Radio Shack 580 User Manual

42-402 Page 1 Wednesda y, August 11, 1999 4:04 PM
Please read before using this equipment.
Portable Electronic Keyboard
Cat. No. 42-4028
42-402 Page 2 Wednesda y, August 11, 1999 4:04 PM
Your Radio Shack Concertmate-580 Portable Electronic Keyboard is a state-of-the-art musical instrument with many exciting features. You can set the keyboard to sound like 100 dif­ferent musical instruments or sound ef­fects. To accompany your m usic, the keyboard has 16 different preset rhythms, as well as auto-accompani­ments and percussion sounds.
Your Concertmate-580’s features in­clude:
Built-In Demonstration Tune
— lets you hear a sample of what you and the Concertmate-580 can do.
100 Sounds
— let you set your Con­certmate-580 to sound like anything from a harpsichord to a ho nky-tonk pi ­ano when you press a key.
16 Auto-Rhythms
— give you a steady beat for several styles of music from rhumba to slow rock.
Tempo Con trol
— lets you speed up or slow down t he tempo of any select ­ed music pattern.
Automatic Intro Rhythm
— lets you set the Concertmate-580 to automati­cally add a short introduction to the se­lected auto-rhythm.
Auto Accompaniment
— lets you au­tomatically play a preset harmonic pat­tern to match the selected auto­rhythm.
Transpose Function
— lets you in­stantly change the key of the music, even while you are playing.
Two Buil t-In Speakers
— provide ex­cellent sound to help make your music come alive.
Output Jack
— lets you connect headphones so you can play without disturbing others, or an external ampli­fier so you can play for a crowd.
Three Power Options
— let you pow­er the keyboard from internal batteries (not supplied), standard AC power (with an optional adapter), or your ve­hicle’s cigarette lighter socket (with an optional adapter) so you can make mu­sic almost anywhere.
Fill In Rhythm
— lets you insert a
short variation into any auto-rhythm.
© 1996 Tandy Corporation.
Radio Shack and Concertmate are registered trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.
Puff the Magic Dragon
(Peter Yarrow) © Warner/Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited.
All Rights Reserv ed .
42-402 Page 3 Wednesda y, August 11, 1999 4:04 PM
To fully enjoy the features and func­tions of this electronic keyboard, please read this manual carefully and complet ely.
Note: This owner’s manual explains how to use this electronic keyboard. It does not teach music.
For your records, we recommend that you write your Concertmate-580’s seri­al number in the space below. The se­rial number is located on the bottom of the Concert m ate-580.
Serial Number _________________
This keyb oar d com plies with the lim its for a Class B digital device as specified in Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits provide reasonable pro tection against radio and TV interference in a residen­tial area. However, your keyboard might cause TV or radio interference even when it is operating properly. To eliminate interference, you can try one or both of the following corrective mea­sures:
• Increase the distance between the keyboard and the radio or TV
• Use outlets on different electrical circuits for the keyboard and the radio or TV
Consult your local Radio Shack s tore or an experienced radi o/T V t echnician if the problem still exists.
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Preparation ........................................................................................................... 5
Powering Your Keyboard ................................................................................. 5
Using Batteries .......................................................................................... 5
Using AC Power ........................................................................................ 6
Using Vehicle Battery Power ..................................................................... 6
Connecting Headphones ...................... ........................................................... 7
Listening Safely ......................................................................................... 7
Connecting an External Amplifier ............................................... ..................... 8
A Look at Your Keyboard .................................................................................... 9
Operation ............................................................................................................ 10
Basic Operation ............................................................................................. 10
Playing the Demonstration Tune ............................................. ...................... 11
Using the Preset Tones .............................................. .. .......... ....... ....... ....... .. 11
Selecting/Playing a Preset Tone ............................................................. 11
Using the Preset Auto-Rhythms .................................................................... 12
Adjusting the Rhythm Volume ................................................................. 13
Selecting/Playing an Auto-Rhythm ......................................................... 13
Using SYNCHRO .................................................................................... 14
Using INTRO ........................................................................................... 15
Using FILL IN .......................................................................................... 15
Using Auto Bass Chord (A.B.C) Auto Accompaniment ................................. 16
Adjusting the Accompaniment Volume ................................................... 16
Easy Random Fingering ...................................................... ................... 17
Standard Fingering ................................................................................. 18
Special Features ................................................................................................ 20
Using the Percussion Pads ........................................................................... 20
Using SUSTAIN ............................................................................................. 20
Using VIBRATO ............................................................................................. 21
Changing Keys .............................................................................................. 21
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 22
Care and Maintenance ....................................................................................... 23
Specifications ..................................................................................................... 24
Single F inger Chord Chart ................................................................................ 25
Standard Fingering Chord Chart ...................................................................... 26
42-402 Page 5 Wednesda y, August 11, 1999 4:04 PM
You can power your Concertmate-580 in any of these ways.
