Quark QuarkXPress Server - 8.5 Operation Manual

A Guide to QuarkXPress Server 8.5


About this Guide...............................................................................6
What we're assuming about you............................................................................6
Where to go for help..............................................................................................6
Getting started with QuarkXPress Server........................................8
Understanding QuarkXPress Server.......................................................................8
Server templates and static projects...............................................................................9
The document pool.........................................................................................................9
Projects and layouts........................................................................................................9
QuarkXPress Server preferences...................................................................................10
Quark License Administrator.........................................................................................10
Master-subrenderer environment..................................................................................10
The Keepalive script......................................................................................................11
Understanding QuarkXPress Server XTensions software.....................................11
The QuarkXPress Server XTensions API........................................................................11
Launching QuarkXPress Server.............................................................................12
Exit Codes.....................................................................................................................13
The QuarkXPress Server user interface..........................................15
Server Configuration dialog box...........................................................................15
Server (Tab)...................................................................................................................15
Logging (Tab)................................................................................................................19
HTTP (Tab).....................................................................................................................21
Email (Tab).....................................................................................................................22
Server preferences................................................................................................23
Preferences Application Display..........................................................................24
Preferences Application Input Settings................................................................24
Preferences Application Font Fallback.................................................................25
Preferences Application Open and Save.............................................................25
Preferences Application XTensions Manager......................................................25
Preferences Application Fonts.............................................................................26
Preferences Application EPS................................................................................26
Preferences Application Error Reporting.............................................................26
Preferences Application Full Res Preview............................................................26
Preferences Application Job Jackets...................................................................27
Preferences Application Modifier.........................................................................27
Preferences Application PDF...............................................................................28
Preferences Application PSD Import....................................................................28
Preferences Application Placeholders..................................................................29
Preferences Application Fraction/Price................................................................29
Preferences Application Picture Effects...............................................................30
Preferences Project General.................................................................................30
Preferences Project XML Import..........................................................................30
Preferences Layout General.................................................................................30
Preferences Layout Measurements......................................................................31
Preferences Layout Paragraph.............................................................................32
Preferences Layout Character..............................................................................33
Preferences Layout Trapping...............................................................................35
Preferences Layout Grid Cell Fill..........................................................................36
Preferences Layout Color Manager......................................................................36
Preferences Layout Layers....................................................................................37
Style sheets...........................................................................................................37
Creating and editing character style sheets..................................................................38
Creating and editing paragraph style sheets................................................................39
Creating a color.............................................................................................................41
Trap Specifications........................................................................................................42
Controlling hyphenation and justification.....................................................................45
Output styles........................................................................................................47
Working with EPS styles................................................................................................48
Working with PPML Styles.............................................................................................49
Working with PDF Styles...............................................................................................51
Working with print styles...............................................................................................52
Font mapping........................................................................................................54
Source setups........................................................................................................55
Creating a source setup................................................................................................55
Output setups.......................................................................................................57
Creating an output setup..............................................................................................57
PPML consumers...................................................................................................58
Working with PPML consumers.....................................................................................59
Server XTensions Manager...................................................................................60
Status Monitor......................................................................................................62
Other QuarkXPress Server menu items................................................................63
Creating URL requests....................................................................65
Understanding URL requests................................................................................65
Understanding QuarkXPress Server namespaces.................................................66
Looking up a namespace..............................................................................................66
Understanding QuarkXPress Server parameters..................................................67
Looking up a parameter................................................................................................67
QuarkXPress Server Web Integration Guide overview........................................67
Render types.................................................................................................................67
General parameters.......................................................................................................67
Specialized parameters.................................................................................................68
Server control parameters.............................................................................................68
Document providers......................................................................................................68
Preference administration parameters.................................................................68
Modifying layouts with XML...........................................................71
QuarkXPress Server XTensions software.......................................72
CopyDeskArticle XTensions software...................................................................72
Rendering articles..........................................................................................................72
Exporting articles...........................................................................................................72
Adding articles to projects............................................................................................73
Creating and deleting components..............................................................................73
PDF Filter XTensions software.............................................................................74
PPML Export XTensions software........................................................................74
Modifier XTensions software................................................................................75
Using Modifier XTensions software...............................................................................76
Creating XML for Modifier XTensions software............................................................76
QuarkVista XTensions software............................................................................76
Creating preset files......................................................................................................77
Using QuarkVista XTensions software...........................................................................77
Removing QuarkVista effects........................................................................................78
QuarkXPress Server Layer XTensions software...................................................78
InteractiveDesignerSXT Server XTensions software............................................79
Telegraph XTensions software........................................................80
Setting Telegraph preferences.............................................................................80
Adding a server.............................................................................................................81
Using Telegraph XTensions software...................................................................82
Identifying QuarkXPress items and groups...................................................................82
Naming items and groups.............................................................................................83
Uploading templates.....................................................................................................84
Uploading missing or modified pictures.......................................................................85
QuarkXPress Server Monitor..........................................................86
QuarkXPress Server Manager.........................................................87
Understanding QuarkXPress Server Manager......................................................87
Load balancing..............................................................................................................87
Request timeout interval...............................................................................................88
Determining QuarkXPress Server instance availability..................................................89
Web services.................................................................................................................90
Working with QuarkXPress Server Manager........................................................90
Starting QuarkXPress Server Manager..........................................................................91
Request handler binding...............................................................................................93
Configuring QuarkXPress Server instances...................................................................93
Managing the cache......................................................................................................97
Managing logs...............................................................................................................99
Controlling load balancing..........................................................................................102
Using a proxy server....................................................................................................103
Generating automatic e-mail messages......................................................................104
Using other global settings.........................................................................................105
Saving a server configuration......................................................................................107
Exporting a server configuration.................................................................................107
Using custom error messages.....................................................................................107
Sending requests from a browser...............................................................................109
QuarkXPress Server Manager Scripting Environment..................111
Scripting Environment configuration..................................................................111
Working with the Scripting Environment...........................................................112
Creating a script.................................................................................................112
Executing a script manually................................................................................113
Scheduling a script..............................................................................................114
Legal notices.................................................................................116


About this Guide
You do not need to read this guide from cover to cover. Instead, use this guide to quickly
look up information, find out what you need to know, and proceed with your work. Use
the detailed table of contents at the beginning of the guide to find information quickly.

