Tenor and Quintum are registered trademarks. PacketSaver, Quintum Technologies, Inc., Risk Free VoP,
VoIP Made Easy, TASQ, SelectNet, and SelectNet Technology are trad emarks of Quintum Technologies,
This product guide is divided into chapters; each chapter describes a specific topic. The following
chapters are included:
•About this Guide: Describes what is included in the Product Guide, including typographical
•Chapter 1: Overview. Includes a general overview of the product, including a description of the Tenor AX’s features and capabilities.
•Chapter 2: Hardware Components. Hardware description, including the front and rear panels,
as well as LEDs and required cables.
•Chapter 3: Hardware Installation/Basic Troubleshooting. Describes how to install the Tenor AX unit, including how to connect, power up and assign the IP address.
•Chapter 4: Advanced Topic: Call Detail Recording. Describes the Call Detail Recording
(CDR) feature, including how to set up the CDR server and assign a password. In addition,
instructions for reading CDR output are also included.
•Chapter 5: Advanced Topic: Diagnostics/Maintenance: This chapter describes how to view
Tenor Alarms as well as perform maintenance procedures.
•Chapter 6: Advanced T opic: SNMP/IVR: This chapter describes the SNMP protocol and how to
use it with the Tenor AX, as well as how to use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for
support of pre-paid and post-paid calls.
Preface-2P/N 480-0062-00-10
Typographical Conventions
Product Guide Conventions
Certain typographical conventions are used throughout this product guide. See below.
•All commands you enter via keystrokes appear in bold (e.g., Press Enter or Press Ctrl-I).
•All text commands you enter via Telnet session or command line typing appear in italics (e.g.,
type active).
•There are three types of special text that are designed to reveal supplemental information: Note,
Warning, and Caution. See below.
A NOTE provides additional, helpful information. This information may tell you how to do a
certain task or just be a reminder for how-to’s given in previo us sections. (i.e., For a list of valid
commands at any time, type ?)
A WARNING provides information about how to avoid harming your VoIP equipment or other
equipment (i.e., Do not stack more than 4 units together.)
About this Guide
A CAUTION provides information about how to avoid injury to yourself or to others (e.g., Do
not install the equipment during a lightning storm).
P/N 480-0062-00-00Preface-3
About this Guide
Finding Help/More Information
Refer to the Product Guide for help. The Table of Contents and Index tells you where to find information easily.
Extensive configuration help is available via the Tenor Configuration Manager/Tenor Monitor User Guide or the Command Line InterfaceUser Guide. Both documents are on the CDR ROM you
received with unit or you can download the latest documentation from www.quintum.com.
Preface-4P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 1: Overview
This chapter gives you a general overview of the Tenor AX including feature descriptions and capa-
bilities. Specifically, the following topics are covered:
! A description of Tenor AX
! Features
! Capabilities
! Call Paths
! Advanced Features/Capabilities
P/N 480-0062-00-10 1-1
Chapter 1: Overview
What is the Tenor AX?
The Tenor AX is a high-density VoiP (Voice over Internet Protocol) H.323/SIP switch that com-
presses and packetizes voice, fax, and modem data and transmits it ver the IP network. Designed for
Enterprises and Service Providers, the Tenor AX gives large businesses with analog voice infrastructure an easy, cost-effective way to capitalize on the power of Voice over IP (VoIP).
The Tenor AX integrates a gateway, gatekeeper , border element, intelligent call routing, and supports
H.323/SIP and QoS all in one solution. The gateway converts circuit switched calls to VoIP calls,
the gatekeeper performs IP call routing functions, and the border element distributes the call routing
directories throughout the network. Through the FXS port, you can connect a telephone, key system
or PBX; through the FXO port, you can connect to the PSTN (through direct connection to the Central Office).
