Formatting conventions highlight information to help you quickly find what you
• Bold type style: The names of all dialog boxes, fields, and other controls are set
in bold type. For example: "Click OK."
• References: In descriptions of features, parenthetical references guide you in
accessing those features. For example: "The Find/Change dialog box (Edit menu)
lets you find and replace text."
• Arrows: You will often see arrows (>), which map out the menu path to a feature.
For example: "Choose Edit > Style Sheets to display the Style Sheets dialog box."
• Icons: Although many tools and buttons are referenced by name, which you can
see by displaying ToolTips, in some cases icons are shown for easy identification.
For example, "Click the button on the Measurements palette to center text."
• Cross-platform issues: This application is quite consistent across operating systems.
However, some labels, buttons, key combinations, and other aspects of the
application must differ between Mac OS® and Windows® because of user interface
conventions or other factors. In such cases, both the Mac OS and Windows versions
are presented, separated by a slash, with the Mac OS version presented first. For
example, if the Mac OS version of a button is labeled Select, and the Windows
version is labeled Browse, you are directed to "Click Select/Browse." More complex
cross-platform differences are mentioned in notes or parenthetical statements.
Getting started with
QuarkXPress Server
QuarkXPress Server lets you render QuarkXPress projects in a variety of formats.
QuarkXPress Server architecture
The QuarkXPress Server architecture is shown in the following diagram.
QuarkXPress Server architecture diagram
Understanding QuarkXPress Server
QuarkXPress Server lets you output customized QuarkXPress layouts in a variety of
formats — including JPEG, Portable Document Format (PDF), and PostScript®— from
a centralized QuarkXPress Server application. To send a request to a QuarkXPress Server
application, all you need to do is enter a URL into your Web browser's address field.
For example, the following URL instructs the QuarkXPress Server application named
"QXPServer" to return the file "MyProject.qxp" as a PDF file:
The QuarkXPress Server application receives these requests, renders (creates) the
requested projects in the requested formats, and then returns the rendered file to the
client application (in this case, the Web browser).
The format of QuarkXPress Server URL requests is described in detail in "Creating URL
requests" and in "Using QuarkXPress Server."
You can also create custom applications that communicate with a QuarkXPress Server
application using HTTP, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), or another protocol.
For more information, see "Using QuarkXPress Server."
You can think of QuarkXPress Server as a special version of QuarkXPress that runs on
a server with the following main differences:
• Instead of accepting input from a keyboard and mouse, QuarkXPress Server accepts
input in the form of URLs and other types of requests.
• Instead of sending a project to a printer, QuarkXPress Server renders (creates)
output in a particular format and sends the rendered file to a client.
Server templates and static projects
QuarkXPress Server can open, render, and serve two types of projects:
• Static projects are QuarkXPress projects that can be rendered and served as-is in a
variety of formats by the QuarkXPress Server application. For example, you might
make a product manual available as a static project and allow customers to
download that manual in a variety of formats.
• Server templates are QuarkXPress projects that can be manipulated by the
QuarkXPress Server application before being rendered and served. For example,
you might make a sales piece available as a server template so that each person
who downloads it receives a personalized copy.
QuarkXPress Server can open QuarkXPress documents, projects, and templates created
in any language edition of QuarkXPress 7.0 or later. QuarkXPress Server can save and
export projects in QuarkXPress 8.x, 9.x and 10.x format.
The document pool and the Streaming Document Provider
QuarkXPress Server has two main ways to find or receive content for rendering.
• The document pool
• The Streaming Document Provider
QuarkXPress Server can read templates and static projects from a directory called the
document pool. The document pool can be any directory that is available to
QuarkXPress Server through a file system or an FTP server. You can use any of the
following methods to place files in the document pool:
• Drag the files to the document pool directory.
• Use the Add Files command in the Document Pool screen of the QuarkXPress
Server Web interface.
• Upload the files using FTP to the document pool directory.
• Use Telegraph XTensions® software to upload the files to the document pool
from within QuarkXPress. (For more information about Telegraph XTensions
software, see "Telegraph XTensions software.")
For more information about the document pool, see "The QuarkXPress Server user
The document pool directory cannot be an encrypted directory.
