorporation.
hole on thebackofthegamewith a straight-
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