StorNext QM1200, QS1200 or QS2400 Base System
6-68009-01 Rev B
Replacing a Controller Battery
*6-68009-01 B*

StorNext QM1200, QS1200 or QS2400 Base System, Replacing a Controller Battery, 6-68009-01 Rev B, April 2015,
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ii Replacing a Controller Battery

StorNext QM1200, QS1200 or QS2400 Base System - Replacing a Controller Battery April 2015
Replacing a Controller Battery in the StorNext QM1200, QS1200 or
QS2400 Base System
You can determine whether you have a failed controller battery in two ways:
The Recovery Guru directs you to replace a failed controller battery.
The blue Battery Service Action Required LED indicates a failed controller battery.
Before you start this procedure, gather antistatic protection and a replacement controller battery.
Read through all of the following steps in this procedure before you start to replace the controller battery.
ATTENTION Possible hardware damage
– If you perform this procedure with the power turned on, the
equipment might overheat if the controller slot is left open for more than three minutes. To prevent the
possibility of overheating, you must insert the controller air blocker into the empty controller slot when you
service the controller.
AT TENTION Possible hardware damage
– To prevent electrostatic discharge damage to the tray, use proper
antistatic protection when handling tray components.
1. Gather support data about your storage array by using one of these methods:
— Use the storage management software to collect and save a support bundle of your storage array. From the
Array Management Window, click Monitor >> Health >> Collect Support Data. Then name and specify a
location on your system where you want to store the support bundle.
— Use the command line interface (CLI) to run the save storageArray supportData command to
gather comprehensive support data about the storage array. For more information about this command, see
Command Line Interface and Script. Running this command can temporarily impact performance on your
storage array.
2. Did the Recovery Guru direct you to replace a failed controller battery?
— Ye s – Go to Step 3.
— No – Run the Recovery Guru to identify the failed component, and go to Step 3.
3. Put on antistatic protection.
4. Unpack the new controller battery.
a. Set the new controller battery on a flat, static-free surface near the base system.
b. Save all the packing materials in case you need to return the controller battery.
Removing and Replacing the Failed Controller Battery
Refer to the following sections to remove and replace the failed controller battery.
Locating Failed Controller Battery
Removing the Controller from the Array
Replacing the Battery in the Controller
Reinstalling the Controller into the Array
Locating Failed Controller Battery
1. Locate the failed battery by checking the Battery Service Action Required LEDs on the array controller.
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StorNext QM1200, QS1200 or QS2400 Base System - Replacing a Controller Battery April 2015
2. Refer to Figure 1 to locate the controllers within the array (representative array provided).
Figure 1 Controller Location
1. Controller Canister A
2. Drive Expansion
3. Controller Canister B
4. Drive Expansion
3. Refer to Figure 2 to locate the controller with a battery fault.
If a battery fault is detected, the amber Battery Service Action Required LED is on.
Figure 2 Battery Service Action Required LED on the Controller
1. Battery Service Action Required LED (Amber)
Removing the Controller from the Array
ATTENTION Potential degraded performance – To prevent degraded performance, do not twist, fold,
pinch, or step on the cables. Many cables have a minimum bending radius. For example, do not bend
fiber-optic cables tighter than a 5-cm (2-in.) radius. Check the specifications for your cables, and do not
bend any cable tighter than the minimum specified radius.
1. Label each copper cable or fiber-optic cable that is attached to the controller canister with the failed battery so
that you can reconnect each cable correctly after the controller canister is reinstalled.
2. Record the information from the seven-segment display on the base system.
The display flashes a sequence of codes. To find information about the displayed diagnostic codes, refer to
StorNext Q-Series Storage Install Guide.
Use either the GUI (first bullet) or the CLI (second bullet) to take the appropriate controller offline.
— From the Hardware pane in the Array Management Window, right-click the picture of the controller that you
want to take offline, and select Advanced >> Place >> Offline.
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