QuarkXPress Server can also receive templates, projects, and other files as part of a
multipart HTTP request. For more information, see "Using the Streaming Document
In addition, QuarkXPress Server can serve documents from a database, a content
management system, or other sources. Collectively, the document pool and any other
source of files to be served are referred to as document providers.
Projects and layouts
QuarkXPress projects can contain one or more layouts, and only one layout can be
rendered at any given time. If you do not specify a layout when you send a rendering
request, QuarkXPress Server renders the first layout in the project.
Job Jackets and resources
In QuarkXPress, resources are things such as style sheets, colors, H&Js, output styles,
and item styles. Resources are stored in a Job Jackets structure, which can be either
embedded in a project or stored in a separate Job Jackets file.
QuarkXPress Server uses a default Job Jackets file to make a default set of resources
available to all projects handled by QuarkXPress Server, regardless of whether they are
included in the projects and articles you render. You can update this file in two ways:
• Using the QuarkXPress Server Web interface. For more information, see "Job Jackets
dialog box."
• Using request handlers. For more information, see "Jobjacket" and "updateprefsfromjj."
Once you've downloaded the default Job Jackets file, you can update its resources using
QuarkXPress. For more information, see "Job Jackets" in A Guide to QuarkXPress.
The location of the default Job Jackets file is stored in the QuarkXPress Server
preferences folder. For more information, see "QuarkXPress Server preferences."
To maximize efficiency, QuarkXPress Server uses cached versions of all rendered projects
whenever possible. You can configure projects so that they are never cached, so that
they are cached for a particular amount of time, or so that they are rendered every
time they are served.
QuarkXPress Server preferences
When you launch QuarkXPress Server, the application creates preferences files that
are functionally and structurally equivalent to the preferences files created by
QuarkXPress. These preferences files reside in the QuarkXPress Server "Preferences"
folder. QuarkXPress Server also creates a "QuarkXPress Server.prf" file in the "Preferences"
folder. This file contains preference settings that are specific to QuarkXPress Server.
QuarkXPress Server uses these preferences the same way QuarkXPress uses them. If an
XTensions module creates a project in QuarkXPress Server, that project draws its
settings from the QuarkXPress Server preferences just as a new QuarkXPress project
draws its settings from the QuarkXPress preferences.
Preferences files are stored in the following locations:
Mac OS: [User]/Library/Preferences/Quark/QuarkXPress Server
Renderer 10.0/
• Windows Vista, Windows 2008, or Windows 2008 R2 64-bit when
QuarkXPress Server is running normally or as a service under a domain user
account: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Quark\QuarkXPress
Server Renderer 10.0\
• Windows 2008 or Windows Vista, when QuarkXPress Server is running as a service
under a local user account:
Server Renderer 10.0\
• Windows 2008 R2 64-bit, when QuarkXPress Server is running as a service under
a local user account:
Server Renderer 10.0
For more information about preferences, see "Administration menu."
Quark License Administrator
To prevent unauthorized use, QuarkXPress Server requires the presence of a Quark®
License Administrator (QLA) server to launch. QuarkXPress Server follows the
configuration and control rules that are enforced by QLA. For more information about
QLA, see the QLA documentation included with QuarkXPress Server.
Master-renderer environment
Requests for project renders are stored in a connection queue. The requests in the
rendering queue can be processed by a single QuarkXPress Server application, or by a
master QuarkXPress Server application and several renderers (additional instances of
QuarkXPress Server). The master QuarkXPress Server application launches the available
number of renderers and then passes the requests in the connection queue to those
renderers as they become available. The number of renderers available for launch is
determined by the number of licenses available from the QLA server.
The master QuarkXPress Server process and all of the renderers it launches share the
following elements:
• The same application preferences (each renderer has its own preferences files, but
QuarkXPress Server keeps them synchronized)
• The same document cache in memory
• The same memory cache
• The same server XTensions modules (a separate instance of each XTensions module
runs with each renderer)
• The same server document pool (if defined in the QuarkXPress Server preferences
or if a document provider is used in place of the document pool)
If a renderer unexpectedly quits, the master QuarkXPress Server restarts the renderer
without requiring any action from you.
Changing logging levels in "log4j.xml"
You can change the logging levels for QuarkXPress Server. Options include ERROR,
ERROR = includes messages that indicate disrupted and failed requests.
