Radiometer MeterLab ION 450 User guide

User’s Guide
Contents 1
D21M075 • Printed by Radiometer Analytical SAS • 2004-03B
2 Contents
Read me! ........................................................................................... 5
2. Getting started....................................................................11
Keyboard............................................................................................ 11
Basic principles ................................................................................. 12
Main window ...................................................................................... 14
Electrodes window ............................................................................. 15
Cell window ........................................................................................ 17
System configuration ......................................................................... 18
3. Programming guidelines ...................................................27
Create an electrode ............................................................................ 28
Edit electrode screen ......................................................................... 30
Programming electrode parameters.................................................... 33
Create a method ................................................................................ 34
Edit method screen............................................................................ 35
Programming method parameters ...................................................... 37
4. Running analyses...............................................................39
Run electrode calibration.................................................................... 40
Run method ....................................................................................... 40
Run direct measurement .................................................................... 40
5. Viewing data........................................................................41
Sample results................................................................................... 42
Electrode calibration results ............................................................... 43
6. Printing data .......................................................................45
Manual printouts ................................................................................ 46
Automatic printouts ............................................................................ 48
Contents 3
7. Connection of peripherals.................................................49
8. General information ...........................................................51
Cleaning............................................................................................. 51
T ransporting the instrument................................................................ 51
Servicing............................................................................................ 51
4 Contents
1. Intr1. Intr
1. Intr
1. Intr1. Intr
Read me!Read me!

Read me!

Read me!Read me!
The interface of the Ion Analyser has been specially designed to clearly guide you through every step of the programming and running of the analyses, whether you are a supervisor or a routine user.
An important part of this interface is to check and control the presence of different elements necessary to run the defined application.
Working in Supervisor modeWorking in Supervisor mode
Working in Supervisor mode
Working in Supervisor modeWorking in Supervisor mode
When programming in “SUPERVISOR” mode, it is recommended to work in stages. These stages below:
To program a methodTo program a method
To program a method
To program a methodTo program a method
1. Define your electrode(s)
Identify electrodes (including temperature sensors) to be used for the analysis.
Electrodes can be created from the following lists, Catalogue, Other or Copy from. When creating the electrode, define if electrode calibration is required (or not), if yes specify the “periodicity” of the calibrations and the standards to be used. Refer to chapter 3.
be carried out in the order described
2. Create a new method or Edit a pre-programmed one
Create the measurement method to be used for the analyses. Enter the parameters required to calculate the results, refer to chapter 3.
When you have finished programming, select the method or pre­programmed application, refer to Short-Form Reminder no. 2.
If a sample changer is to be used, define the sample changer in the Configuration menu before selecting Working mode = SAC sequence in the main window.

Introduction 5

3. Check icons
The following icons indicate the exact state of your working system.
Sunny icon: Everything is OK. Run the method or sequence.
A sunny icon is required to run the method
Cloudy icon:
Action required within 12 or 24 hours. For example an electrode calibration.
Stormy icon: Electrode calibration date elapsed or electrodes not
installed. Question mark:
It is a programming error, electrodes are not defined in the selected method. Revise the method programming.
Refer to the Electrode window.
When a Cloudy/Stormy/Question mark icon appears, Press 1 “Check”. The Ion Analyser will automatically guide you through the operations necessary to solve the errors encountered
4. Running methods
To run a method or sequence, refer to chapter 4.
6 Chapter 1
Working in Routine modeWorking in Routine mode
Working in Routine mode
Working in Routine modeWorking in Routine mode
In “ROUTINE” mode you are guided at every step, thanks to the clear­text messages and the icon present on the large graphic display.
Access methodsAccess methods
Access methods
Access methodsAccess methods
A Routine operator has access to all the displays for
Running methodsRunning methods
Running methods
Running methodsRunning methods
When working in “ROUTINE” mode, it is necessary to install your measurement system according to the selected method or sequence, prior to running a method or sequence.
1. Select the method or sequence
Refer to chapter 4.
Introduction 7
2. Check icons
The following icons indicate the exact state of your working system.
Sunny icon: Everything is OK. Run the method or sequence.
A sunny icon is required to run the method
Cloudy icon:
Action required within 12 or 24 hours. For example an electrode calibration.
Stormy icon: Electrode calibration date elapsed or electrodes not
installed. Question mark:
It is a programming error, electrodes are not defined in the selected method. Revise the method programming.
Refer to the Electrode window.
When a Cloudy/Stormy/Question mark icon appears, press 1 to run the “Check” command.
Depending on the icon displayed, the Ion Analyser will automatically guide you through the steps necessary to run the analysis, see following page.
8 Chapter 1
a. Connect/install the electrode(s)
Connect/install electrodes and temperature sensors, Refer to chapter 3.
b. Calibrate electrode(s)
Run the electrode calibration, refer to chapter 4 and Short Form Reminder no. 3.
d. Run the method or the sequence, when a Sunny icon is
Refer to chapter 4 and Short Form Reminder no. 4 and 5.
Introduction 9
10 Chapter 1
2. Getting star2. Getting star
2. Getting star
2. Getting star2. Getting star


1. Alphanumeric keypad to enter data and parameters on the same principle as mobile telephones. These keys can also be used for quick access to the different menus; refer to the display on the following page.
2. Del: deletes the character on which the cursor is positioned.
3. Esc: returns to the previous screen. During analysis, this key allows you to enter the method, electrode and cell menu.
4. Print: prints the data concerning the screen displayed.
5. Stop: stops an analysis. Press this key for 3 seconds in the Main window to gain access to the setup parameters.
6. RIGHT, LEFT, UP, DOWN arrow keys are used to move to different options within the menus.
7. : confirms a data entry, a message or a function asked for by the user.