Figure 1-1
Tenor AX VoIP Switch
The Tenor AX is available in four series types:
•AXM MultiPath.The AXMMultiPath Switch is mainly intended for symmetrical multipath
applications for typical enterprise applications. The number of FXS (i.e., PBX) ports is equal to
the number of FXO (i.e., PSTN) ports. The number of VoIP channels is half the number of
PSTN channels. Calls are routed between the Phone/FXS, Line/FXO, and IP Network.
•AXT Trunking VoIP Gateway. The AXT T runking VoIP Gateway is mainly intended for trunk
side connections between the PSTN and VoIP Network. The number of VoIP ports is equal to
the number of FXO ports. Calls can be routed in any direction between any of the ports.
•AXG VoIP Gateway. The AXG VoIP Gateway is mainly intended for applications interfacing
between the PBX and the VoIP network. The number of VoIP channels equals the number of
FXS ports. Calls can be routed in any direction between any of the ports.
•AXE Enterprise VoIP Gateway (plus 2 FXO ports). The AXE VoIP Gateway is mainly
intended for applications interfacing between the PBX and the VoIP network, but it also
includes two FXO ports for autoswitching PSTN backup-up and 911 service provision.
The MultiPath version’s architecture enables the Tenor AX to intelligently route calls between the
FXS, FXO, and the VoIP network to achieve the best combination of cost and quality. The Tenor AX
also routes calls over IP to reduce costs, and then transparently “hop off” to the PSTN, to reach offnet locations. Calls can be routed in any direction between any of the ports.
Whichever configuration you choose, the high performance unit provides one 10/100 BaseT connection, along with one RS-232 serial console port connection. The unit also incorporates an intelligent call routing engine which regulates system resources and configuration while coordinating all
voice traffic activity in the unit.
The unit’s simple plug and play embedded system architecture brings VoIP technology to your network without changing your existing telephony infrastructure. Your network stays as is, and the call
type is transparent to the user. This technology boasts superior voice quality without compromising
P/N 480-0062-00-101-3
Chapter 1: Overview
The Tenor AX’s specific features are explaine d below.
Unique Design
Tenor AX packs powerful VoIP features into one compact unit. The Tenor can be installed without
upgrades to the existing voice or data network. You can install the unit anywhere, without affecting
the network infrastructure you already have in place. As with all Tenor architecture, the Tenor AX
provides the power of VoIP in a easy-to-use product that takes just minutes to get up and running.
State-of-the-Art GUI Configuration and Network Management
The Tenor AX is managed by a two unique systems: Tenor Configuration Manager and Tenor Monitor. Through the Tenor Configuration Manager, you can configure all options, such as dial plans,
call routing numbers, etc. via a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI). An easy-to-use installation
process enables you to an install the manager and start configuring within minutes. Through the
Tenor Monitor, you can monitor the health of the system, including alarms, call detail records, etc.
Both the Tenor Configuration Manager and Tenor Monitor provide comprehensive on-line help sys-
tems that are available at your fingertips.
In addition, you can configure the unit via Command Line Interface (CLI). Through this simple telnet session, you can access all configuration options, including an online help system, built into the
CLI, which provides help for all features and functions. Just type help at any prompt, and data about
that field will be displayed.
Easy Connect to Console
Plugging a serial cable between the unit’s RS-232 port and your PC’s console port, will allow local
unit management. Through the console connection, you are able to assign an IP address. In addition,
through the RS-232 port, you are able to configure the unit via Command Line Interface (CLI).
Powerful System Monitoring
There are many different ways to monitor the health of the unit, including LEDs and alarms. LEDs
appear on the front of the unit. The LEDs light up according to operations and alarms the system is
For more advanced monitoring, you can use the Tenor Monitor and the Command Line Interface (CLI) to view a list of active system alarms, as well as view an alarm history. Each alarm indicates
the unit’s operational status.
1-4P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 1: Overview
SelectNet™ Technology Safety Net (for Tenor AXM and Tenor AXE configurations)
Quality of service is virtually guaranteed. Tenor AX ’s built-in patented SelectN et
™ Technology
provides a “safety net,” which virtually guarantees that each call going VoIP will not only be routed
successfully, but will deliver high voice quality.
