Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide, 81-81300-03 A01, May 2008.
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This section outlines the scope and contents of the Quantum
SuperLoader™ 3 Software Interface Guide. It contains information about
the intended audience, purpose, organization, and document
This interface guide is a written for the following audiences:
• Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that integrate the
Quantum SuperLoader 3 into a system or subsystem
• System integrators that are responsible for the SCSI interface
• End users that operate and troubleshoot the SuperLoader 3
This interface guide describes the procedures and issues involved in the
development of software applications and utilities to communicate with
the Quantum SuperLoader 3.
•SCSI interfaces
• Media Changer Commands
This reference manual is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1,
SuperLoader 3 models, media changer elements, events, and
automatic drive cleaning.
• Chapter 2,
features implemented in the media changer.
Theory of Operation describes differences between the
Media Changer Commands describes the SCSI protocol
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guidexiv
Document Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions to designate specific
AbbreviationsLowercase, except where standard usage
requires uppercase
AcronymsUppercase SCSI
Binary NotationNumber followed by lowercase b101b
CommandsUppercase (unless case-sensitive)FORMAT UNIT
Decimal NotationNumber followed without suffix101
FieldInitial Caps (unless case-sensitive)Application Data
Hexadecimal NotationNumber followed by h101h
Sense KeyUppercase (unless case-sensitive)ILLEGAL REQUEST
Mb (megabits)
MB (megabytes)
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guidexv
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guidexvi
Chapter 1
1Theory of Operation
The SuperLoader 3 product is an integration of two separate devices, a
tape drive and a media changer. The media changer consists of all the
mechanics and electronics required to store and move tape cartridges
while the tape drive provides the read/write functionality.
Each device has a separate interface for communication to the host. The
SCSI command set supported by the tape drive is documented
separately. The SCSI command set supported by the media changer
device is detailed in “
The SuperLoader 3 is fully compliant with the mandatory commands for
the ANSI SCSI-3 standard for tape drive and media changer devices and
implements many optional features.
The SuperLoader 3 does not act as an initiator on the SCSI bus. Therefore,
it does not generate unsolicited interrupts to the bus, initiate its own SCSI
commands, or assert bus reset.
Media Changer Command Descriptions” on page 9.
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide1
SuperLoader 3
SuperLoader 3 has one SCSI ID and two logical units (LUN). The tape
drive always resides at logical unit 0 and the media changer resides at
logical unit 1. Because the drive supports the physical interface, the user
needs to reference the drive’s documentations for specific support. For
example, the sync bit in the Standard Inquiry Data Page (see “
Inquiry Data Page” on page 12) requires the drive hardware to report the
proper function.
Medium Changer Elements
The medium changer command set accesses the address space for the set
of physical locations and mechanisms within the SuperLoader 3. This
guide uses the SCSI-2 term element to refer to one member of the
SuperLoader 3 address space. Each element is a discrete physical entity
that can hold a single tape cartridge. Each element within a
SuperLoader 3 is represented by a unique 16-bit element address. The
SuperLoader 3 consists of the following medium changer elements.
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
SuperLoader 3
• Medium transport element
• Storage elements
• Data transfer elements
You can issue the
configuration. You can also use this command to determine the first
address and the number of elements of each type.
Although the SuperLoader 3 does have a mailslot, it is not reported as an
Import/Export element for use by the host system. It is strictly to allow
users to access tape cartridges using the front panel or On-board Remote
Management tool.
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide2
Mode Sense command to determine the SuperLoader 3
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
Medium Transport
Data Transfer Element1
Storage Elements1
This mechanism can hold a single cartridge and is considered a single
medium transport element. It is used to move media between elements
within the SuperLoader 3.
The SuperLoader 3 is configured with a single tape drive.
All of the storage elements within the SuperLoader 3 are contained
within removable magazines. There are two magazines which hold eight
tape cartridges each, for a total of 16 storage elements. The number of
storage elements is either 8 or 16 depending on how the magazines are
configured via the front panel or the On-board Remote Manager. When a
configured magazine is removed, the corresponding storage elements are
reported as inaccessible. This is done via the
Storage Element Descriptor” on page 107–byte 2, bit 3.
Read Element Status–
Events are system conditions created by operator actions or system
failures. These events are recorded in sense data for the SCSI host to
Power Cycle1
retrieve via the
When the SuperLoader 3 is powered-on, it goes through an initialization
sequence during which it:
Request Sense command.
• Resets and initializes all hardware
• Responds to SCSI commands which do not require movement
• Responds to
a not ready, initialization in progress check condition (
Test Unit Ready and all movement type commands with
SK=02 ASC=29
When the power on initialization is complete, it:
• Generates a
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide3
Power On/Reset Occurred event (SK=6 ASC=29 ASCQ=02)
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
• If initialization is successful, it generates a not-ready to ready
transition (
SK=6 ASC=28 ASCQ=00), otherwise, failure sense data is
set accordingly.
SuperLoader 3 Offline1
Magazine Insertion/
When a user accesses the SuperLoader 3 via the front panel or On-board
Remote Management in such a way that would cause conflict with a SCSI
command, the SuperLoader 3 is put into an off-line state. If a SCSI
command is received while in this off-line state, a not ready check
condition is reported (
SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=07).