What we're assuming about you

In writing this guide, we assume that you are familiar with your computer and know how
Launch an application
Open, save, and close files
Use menus, dialog boxes, and palettes
Work within a networked computing environment
Use the mouse, keyboard commands, and modifier keys
Consult the documentation provided with your computer or other resources if you need
more information in any of these areas.

Where to go for help

If you're new to QuarkXPress® Server, or if you want to explore one of its other longstanding
features, consult the following resources:
A Guide to QuarkXPress Server
The QuarkXPress Server Web Integration Guide
Third-party books
General books about desktop publishing
If your issues are at the system level saving files, moving files, activating fonts, for
example consult the documentation resources provided with your computer.


Formatting conventions highlight information to help you quickly find what you need.
Bold type style: The names of all dialog boxes, fields, and other controls are set in bold
type. For example: "Click OK."
References: In descriptions of features, parenthetical references guide you in accessing
those features. For example: "The Find/Change dialog box (Edit menu) lets you find and
replace text."
Arrows: You will often see arrows (>), which map out the menu path to a feature. For
example: "Choose Edit > Style Sheets to display the Style Sheets dialog box."
Icons: Although many tools and buttons are referenced by name, which you can see by
displaying ToolTips, in some cases icons are shown for easy identification. For example,
"Click the button on the Measurements palette to center text."
Cross-platform issues: This application is quite consistent across operating systems. However,
some labels, buttons, key combinations, and other aspects of the application must differ between Mac OS® and Windows® because of user interface conventions or other factors.
In such cases, both the Mac OS and Windows versions are presented, separated by a slash,
with the Mac OS version presented first. For example, if the Mac OS version of a button
is labeled Select, and the Windows version is labeled Browse, you are directed to "Click
Select/Browse." More complex cross-platform differences are mentioned in notes or
parenthetical statements.


Getting started with QuarkXPress Server
QuarkXPress Server lets you render QuarkXPress projects in a variety of formats.

Understanding QuarkXPress Server

QuarkXPress Server lets you output customized QuarkXPress layouts in a variety of formats including JPEG, Portable Document Format (PDF), and PostScript® from a centralized
QuarkXPress Server application. To send a request to a QuarkXPress Server application, all
you need to do is enter a URL into your Web browser's address field. For example, the
following URL instructs the QuarkXPress Server application named "QXPServer" to return
the file "MyProject.qxp" as a PDF file:
The QuarkXPress Server application receives these requests, renders (creates) the requested
projects in the requested formats, and then returns the rendered file to the client application
(in this case, the Web browser).
The format of QuarkXPress Server URL requests is described in detail in "Creating URL
requests" and in the QuarkXPress Server Web Integration Guide.
You can also create custom applications that communicate with a QuarkXPress Server
application using HTTP, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), or another protocol. For
more information, see the QuarkXPress Server Web Integration Guide.
You can think of QuarkXPress Server as a special version of QuarkXPress that runs on a
server with the following main differences:
Instead of accepting input from a keyboard and mouse, QuarkXPress Server accepts input
in the form of URLs and other types of requests.
Instead of sending a project to a printer, QuarkXPress Server renders (creates) output in a
particular format and sends the rendered file to a client.

Server templates and static projects

QuarkXPress Server can open, render, and serve two types of projects:
Static projects are QuarkXPress projects that can be rendered and served as-is in a variety
of formats by the QuarkXPress Server application. For example, you might make a product
manual available as a static project and allow customers to download that manual in a
variety of formats.
Server templates are QuarkXPress projects that can be manipulated by the QuarkXPress Server
application before being rendered and served. For example, you might make a sales piece
available as a server template so that each person who downloads it receives a personalized
QuarkXPress Server can open QuarkXPress documents, projects, and templates created in
any language edition of QuarkXPress 5.0 or later. QuarkXPress Server can save and export
projects in QuarkXPress 7.x and QuarkXPress 8.x format. QuarkXPress Server can also
export projects in QuarkXPress 6.x Japanese format and QuarkXPress 6.x Korean format.

The document pool

QuarkXPress Server reads server templates and static projects from a directory called the
document pool. The document pool can be any directory that is available to
QuarkXPress Server through a file system or an FTP server. You can use any of the following
methods to place files in the document pool:
Drag the files to the document pool directory.
Upload the files using FTP to the document pool directory.
Use Telegraph XTensions® software to upload the files to the document pool from within
QuarkXPress. (For more information about Telegraph XTensions software, see "Telegraph
XTensions software.")
For more information about the document pool, see "Server Configuration dialog box."
QuarkXPress Server can also serve documents from a database, a content management
system, or other sources. Collectively, the document pool and any other source of files to
be served are referred to as document providers.

Projects and layouts

QuarkXPress projects can contain one or more layouts, and only one layout can be rendered
at any given time. If you do not specify a layout when you send a rendering request,
QuarkXPress Server renders the first layout in the project.