SelectNet monitors the IP network performance for VoIP calls. If the performance characteristics
become unacceptable—according to the delay , jitter, and packet loss specifications you configure—
the Tenor AX will switch the call to the PSTN automatically and transparently. The Tenor continuously monitors your data network for jitter, latency and packet loss, and transparently switches customer calls to the PSTN when required.
PacketSaver™ reduces bandwidth consumption
PacketSaver packet multiplexing technology reduces the amount of IP bandwidth required to support multiple calls flowing between two endpoints. PacketSaver minimizes bandwidth usage by
aggregating samples from multiple VoIP conversations and packing them into a larger IP packet
with a single IP header. The process removes the need to send a bulky IP header with individual
voice packets. As a result, it eliminates the transmission of redundant information.
Figure 1-2 PacketSaver
Conventional V oIP Transmission Sends Many Redundant Packet Headers
Tenor AX
Tenor using PacketSaver to Minimize Bandwidth Usage
Tenor AX
Virtual Tie Trunk
The Tenor unit can emulate any tie trunk. It provides all of the functionality of a tie trunk, including
the considerable cost savings, but eliminates the need for a PBX trunk to be configured, or marked
as a tie trunk. (A traditional tie trunk is a PBX-configured direct connection between two PBXs in
separate locations. The tie trunk bypasses the PSTN network, which results in considerable savings.)
Your PBX does not need any additional configuration. The Tenor AX treats all trunks the same without compromising voice quality.
P/N 480-0062-00-101-5
Chapter 1: Overview
SNMP Support
The Tenor AX supports Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the standard protocol used
to exchange network information between different types of networks. The Tenor AX unit acts as an
SNMP agent—using HP®
Openview™—to receive commands and issue responses to the Network
Manager. The Network Manager will then be able to perform certain functions, such as receiving
traps from the Tenor AX.
Call Detail Recording
Through the Call Detail Record (CDR) feature, the Tenor AX generates a call record at the completion of each call, typically for accounting purposes. A CDR is a string of data that contains call
information such as call date and time, call duration, calling party, and called party. Tenor AX may
store Call Detail Records locally or they can be sent to a CDR server within the network. The CDR
contains sufficient information to capture billing data, which can be used to create billing reports
using third party billing software.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a feature of the Tenor AX that enables you to offer services,
such as Pre-paid calling cards and Post-paid accounts, to your customers.
The Tenor uses the RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service), for authenticating and
authorizing user access to the VoIP network, including ANI Authentication (Types 1 and 2). The
RADIUS is a standard protocol which provides a series of standardized message formats for transmitting and receiving dialed information, account data and authorization codes between the network
access gateway and the billing server.
NATAccess is an intelligent network address translation technology. It enables VoIP networks with
multiple endpoints to operate behind firewalls equipped with H.323 Network Address Translation
(NAT); this provides maximum network security. NATAccess simplifies deployment by eliminating
the need to place the Tenor on a public IP network. Using NATAccess provides easy, secure expansion between multiple VoIP sites. In addition, NAT technology in the Tenor permits the use of private subnets at the same time; in-house calls will never go over the public internet.
Figure 1-3 Tenor with NATAccess Deployment
“Public” LAN
“DMZ” Port
“Private” port
Firwall NAT
“Private” LAN
1-6P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 1: Overview
Dynamic Call Routing
Tenor AX’s intelligent call routing capabilities are state-of-the-art. The unit automatically detects
and supports three call types: voice, fax, and modem.
Tenor AX will first identify the call origination site—Line/FXO, Phone/FXS, or IP routing group —
and then route the call according to the parameters you have configured in the routing database.
Each call may be routed via circuit switched path between any two circuit groups, or compressed
and transported via VoIP when connecting to an IP routing group. Trunk circuits are those that typically connect to another circuit switched network such as the PSTN. Line circuits typically connect
to a termination device on the user premises, such as a PBX.