INFO = includes messages that indicate the state of services.
WARN = includes non-critical service error messages
DEBUG = includes messages that indicate server resource usage.
TRACE = includes messages according to activity related to requests.
Refer to Java documentation for more information about logging levels.
To change logging levels:
Open the "conf" folder in your QuarkXPress Server folder.
Open "log4j.xml" in a text-editing application.
To define the logging level for QuarkXPerss Server errors, scroll to <logger
Understanding QuarkXPress Server XTensions software
QuarkXPress Server ships with a collection of XTensions software that adds capabilities
to QuarkXPress Server. For example, PDF Export XTensions software lets
QuarkXPress Server serve content in PDF format; Modifier XTensions software lets you
retrieve, manipulate, and reconstruct XML representations of projects; and
QuarkCopyDesk® Renderer XTensions software lets you create QuarkCopyDesk articles.
Telegraph XTensions software works with QuarkXPress to allow designers to name
boxes in template files so that those boxes can be addressed by URLs.
For more information about XTensions software included with QuarkXPress Server,
see "QuarkXPress Server XTensions software" and "Telegraph XTensions software."
The QuarkXPress Server XTensions API
In addition to the XTensions modules included with QuarkXPress Server, developers
can create custom XTensions software that add features. The complete server XTensions
Application Programming Interface (API) documentation is available in the
QuarkXPress Server XTensions Developer's Kit (XDK).
As of version 8.0, the QuarkXPress Server XDK is Unicode-compliant.
The QuarkXPress Server XDK lets you create XTensions modules that provide the
following abilities:
• The ability to register request handlers
• The ability to register project providers
• The ability to register new render formats
• The ability to add items to the list of response properties, cookies, and HTTP
header items
• The ability to log messages in log files
• The ability to initiate a new transaction to be processed by the server
• The ability to completely control how projects are processed by the server
In addition, QuarkXPress Server XTensions software can register for the following basic
• Pre-processing
• Content loading
• Layout modification
• Post-processing
• Removing slugs while running the QuarkXPress project renderer
• Analyzing the server after a transaction is complete
• Pre- and post-transaction callback
Configuring QuarkXPress Server for launch
To configure QuarkXPress Server prior to launch, open the file [QuarkXPress Server
application folder]/conf/ folder) and modify it as
• To make the server run without loading any network interface, use the
-nonetwork option with the qxpservercore.serverRendererParameters.
In this mode, the only transactions a server can run are those passed to it by
another process.
• To control whether renderers are monitored, set
qxpservercore.monitorrenderers.value to true or false.
• To specify the query interval for monitoring renderers, set
qxpservercore.monitorrenderers.queryinterval.value to a value in
• To specify the number of retries for monitoring renderers, set
qqxpservercore.monitorrenderers.noofretries.value to an integer. If
a renderer process has been attempting to fulfill a request for the specified number
of retries (with the specified query interval in seconds between retries), the renderer
monitor recyles that process.
• To control how many renderers the master process launches, specify a number
for qxpserver.subrenders. Note that the number of renderers you can launch
depends on your license.
• To force the renderers to restart on a periodic basis, specify a value in hours for
qxps.render.recycle.interval. The default value is 24, or 24 hours. Decimal
values are permitted. Renderers restart serially, so one renderer doesn't restart
until the other is finished restarting. If a renderer is busy, the master process waits
for 15 minutes, and then if the renderer is till busy, postpones the restart until
the next interval elapses. Set this value to zero to turn the automatic restart feature
Launching QuarkXPress Server
On Windows, you can install QuarkXPress Server as an application or as a service
(Quark recommends that you always run it as a service). On Mac OS, QuarkXPress
Server always runs as an application.
If you install QuarkXPress Server on Windows as an application, you can launch it
using the Start menu or by double-clicking the "ServerStartup.bat" in the QuarkXPress
Server application folder.
If you want to launch QuarkXPress Server as an application on Windows Server 2008
Quark recommends executing "ServerStartup.bat" as an administrator.
For information on launching QuarkXPress Server in a separate Tomcat installation,
see "Deploying QuarkXPress Server externally" in the QuarkXPress Server ReadMe.