The SuperLoader 3 must be powered-on with at least one magazine,
otherwise a check condition is reported (
SK= 02 ASC=04 ASCQ=03).
While the system is on-line, the user may remove a magazine blank and
replace it with a magazine. The SuperLoader 3 will calibrate the newly
installed magazine and check the presence of tape cartridges in each of
the storage elements. While this inventory is in progress, the
SuperLoader 3 will report a not-ready check condition (
unit attention (
). Once the inventory is complete, the SuperLoader 3 reports a
SK=06 ASC=3B ASCQ=13).
SK=02 ASC=04
Similarly, while a magazine is in the process of being removed, a
not-ready check condition is reported (
SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=07). Once the
operation is complete, by replacing the magazine with a blank a unit
attention is reported (
SK=06 ASC=3B ASCQ=12).
While one or both of the magazine bays are open, a not ready check
condition is reported (
SK=02 ASC=04 ASCQ=03).
Maximum Temperature
The SuperLoader 3 monitors the ambient temperature within the system.
If the temperature exceeds the maximum safe temperature for the media,
the SuperLoader 3 will disable all movement until the temperature
decreases below a safe threshold. While the temperature remains
excessive, SCSI commands that require movement will fail (
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide4
Automatic Drive Cleaning
There are two modes of automatic drive cleaning support available:
• Host-initiated cleaning
• SuperLoader 3 managed cleaning
Both modes provide automatic cleaning of the drive, but the first is
managed by the host and the second is managed by the SuperLoader 3.
These two modes are configured separately, and only one should be
enabled at any given time.
When automatic drive cleaning of the drive is enabled, either the host or
the SuperLoader 3 is responsible for all cleaning functions such as:
• Detecting when a drive requires cleaning
• Tracking and selecting cleaning cartridges
• Moving a cleaning cartridge to the drive
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
Automatic Drive Cleaning
• Determining when a cleaning cartridge has used all of its available
cleaning cycles
By default, the SuperLoader 3 is configured to allow for host-initiated
cleaning. If automatic cleaning is disabled from the host, the
SuperLoader 3 can be configured to manage the automatic cleaning of the
drive. This is done by enabling the Auto Clean function. Please refer to
the Quantum SuperLoader 3 User’s Guide for information on how this is
Note:There is no way for the host and SuperLoader 3 to know how
the other is configured with respect to automatic drive
cleaning. It is up to the user to make sure only one is enabled.
In host-initiated cleaning mode, the host tracks all cleaning cartridges and
their use. When the SuperLoader 3 Auto Clean feature is enabled, a
“cleaning slot” is allocated and the cleaning cartridge is stored in this
storage element. The SuperLoader 3 assumes that any cartridge stored in
this location is a cleaning cartridge and will attempt to use it as such.
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide5
Chapter 1 Theory of Operation
Automatic Drive Cleaning
The SuperLoader 3 does not keep track of the number of times a cleaning
tape is used. Instead, it relies on the tape drive to report when the tape
has expired. When this happens, the SuperLoader 3 will notify the user
via the front panel. The Auto Clean function is automatically disabled
until the user inserts a new cleaning tape and re-enables the feature.
Element Status
Automatic Cleaning
When the SuperLoader 3 Auto Clean feature is enabled, the allocated
storage element is reported as inaccessible to the host. This is done by
setting the access bit to 0 in the
r page.
Read Element Status Storage Element
When the SuperLoader 3 Auto Clean feature is enabled, the
SuperLoader 3 checks if the drive needs cleaning after each successful
move from the drive. Therefore, each time the drive is unloaded, it is
The movement of the cleaning tape is handled differently depending on
the SuperLoader 3 model.
If the move command that unloaded the drive was initiated from SCSI,
command complete is returned to the host when the move completes.
The cleaning tape is then moved from its storage slot to the drive. The
cleaning is performed and once complete, the cleaning tape is returned to
its storage location. If a SCSI command is received during this cleaning
process, a not ready check condition is reported (
SK=–2 ASC=30
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide6
Chapter 2
2Media Changer Commands
This chapter describes the Media Changer SCSI protocol features
implemented by the Media Changer device of the SuperLoader 3 system.
Note that the sections included in this chapter do not fully reiterate every
ANSI SCSI option and/or command code specification; the sections do
describe the supported commands and options.
Note:The original SCSI specification allowed users to specify the
LUN (Logical Unit Number) in bits 7 – 5 in byte 1. These
legacy reserved bits are ignored by the autoloader, but will not
be rejected if set.
Overview of Command and Status Processing
The SuperLoader 3 supports all mandatory SCSI-3 commands and the
Media Changer commands listed in table 1
“Report Device Identifier Command (A3h)” on page 117
“Report LUNS Command (A0h)” on page 120
“Request Sense Command (03h)” on page 122
“Reserve Element (10) Command (56h)” on page 130 (SCSI-3)
“Reserve Element (6) Command (16h)” on page 133
“Send Diagnostic Command (1Dh)” on page 135
“Set Device Identifier Command (A4h)” on page 137 (SCSI-3)
“Test Unit Ready Command (00h)” on page 139
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide8
Chapter 2 Media Changer Commands
Media Changer Command Descriptions
CommandOperation Code
Write Buffer Command (3Bh)” on page 140
Media Changer Command Descriptions
The Media Changer commands are presented in alphabetical order.
