Te nor and Quintum are registered trademarks. Call Routing Server , PacketSaver , Qu intum Technologies,
Inc., VoIP Made Easy, TASQ, SelectNet, and SelectNet Technology are trademarks of Quintum Technologies, Inc.
Eatontown, NJ 07724 USA
1-732-544-9119 (fax)
This chapter gives you a general overview of the Tenor® Call Routing Server, including features and capabilities. You will also find information about the organization of this product guide.
Specifically, the following topics are covered:
! A description of Tenor Call Routing Server
! Features and capabilities
! How to use this guide
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Chapter 1: Overview
What is the Tenor Call Routing Server?
The Tenor Call Routing Server provides CLEC’ s, ISPs, and generation service providers with scalable central-
ized network routing, policy enf orcement , and man agement. The Tenor Call Routing Server provides a bridge
between PSTN circuits and VoIP networks as it supports traditional VoIP call routing and PSTN circuit
The high-capacity Tenor Call Routing Server supports 720K busy hour call attempts, as well as a 100,000
route call capacity . Each Call Routing Server can manage networks up to 24,000 voice ports, while providing
enhanced network-wide routing flexibility, such as QoS-based routing, least-cost routing, and source-based
routing. In addition, the server compiles work routing statistics and generates network reports, as well as CDR
(Call Detail Record) data.
Figure 1-1 Tenor Call Routing Server
The Tenor Call Routing Server is managed by an integrated web-based management system, the Quintum
Routing Server Manager. Through this soft ware, you can configure routing specifications which will be used
through the voice network, as well as configure options such as ingress/egress groups, endpoints, and test
route cases. In addition, you can view custom or pre-defined reports.
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Chapter 1: Overview
System benefits
Designed for medium to large scale converged network deployments, the Call Routing Server lowers operating costs, and increases profits. It supports real-time minimization of termination costs on a call by call basis
and ensures lowest cost call transport while meeting service level agreements.
Routing endpoints may be both ingress and egress endpoints and may be both gateways and gatekeepers; the
centralized routing and management interface allows quick routing changes throughout the network without
individual gateway modifications.
Scalable design
The scalable design allows for the management of mid to large networks. Multiple Call Routing Servers may
be distributed within the voice network for even greater capacity and redundancy. Routing modifications are
immediately reflected throughout the entire voice network without the need for routing modifi cation on indi
vidual gateways.
Flexible Routing/Least Cost Routing
The Call Routing server performs dynamic routing to gateway or trunk group level. There are different types
of routing, such as:
•Least Cost Routing (LCR)
•Route Quality. Selects route based on monitored round trip delay and packet loss.
•Answer Seizure Ratio. Selects route based on route quality history (ASR).
•Circuit Routing. Selects route based on best available trunk group (i.e., trunk group on same switch).
•Domain Priority. Selects route to specified carrier trunk group based on ingress number.
•Best Pattern Match. Selects route based on greatest number of dialed digits matched.
•Load Balancing. Automatically selects route to balance load between available trunk groups.
Least Cost Routing (LCR) functionality ensures the lowest cost call transport, while still meeting service level
agreements. The Call Routing Server connects incoming calls to available carriers at the lowest available cost,
by routing calls between IP endpoints or between individual DS0 circuit trunks. The Call Routing Server
employs many methods to achieve Least Cost Routing, including a full route selecti on in which to base calls,
as well as a database of service provider partner data and simplified routing modifications. Any service pro
vider termination rate modifications have immediate impact on call route selection throughout your network.
Ingress/Egress capability
Ingress endpoints are devices through which voice traffic enters a given voice network; egress endpoints are
devices through which voice traffic leaves a given voice network.
Egress trunk groups can be logically grouped for routing purposes; an egress group may represent one or more
egress trunk groups. Egress groups may be used for various purposes, but are typically created to logically
separate egress points within the voice network.
Ingress trunk groups and subscribers may be assigned to ingress groups which indicate the criteria used to
route calls. One or more ingress groups may exist in the Routing Server; each group may be configured to
route calls according to a different criteria.
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Chapter 1: Overview
When selecting potential egress routes for each call, the Routing Server’s routing engine selects the appropriate egress routes for a given call after inspecting several criteria dictated by the ingress group associated with
the call.
Access Control
Through an Access Control Directory, configurable through the Routing Server Manager, you are able to configure control over the endpoints which may use voice network services. The Call Routing Server may block
access to the voice network services by certain IP endpoints, or only provide access to voice services from cer
tain IP addresses. Access Control directories enable you to define a profile that indicates the source endpoint
to which calls will be routed.