QuarkXPress Server offers a browser-based user interface instead of a conventional user
Quitting QuarkXPress Server
To quit QuarkXPress Server, press Control+C.
The QuarkXPress Server user interface
QuarkXPress Server offers a browser-based user interface instead of a conventional user
interface. This chapter describes that interface and explains how you can use it to
configure and customize your QuarkXPress Server application and manage your server
XTensions modules.
To view the QuarkXPress Server welcome page, launch a Web browser and enter the
URL http://[server]:[port] (where [server] is the IP address or domain name
of the server and [port] is the TCP/IP port on which the server is running). The
welcome screen displays.
The QuarkXPress Server welcome page
To display the administrative client, click Open Admin Client. If the server has realm
verification enabled, you will be asked to enter your user name and password. The
administrative client displays.
Navigation pane
The navigation pane on the left side of the has two areas. The Server Information
area lets you view server information and the transaction log, and the Document Pool
area lets you view the contents of the document pool. You can collapse and expand
this pane with the button at the right end of the Navigation Pane header.
If you click Server Information, the Status Monitor screen displays. The fields in the
top area provide information about the server. The icons in the area below represent
the renderers that are currently running and show which requests are being processed
by each renderer in real time. This screen also shows how many active and idle renderers
there are.
Status Monitor screen
If you click Manage Logs, the Logs screen displays the current transaction log.
Logs screen
• To download the active log, including recent crash reports, click Download Logs
at the top of the Logs header.
• To make the log scroll automatically as events occur, check Auto Scroll.
• To clear all logs, click Clear All Logs.
• To clear the current log, click Clear Log.
• To display the Log Settings dialog box, click Log Settings. In this dialog box, you
can change the maximum log file size, the maximum rolling count, and the
logging level for the general QuarkXPress Server log, the QuarkXPress Server
transaction log, and the QuarkXPress Server fatal log.
• To view a particular log file, choose an option from the Select Log File drop-down
If you click Show XTensions Information, the XTensions Information screen displays,
allowing yout o view the status of all installed XTensions modules.
If you click Manage Fonts, a list of fonts installed on the Server machine is displayed.
Fonts screen
To search fonts, use the list search box in the top right corner.
To add fonts to the Server machine, click the Add Fonts button. This will copy the
fonts to the "privatefonts" folder in the QuarkXPress Renderer folder.
Administration menu
The administration menu lets you manage QuarkXPress Server.
You do not have to restart the server in GUI mode to set preferences.
General Preferences dialog box
The General Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences > General) lets
you set preferences that are not related to rendering. It includes the tabs described in
the following topics.
You can also set general preferences using the setprefs request handler. For more
information, see "Setprefs."
General Preferences — Server
The Server tab (Administration > Preferences > General > Server) includes the
following controls.
Use the Document Root Folder field to specify the location of the document pool.
Putting the document pool on a network connected drive is not recommended, because
this negatively impacts the performance of QuarkXPress Server.
Use the Allow Memory Caching check box to control whether memory is cached.
Use the Max Memory Cache Size field to specify the maximum memory size allocated
to the cache memory. Valid values are from 10MB to 1024MB.
Use the Force Served Documents Closed check box to control whether
QuarkXPress Server closes projects from the document pool after it renders them,
regardless of the Telegraph XTensions software setting. Uncheck this box to keep such
projects open on the server.
Use the Default Renderer Type drop-down menu to specify the default rendering
format for the server.
• Appstudio: Returns a .zip file containing an HTML5 App Studio article.
• Appstudio Upload: Exports an HTML5 App Studio article and uploads it to the
App Studio Publishing Portal.
• AVE: Returns a .zip file containing an AVE issue (.zave) file and its manifest.
• ePUB: Returns an ePUB file.
• EPS Document: Returns an Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file.
• JPEG: Returns a JPEG file.
• PDF: Returns a PDF file.
• PNG: Returns a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file.
• PostScript: Returns a PostScript file.
• QCDDOC: Returns a QuarkCopyDesk article.
• QuarkXPress Document: Returns a QuarkXPress project.
• Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format for use by server
XTensions software developers.
• RLE Raw Custom: Returns a file in internal QuarkXPress format (compressed
using Run Length Encoding) for use by server XTensions software developers.
• SWF: Returns a SWF (Flash) file.