The Tenor AX VoIP MultiPath Switch Configuration is symmetrical with an equal number of
Phone/FXS and Line/FXO ports. Calls are routed from the Phone/FXS, Line/FXO, or IP Network.
Calls can be routed in any direction between any of the ports.
Below are descriptions of the basic call paths from the FXS (Phone), FXO (Line) and IP; the exact
call path will be determined by the specific Tenor AX configuration you have in your network.
FXS (Phone) Originated Calls. Calls coming from the Phone/FXS interface (i.e.PBX) may be
switched to either the data network as a VoIP call or to the FXO interface, typically for connection to
another circuit switched network such as the PSTN. The routing decision made by the Tenor AX is
based upon your configuration and the di aled number. See Figure 1-4 for an example of a call originated from a PBX.
Figure 1-4 FXS (Phone) Originated Calls
FXS Port
FXO Port
IP Network
FXO (Line) Originated Calls. A call coming from a Line/FXO interface may be switched to either
the data network as a VoIP call, a Line Circuit, or trunk typically for connection to a termination
device on the user’s premises such as a PBX. The routing decision made by the Tenor AX is based
upon your configuration and the dialed number. See Figure 1-5 for an example of a call originated
from the PSTN.
Figure 1-5 FXO (Line) Originated Calls
FXS Port
FXO Port
IP Network
1-8P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 1: Overview
IP Network Calls. Calls coming from the IP network data can be routed to the Line/FXO or Phone/
FXS interfaces. The Tenor will route calls based upon the dialed number. If the number is configured as a local phone number, the call will be sent to a Phone/FXS ci rcuit for termination, otherwise
the call is considered a “Hop-Off call” and the Tenor sends it out through a Line/FXO interface, typically connected to the PSTN. See Figure 1-6 for an example of a call originated from the IP network.
Figure 1-6 IP Network Originated Calls
FXS Port
IP Network
FXO Port
P/N 480-0062-00-101-9
Chapter 1: Overview
Tenor AXT Trunking VoIP Gateway (AXT0800, AXT1600, AXT2400) Configuration
The Tenor AXT Trunking VoIP Gateway Configuration is used for trunk side PSTN (Line/FXO
port) to VoIP connections; calls coming from the Line/FXO interface (i.e.PSTN) may be switched to
the data network as a VoIP call. Calls can be routed in any direction between any of the ports. See
Figure 1-7 for an example of a call originating from the PSTN.
Tenor AXG VoIP Gateway (AXG0800, AXG1600, AXG2400) Configuration
The Tenor AXG VoIP Gateway Configuration is used for (Phone/FXS) to VoIP connections; calls
coming from the Phone/FXS interface (i.e. PBX) may be switched as a VoIP call. Calls can be
routed in any direction between any of the ports. See Figure 1-8 for an example of a call originating
from the Phone/FXS side (PBX).
See Figure 1-8 for an example of a call originating from a PBX.
Tenor AXE Enterprise VoIP Gateway (AXE0800, AXE1600, AXE2400) Configuration
The AXE Enterprise VoIP Gateway is mainly intended for applications interfacing between the PBX
and the VoIP network, but it also includes two FXO ports for autoswitching PSTN back-up and 91 1
service provision. The number of VoIP ports is equal to the number of FXS ports. Calls can be
routed in any direction between any of the ports.
See Figure 1-9 for an example of a call originating from a PBX.
There are four types of routing databases you can configure: Bypass Directory Numbers (BPN),
Hunt Local Directory Numbers (Hunt LDN), Hop-Off Directory Numbers (HDN), and Static
Bypass Directory Numbers. Bypass Directory Numbers (BDN) are telephone numbers that are
automatically routed directly from a line circuit to the PSTN; they will not be routed VoIP. Some
examples of bypass numbers include toll-free calls, emergency calls (i.e., 911), or high security
Hunt Local Directory Numbers. A Hunt Local Directory Number (Hunt LDN) is a phone number
reachable through local Line Circuits.
