21-869.fm Page 1 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 11:50 AM
10M Ham/CB Base Antenna
Your RadioShack 10M Ham/CB Base
Antenna provides excellent reception of
amateur radio, CB, and commercial radio
signals. The antenna can handle up to
2000 watts of transmit power.
Your antenna’s features include:
Electrical Half-Wave Design — pro-
vides high gain.
Note: To improve your antenna’s gain,
you can connect an optional ground
plane kit (available through your local
RadioShack store) to your antenna.
Three Easy-to-Assemble Sections —
help you quickly and ea sily assemble the
Dual Tuning Rings — help you quickly
set the antenna for optimum performance over a wide range of frequencies.
Ultraviolet Inhibitor — the antenna’s
UV-protected housing is made of impactresistant fiberglass, making the exterior
resistant to weathering and color change.
Strong Internal Construction — prevents the antenna’s internal wires from
rattling, for maximum strength.
Many do-it-yourself and professional antenna installers are injured or killed each
year by electric shock. Many power wires
are within 20 to 25 feet of the ground and
could easily be touched by an assembled
antenna or cable. Touching the overhead
wires with any part of the antenna is the
same as touching the wires with your
bare hand. Contacting an electrical wire
almost always results in a very serious
To avoid electric shock, please read and
follow these important safety precautions:
Cat. No.
• Be sure to select an antenna site
well away from all overhead wires.
• Do not try to guess which overhead
wires carry high voltage. Check with
the power company.
• If you notice anything making contact with th e ov erh ead w i res , ca ll th e
power company to have it r emoved.
• Do not run the antenna’s cable over
power wires.
• Get help from a qualified professional when removing the old
antenna, especially if you have any
doubt about clearing overhead
• Never install an antenna by yourself. Be sure to have at least two
people available for help.
• Never install an antenna on a windy
© 1999 Tandy Corpor atio n.
RadioShack is a registered trademark used by Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

21-869.fm Page 2 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 11:50 AM
When deciding on an antenna’s location,
consider these points:
• The antenna should be as high as
possible on the building.
• The antenna and its cable should be
as far as possible from sources of
electrical noise such as applianc es
or other radios.
• The antenna should be vertical for
the best performance.
Always use 50-ohm coaxial cable, such
as RG-58 or RG-8, to conn ect the antenna to your radio. For lengths over 50
feet, use RG-8 low-loss dielectric coaxial
cable. Your local RadioShack store carries a wide variety of c oax ia l an ten na c able and connectors.
Warning: When you install an outdoor
antenna, use extreme caution. If the
antenna starts to fall, let it go! It could
contact overhead power lines. If the
antenna touches the power line, contact with the antenna, mast, cable, or
guy wires can cause electrocution and
death. Call the power company to remove the antenna. Do not attempt to
remove it yourself!
Coaxial Cable Installation
• Do not install coaxial cable where it
will have a pu lli n g t e ns io n of g r ea ter
than 50 pounds. Leave no tension
on the cable after installing it.
• Use only round-headed staples.
Any clamps or securing devices
used with coaxial cable should grip
the cable evenly about the circumference without crushing the cable.
Flat staples can damage coaxial
• Do not expose coaxial cable to a
temperature greater than 176°F
(80°C). Keep the cable away from
heating vents and water heaters.
• Do not install coaxial cable where it
will be crushed, stuffed, wedged, or
• The cable’s jacket withstands most
outdoor environments. However,
you must seal connections and
splices to prevent moisture from
entering them.
• Do not run the cable over sharp
edges or moving parts that might
damage it.
• Do not run the cable next to power
cables or ot her antenna cables.

21-869.fm Page 3 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 11:50 AM
Pre-Tuning the Antenna
Your antenna is preset to use 27.205
MHz (the midd le of th e CB ban d) for t he
lowest SWR.
na with a CB radi o, you do not have to
pre-tune it.
ing the Antenna” on Page3.
Before you assemble and mount the an-
tenna, you must determine the frequency range you will be using with it.
are not using CB frequencies
either trim the antenna’s top element to
match the range you are using or use an
antenna tuner (not supplied) to electrically trim the antenna.
Caution: To avoid damaging the antenna, do not trim the antenna’s middle or
bottom elements.
If you are using your antenna with an
amateur radio and want to trim the antenna’s top element to pre-tune it, follow
these steps.
1. Use the following chart to determine
how much you need to trim of f of the
top element (if any).
If you are using your anten -
See “Assembling and Mount-
If you
, you must
2. Remove the cap from the top of the
top element.
3. Use a tape measure to measure the
length you need to cut off of the top
element, then use a hacksaw to
carefully cut the top element.
4. Replace the cap on th e to p e lem en t.
5. Set the tuning rings on the bottom
element of the antenna to their lowest position.
Note: If you trim too much off of the top
element or use the antenna for a different frequency later, you can order a replacement top element from your local
RadioShack store.
If you need to pre-tune the antenna to a
frequency lower than 28 MHz, use an
antenna tuner (not supplied).
Assembling and Mounting
the Antenna
Before you can use the antenna, you
must assemble and mount it then connect it to your radio. You c an mount t he
antenna outdoors on a vertical, solid object such as a TV antenna mast. For the
best results, mount the antenna vertically as high as possib le a wa y fro m t rees or
other obstructions. (Higher frequencies
are noticeably affected by obstructions.)
For example, to pre-tune the
antenna to use a frequency of
29.328 MHz, you must cut off
enough of the top elem ent (abo ut 21
inches) to leave it approximately 51
inches in length.
• Do not mount the antenna on a
metal surface such as aluminum
siding. This greatly reduces the
antenna’s ability to receive signals.
• Before you assemble the antenna,
prepare the structure that you will
mount it to. RadioShack stores carry
standard TV masts which you can
use to mount the antenna. Make
sure the supplied U-bolts will fit
around whicheve r mast you choose.