To maximize efficiency, QuarkXPress Server uses cached versions of all rendered projects
whenever possible. You can configure projects so that they are never cached, so that they
are cached for a particular amount of time, or so that they are rendered every time they
are served. For more information about caching, see "Server Configuration dialog box

QuarkXPress Server preferences

When you launch QuarkXPress Server, the application creates preferences files that are
functionally and structurally equivalent to the preferences files created by QuarkXPress.
These preferences files reside in the QuarkXPress Server "Preferences" folder.
QuarkXPress Server also creates a "QuarkXPress Server.prf" file in the "Preferences" folder.
This file contains preference settings that are specific to QuarkXPress Server.
QuarkXPress Server uses these preferences the same way QuarkXPress uses them. If an
XTensions module creates a project in QuarkXPress Server, that project draws its settings
from the QuarkXPress Server preferences just as a new QuarkXPress project draws its settings
from the QuarkXPress preferences.
Preferences files are stored in the following locations:
Mac OS: [User]/Library/Preferences/Quark
Windows 2003 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\Application Data\Quark\QuarkXPress Server 8\Preferences
Windows 2008 and Windows Vista, when QuarkXPress Server is running as a service under
the "local system user" account: C:\ProgramData\Quark\QuarkXPress Server
Windows 2008 and Windows Vista, when QuarkXPress Server is running normally or as
a service under the "Domain user" account :
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Quark\QuarkXPress Server 8
For more information about preferences, see "Server preferences."

Quark License Administrator

To prevent unauthorized use, QuarkXPress Server requires the presence of a Quark® License
Administrator (QLA) server to launch. QuarkXPress Server follows the configuration and
control rules that are enforced by QLA. For more information about QLA, see the QLA
documentation included with QuarkXPress Server.

Master-subrenderer environment

Requests for project renders are stored in a connection queue. The requests in the rendering
queue can be processed by a single QuarkXPress Server application, or by a master
QuarkXPress Server application and several subrenderers (additional instances of
QuarkXPress Server). The master QuarkXPress Server application launches the available
number of subrenderers and then passes the requests in the connection queue to those
subrenderers as they become available. The number of subrenderers available for launch
is determined by the number of licenses available from the QLA server.
The master QuarkXPress Server application and all of the subrenderers it launches share
the following elements:
The same application preferences (each subrenderer has its own preferences files, but
QuarkXPress Server keeps them synchronized)
The same document cache in memory
The same memory cache
The same server XTensions modules (a separate instance of each XTensions module runs
with each subrenderer)
The same server document pool (if defined in the QuarkXPress Server preferences or if a
document provider is used in place of the document pool)
If a subrenderer unexpectedly quits, the master QuarkXPress Server restarts the subrenderer
without requiring any action from you.
By default, QuarkXPress Server launches in master-subrenderer mode. You can change this
setting by changing the parameters in the "QuarkXPress Server.config" file. For more
information, see "Launching QuarkXPress Server."

The Keepalive script

A script called the keepalive script can monitor a QuarkXPress Server application and restart
the application if it fails. To use this feature, launch QuarkXPress Server by running the
"keepalive.sh" script (Mac OS) or "keepalive.bat" (Windows) script. Note that the keepalive
script works only if you run it before you launch QuarkXPress Server. You can also manually
restart QuarkXPress Server using this script.
On both platforms, information about unexpected shutdowns (including the error date,
time, code, and description) is stored in an error log file. For more information about
logging, see "Logging (Tab)"

Understanding QuarkXPress Server XTensions software

QuarkXPress Server ships with a collection of XTensions software that adds capabilities to
QuarkXPress Server. For example, PDF Export XTensions software lets QuarkXPress Server
serve content in PDF format; Modifier XTensions software lets you retrieve, manipulate, and reconstruct XML representations of projects; and QuarkCopyDesk® Renderer XTensions
software lets you create QuarkCopyDesk articles. Telegraph XTensions software works with
QuarkXPress to allow designers to name boxes in template files so that those boxes can
be addressed by URLs.
For more information about XTensions software included with QuarkXPress Server, see
"QuarkXPress Server XTensions software" and "Telegraph XTensions software."

The QuarkXPress Server XTensions API

In addition to the XTensions modules included with QuarkXPress Server, developers can
create custom XTensions software that add features. The complete server XTensions
Application Programming Interface (API) documentation is available in the
QuarkXPress Server XTensions Developer's Kit (XDK).
As of version 8.0, the QuarkXPress Server XDK is Unicode-compliant.
The QuarkXPress Server XDK lets you create XTensions modules that provide the following
The ability to register request handlers
The ability to register project providers
The ability to register new render formats
The ability to add items to the list of response properties, cookies, and HTTP header items
The ability to log messages in log files and in the status monitor
The ability to initiate a new transaction to be processed by the server
The ability to completely control how projects are processed by the server
In addition, QuarkXPress Server XTensions software can register for the following basic
Content loading
Layout modification
Removing slugs while running the QuarkXPress project renderer
Analyzing the server after a transaction is complete
Pre- and post-transaction callback

