Radio Shack 61/2-Inch 2-Way Flush Mount Speaker, 12-1744 Owner's Manual

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OWNER’S MANUAL — Please read before using this equipment.
61/2-Inch 2-Way Flush Mount Speaker System
For the best performance , install these speakers on a sol id, firm surface that d oes not vibrate at h igh volume levels. W e recommend you mount the speakers in the door panels or the rear deck.
Cardboard or fiber panels a re not good mounting sur -
faces. While deciding on a locat ion, carefully inspect the area be-
hind the proposed mounting surface.
• There must be a clea r unobstructed a rea of at le ast 2
inches (56.35 mm) behind the panel.
• If it is a door locat ion, check to be sure the window, win­dow mechanism, and window handle will clear the speaker. Make sure the window opens and closes prop­erly.
1. Use the supplied temp late to mark the speaker open ing and the mounting-screw hole locations.
You can select any 4 of the 10 holes on the tem­plate to mark the screw positi ons. However, be sure the holes you select ensure a firm mount for the speaker.
2. Cut out the marked speaker opening in the mounting sur­face.
Steel door panels a nd the rear deck (behind the upholstery) might already have large cutout areas for recessing the speaker.
3. Drill the four mounting -screw holes. Be car eful not to d rill into anything behind the mounting surface.
4. Mount the supplied speed clips directly onto the indicated mounting-screw holes that you dril led using the supplied template.
5. If necessary, route new speaker wires from the auto­sound system to the mounting area.
• Avoid routing speaker wires near moving parts, sharp
edges, or where they will be pinched or stepped on. You can usually route th em alo ng the channel beneat h the vehicle’s door facings.
• If you selected door locations, you might need to
punch a small hole in the door edge (near the door hinges) to route the wire s into the do or. Leave enough slack wire to open the door all the way.
6. Securely connect the positive (+) and negative (–) stripped speaker wir e e nds t o the corresponding sp eak er terminals.
• Improper phasing can c ause poor bass response. Be
sure to connect (+) to (+) and (–) to (–).
• Do not connect an y of your spe aker te rmina ls t o cha s-
sis ground.
If you have a two-speaker system:
Suggested Mounting Locations
Speed Clips
White/ Black
Gray/ Black
Left Right
Printed in Indonesia
RadioShack A Division of Tandy Corporation Fort Worth, Texas 76102
If you have a four-speaker system (front and rear):
7. Remove the grille from ea ch spea ker ’s mou nting brac ket to expose the mounting holes.
8. Place the mounting bracket on the speaker.
9. Align each speak er’s mounting holes and the mountin g bracket’s holes with the ho les on the speed c lips, thread a supplied screw through each mounting hole, and tighten all screws until they are secured. To secure the grille to the mou nting bracket, press s mall pieces of the supplied putty into the mounting bracket’s slot
10. Firmly press the grille onto each speaker’s mounting bracket.
Speaker Size:
Woofer ........................................................ 6
/2 Inches (165 mm)
Tweeter ......................................................... 1
/2 Inches (38 mm)
Woofer, Cone ............................................................. Paper Coating
Tweeter, Cone ............................................................... Reshy Mylar
Grille ............................................................................ ABS Material
S.P.L. 1W/1 m ......................................................................... 89 dB
Woofer Magnet Weight ............................................... 8 oz (227.5 g)
Tweeter Magnet Weight ........................................... 0.6 oz (17.01 g)
Power Handling ................................................ 30 W RMS/Channel
Maximum Power ........................................................ 90 W/Channel
Impedance .............................................................. Nominal 4 ohms
Frequency Response ...............................................105 Hz–16 kHz
Weight (one speaker) ...................................1 lb, 12.66 oz (812.5 g)
Dimensions (HWD) .................................... 6
/8 × 67/8 × 215/16 Inches
(174 × 174 × 74 mm)
Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice.
Left Front Right Front Left Rear Right Rear
Black Black
Limited Ninety-Day Warranty
This product is warranted by RadioSh ack against manuf acturing defect s in ma­terial and workmanship u nder normal use fo r ninety (90) days fr om the date of purchase from RadioShack company-owned stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, RadioShack MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, IN­CLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICU­LAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN. EXCEPT AS PRO­VIDED HEREIN, RadioShack SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBIL­ITY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO ANY LIABILITY, LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDI­RECTLY BY USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF TIME, DATA, PROPERTY, REVENUE, OR PROFIT OR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, IN­CIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RadioShack HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Some states do not allow lim itations on how long an impl ied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitat ion o f i ncide nta l or co nse quential damages, so the a bove limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. In the event of a product defect during the warranty period, take the product and the RadioShack sales receip t as proof of purchase date to any RadioShack store. RadioShack will, at its option, unless otherwise provided by law: (a) correct the defect by product repair without charge for parts and labor; (b) re­place the product w ith one of the same or simila r design; o r (c) ref und the p ur­chase price. All rep laced parts and prod ucts, an d pr odu cts on which a refund is made, become the proper ty of RadioShack. New or reconditioned parts and products may be use d in the perf ormance of w arranty ser vice. Repaire d or re­placed parts and produc ts are warranted for the re mainder of the origin al war­ranty period. You will be charged for repair or replacement of the product made after the expiration of the warranty period. This warranty does no t co ver: (a ) d am age or fa ilure ca used by or attributable to acts of God, abuse, accident, misuse, improper or abnormal usage, failure to fol­low instructions, imp roper installation or maintenance, alteration , lightning or other incidence of exce ss voltage or current; (b) any r epairs other than those provided by a RadioShack Authorized Service Facility; (c) consumables such as fuses or batteries; (d) cosme tic damage; (e) transportation, sh ipping or insur­ance costs; or (f) costs of product removal, installation, set-up service adjust­ment or reinstallation. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
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Fort Worth, TX 76102
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