Use the Scale field to specify the default scale percentage at which QuarkXPress Server
should render projects.
Use the Disable QXD Return check box to specify whether QuarkXPress Server can
return QuarkXPress projects to clients.
General Preferences — Log
The Log tab (Administration > Preferences > General > Log) includes the following
Use the Log Document Problems check box to specify whether to include problem
descriptions in transaction log files. The "Log" folder inside the QuarkXPress Server
application folder contains three log files:
• QuarkXPress Server Fatal Log.log: This log lists all fatal errors.
• QuarkXPress Server Log.log: The log for the Java process. This log contains source
code-level logging information that can be useful in troubleshooting.
• QuarkXPress Server Transaction Log.log: This log lists all transactions and all
Detailed application logging is enabled for these log files only if it is enabled in the
"log4j.xml" file.
To log detailed transaction timing data, check Log Timing Data.
Logged problems include the following:
• Missing Fonts: If fonts are missing from a project that has been requested for
rendering, a one-line description of each missing font is added to the error log.
If QuarkXPress Server receives a request to render a project and does not have
access to the fonts required by the project, it uses the fonts specified in the Fonts
tab of the Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences > General). If
these fonts are also unavailable, QuarkXPress Server substitutes Helvetica (Mac OS)
or Arial (Windows). This behavior is the same as it is in QuarkXPress.
• Missing Pictures
• Missing SXTs: If a required server XTensions module is missing when a rendering
request is received, a one-line description of each missing module is added to the
error log. If the name of the missing module is not returnable, the XTensions
module ID number is returned.
• Text Encoding/Character Set Problems: If text is sent to a text box in the
template and the system does not have access to the correct font glyph, the issue
is logged. The log data indicates the character set that the system attempted to
convert. For example, the log entry might show that a request for Japanese
characters was sent to an English project.
Information about missing fonts and missing pictures is also recorded in the
"QuarkXPressServerRenderer.log" file. This file also contains detailed timing information,
including the transaction UID for each transaction. This log file can be found here:
Mac OS: [drive]/Users/[user name]/Library/Logs/Quark
Windows: [drive]:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Quark\Log or
[drive]:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application
To download all logs to a non-server computer, click Show Transaction Log in the
QuarkXPress Server Web interface, then click Download Logs on the home page.
General Preferences — Email
QuarkXPress Server can automatically notify someone by e-mail when the checked-out
QLA license is about to expire. The Email tab (Administration > Preferences > General
> Email) lets you specify where such e-mail messages should be sent.
Use the Server field to specify the domain name or IP address of the e-mail server that
QuarkXPress Server should use to send messages (for example,
Use the Port field to specify the port number of the e-mail server that
QuarkXPress Server should use to send messages. Valid values are from 0 to 255.
Use the From to specify the source e-mail address the QuarkXPress Server application
should use to send messages (for example,
Use the To to specify the e-mail address to which the QuarkXPress Server application
should send messages (for example,
General Preferences — Authentication
The Authentication tab (Administration > Preferences > General > Authentication)
includes the following controls.
Check Authenticate For Admin Requests to enable the Username and Password
fields. These fields let you control access to administrative parameters and features.
You can enter up to 32 characters.
Renderer Preferences dialog box
Use the renderer Preferences dialog box (Administration > Preferences > Renderer)
to set up default preferences for use when projects are created in QuarkXPress Server.
It includes the tabs described in the following topics.
Many of these preferences come into play only when you create a project in
QuarkXPress Server, either using a construct request or through a request handled
by a custom QuarkXPress Server XTensions module.
You can also set renderer preferences using the setrendererprefs request handler.
For more information, see"Setrendererprefs."
In versions of QuarkXPress Server prior to 9.0, these resources were accessed through
the Document Controls submenu.
Preferences — Display
The Display pane (Administration > Preferences > Renderer > Display) includes the
following controls.
Use the Color TIFFs drop-down list to specify the color depth of screen previews created
for color TIFFs when they are imported.
Use the Gray TIFFs drop-down list to specify the resolution of screen previews created
for grayscale TIFFs when they are imported.
Choose a profile that corresponds to your monitor from the Monitor Profile drop-down
menu, or choose Automatic. Profiles can be placed in the "Profiles" folder in the