Launching QuarkXPress Server

QuarkXPress Server consists of a single executable that can be executed in two modes.
Both modes are available on Mac OS and Windows.
When executed in console mode, QuarkXPress Server displays a limited user interface for
configuring the server. To access QuarkXPress Server in console mode, double-click the
program icon.
When executed in no-UI mode, QuarkXPress Server displays no visible user interface and
must be controlled (started and stopped) from a command prompt. Running
QuarkXPress Server in no-UI mode will slightly improve its performance.
To control which mode QuarkXPress Server launches in, edit the "QuarkXPress Server.config"
file, which is located at the root level of the QuarkXPress Server application folder. This
file supports the following options:
The -noui option makes the server run without any user interface. This is the normal
mode for production use of QuarkXPress Server.
The -nonetwork parameter makes the server run without loading any network interfaces;
in this mode, the only transactions a server can run are those passed to it by another
The -subrenders parameter lets you specify how many subrenderers to use.
The -tm parameter makes the transaction layer of the server mask exceptions into
transaction errors.
The -tt parameter makes the transaction layer of the server throw exceptions to the server
The -monitorsubrenders option turns on subrenderer monitoring.
To use the subrenderer monitoring feature, add the following command line parameters
to the "QuarkXPress Server.config" file:
-monitorsubrenders -queryinterval x -noofretries y -recycle
If a subrenderer process has been attempting to fulfill a request for the specified number
of retries (with the specified query interval in seconds between retries), the subrenderer
monitor recyles that process.
Windows only: If the recycle parameter is not supplied, the subrenderer monitor performs
a periodic memory check on all subrenderer processes. If the memory used by a subrenderer
process does not change within the specified number of retries with the specified query
interval, that process is recycled.
By default, the contents of the "QuarkXPress Server.config" file are as follows:
COMMANDLINE=-subrenders 1
To launch QuarkXPress Server with the options specified in the "QuarkXPress Server.config"
file, double-click the "QuarkXPress Server" icon.

Exit Codes

When the server shuts down, QuarkXPress Server returns exit codes. The "keepalive.sh"
file (Mac OS) or "keepalive.bat" file (Windows) uses these codes to check the type of
QuarkXPress Server shutdown. If the exit code indicates that QuarkXPress Server shut
down unexpectedly, the "keepalive" utilities automatically relaunch QuarkXPress Server.
Valid exit codes are as follows:
QUARKXPRESS SERVER_EXIT_NORMAL (0): The server exited normally.
QUARKXPRESS SERVER_EXIT_EXCEPTION (6969): The server exited as a result of an
exception that was handled by the server layer.
QUARKXPRESS SERVER_EXIT_STARTUP (6970): The server exited as a result of a startup
problem. In this case, restarting does not solve the problem. You must relaunch QLA.
QUARKXPRESS SERVER_EXIT_RESTART (6971): The server exited as a result of a remotely
requested restart.
QUARKXPRESS SERVER_EXIT_SHUTDOWN (6972): The server exited as a result of a
remotely requested shutdown.


The QuarkXPress Server user interface
This chapter describes the QuarkXPress Server user interface and explains how you can
use it to configure and customize your QuarkXPress Server application and manage your
server XTensions modules. Menu items are covered in the same order they display in the
user interface, from left to right and top to bottom.
When you open a dialog box in the QuarkXPress Server user interface, the HTTP server
pauses to prevent conflicts with any jobs that are being processed. When you close the
dialog box, the HTTP server starts again.

Server Configuration dialog box

The Server Configuration dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server menu) lets you specify
the document pool location and control cache memory sizes, log options, HTTP settings,
and other options related to the functioning of QuarkXPress Server.

Server (Tab)

The Server tab in the Server Configuration dialog box (QuarkXPress Server > Server
Configuration) lets you control memory and timing settings. You can also define the
location of the document pool and designate default documents for display.
Server tab of Server Configuration dialog box
Check Allow Memory Caching to store disk-based documents in a memory-resident cache.
Documents from external document providers also use this cache. Allow Memory Caching
is checked by default.
In the Max Memory Cache Size field, enter the maximum memory size allocated to the
cache memory. The default value is 100MB. The acceptable range of values is from 10MB
to 1024MB.
All subrenderers in a master-subrenderer environment share the same memory cache.
In the Content Loading Timeout field, enter the amount of time (in seconds) the server
should wait for a server XTensions module (or another document provider) to load content
asynchronously before timing out the transaction. The default value is 120 seconds. Valid
values are from 1 second to 3600 seconds.
Use the Default Render area to specify the format in which QuarkXPress Server renders
QuarkXPress projects if the client does not specify a format. You can change the render
type using URL parameters in the HTTP request.
To indicate the default rendering format for the server, choose an option from the Default
Rendering Type drop-down menu:
EPS Document: Returns an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file
JPEG: Returns a JPEG file
PDF: Returns a PDF file
PNG: Returns a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file
PostScript: Returns a PostScript file
PPML: Returns a PPML file
QCDDOC: Returns a QuarkCopyDesk article
QuarkXPress Document: Returns a QuarkXPress project
Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format for use by server XTensions
software developers
RLE Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format (compressed using Run
Length Encoding) for use by server XTensions software developers
If a copy of QuarkXPress Server running on Mac OS renders a project that was created in
Mac OS and returns the project in QuarkXPress format, the resulting project has no resource
fork. (A resource fork is a hidden file that contains information about the application that
created a file.) You cannot preview a project that does not have a resource fork, but such
projects function normally in all other respects.
You can set up helper applications on local systems to display files in formats such as
PostScript on the screen, but this feature is not built into QuarkXPress Server.
In the Scale field, enter the default scale at which QuarkXPress Server should render
Scale is not available for PDF, PostScript, Personalized Print Markup Language (PPML),
and QuarkXPress project rendering formats.
Check Disable QuarkXPress Document Return to prevent QuarkXPress Server from
returning QuarkXPress projects to clients.
Use the Document Pool area to control location and configuration of the document pool.
Check Enable File System Document Pool to enable the Document Root field and the
Browse button. This box is checked by default. To specify the document pool directory,
click Browse or enter a path in the Document Root field.
The document pool directory can be on the same computer as the QuarkXPress Server
application or on a file server that is accessible on a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide
Area Network (WAN), as long as the drive containing the pool can be mounted.
You cannot specify the QuarkXPress Server application folder as the document pool
Check Allow Remote Changes to allow other applications to upload items to or delete
items from the document pool. You can upload or delete QuarkXPress projects and their
associated files. This box is checked by default.
Check Force Served Documents Closed to make QuarkXPress Server close projects from
the document pool after it renders them, regardless of the Telegraph XTensions software
setting. Uncheck Force Served Documents Closed to keep such projects open on the
server. This box is checked by default.
The ability of project to remain open is determined by whether Allow Document to Stay
Open is checked in the QuarkXPress Server pane of the QuarkXPress Preferences dialog
box when Telegraph XTensions software uploads the file. (For more information, see
Chapter 5, "Telegraph XTensions software.") If a project is not set to remain open by the
Telegraph XTensions software, unchecking Force Served Documents Closed does not
cause the project to remain open.
Setting a project to remain open does not guarantee that the project will be left open. This
is because server memory and load requirements are also involved. For example, if the
server requires memory to open additional projects, it might close a project that has been
left open. The maximum number of open projects is 32. This feature enhances performance,
and the cache can be cleared at any moment.
Check Generate Hierarchy on Document Upload to make QuarkXPress Server
automatically generate any file hierarchy that is requested when a user uploads content
to the document pool from Telegraph XTensions software. For more information, see
Chapter 5, "Telegraph XTensions software." This box is checked by default.
Use the Documents area of the Server tab to specify which HTML files should display by
default when a client accesses QuarkXPress Server, when errors occur, and when access is
denied to a client.
To specify which HTML file should display by default when a client accesses
QuarkXPress Server, enter the file's path in the Default Document field or click Browse
and navigate to the file. This file must be an HTML file.
To specify which HTML file should display by default when QuarkXPress Server cannot
process a request, enter the file's path in the Error Document field or click Browse and
navigate to the file. This file must be an HTML file.
Your error document can contain whatever information you like. QuarkXPress Server also
supports the following special tags:
If you include an <!--ERRORNUMBER > comment in the file, QuarkXPress Server
replaces that comment with a number that identifies the particular error that occurred.
If you include an <!--ERRORSTRING > comment in the file, QuarkXPress Server
replaces that comment with details about the particular error that occurred.
To specify which HTML file should display by default when a client is denied access to a
server function or project, enter the file path in the No Access Document field or click
Browse and navigate to the file. This file can contain whatever information you like, but
it must be an HTML file.

