Radio Shack 2101849 User Manual

M arch 13, 2002 Prepared By Headline I & C L td .,
These radios make keeping in touch fun and easy. Whether playing inside or outdoors, these licens e-f ree, 2w ay rad ios f it nice ly in the pa lm of you r hand. You ca n ta lk to your f riend s in the next room, next door a nd aroun d the neighbo rhood. Use them a t sh opping malls, amusement parks o r spo rts ev ents t o s ta y in t ouc h with fam ily an d f r iends. These c oo l ra d ios fea tu re “a uto ­squelch”, which means you will not hear anything on the channel unless someone is transmitting nearby on the same channe l. T he radio a utomat ically sw itches t o sleep mode if no t used for six seconds, and wakes up when it receives a transmission or you press any key.
Installing batteries, Your radio uses three “AAA” batteries for power, For the best performance, we recommend RadioShack alkaline batteries. Note ; You can also use N I-CD/Ni-MH rechargeable batteries in the radio and recharge them, using a separate battery charger, available at your local RadioShack store.
1. The way to exist the menu, a) when press PTT button b) when press Call button c) when no button touching for 30 seconds d) when go through the end of the menu.
2. Install the batteries, matching the polarity symbols(+ and -) inside.
3. Replace the cover
T he radio’s range decreases as the batt ery pow er decreases, To ensure maximum range, keep fresh batte r ies in the rad io.
WARNING : Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly. Do not burn or bury them. CAUT ION : Do not mix o ld and n ew batteries , diffe rent types of bat teries(sta ndard, alka line or rechargea b le) or recha rgeab le batte r ies of differ ent capacities.
Using the ra d io
1. To turn on the ra d io, press pow er button for 2 seconds
2. Adjust the volume to the desired listening level by pressing up/down button.
3. To enter to the memu mode and select CH, press Mode button once and then press
up/down button for the channel you want.
4. To make the melody ON or OFF, press Mode button tw o times and then press up/dow n
5. To make confirmation tone ON or OFF, press Mode button three times and then press
up/down button.
6. To talk, hold down PTT. When the TX/BATT indicator lights, speak in to the microphone.
Note : If Low Battery blinks when PTT is no t held down, replace the batteries.
When you finish speaking, release PTT.
Talk confirmation You can set the radio so a confirmation tone sounds w hen you release PTT. The tone alerts another person you are talking to that you have finished talking.
The belt clip To attach the belt cl ip, slide it dow n until it locks into place. To rem ove the be lt c lip, pu ll the tab and slide the belt clip up. Using a wrist str ap You can attach a n opt ional w ris t strap o r page r c hain(ne ither s upplie d) to the w rist strap hole
behind OFF. Auto pow er save Your rad io saves batte ry life by reduc ing the pow er the radio uses until it rece ives a s igna l o r you press a k e y. Because the rece iv ing rad io migh t be su ing power sav e mode, wait about 5 sec onds afte r p ressing PTT to allow the rec eiving radio t o come to full pow er bef ore speaking into the microphone. FCC information Important : Do not open your radio to make any internal adjustments. Your radio is set up to transmit a regulated signal on an assigned frequency. It is against the law to alter or adjust the setting s inside the rad io to exceed thos e limitat ion s. Any adjust me nts made t o you radi o mist be made by a qua lif ie d tec hn ic ia n us ing the pr ope r te s t e qu i pm ent. To be saf e a nd s ur e : Never ope n your radio’s case. Never change or replace anything in your radio except the batteries. Your ra d io m ight ca u se TV or ra d io i nte rfere nce even when it is o pe rat i ng pr ope r l y. To deter m ine whether your radio is causing the interference, turn it off. if the interference goes aw ay, your radio is causing it. Try to eliminate the interference by: Moving your radio away from the receiver. Calling your loca l RadioS hack store for he lp. Using your transceiver as described in this manual exposes you to FR energy well below the FCC’s recommended limits. T his device c omplies w ith P art 15 of the FCC R ules, Operat ion is subje ct to the follow ing two cond itions : (1 ) T his device m ay not c ause ha rmful int erfere nce, an d (2) t his dev ice mist ac cept any interfe rence rece ived, includ ing int erf erence that ma y cause undesi red ope rat ion. Care To enjoy your rad io fo r a lon g time, kee p t h e r ad i o d r y. If it ge ts wet, wipe it dr y immed iately. U se and store the radio only in normal temperature environments. Handle the radio gently and carefully. Do not drop it. Keep the radio away from dust and dirt. Wipe the radio with a damp clith occasion a lly to keep it looking new . Modif ying o r tam per ing with the r ad io’s inte rna l co mpone nts can cau se a ma lfun ct ion a nd m ight invalidate th e r ad io’s warranty and v o id you r FC C aut ho riza t ion to opera te i t. If you r radi o is no t perform ing as it should, take it to your local RadioS hack sto re for assista nce.
Specifications Channel 14 Power output 500mW ERP operating temperature - 4 to + 122’f(-20 to +50’c) Frequency 462.5625 ~ 467.7125MHz. Weight (with batteries) 4.2 oz. (119g) Battery Life : Transmit mode Standby mode Alkaline 3 hours(1050mAh) Alkaline 18 hours(1050mAh) Ni-Cd 1 hours(300mAh) Ni- Cd 5 hours(300mAh) Ni-MH 2 hours(600mAh) Ni-MH 10 hours(600mAh )
Spec if ications are typica l : individual units might v ary. S pecif ic ations a re subject to cha nge an d improvement without notice