Hop-Off Directory Number. A Hop-off PBX call travels over IP, and then “hops” off into the public network (PSTN) on the distant side to reduce or eliminate public toll charges (also known as
Leaky Area Map). A Hop-Off Directory Number is routed over the IP to another T enor location and
then out to the Trunk circuit, possibly to the PSTN as a local call.
Static Routes. Static Routes are used between networks and other H.323 devices that are not registered to the network through the Border Element (such as non-Quintum gateways). A static route
associates endpoints (as represented by their IP address) with Directory Number patterns.
Dial Plan Options
Public/Private Dial Plan Support.The Tenor AX supports public and private dial plans. A public
dial plan includes numbers which conform to the international dialing plan (E.164) of a country
code + city/area code + local number. For a public dial plan, you can define the numbering plan
structure for the Tenor AX to use for outgoing calls.
A private dial plan does not conform to a public dialing plan (i.e., 3 digit dialing plan); through the
Tenor AX you are able to configure the unique pattern/dialing plan structure, including number
You are able to configure which dial plan to use for incoming and outgoing calls, including whether
other options such as hop-off calls, will use a public or private dial plan.
User Programmable Dial Plan Support. The User Programmable Dial Plan Support (UPDP)
enables the Tenor to identify a completely customizable set of digit sequences, such as Local,
National, International or Private Numbers.
PassThrough support for certain call types. Certain call types can be directly routed to a trunk
circuit, without going IP. There are several routing tables you can configure through the Tenor Con-figuration Manager to adjust how the Tenor AX unit routes these types of “pass through” numbers.
For example, you may want to configure 911 as a “bypass number”, which means that all 911 calls
coming into Tenor AX from the line circuit will be routed directly to a Trunk circuit presumably connected to a PSTN. Bypass calls are never routed over IP.
P/N 480-0062-00-101-12
Chapter 1: Overview
Hop-off PBX Calls. Hop-off numbers are phone number patterns for calls to be routed out to the
PSTN. (A hop-off PBX call is a toll call which hops through a private network to reduce or eliminate the toll charge.) They are entered in a Hop-off Number Directory and associated with trunks
where matching calls should be sent.
Tenor AX supports those hop-off PBX calls where the destination Tenor AX is programmed to route
the call to the PSTN. The destination Tenor AX unit is configured with the phone numbers to be
“supported” for this feature.
H.323 Gatekeeper Services
The Tenor AX unit’s built-in H.323 gatekeeper performs IP call routing functions, such as call control and administrative services to another Tenor AX unit, or another H.323 endpoint. The gatekeeper’s functionality complies with the H.323 industry specifications for voice control and
Gatekeeper. A Gatekeeper in an H.323 network provides call control services and other services to
H.323 endpoints (i.e., gateways, terminals, and MCUs). The Tenor AX has a built-in H.323 gatekeeper which complies to the H.323 industry specifications for voice control and management. The
gatekeeper performs call routing functions for calls entering and exiting a site.
The Gatekeeper performs IP call routing functions, such as Call Control Signaling and Call Authorization for Gateways, IP phones, and H.323 terminals. The Gatekeeper communicates with other
Gatekeepers through a Border Element. When using a group of Tenor AX units, you can assign one
unit as the Gatekeeper for the network. We recommend you configure each as its own gatekeeper.
Tenor AX supports gatekeeper to gatekeeper communication using the standard LRQ (Location
Request)/LCF (Location Confirm) messaging scheme.
Zone Management. A zone is a group of H.323 defined endpoints controlled b y a Gatekeeper. Endpoints can be gateways (i.e., Tenor AX), terminals, and/or multipoint conferencing units (MCUs).