Logging (Tab)

Click the Logging tab in the Server Configuration dialog box (QuarkXPress Server >
Server Configuration) to control how errors and transactions are logged.
Logging tab of Server Configuration dialog box
The log folder contains two log files: The transaction log and the error log. You can
configure the system to save the log folder to your computer or to a file server that is
accessible over a LAN or a WAN, as long as the drive containing the folder can be mounted.
Check Logging Enabled to enable the Log Folder field and then enter the path to the
folder or click Browse and navigate to the folder.
You cannot specify the QuarkXPress Server application folder as the document pool
Check Log Errors to log PDF-generation and PostScript-generation errors. Checking this
box enables the Use Log Folder check box.
Check Log Transactions to enter every non-error response returned from transactions on
QuarkXPress Server into the transaction log.
Depending on the render type, certain transactions must include transaction timing data.
Check Log Detailed Timing Data to include the following transaction timing data
(measured in milliseconds) in the transaction log for each transaction:
Connection acceptance and closure time: The duration between the network connection
opening and closing time.
HTTP request and body parsed time: The total time duration in which the following
operations are performed: The client connects to the server and sends a request, timing
starts, a request is parsed, QuarkXPress Server processes the request, and timing stops.
QuarkXPress Server request processing time: Same as Connection acceptance and
closure time, but timing starts after request parsing is complete.
Opening QuarkXPress document time: The time required to open a QuarkXPress project
for rendering.
Instantiate document time: The time required to carry out the dynamic publishing
Total of rendering process time: The total amount of time spent rendering a project.
Time required to generate an image of the QuarkXPress document: The time required
for the generation of files that use JPEG, PNG, or any other compressed format.
Closing QuarkXPress document time: The time required to close a QuarkXPress project.
Data ready and all sent to client: The difference between the time when all data for the
page return has been processed and is ready to be sent and the time when the last bit of
data is sent to the client.
Server XTensions software can be configured to add module-specific timing entries to the
transaction log.
Check Log Server Events to record QuarkXPress Server events that are not related to error
conditions in the transaction log. Server events include the following:
Server Started: The date and time at which the server was started.
Server Stopped: The date and time at which the server was stopped.
Errors Starting Up: The server records errors, such as issues loading XTensions software,
in the error log. In no-UI mode, errors that cause an alert to display in the console mode
are recorded in the error log.
Exceptions Caught (Windows only): Any exceptions logged by the server.
Application exception-type errors: An "exception masked" notice and a code. You can
use this information for troubleshooting.
Check Log Document Problems to include problem descriptions in transaction log files.
Logged problems include the following:
Missing Fonts: If fonts are missing from a project that has been requested for rendering,
a one-line description of each missing font is added to the error log. If QuarkXPress Server
receives a request to render a project and does not have access to the fonts required by the
project, it uses the font specified in the Fonts tab of the Preferences dialog box (see
"Preferences Application Fonts"). If this font is also unavailable, QuarkXPress Server
substitutes Helvetica (Mac OS) or Arial (Windows). This behavior is the same as it is in
Missing SXTs: If a required server XTensions module is missing when a rendering request
is received, a one-line description of each missing module is added to the error log. If the
name of the missing module is not returnable, the XTensions module ID number is
Text Encoding/Character Set Problems: If text is sent to a text box in the template and
the system does not have access to the correct font glyph, the issue is logged. The log data
indicates the character set that the system attempted to convert. For example, the log
entry might show that a request for Japanese characters was sent to an English project.
Check Log Non-conformant SXT Dialog Messages to prevent server XTensions modules
from displaying dialog boxes.