In the event an endpoint is disallowed access to the voice network, the call will be disconnected with a user
defined cause code; the applicable cause codes are typically defined by ITU-T recommendation, which
defines the standard cause code usage for DSS-1 and SS7 ISUP.
Blocked Number option
T o limit the scope of the service area supported by an ingress group, through the Blocked Number Directories,
you can block certain dialed numbers (DNIS). When a number is dialed which matches an entry in the Block
Number Directory, the call will be rejected. You may use a different blocked number for each of the various
ingress groups within the network.
Manual route test capability
A manual test route capability enables you to “test” a call route before actually sending calls over it using the
Routing Server. Through this option, you can simulate a call and a list of successful routes for that specific
Easy installation/access
Installation is complete in three steps: Install hardware, assign IP address to the routing server, and install the
management software, Quintum Routing Server Manager.
An LCD front panel is used to assign an IP address. It’s as simple as entering the applicable IP address and
pressing a button. Once the IP address is assigned, you can install the Routing Server Manager and begin con
figuring the unit.
Integrated Web-based management ease of use
Through the Quintum Routing Server Manager, you canmanage your Call Routing Server. The Routing
Server Manager includes the following features:
Simple Windows-based menu tree. Through a Windows-based menu tree, which appears on the left side of
the screen, you can click on the desired menu option and a configuration screen relating to that item will pop
up (if there are sub-menu items available, they will be also listed). From there, you can configure all desired
options and submit the profile. In addition, when you right-click on any menu item, a list of av ailable com
mands, such as Add and Help will be displayed.
Easy Installation. Once an IP address is assigned to the unit, you can download the Routing Server Manager
from a specific web address. The self-installation process begins immediately and a series of screens will
guide you through the process. A default location is suggested, but you have a choice of where to install the
file. Once the software is installed, you can open the Routing Server Manager and begin configuring/viewing
router files.
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Chapter 1: Overview
Centralized web-management helps lower operating costs. Through the centralized web-based system, you
can easily re-configure routing policy throughout the network.
Call activity generation
Through the Command Line Interface (CLI), you are able to monitor call statistics and view alarm s . Through
the CLI, you can view all call activity for active calls, as well as a call history. In addition, you are able to view
statistics for all endpoints and trunk groups. In addition, you can track the number of active calls in the system.
At any time, through the CLI, you can generate a report that details real-time and historical call details and
event tracing for analysis. Information such as connect time, disconnect time, call duration, and an IP address
are listed for each call. In addition, you can generate a log of all route requests, including rejected requests and
unroutable requests.
Alarm monitoring
Through the Command Line Interface (CLI), at any time you can view a list of all active calls, as well as a history of calls. This information includes the alarm’s ID, time it was generated, IP address, endpoint type, etc.
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Chapter 1: Overview
Typical Implementation
Call Routing Server used with Service Provider
The Tenor Call Routing Server offers Service Providers improved profitability and efficiency, including lower
termination costs (least cost routing, time of day routing), management of partners/customers effectively
(source/carrier based routing, IP local loop/subscriber access based routing, network performance monitor
ing), improvement of VoIP network efficiency (through load balancing, better port utilization), and reduction
of operational costs by centralizing (interconnect management, routing policy management, CDR generation,
security/access control).
Service Providers simplify their operations and ability to support various applications. The Tenor Call Routing Server interconnects with service and application providers, local access services, and calling card services.
Local Access
Local PoP
Local PoP
Call Routing Server
Service Provider
Local PoP
Local PoP
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Chapter 1: Overview
How to use this product guide
What’s included?
This product guide is divided into chapters; each chapter describes a specific topic. The following chapters are
•Chapter 1: Overview: Includes a general overview of the product, including a description of how our
products fit into the VoIP network.
•Chapter 2: Hardware Installation. Lists and describes all components, including all hardware and
cables. Describes how to install the product, including power and ethernet connections.
•Chapter 3:Using the LCD Front Panel/Setting IP Address. Describes how to use the LCD front panel to
configure an IP address.
•Chapter 4: Getting Started via Quintum Routing Server Manager. Describes how to access the Quintum Routing Server Manager for configuration.
•Chapter 5: Configure via Command Line Interface (CLI). Describes the CLI and how to configure the
Routing Server.
Product Guide Conventions
Certain typographical conventions are used throughout this product guide. See below.
•All commands you enter via keystrokes appear in bold (e.g., Press Enter or Press Ctrl-I).
•All text commands you enter via Telnet session or command line typing appear in italics (e.g., type
•There are three types of special text that are designed to reveal supplemental information: Note, Warning, and Caution. See below.