• Internal batteries (see “Using Bat­terie s ”)
• Standard AC power using an optional AC adapter (see “Using AC Power” on Page 6)
• A vehicle’s cigarette lighter sock et using an optional DC adapter (see “Using Vehicle Battery Power” on Page 6)
• Connecting an AC or DC adapter automatically disconnects internal batteries.
• Always disconnect an adapter when you finish using the Con­certmate-580.
1. Press the tabs on the battery com­partment cover, then pull up to remove the cover.
2. Put the batteries in the compart­ment as indicated by the polarity symbols (+ and –) marked inside.
3. Replace the cover.
Using Batte ries
Your Concertmate-580 can use six C batteries (not supplied) for power. For the best performance, we recommend alkaline batteries, such as Radio Shack Cat. No. 23-551.
the required size and type.
: Only use fresh batteries of
• If you won’t be using the Concert­mate-580 with batteries for a week or more, remove the batteries.
• If the Concertmate-580 sounds weak or does not work properly, replace all six batteries. Do not mix old and new batteries.
promptly and properly.
: Dispose of old batteries
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Using AC Power
You can power your Concertmate-580 from a standard AC outlet using a 9­volt AC adapter (not supplied), such as Radio Shack Cat. No. 273-1651.
• You must use an AC adapter that
• Always plug the AC adapter into
supplies at least 9 volts, but no more than 12 volts, and delivers at least 500 milliam ps. Its center tip must be set to positive, and its plug must correctly fit the Concert­mate-580’s
DC9–12V IN
jack. The recommended adapter meets these specifications. Using an adapter that does no t meet these specifications could damage the Concertmate-580 or the adapter.
the Concertmate-580 before you plug it into the AC outlet. Always unplug the AC adapter from the AC outlet before you unplug it from the Concertmate-580.
2. Insert the adapter’s barrel plug into the
DC9–12V IN
jack on the
back of the Concertmate-580.
3. Plug the adapter into a standard AC outlet.
Using Vehicle Battery Power
You can power your Concertm ate-580 from your vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket using a 12-volt DC adapter (not supplied), such as Radio Shack Cat. No. 270-1562.
• You must use a DC adapter that supplies at least 9 volts, but no more than 12 volts, and delivers at least 500 milliamps. Its center tip must be set to positive, and its plug must properly fit the Con ce rt­mate-580’s recommended adapter meets these specifications. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage the Concertmate-580 or the adapter.
DC9-12V IN
jack. The
illustra tion
1. Plug the blue-tipped barrel plug into the cable so it reads + TIP (positive).
• Always plug the DC adapter into the Concertmate-580 before you plug it into the cigarette lighter socket. Always unplug the DC adapter from the cigarette lighter socket before you unplug it from the Concertmate-580.
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1. Plug the blue-tipped barrel plug into the cable so it reads + TIP (positive).
2. Set the adapter’s voltage switch to 12 volts.
3. Insert the adapter’s barrel plug into the
DC9–12V IN
jack on the
back of the Concertmate-580.
4. Plug the other end of the ad apter into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket.
To listen to your Concertmate-580 without disturbing others, you can con­nect a pair of phones (not supplied). Your local Radio Shack sells a wide selection of headphones.
/8-inch plug stereo head-
To connect a pair of headphones, in­sert the headphones’
/8-inch plug into
jack on
the back of the keyboard.
: Connecting headphones discon-
nects the Concertmate-580’s built-in speakers.
Listening Safely
To protect your hearing, follow these guidelines when you use headphones.
• Set the volume to the lowest set­ting before you begin listening. After you begin listening, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.
• Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended high­volume listening can lead to per­manent hearing loss.
• Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.
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To amplify your Concertmate-580’s sound, you can connect it to an ext er­nal amplifier (not supplied) using a inch plug audio cable (not supplied).
To connect an external amplifier to your keyboard, insert the cable’s plug into the
on the back of the keyboard, and con­nect the other end of the cable to the amplifier ’s input jack (s) (such as A UX IN or TAPE IN).
illustra tion
Your local Radio Shack store sells a full line of amplifiers, speakers, and connection cables.
42-402 Page 9 Wednesda y, August 11, 1999 4:04 PM
1. ORCHESTRA 00-99
2. Tones List
3. POWER Switch
4. MASTER VOL. Control
5. TEMPO Buttons
6. ORCHESTRA Button and Indicator
7. RHYTHM Button
8. CHORD OFF Button and Indicator
10. FINGERED Button
11. PERCUS OFF Button
12. T R ANSPOSER Buttons
14. Percussion Pads
15. RHYTHM VOL. Buttons
16. INTR O/ FI L L IN Button
17. SYNCHRO Button
18. VIBRATO Bu tton
19. RHYTHM 00-15 Rhythms List
20. A.B.C. VOL. Buttons
21. START/STOP Button
22. SUSTAIN Button
23. DEMO Button
+ 19 hidden pages