Endpoints establish control channels with a gatekeeper for registration, admission, and security. Call
routing information about the endpoint is sent to the gatekeeper, including: IP address, unit type
(gateway, terminal, or MCU) and routing information (such as phone numbers, number patterns,
A collection of zones is an administrative domain. An administrative domain provides call routing
services for its zones through gatekeeper to gatekeeper messages or gatekeeper to border element
messages (see below for more information).
Call Registration. When registration from an H.323 endpoint is complete and a call is originated,
the call request is sent to the gatekeeper. The call request provides the Gatekeeper with the dialed
number and requests the routing information. The gatekeeper confirms the dialed number and supplies the endpoint with the destination IP address. For example, a Tenor AX’s gatekeeper will act as
the gatekeeper for that zone and all of the other endpoints will register with it.
Border Element. The Tenor AX’s gatekeeper uses a border element to gain access to the routing
database of the administrative domain for the purpose of call completion or any other services that
involve communications with other endpoints out of the administrative domain. The border element
functionality is built into the Tenor AX unit, along with the gateway and gatekeeper.
P/N 480-0062-00-101-13
Chapter 1: Overview
The primary function of the border element is to collect, manage, and distribute call routing information. A gatekeeper will establish a service relationship with a border element; the gatekeeper provides its zones capabilities and the border element shares call routing capabilities of other zones in
the administrative domain. Through the border element, gatekeepers from multiple zones will be
able to communicate.
A border element also establishes relationships with other border elements to route between administrative domains. If a gatekeeper cannot resolve an address, it contacts the border element.
In addition, if you are using more than one T enor unit, you can configure one of the border elements
for that zone. The Tenor AX unit can use two border elements: primary and secondary. These work
together as one entity to provide redundancy and fault tolerance; there are no hierarchal differences.
Administrative Domain
Border Element
Border Element
Administrative Domain
Call Services. Gatekeepers provide services such as addressing, authorization and authentication of
terminals and gateways, bandwidth management, accounting, billing, and charging. Gatekeepers
also provide call-routing services. Specifically, the Tenor AX Gatekeeper provides the functions
which follow:
Address Translation. The gatekeeper translates telephone numbers into IP addresses and vice
versa. It performs Alias Address (phone number) to Transport Address (IP address) translation when
an endpoint requests service. The Gatekeeper uses a translation table to translate an Alias Address
(an address such as an H.323 identifier that a user may not understand) to a transport address. The
translation table is updated using Registration messages.
Autodiscovery. The gatekeeper is discovered in one of the following ways: An endpoint sends an IP
broadcast called a Gatekeeper Request message (GRQ) message (which includes that correct gatekeeper name) to discover a Gatekeeper OR the endpoint will discover a gatekeeper by its IP address.
Routing. The gatekeeper identifies the IP address of endpoints in its administrative domain. The
gatekeeper builds a routing database from information obtained from the border element and also
from gateways and H.323 endpoints.
Admissions Control. All H.323 endpoints must register and request permission to enter the gatekeeper’s zone; the gatekeeper will confirm or deny access to the network. The gatekeeper authorizes
P/N 480-0062-00-101-14
Chapter 1: Overview
network access and protects the integrity of the network using Admissions Request (ARQ), Admissions Confirmation (ACF) and Admissions Reject (ARJ) messages.
SIP User Agent
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used to establish a session on an IP network
for voice control and management; it is a request-response protocol that closely resembles Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which forms the basis of the World Wide Web. SIP re-uses many of
the constructs and concepts of Internet protocols such as HTTP and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP). The purpose of SIP is only to establish/change/terminate sessions. SIP is not concerned
with the content or details of the session.
SIP is Transport layer-independent, which means it can be used with any transport protocol: UDP,
TCP, ATM, etc. It is text-based, so it requires no encoding/decoding like H.323. And SIP supports
user mobility, using proxies and redirecting requests to your current location.