Getting started 11

Basic principlesBasic principles

Basic principles

Basic principlesBasic principles
When the instrument is switched on, the Main window is displayed. When the instrument is switched on for the first time the screen will be as follows:
Title bar Selected line
Menu options. Press the
corresponding number for quick access to the different menus. For example, press 4 to enter the Method library
Method tab
If required, you can adjust the contrast of the display by:
pressing 0 to increase the brightness,
pressing 7 to decrease the brightness. The title bar in the menu indicates the instrument name and the actual
time. You will be shown how to personalise the name and adjust the time further on in the manual.
The RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys allow you to move from one tab to the other and enter the Electrode and Cell menus.
Work your way through the 3 tabs, then back to the Main window. The UP and DOWN keys allow you to select a line. To enter an option,
select the line, and press ✓. You can also press the corresponding numerical key.
Electrode tab Cell tab
12 Chapter 2
1. Press 4 or select the line Method library and press to enter the Method library screen. Press Esc to return to the Main window.
2. Select the line Working mode and press . The following options are available:
Method: to run a single method. Sequence: to create or run a sequence of methods. Beakers are
manually changed between two method runs. SAC Method: to run a single method to be performed using a
sample changer. SAC Sequence: to create or run a sequence of methods to be
performed using a sample changer. Note: the working mode selected will have no effect on the type of
method you wish to create. Do not forget to define the sample changer in the Configuration
menu before selecting SAC Method or SAC Sequence.
3 Press to confirm your selection.
Getting started 13
Main windowMain window

Main window

Main windowMain window
When the instrument is switched on the Main window is displayed.
1 2
3 4 5
6 7
1. Title bar: indicates the instruments name and the current time.
2. Working mode: Select the way in which you want to work. Choose from Method, SAC Method, Sequence, SAC Sequence ; refer to previous page.
3. Check or Run: check or run the selected method /sequence. The method can be run when a sunny icons is displayed in the Electrode tab.
If a cloudy/stormy icon is displayed, activate the "Check" command. The Ion Analyser will automatically guide you through the necessary operations required to solve the problem(s)
4. Sequence/sample stack: if SAC Sequence or Sac Method has been selected in step 2 above. Program the sample stack. Select or edit the method sequence.
5. Select method: select method to be used for the analyses.
6. Method library: supervisor use only: create, edit, reset and delete methods to correspond to your specific needs. Or Display methods - routine use only : display the main parameters of the selected method.
7. GLP-Archives: access GLP tables and visualise the stored method sample results.
8. Method tab: Animated icon indicates when a method/sequence is running.
14 Chapter 2
Electrodes windowElectrodes window

Electrodes window

Electrodes windowElectrodes window
Use the RIGHT arrow key to move to this window.
1 2 3
4 5
6 7
1. Title bar: indicates the name of the window.
2. Calibrate electrode: run a calibration or a calibration sequence using the installed electrodes.
3. Install electrodes: connect, disconnect or replace electrodes in a method or sequence.
4. Check electrodes: check the identification parameters of the electrodes used in the method or sequence.
5. Electrode library - Supervisor use only: create, edit, reset and delete electrodes stored in the instrument.
6. Display measurement: displays mV and/or pH and/or concentration and/or conductivity and/or temperature at a connected electrode of the electrode system.
7. GLP-Archives: access GLP tables and visualise the stored electrode calibration results.
8. Electrode tab: Electrode status icon indicates the state of the electrode system. Four types of icons can be displayed.
Getting started 15
Sunny icon. The calibration has been performed on all the
electrodes present in the system. Everything is just right!
Cloudy icon. The electrode calibration of one of the
electrodes present in the system should be performed within 12 or 24 hours.
Stormy icon. The calibration date has elapsed for one of
the electrodes present in the system. If acceptance limits have been set for the calibration: at
least one calibration result lies outside the programmed acceptance limits.
At least one of the electrodes present in the system has not been installed.
Check the sequence or method, (press 1 in the Main window). The instrument prompts you to do the necessary operations. You are guided step by step.
Question mark. There is a problem in the editing of the
electrode system. You need to be in Supervisor mode to solve the problem. Check the sequence/method or electrode parameters.
Check the sequence or method, (press 1 in the Main window). The instrument indicates the possible errors and prompts you to correct them until ? disappears.
16 Chapter 2
+ 36 hidden pages