HTTP (Tab)

Click the HTTP tab in the Server Configuration dialog box (QuarkXPress Server > Server
Configuration) to control port and connection settings.
HTTP tab
Check Enable HTTP Interface to activate the HTTP 1.0 server that is built in to
QuarkXPress Server and enable the other controls in this area.
In the Port Number field, enter the port number of the HTTP server. The acceptable range
of values is from 1024 to 65,535 (Mac OS) or from 1 to 65,535 (Windows). When the HTTP
server is initialized, an alert displays if this value falls outside this range or if the specified
port number is already in use. If QuarkXPress Server is running in no-UI mode, an entry
regarding this alert is made in the log file. The default value for this field is 8080.
In the Max Connections field, enter the maximum number of rendering requests to be
recognized and processed by the QuarkXPress Server connection queue. The acceptable
range of values is from 1 to 16. The default value for this field is 16.
In the Max Listens field, enter the maximum number of requests to be queued up for
processing while waiting for an open connection. An alert displays if this value exceeds
the maximum number of listens. The acceptable range of values is from 1 to 32. The default
value for this field is 20.
In the Default Buffer Size field, enter the total size (in kilobytes) of the HTTP buffer. The
HTTP buffer is the size of the data block that is sent to the client from the server as part
of the HTTP response. The smaller the block size, the less memory consumed by the
application. Large blocks facilitate faster performance, but might cause memory shortages
in other parts of the application. The acceptable range of values is from 16KB to 256KB.
The default value for this field is 32KB.
In the Connection Timeout field, enter the total time in seconds before an HTTP
connection should time out. The client must send a request within this period. The
acceptable range of values is from 1 second to 32,767 seconds. The default value for this
field is 120 seconds.
Check Realm Verif. for Admin. Requests to enable the User Name, Password, and
Confirm fields. These fields let youcontrol access to administrative parameters and features.
You must enter valid values that contain at least four characters in the User Name,
Password, and Confirm fields, and you can enter up to 32 characters. This box is
unchecked by default.
Check Use Connection Filters to enable controls that let you enter and modify IP addresses
and subnet masks in the connection filters list. This box is unchecked by default.
Click Insert to display the Insert Connection Filter dialog box, in which you can enter
an IP address between 1 and 254 and a subnet mask between 0 and 255. The maximum
number of allowed IP addresses/subnet masks is 128.
Click Modify to display the Modify Connection Filter dialog box, in which you can
specify an action for a particular IP address, edit an IP address, and edit a subnet mask.
Each field in the Modify Connection Filter dialog box accepts a value between 0 and 255.
The default setting is Deny Connection.
Click Remove to delete the selected IP address from the connection filters list.
Click or to move the selected IP address up or down in the connection filters list.
If no rules have been applied to an IP address, you can select the IP address and click Allow
Connections to allow the IP address to be used or click Deny Connections to prevent the
IP address from being used. The "allow" and "deny" actions are performed on IP addresses
in the order they display in the connection filters list.

Email (Tab)

Click the Email tab in the Server Configuration dialog box (QuarkXPress Server > Server
Configuration) to display controls that let you set up automatic e-mail messages to warn
of license expiration.
Email tab
Check SMTP Configuration to enable QuarkXPress Server to send an e-mail to an
administrator when the application's QLA license expires. Checking this box enables the
other controls in this area. This box is unchecked by default.
In the SMTP Server field, enter the domain name or IP address of the e-mail server that QuarkXPress Server should use to send messages (for example, mail.quark.com).
In the SMTP Server Port field, enter the port number of the e-mail server that
QuarkXPress Server should use to send messages. The acceptable range of values is from
0 to 255. The default value for this field is 25.
In the From (Email Address) field, enter the source e-mail address the QuarkXPress Server application should use to send messages (for example, QXPSserver1@quark.com).
In the To (Email Address) field, enter the e-mail address to which the QuarkXPress Server application should send messages (for example, QXPServerAdmin@quark.com).

Server preferences

Use the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences) to set up
default preferences for use when projects are created in QuarkXPress Server.
Many of these preferences come into play only when you create a project in
QuarkXPress Server. You cannot directly create projects in the QuarkXPress Server user
interface, but XTensions software can create projects.
Changes to preferences in the Application category affect all projects. For example, when
you create a project using a server XTensions module or other external software, preference
settings in the Application category are applied to the new project.
Changes to preferences in the Project category affect all layouts in the active project. If
you change project preferences with no projects open, the new preferences become the
default settings for all new projects.
Changes to preferences in the Default Layout categories affect all layouts of that type
created in QuarkXPress Server.

Preferences Application Display

Use the Display pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to specify how TIFF files display on screen for all projects.
Use the Color TIFFs drop-down list to specify the color depth of screen previews created
for color TIFFs when they are imported.
Use the Gray TIFFs drop-down list to specify the resolution of screen previews created for
grayscale TIFFs when they are imported.
Choose a profile that corresponds to your monitor from the Monitor Profile drop-down
menu, or choose Automatic. Profiles can be placed in the "Profiles" folder in the
QuarkXPress Server application folder.