Because information about a particular command may span multiple
pages, the command name is repeated at the top of every page that
concerns that command.
Throughout this manual, multiple bytes containing information about
specific command parameters are portrayed as shown in the following
example of the
Parameter List Length field (bytes 7 and 8) of the MODE
(Bytes 0 - 6)
7 - 8
As shown, this sample indicates that the most significant bit (MSB) of the
field is bit 7 of byte 7; the least significant bit is bit 0 of byte 8.
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide9
Parameter List Length
Chapter 2 Media Changer Commands
Initialize Element Status Command (07h)
Initialize Element Status Command (07h)
The INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS command allows the media changer to
check all assigned element addresses for volume and any other status
relevant to that element address. The intent of this command is to enable
the Initiator to get a quick response from a subsequent
failure, if a volume has been changed by an operator, or if configurations
have been changed.
Figure 1 Initialize Element
Status Command
Byte765 43210
command. It may be useful to issue this command after a power
Operation Code (07h)
Logical Unit NumberReserved
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide10
Inquiry Command (12h)
The INQUIRY command allows the initiator to determine the kind of SCSI
devices attached to its SCSI BUS. It causes a device that is attached to a
SCSI BUS to return information about itself. The SuperLoader 3 identifies
itself as a media changer that implements the SCSI-3 protocol.
The media changer can provide three categories of data in response to an
INQUIRY command: Standard Inquiry Data, Vital Product Data, and
Command Support Data. Standard Inquiry Data contains basic data about
the device.
Vital Product Data page requires a separate INQUIRY command from
the initiator.
are supported by opcode. An
does it clear, a
Figure 2 Inquiry Command
Chapter 2 Media Changer Commands
Inquiry Command (12h)
Vital Product Data comprises several pages of additional data.
Command Support Data indicates the fields in the CDB that
INQUIRY command is not affected by, nor
Unit Attention condition.
Logical Unit NumberReservedCmdDtEVPD
Operation Code (12h)
Page Code
3 - 4
Allocation Length
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide11
Figure 3 Inquiry Command
Chapter 2 Media Changer Commands
Inquiry Command (12h)
Page Code or
Operation Code
Command Support Data. If CmdDt =0 and EVPD (see below) = 0, the
media changer returns the
EVPD = 0, the media changer returns the Command Data specified by
Page Code/ Operation. Information about Command Support Data is
provided in figure 9
Enable Vital Product Data. If EVPD=0 and CmdDt (see above) = 0, the
on page 19 and table 6 on page 20.
media changer returns the
CmdDt = 0, the media changer returns the Vital Product Data Page
specified by
Specifies the
Page Code/Operation Code.
Vital Product Data Page which is to be returned by the
media changer when
Standard Inquiry Data. If CmdDt =1 with
Standard Inquiry Data. If EVPD =1 and
EVPD is set. Specifies the SCSI Operation Code
for command support data to be returned by the media changer
CmdDt is set. A CHECK CONDITION status is returned if this field
specifies an unsupported
CmdDt are set. Figure Figure 5 on page 16 shows the Page Codes for
Vital Product Pages supported by the media changer.
Page or Operation Code or if both EVPD and
Allocation LengthSpecifies the number of bytes of inquiry information the media
changer is allowed to return to the initiator during the command's
DATA IN phase. Error status is not returned if the value in this field
truncates the requested information.
Standard Inquiry Data
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide12
Figure 4 shows the format of the Standard Inquiry Data page returned by
The following table contains field descriptions for the data returned by
the media changer.
Table 2 Standard Inquiry Data
Field NameDescription
Peripheral QualifierNon-zero if initiator selects an invalid logical unit (see below)
Inquiry Command (12h)
Peripheral Device
8 indicates that this is a media changer device.
RMBRemovable Medium Bit. Set to 1.
VersionANSI SCSI Level 2 (SCSI-2) is supported. Note that some
SCSI-3 features and fields are supported.
AERCAsynchronous Event Notification is not supported.
NormACAThe media changer does not support the NACA bit in the
control byte of the CDB.
HiSupThe hierarchical addressing model is not used.
Response Data
This Standard Inquiry Data is in SCSI-2 format. Note that
although the loader reports SCSI-2 here, the additional SCSI-3
fields as indicated in the description of the page are
Additional LengthThis field indicates the number of additional bytes of
Response Data
SCCSThis device does not contain an embedded storage array
BQue*Basic queueing is not supported.
EncServThis device does not contain an embedded enclosure services
MultiPThis device does not implement multi-port requirements.
Note that the value and support of this function is determined
by the drive installed.
MChngrThis device is not an attached media changer.
Quantum SuperLoader 3 Software Interface Guide14
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