NOTE provides additional, helpful information. This information may tell you how to do a certain task
or just be a reminder for how-to’s given in previous sections.
A WARNING provides information about how to avoid harm to your VoIP equipment or other equipment (i.e., Do not stack more than 4 units together).
A CAUTION provides information about how to avoid injury to yourself or to others (i.e., Do not install
the equipment during a lightning storm).
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Chapter 1: Overview
Finding Help
There are two help systems in which you can gain help when using the Routing Server Manager: a field Help
button from each screen or online help.
Online Help
A complete, online help system is available at your fingertips. To reach Help, click on the Question mark icon
from the main tool bar at the top of the screen. The online help system will be displayed. Click on the desired
icon for which you would like help. Information about that field will be displayed in the main panel. Refer to
the online help for all field descriptions.
Figure 1-2 Online Help
Print/Print Setup
Move to previous/next screen
Click on an
icon for help
Main Help panel
includes descriptions
Field-specific help
You can obtain help for each field on each screen in the Routing Server Manager. From any screen, click on
the Help button (appears on the bottom of the screen) and click in the field in which you would like help. Help
for that field will pop up (as part of the complete online Help system) in the main panel.
Product Guide
Refer to this Product Guide for help. The Table of Contents and Index tells you where to find information easily.
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Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
This chapter gives you the Network Application Server hardware platform used to run the Tenor Call Routing
Specifically, the following topics are covered:
! Front/Rear panel description
! Cable descriptions
! Installation procedure
P/N 480-0028-00-002-1
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Hardware description
Front Panel
The Tenor Call Routing Server is a stackable/rack mountable device which connects to a PC console and
Ethernet network.
The unit’s front panel includes connection jacks, LEDs, etc.
Figure 2-1 Routing Server - front panel
LCD Screen
VGA Port
LAN port1USB port
LAN Port 2
LCD Screen. This screen is used for assigning an IP address to a Call Routing Server and variou s othe r status
functions. The LCD has four buttons: Up arrow, Down arrow, escape, and enter. The Up and Down arrows
enable you to enter each number of the IP address. Pressing ENTER confirms the numbers in the database;
pressing ESC will undo the last action. See
Chapter 3: Using the LCD front panel/Setting IP address for more
PS2 Keyboard. Not used.
USB Port. Not used.
Console Port. Not used.
VGA Port. Not used.
LAN 1 port. Ethernet port provides an RJ-45 jack for individual connection to a 10/100 Ethernet LAN switch
or hub via RJ-45 cable. The Ethernet port enables connection between an Ethernet hub/switch and the Call
Routing Server. This connection is required for installation.
Figure 2-1 10/100 Ethernet Port Pin Order
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Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Table 2-1 Input/Output 10/100 Ethernet
Pin #SignalDefinitionColor
1TX +Transmit Data White w/orange
2TX - Transmit DataOrange
3RX +Receive DataWhite w/green
5RSVDReservedWhite w/blue
6RX -Receive Data Green
7RSVDReservedWhite w/Brown
LAN 2 Port. Reserved for future use.
LAN Port 1 LEDs. The LAN port LEDs (for 10/100) display the health of the Ethernet connection. There are
two LEDs; see below for a description.
Figure 2-2 LAN Port 1: LED Definitions
LEDLeft LEDRight LEDDescription
LAN Port 1UnlitUnlitNetwork link not established.
OffGreen10 Mbps Ethernet Indication.
The T enor unit detects the 10 Mbps Ethernet
link integrity signal indicating normal con
YellowOff100 Mbps Ethernet Indication.
Blink YellowOff100 Mbps Ethernet Activity.
10 Mbps Ethernet Activity.
Detects activity on the 10 Mbps Ethernet
link integrity signal.
The Tenor unit detects the 100 Mbps Ethernet link integrity signal, indicating normal
On: Detects activity on the 100 Mbps Ethernet link integrity signal.
P/N 480-0028-00-002-3
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Front LCD Screen
Through the Front LCD Panel, you can view and assign IP part numbers, as well as view software version
numbers and display the general status of the Call Routing Server.
Figure 2-3 LCD Display Components
Up/Down Arrows
LCD Display Area. Displays menu options and an area in which to enter data.
UP/Down Arrows. Used to move between menu options, and entering numeric data.
ENTER. Used to save data to the Routing Server.
ESC. Used to cancel the current function, or move back to the previous menu item.
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Rear Panel
Figure 2-4 Routing Server - rear panel
Power switch. Switch to turn the power on and off.
Power cord outlet. Cord to plug into an AC outlet for power.
Fan. Used for cooling purposes.
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Power Switch
Power Cord
P/N 480-0028-00-002-5
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
The cables listed below are required to connect the Call Routing Server to various interfaces.