Preferences Application Input Settings

Use the Input Settings pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to customize the display of quotation marks and the selection of characters
used to specify page ranges.
Use the Quotes area to choose a style for converting and entering quotation marks. The
preferences set in the Quotes area of QuarkXPress Server override the preferences set for
a project.
Use the Format drop-down menu to specify the default characters to be used with the
Smart Quotes feature and Convert Quotes option in the Get Text dialog box (File > Get
Check Smart Quotes to force QuarkXPress to replace feet (')and inches (") marks
automatically with the specified quotation marks.
Hyphens and commas are the default separators for indicating sequential and nonsequential
ranges in the Pages field of the Print dialog box for a print project. In the Sequential and
Nonsequential fields, enter new characters to be used as separators when the project is
rendered by QuarkXPress Server. The preferences set in the Page Range Separators area
of QuarkXPress Server override the preferences set for a project.
Check Maintain Picture Box Attributes to make a picture box "remember" its scaling and
other attributes by default when you import a new picture into the box.
By default, you can input text directly into text boxes the same way you would in a
system-supplied input window for East Asian characters. To disable this feature, uncheck
Inline Input .
To also allow OpenType® fonts to be scanned at print, check Enable OTF Printer Font

Preferences Application Font Fallback

Use the Font Fallback pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to control what happens when the application opens a project that uses
missing fonts.
Check Font Fallback to activate the Font Fallback feature. When this feature is active, if
the application encounters a character it cannot display in the current font, it attempts
to find a font that can display the character.
If the application encounters a missing font when opening a project, it uses the preferences
in this pane to determine which substitute fonts to use.
If you add characters to an exising project and the font cannot support those characters,
the application will search the system for a font that can display the characters.
Check Search to have the application search for a suitable font that is used in the active
project. To restrict the search to a particular range, check Last and then enter a number
in the Paragraphs field. To expand the search to the entire story where a missing font
occurs, check Entire Story.
To indicate which fallback fonts should be used when no other font can be found (taking
the Search settings into account), choose an option in the Font column for each
script/language listed in the Script/Lang column.
To indicate which font should be used for the slug line when a layout is printed with
registration marks turned on, choose an option from the Slug Line Font drop-down menu.

Preferences Application Open and Save

Use the Save pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to control Unicode options.
Under Non-Unicode Support, choose an option from the Encoding drop-down menu to
indicate how the applications should display characters in non-Unicode text.

Preferences Application XTensions Manager

Use the XTensions Manager pane of the Preferences dialog box
(Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences) to control when the XTensions Manager
dialog box displays.
If the XTensions Manager dialog box displays as a result of the When > Error occurs
while loading XTensions setting, the server stops (as it does when any dialog box displays).
This can be a problem during an automatic restart, because it will prevent the server from
completely restarting.

Preferences Application Fonts

Use the Fonts pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to specify the following preferences.
In the Font Mapping area:
To specify default replacement fonts, check Specify Default Replacement Font and choose
options from the Roman and East Asian drop-down menu.
To highlight characters that are in a Traditional Chinese encoding's UDA/VDA (User
Defined Area/Vendor Defined Area) range so that these characters can be visually verified,
check Highlight character ranges defined by Traditional Chinese font vendors.

Preferences Application EPS

Use the EPS pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences)
to specify options related to imported EPS pictures.
To control whether the application should generate a preview of an EPS file or use the
preview (if any) embedded in the file, choose an option from the Preview drop-down list.
The option specified in this pane is used only when the EPS preview is being created. If
you change the preference, you need to reimport the EPS file.
Mac OS only: To increase the amount of virtual memory available for rendering large EPS
files during a Save Page as EPS operation, increase the value in the Virtual Memory field.

Preferences Application Error Reporting

Use the Error Reporting pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to control how the application reports problems to Quark.
To have the application send error reports to Quark directly over the Internet, check Send
Error Report via Internet. To have the application send error reports to Quark in e-mail
if direct Internet connection fails, check On Internet Failure, Send Error Report via

Preferences Application Full Res Preview

Use the Full Res Preview pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to control where QuarkXPress Server caches high-resolution images.
To control where the application caches high-resolution images for display, either click
QuarkXPress Server Preferences Folder or click Other Folder and then indicate a different
To indicate a maximum size for the preview cache folder, enter a value in the Maximum
Cache Folder Size field.
In the Display Full Resolution Previews For area:
When All Full Resolution Previews is selected, all pictures in the project that are set to
display at full resolution are displayed at full resolution.
When Selected Full Resolution Previews is checked, pictures set to display at full resolution
will only do so when they are selected.
You may want to turn off Full Resolution Preview if you are experiencing a performance
issue that you think might be related to this XTensions module. To turn off Full Resolution
Preview when opening a project, check Disable Full Resolution Previews on Open.

Preferences Application Job Jackets

Use the Job Jackets pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to specify preferences for automatic layout evaluation and to indicate a default
location for Job Jackets® files.
Use the options in the Layout Evaluation area to control when the application
automatically executes the File > Evaluate Layout command. For example, by checking
On Output, you can make sure that you always evaluate a layout before you send it to
output. The options are:
At Open
At Save
At Output
At Close
Use the options in the Job Jacket Location area to specify where Job Jackets files are stored
by default. To save Job Jackets files in the default location, click Use Default Path for
Shared Jackets. The default location is the "Documents" folder on Mac OS and the "My
Documents" folder on Windows.

Preferences Application Modifier

Use the Modifier pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to set preferences pertaining to the way Modifier XTensions software updates
text in projects.
The Modifier pane displays only if Modifier XTensions software is loaded. For more
information, see "Modifier XTensions software."
In the Amount by which Text will Increase/Decrease field, enter the percentage by
which Modifier XTensions software can increase or decrease text size when the parameter
<FITTEXTTOBOX> is used. Valid values for this field are from 0% to 20%. For example, if
the font size in use is 10pt, and you enter 20% in this field, the font size can vary from 8pt to 12pt when <FITTEXTTOBOX> is used.
In the Font Size Min and Max fields, enter the minimum and maximum font size that the Modifier parameter <SIZE> can apply to text in a text box. The default values are "2pt"
(Min) and "720pt" (Max).
The value of the <SIZE> parameter does not override the value in the Amount by which
the Text will Increase/Decrease field.
Check Allow Text to Grow to allow the Modifier parameter <FITTEXTTOBOX> to increase
the font size of text in a text box.
Check Adjust Other Font Attributes to enable the font attributes in this area. You can
then use the check the boxes to allow Modifier XTensions software to set Horizontal
Vertical Scale, Tracking Amount, and Baseline Shift for text.
To use a particular default XSLT file, check Use default XSLT and then click Browse and
navigate to the XSLT file.