When configured for SIP the Tenor will act as a SIP User Agent (Endpoint) as defined in IETF
RFC3261. Multiple user agents allow for separate agents to be allocated to each SIP call. It will be
able to gateway calls to and from the IP network, and Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) such as
phones, PBX's, and FAX machines, or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The Tenor
SIP User Agent will work in conjunction with an external SIP proxy or redirect to route and connect
calls over SIP based networks.
There are three basic components of SIP:
1. User Agent (Endpoint)
•client element, initiates calls
•server element, answers calls
2. Network Server (Proxy Server or Redirect Server)
•name resolution
•user location
•redirect and forking
3. Registrar
•Stores registration information in a location service using a non-SIP protocol.
P/N 480-0062-00-101-15
Chapter 2: Hardware Components
This chapter tells you what is contained in your hardware package. A description of each component
is also included.
Specifically, the following topics are covered:
! Hardware Description
! Cables
! Specifications
P/N 480-0062-00-102-1
Chapter 2: Hardware Components
Hardware Description
The Tenor AX is a stackable device which provides Phone/FXO and Line/FXO connections as well
as connections to the Ethernet LAN and a PC.
The unit’s front panel includes LEDs; the back panel includes connection jacks, a diagnostics
option, a reset button, and an on/off power switch.
Front Panel Connections and Reset Options
Figure 2-1 Tenor AX Front Panel
Power LED
Status LED
Analog Port LEDs
The LEDs display the health of the system. There are different types of LEDs: Power , Status, LAN,
and Analog Ports. See Table 2-1 for a description.
Table 2-1 Front Panel LEDs Definitions
LEDLabel LED ColorDescription
PowerPowerGreenOn: Indicates power is on.
Off: Power is off.
StatusStatusGreen FlashingOperational Status.
Off: Tenor AX is working properly.
On: One or more diagnostic tests
have failed.
Line/FXO LED - GreenOn indicates activity is occurring
Analog Ports
Phone/FXS LED - GreenOn indicates activity is occurring
on at least one Line/FXO port.
on at least one Phone/FXS port.
2-2P/N 480-0062-00-10
Chapter 2: Hardware Components
LEDLabel LED ColorDescription
100MbGreenOn: The advertised link rate is
100Mb if the link is not connected,
or the actual link rate is 100b if the
link is connected.
LinkGreenOn: Link is working properly and
ActivityGreen FlashingOn: Indicates there is activity (i.e.,
Off: The advertised link rate is
10Mb if the link is not connected,
or the actual link rate is 10Mb if
the link is connected.
there is activity on the line.
Off: Link has failed.
transmit/receive) on the line.
Off: No activity is occurring.
P/N 480-0062-00-102-3
Chapter 2: Hardware Components
Back Panel
Power Switch
Phone/FXS port
Line/FXO port
LAN port
•Phone/FXS port. Provides a 50 Pin Telco connector which supports up to 24 Phone/FXS con-
nections for connecting to the PBX, Keyphone or phones.
•Line/FXO port. Provides a 50 Pin Telco connector which supports up to 24 FXO/Line connec-
tions for connection to the Central Office (connection to the PSTN).
•LAN port. 10/100 Base-T Ethernet port. This port provides an RJ-45 jack for individual con-
nection to a 10/100 Ethernet LAN switch or hub via RJ-45 cable; it is individually configured
with a unique IP and MAC address.
•Power Receptacle. Connection port for connection to an AC outlet for power.
P/N 480-0062-00-102-5
Chapter 2: Hardware Components
The cables listed in Table 2-4 are required to connect a Tenor AX to various interfaces. Contact
Quintum for ordering information, if necessary.
Table 2-4 Cables Supported
50-Pin Telco Connector Connection to FXO/Line
Connection to FXS/Phone
RJ-45 Ethernet cable Connection to Ethernet LAN 10/100
DB-9 Serial RS-232 Connection to PC’s asynchronous console port
Detachable (IEC) AC Power Supply Cord Connection to AC power jack.
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