RJ-45 to RJ-45 CAT 5 CableConnection to Ethernet PortYes
Country approved AC Power Supply
cord. Supplied with Routing Server
Connection to AC power jack.Yes
Supplied with Routing
P/N 480-0028-00-002-6
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Install hardware
Before you begin
Once the Call Routing Server is in place, you will need to make only the physical connection between the unit
and the Ethernet hub/switch, as well as plug the unit into an AC outlet. Once connected, you can configure the
unit via Quintum Routing Server Manager software.
System Requirements
Inspect package contents
Before you install the hardware, ensure the following components are included in your shipment.
•Tenor Call Routing Server and mounting hardware
•1 AC Power Cable
•RJ-45 Ethernet LAN Cable (one or two depending upon your custom configuration)
•CD ROM containing User Documentation
If a listed component is not included in your package, contact your customer service representative.
Pre-installation guidelines
•Inside parts have hazardous voltages. If the cover is removed, your warranty will be void.
•Do not connect equipment in wet conditions or during a lightning storm.
•The area must not exceed any of the environmental limits outlined in Appendix A: Technical Specifica-tions.
Position the unit
The unit can be installed on a flat surface (i.e., tabletop) or mounted within a rack.
Tabletop Install. The unit can be located on any sturdy, flat surface. If necessary, you can stack up to four
units together. Before locating the unit on a tabletop, read the location guidelines that follow.
WARNING: If installing on a tabletop or any other flat surface, we recommend that you stack no more than
four units together.
Pre-Installation Guidelines
•The surface must be sturdy.
•Avoid exposing the unit to excessive vibrations.
•Keep the unit away from wet or dusty areas.
•The area must not exceed any of the environmental limits outlined in Appendix A: Technical Specifica-tions.
•Leave at least 3” clearance surrounding the unit.
•Do not cover any of the ventilation holes.
P/N 480-0028-00-002-7
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Locate the unit on a tabletop as follows:
1. Place the unit on a desk, tabletop, or any flat, solid surface.
2. Ensure the unit will not slip or fall from the surface.
3. Ensure the power cord within reach of the power outlet.
Rack Install. The unit can be located in a standard 19” rack. Mounting brackets are attached to the unit; the
rack is not included with your system. (See the documentation that comes with your rack for detailed installa
tion instructions.)
Pre Installation Guidelines
•The maximum recommended ambient temperature is 40º C (104º F). Internal rack temperature should be
considered for safe operation.
•Do not restrict airflow vents when installing the unit in the rack.
•Mechanical loading of rack should be considered so that the rack remains stable and unlikely to tip over.
•Consider the overall loading of the branch circuit before installing any equipment in a rack environment.
•Ensure that a reliable earthing path is maintained in a rack system. This unit is intended to be connected
to earth ground.
Required Materials
•19” rack (not included with system)
• #10 - 32 x 5/8 screws (qty: 4) (included with system)
•6 mm x 20 mm screws (qty 4) (included with system)
•6 mm clip nuts (qty 4) (included with system)
•screws as required by your rack manufacturer
Install the chassis in a rack as follows:
1. Choose a position for the chassis within the rack.
WARNING: If the Call Routing Server is the only equipment installed in the rack, ensure it is level with
the rack to avoid the rack from becoming unbalanced. Ensure the equipment is secured with
four screws.
1. Align the chassis mounting brackets flush with the rack’s mounting holes (see Figure 2-5) and follow the
vendor specific instructions for rack installation. The screws provided require a Phillips #2 screwdriver.
2. Ensure the chassis is secured firmly to the rack.
P/N 480-0028-00-002-8
Call Routing
Figure 2-5 Rack Installation
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
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Chapter 2: Hardware Installation
Connect the unit
The following steps are required to fully connect the Call Routing Server:
•Connect to Ethernet LAN port
•Power up the system
Connect to Ethernet LAN 10/100 hub/switch
NOTE:Connection to one Ethernet hub/switch is required for initial installation.
You can use these instructions for general connectio n only. The Ethernet hub/switch documentation should
provide specific instructions for connection to another device, such as the Call Routing Server.
Figure 2-6 Connect to Ethernet Hub/Switch
for 10/100
Ethernet Hub/Switch
1. Insert one end of the RJ-45 cable into the unit’s port labeled LAN 1 port. (LAN 2 port is reserved for future
2. Insert the other end of the RJ-45 connector into an appropriate Ethernet port. See your Ethernet documentation port requirements for connection specifics. (If another cable or adaptor is required, see Chapter 2: Hardware Components for connector pinout information.)
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