Preferences Application PDF

Use the PDF pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences)
to set preferences for rendering in PDF format.
The PDF pane displays only if PDF Filter XTensions software is loaded. For more
information, see "PDF Filter XTensions software"
Use the PDF Workflow area to set a location for PDF files:
Click PDF Direct to generate PDF output in the browser. This is the default option.
Click PDF to Folder to generate and save PDF files to a folder. Click Select/Browse to
specify a location for the folder in the Watched Folder field, and choose a default name
for PDF files from the Default Name scroll list.
Click PostScript File for Later Distilling to generate a PostScript file. Click Select/Browse
to specify a location for the folder in the Watched Folder field, and choose a default name
for PostScript files from the Default Name scroll list.
Use the Error Settings area to specify whether and where PDF-generation and
PostScript-generation errors are logged.
Check Log Errors to log PDF-generation and PostScript-generation errors. Checking this
box enables the Use Log Folder check box.
To specify where errors should be logged, check Use Log Folder and then click
Select/Browse and navigate to the target folder. If you do not check this box, log files are
stored in the watched folder for PDF generation, as defined in the PDF pane.
In Mac OS, you can define the amount of memory your system allocates for rendering PDF
files by entering a value in the Virtual Memory field.

Preferences Application PSD Import

Use the PSD Import pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to control where previews of imported PSD files are cached and how large
the cache is allowed to become.
To create the cache in the preferences folder, click QuarkXPress Server Preferences. To
create the cache in a different folder, click Other Folder and select a different folder. To
set the size of the cache folder, enter a value in the Maximum Cache Folder Size field.
You may want to clear the PSD Import cache if previews look incorrect. To clear this cache,
click Clear Cache.

Preferences Application Placeholders

Use the Placeholders pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to set text placeholder display preferences.
Use the Color button in the Text Placeholder area to specify the color of the text
placeholders in the layout. Choose a shade percentage for the color from the Shade
drop-down menu.
Use the Color button in the TextNode Placeholder area to specify the color of the text
node placeholders in the layout. Choose a shade percentage for the color from the Shade
drop-down menu.

Preferences Application Fraction/Price

Use the Fraction/Price pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to format fractions and prices automatically.
In the Numerator area, the Offset option positions the numerator in relation to the
baseline; the VScale option determines the height of the numerator as a percentage of
font size; the HScale option determines the width of the numerator as a percentage of
normal character width; and the Kern option adjusts the spacing between the characters
and the forward slash.
In the Denominator area, the Offset option positions the denominator in relation to the
baseline; the VScale option determines the height of the denominator as a percentage of
font size; the HScale option determines the width of the denominator as a percentage of
normal character width; and the Kern option adjusts the spacing between the characters
and the forward slash.
In the Slash area, the Offset option positions the forward slash in relation to the baseline;
the VScale option determines the height of the forward slash as a percentage of font size;
the HScale option determines the width of the forward slash as a percentage of normal
character width; and the Kern option adjusts the spacing between the characters and the
forward slash. Check Fraction Slash to retain type size when you choose Style > Type
Style > Make Fraction.
In the Price area, the Underline cents option places an underline beneath the cents
characters and the Delete Radix option removes the decimal or comma character from
the price.

Preferences Application Picture Effects

You can sometimes get improved performance by specifying a cache folder located on a
different drive from the drive or drives where the application and project are located. Use
the Picture Effects pane of the Preferences dialog box (Server/QuarkXPress Server >
Preferences) to specify the location of the cache folder for picture editing.
The Picture Effects pane displays only if QuarkVista XTensions software is loaded. For
more information, see "QuarkVista XTensions software."

Preferences Project General

Use the Project version of the General pane of the Preferences dialog box
(Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences) to specify default settings for auto picture
import, single layout mode, and OpenType kerning (for OpenType fonts).
Use the Auto Picture Import area to control whether QuarkXPress automatically updates
pictures that have been modified since you last opened a layout.
To enable the Auto Picture Import feature, click On. When you open a project, the
application automatically reimports modified pictures into each layout using the modified
To disable the Auto Picture Import feature, click Off.
To receive an alert before the application imports modified pictures, click Verify. Note
that if the Missing/Modified dialog box displays as a result of Verify being checked, the
server stops (as it does whenever any dialog box displays). This can be a problem during
an automatic restart, because it will prevent the server from completely restarting.
Checking Single Layout Mode will cause new projects to be created in single-layout mode.
Only the project name is used when saving PDF files or in AppleScript references.
Check Use OpenType Kerning to activate the default kerning values for OpenType fonts.
When OpenType kerning is active, it overrides any kerning specified through Kerning
Table Edit (Utilities menu) for OpenType fonts. To disable kerning for full-width characters
when using OpenType kerning, check Do Not Kern Full Width Characters.

Preferences Project XML Import

The controls in the XML Import pane of the Preferences dialog box
(Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences) are not relevant to QuarkXPress Server and
should be ignored.

Preferences Layout General

Use the Layout versions of the General pane of the Preferences dialog box
(Server/QuarkXPress Server > Preferences) to specify various default settings for page
layout, such as the colors of hyperlinks and anchors.
+ 95 hidden pages